Actions and Consequences
To say I was slightly nervous about speaking with Elijah would be an understatement. I had seen in person how he can use his words like weapons, shaping them to cause the most effective damage. And while I did know that we had some sort of weird fascination, I also knew that would in no way impede his temper; not when it had reached this point. So I felt the best possible way to escape was to pretend exhaustion and bow out.
"Actually, I am quite drained from today's excursion. Perhaps we could pick this up tomorrow instead? Great thanks! Kol could you help me get back to my room?!"
I tried to move away towards the stairs, but the grips on my shoulders remained firm. In fact, they got stronger, while the body heat behind me increased as I was pulled back against a strong torso. I admit I probably could have done a more convincing act, but the stress of the situation I was in made it hard for me to keep my voice steady. So instead of a tired, soft voice what came out when I spoke was instead a shrill ringing sound. All in all not one of my better performanes.
I do have to commend Kol on his endeavour to free me; unlike Klaus who merely leant against the doorframe, hands crossed over each other. Kol had bravely taken a few steps towards Elijah and I before stopping as a weird, almost crinkling, sound was heard. From the bewildered look on his face I could only imagine what he was seeing. Unfortunately, as always I seem to possess very little ability to resist my curiosity, I twisted my head to peer round at Elijah. Although I could only see partially what I did see stopped my heart momentarily before it returned to beat with a vengeance. It was Elijah frowning at Klaus and Kol, which in itself wasn't an unusual sight. But the dark veins protruding from his reddened eyes, fangs exposed, that was something altogether more unique. Though my eyeline made his face blurry, his image still shook me. He had truly let the predator out to play, and it was both terrifying and exhilarating. When he spoke again it was huskier, more raspy and sent a chill up my spine.
"If you would excuse us, Kol, Rebekah, Klaus? Dorina and I need to have a few words.".
Kol shot an annoyed look at Elijah, grumbling about unfair older siblings. Klaus merely smirked at the two of us, while grabbing the back of Kol's shirt and dragging him out of the room. I could still hear his cursing as Klaus pulled him up the stairs. Rebekah stayed by the open windows for a minute, observing the two of us. Whatever she saw must have intrigued her as she tilted her head with furrowed brows and pursed lips. Eventually she seemed to get over whatever was going on in her head and made her way out of the room. She paused by the doorway to look back at us and leave a parting remark.
"Remember dear Lijah, if you are going to remove with this irritation, do so swiftly and quietly. I can only imagine the fuss Kol will bring about if he hears about it. You know how he gets about his playthings? Well I can see his tantrums reaching even higher levels when it comes to people he actually enjoys. Also don't expect me to be around for the cleanup. In this age men can handle that on their own.".
The chest behind me breathed in deeply, holding it and then releasing it slowly. I could feel the warm air moving the strands of hair that curled at the nape of my neck. He didn't speak any words, merely released a noise of acknowledgment, a hmm. I gulped. What else could I do in that situation? I was trapped against a very old, very powerful vampire, whom was incredibly ticked off at me. There was no chance of getting out of this, although my mind was suggesting some wacky ideas. Fainting? Might buy me some time but I knew in the end this conversation would be inevitable. Might as well face it with a backbone.
Rebekah still hadn't left. She was watching me again, get slowly paler. Maybe it was concern or amusement or something else entirely, but whatever she felt watching me moved her somehow. She started to take a step back into the room, perhaps to stay and mediate between Elijah and I. But before she could even make her way back into the room Elijah spoke. His voice was deeper than usual.
"Goodbye Rebekah.".
Two simple words. Two words managed to stop one of the oldest vampires in the world and freeze her. The tone of voice was authoritative, commanding in a way that allowed no disobedience. I had never heard him take that town with her before. In fact I had never heard him take that tone with any of his siblings, no matter how frustrated he got. It had the same effect on me, freezing me in place, putting me on the defensive. My shoulders came up in a bid to make me smaller and provide some protection. Well they tried to move at least. I had almost forgotten the warm iron grip on them, keeping me in place. I started to fidget, my nervous energy bumbling over. Elijah must have noticed as he sighed once again. His hands flexed against me, one hand removing itself while the other curled around the back of my neck.
"We will be in my office, do not disturb us please.".
This was said in a calmer manner, more collected. More like the normal Elijah. Rebekah nodded once and turned out of the room. I on the other hand was guided to a door near the fireplace. I had noticed it before but never seen it open. As we neared, I heard a rustling and then a brass key was placed into the hole of the door opening it.
I walked into the room. I was not at all surprised by what I saw, it was decorated entirely to Elijah's taste. Art decorated the walls, large bookcase filled with books of different sizes, languages and cultures. A couch that looks as if you could melt into it, and of course in the centre of it all was a large oak desk, smoothed down until it shined, with carvings running along it's sides. They looked like ancient scripture, although whether it was from the time of the Vikings or Romans I could not say. It was impressive all the same.
I heard the lock click into place as he closed the door. No one would be disturbing us now it seemed. I walked to the bookshelf, eager to have some sort of distraction, anything really to not have to focus on the situation I was in. At least this way I could be constantly moving as he berated me. I much preferred that idea to sitting still with his lazer focus on me. Too much like a sitting duck. Not an appealing choice.
"Sit down Dorina.".
"You know, I think I would prefer to stand? I'm not one for sitting down really, who needs it? Honestly standing up is the much better choice here. Yep!".
To be honest, I probably could have sounded calmer with speaking, but with the way Elijah had been acting, my guard was way up. I could feel the tension in the room, and not in the good way. This type of tension was like being caught cheating in a test. Where you knew it; the teacher knew it and was waiting for you to confess. Not a pleasant feeling.
Footsteps approached me. I didn't dare turn around. It probably would have been better if I had. I was grabbed and pulled backwards. I flailed, yelping as I lost my balance and started to fall. Only to be half picked up by the strong grip on my bicep. He forced me into one of the seats in front of his desk. It was leather, large enough for me to curl up in and it made me feel even more vulnerable. By this point my hair was falling out of the messy bun I had put it in earlier. Strands covered my face, half hiding him from my gaze. Closing my eyes, I brushed my hair with my fingers and put it in a ponytail. I knew that I wouldn't want it in my way. I took a deep breath, counted to 5 slowly in my head, and then breathed out through my nose. When I opened my eyes he was right there. In front of me, leaning over, hands pressing down into the soft leather arms, pressing me deeper against the chair. There was no way out. He had me surrounded.
We stared at each other. His face was like a statue, hard, composed, not giving anything away. It was intimidating and sensual, similar to the sculptures of the Greek gods.
"Now, Dorina, we shall discuss everything.".
My heart stopped. I literally felt it miss a beat. Then it picked up a hummingbird rhythm, staccato like. I bit my lip in anticipation. He had finally let his anger through. It was plain to see it on his face. For although his voice had stayed pleasant this time, his rage bled through on his face, How you ask? Simple, from the pulsing dark veins spreading form his eyes. From the blood red filling his pupils. From the fangs now slightly protruding under his top lip. He looked dangerous and devastating. Sexy and chilling. He looked like a vampire.