Blood Slave

Chapter 1:

It was lust at first sight.

I didn't even see her approach me. I was getting drinks at the bar for me and my friend, just standing there and swaying my hips idly to the music while I waited, and suddenly there she was. Standing beside me and leaning slightly on the bartop. Looking at me. Smiling. As if she'd been waiting for me to notice her.

My hips stopped moving instantly. My breath stopped as well. She was gorgeous. I had never seen her before and in a lesbian bar that was kind of rare. It's generally a small community and after a while you've already met and slept with everyone. But I would've remembered meeting someone like her. Her hair was short and black, like a dark Tinkerbelle, and her full lips were painted in thick red lipstick. Her eyes were huge and as black as her hair, and she flickered them over my body, up, down, before the corner of her smile lifted up into a smirk.

"Hey," she said.

She hadn't spoke loudly, but I heard her even over the music. My heart had stopped as well and now it kickstarted back to life. My open mouth jerked into a dazed smile and I might've even giggled.

"Hey," I replied.

She smiled at me for a measured minute and I used the time to check her out discreetly. Her body was even better than her face. Tight waist, long legs. Cute boobs. All wrapped up in a sexy black cocktail dress.

I myself was only wearing jeans and a top. There was no real dress code for places like these, and I was only here with a friend, not interested in meeting someone or hooking up.

Until now.

Something about this woman was driving me crazy. The music in the background was almost entirely drowned away and I could clearly hear my own heart beating above the bass. She was just so fucking sexy. I looked at her slim white legs with my mouth open, noting her black leather spike heels.

I gulped and lifted my eyes. She was looking at my face and her expression was haughty and only slightly impressed, as if she saw girls like me all the time but I might be a little better. I hoped I looked good. I wasn't wearing makeup, but I had a clear complexion and a natural kind of beauty, and my hair was long, dark, and wavy. More importantly, my boobs were big, which was a bonus on any woman.

While we were staring at each other, the bartender arrived with my drinks. Two beers in big glass steins. I snapped out of the trance long enough to pay and then I turned back to the woman in the black dress, hoping she would still be there. She was, and she hadn't taken her eyes from my face. She smiled.

"I noticed you from across the room," she said. "What's your name?"

"Bella," I told her.

"Bella," she repeated, as if tasting it. "I'm Alice."

I smiled shyly and nodded. Then I felt a rush of humiliation for being so lame. I should've said something, anything, but I was paralysed. I had never physically reacted to a person the way I was now. Already I could feel my lower areas tingling with interest.

She smiled at how I blushed and looked away. She was still regarding me with her big dark eyes, and now her smile widened. She looked across the bar, the first time she had taken her eyes from me since I saw her, and then she turned back. Her gaze landed on a lock of my hair which had fallen over my shoulder, and, very deliberately, she reached into my personal space and brushed it aside for me.

Hot tingles blazed across my body at her audacity, and she didn't stop there; she touched my shoulder, caressing it a little, and then lowered her hand until her knuckles brushed the side of my boob causing a spike of lust to jam directly into my core.

"You wanna get out of here, Bella?" she asked idly.

I was stunned. I could hardly process what was happening, but I figured I must've misunderstood. "And go where?"

She shrugged, rolling her eyes at my coyness but not quite giving up. "Does it matter where? Come on, I get so bored of seducing girls. Just come with me. It's not like you'd say no anyway. You don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

I shook my head, my heart pounding. "No."

"Then let's go," she said. "I need someone to fuck."

A dizzy chuckle escaped me. She was actually serious. And even though I was suddenly scared and excited out of my mind, I quickly gave a few nods and grabbed the beers off the bar.

"Just let me tell my friend I'm leaving," I said.

"Okay, but hurry up," she said, tucking her purse under her arm. "My car's out front."

Then she turned and walked away. I watched her, the beer steins in my hands. She didn't look back. She wove directly across the dancefloor and chicks stopped dancing to make way and stare at her. Her black dress barely covered her ass and her hips rolled like a whore's.

"Fuck," I whispered.

I kept staring at where she disappeared, my heart racing in my throat, and then it occurred to me that she probably would not like to be kept waiting. I almost split the beer when I realized I better hurry.

My bestfriend, Angela, was still waiting at our table. She had her phone out and she was staring at the screen with a desperate expression. She looked up when I put down the drinks and her mouth was already open to tell me about how terrible her girlfriend was about replying to texts, but I cut her off.

"Oh my god," I said, "I just met someone."

"Really? Where?"

It was a stupid question, but I was much too flustered to answer cleverly. "At the bar. She, we—look, it doesn't matter. I gotta go. I think we're gonna fuck."

I said the last part with a delirious little giggle. She frowned.

"What, just like that? Who is she?"

"I don't know," I said, not even remembering her name. "She just came up and hit on me. Listen, I'll call you tomorrow and tell you what happens. You gonna be okay getting a cab?"

"Yeah, but are you sure about this? Since when do you go home with random chicks who don't even buy you a drink first?"

"Since I got an offer," I said, and then I picked up my beer and gulped down as much of it as I could. I was gonna need a little bit of alcohol to get through this. I slammed it back down and wiped my mouth. "Talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

Angela nodded again, clearly disapproving, and I barely paused to smile before I spun and ran out the bar.

The woman was waiting for me by her car, a little red Porsche. I'd never been the kind of girl to be turned on by a car, but I got to admit, it did give me a little thrill. She saw me coming from across the street and got in behind the steering wheel without greeting me or acknowledging me in any way, simply assuming I would follow.

I did. A rich smell of perfume and fresh leather. My heart instantly began racing again and I barely had the door closed and both legs in the car before she started the engine and sped off. She drove very fast, shifting through the gears, hardly even watching the road. I was putting on my seatbelt but my hands were fumbling so bad that I almost whimpered from how difficult it was.

"So, um, where are we going?" I asked.

"I guess we could go to your place," she said. "Do you live alone?"

"Um, yeah. Just me and a cat."

She smiled at the rearview and then smiled at me.

"Sounds good to me," she said.

I chuckled and nodded. Sounded pretty good to me, too.

I gave her directions back to my place and soon we were pulling up outside my apartment building. We hadn't talked much and mostly I was just quietly stunned at what I was doing. I never did things like this and I couldn't comprehend why I was doing it now. But all it took was one glance at her smile or her dress to convince me that now was a good time to start.

The cat must've heard the key in the lock because it was waiting for me as soon as we entered. Usually she would come right to me and weave about my ankles affectionately to beg for food, but as soon as she saw my guest she jumped back and hissed with her fur standing up.

"Missy!" I scolded her, and then I turned to the woman and apologised with a chuckle. "Sorry about that, she's just hungry. I'll be right back."

The woman simply stood there with an air of faint amusement. I gave her another apologetic smile before scooping up the cat and bringing her into the kitchen.

I didn't know why Missy was so upset. She was usually scared of strangers, but never so hostile. I tried to soothe her with whispering and petting before putting her down on the kitchen table and tearing open a tin of food. I scraped some onto a plate and put it down for her, scratching behind her ear and quietly begging her not to interrupt me tonight, not with this chick. Just to be safe, I would close the bedroom door. Missy would understand.

I went back into the front room, but the woman wasn't there anymore. She had wandered into the bedroom and she turned around when I closed the door.

"Hope you don't mind the door closed," I said. "Keeps the cat out."

"It's fine," she said, and then she toed an old pair of jeans in the floor with her black leather shoe. "You're not very neat, are you?"

I blushed and quickly started tidying up.

"Well, I don't usually, um…"

I was bobbing down at her feet to pick up the jeans and I lost my train of thought when I looked at her legs. She hadn't stepped back or moved an inch. Her knees were right there in front of me, so close I could kiss them. I lifted my eyes and she smiled down at me.

"You're very nervous, aren't you?"

I gulped and sprang to my feet, chuckling it away. There were still a few discarded garments and I grabbed them all up and tossed them into the hamper.

"Well, yeah," I said, "I don't usually, um…"

I gestured with a hand, as if to grope for the right word. Why was I finding it so difficult to explain that I hadn't been expecting company?

She smiled and placed her purse on my dresser.

"Don't do what?" she asked.

"Um, this," I said, almost squeaking. "With girls I don't know."

She had sauntered up to me and now she snaked her hands at my waist. "I do it all the time," she said. "I pick up a girl and I go home with her. Just for fun. Only the tasty ones get to see me again. Are you tasty, Bella?"

She was a tiny bit shorter than me and she was looking directly into my eyes. I blushed shyly.

"I don't know," I said.

She smiled and narrowed her dark eyes with a sexy kind of aggressiveness. "Oh, I think you are," she said, and then she leaned to inhale the crook of my neck. "You smell absolutely delicious."

Then she was kissing my throat. Then my jawline. My heart thumped with each little kiss until I turned my lips to hers and caught them.

I made a little meep and she moaned deeply. I opened my mouth right away and felt her tongue come in boldly. I was already melting, my mouth watering as her delicious tongue pervaded over mine. It took me a minute to actually begin kissing her back, and when I did—


Her teeth were really sharp.

"Oh," I said, jerking back from the kiss in surprise. "Um…"

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"Your teeth, they're a little…"


She opened her mouth and tilted back her head a little so that I could see. Her teeth were perfectly white and two of them were longer and sharper than the others, kind of like vampire fangs. It struck me as a little weird, but it was sexy how she fondled them with her tongue.

"Wow," I said. "I guess that's a gothic thing, huh? Are they caps?"

She closed her mouth and smiled while licking her full red lips. She shook her head softly and tightened her arms around me. "Not quite," she said. "Come here."

Then she was kissing me again.

I fell into it instantly, and I forgot all about her teeth until I felt them scraping under my tongue. It was actually really hot. I deepened the kiss, moaning into her mouth, and I might've been kissing her a little hard because I actually cut my tongue on one of her fangs. I quickly jerked back from the kiss and swallowed with a slight taste of copper in my mouth.

"Sorry," I said, giggling. "I think I …"

I trailed off, hoping she didn't notice anything. But she didn't seem to. The kiss seemed to have made her really horny, and she left her eyes locked onto mine as she smiled and passed her tongue over her teeth, almost as if she could actually taste my blood.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I just…"

She chuckled softly in her throat and released the embrace. "Loosen up, okay? Here, let me take off my dress."

And with that, she took the hem of her little black dress and pulled it up over her head.

I watched, half stunned. She had her back to me and the first thing I saw was her tight little ass. It was perfect. She then let the dress drop and turned around to smile at me. She wore no bra and her breasts were perfect too. Not big, not small, just perfectly shaped mounds on her slim little chest. The only thing covering her body was a tiny triangle of black lace that barely concealed her pussy.

"Wow," I said, almost stuttering.

She just smiled and slipped off her shoes, lifting her feet each in turn, and then she crawled sultrily onto the bed before turning back and composing herself on her side with her legs folded and her hip rolling like a hill to watch me.

"Well?" she said, eyeing me boldly. "What are you waiting for?"

I gulped and quickly began undressing.

My heart was racing again, and again it occurred to me that I still couldn't believe what I was doing. I still couldn't even remember her name, but it didn't seem to matter. Not only was she hot, but I seemed to really like her for some reason.

My shoes were off and I was putting down my jeans. My top was already gone. Soon I was wearing nothing but my white cotton bra and panties. I felt nervous under her dark eyes, but excited too. They were roaming over my body and she rose up as I crawled into the bed.

I thought she was going to kiss me, but what she did was snatch down one of my bra cups and take the exposed nipple directly into her mouth. It took me completely by surprise and I gasped as she started sucking at it. It was already hard. She moaned and nibbled at it and then she chuckled throatily.

"Nice tits," she said, pulling down the other bra cup as well and kissing and licking at the nipple.

I chuckled and reached for the bra catch and as soon as the bra was gone she wrapped her hands around my neck and pressed her chest into mine.

She lowered me to the bed, kissing me, and she stuck her hand into my panties. Again, it took me completely by surprise. Her fingers were bold and sure, stroking at my folds until I was nice and wet, prodding at my entrance until I was groaning with eagerness.

Finally I was too breathless to kiss and she broke it to smile at me.

"Mmm," she whispered, kissing at my panting lips, flicking her tongue at them. "You really are delicious."

My mind was hazed over and my pussy was in a rage with horniness. I needed those fingers inside me so badly. But she kept teasing me and kissing at my lips, moaning softly.

"You like that?" she asked.

"Mmm," I murmured.

She licked my lips and pushed her tongue into my mouth, forcing it inside deeply before retracting it again. She gave me another kiss and smiled at me with one more question.

"Do you like aggressive women?"

I chuckled breathlessly. "Fuck yeah."

"Then you're gonna love this," she said, and then she shoved three fingers into my vagina.

I bucked at the sudden invasion and tossed my head, smiling at the bolt of pleasure that hit me between the thighs.

"Oh god," I groaned. "Oh god."

She smiled and covered my mouth again with her own, muffling my moans. Her fingers were pumping in and out of me, and it didn't take me long to come. She broke the kiss just in time to watch the orgasm come over my flushed face and I cried out as my vagina spasmed tightly on her fingers.

She chuckled softly and slowed her fingers, guiding me down from the climax. She kissed at my lips as I regained my breath and I loved her attention to my mouth. It made it feel so romantic, even though I didn't even know her. I opened my eyes and looked at her, all flushed and dishevelled. She removed her fingers and licked them clean.

"That was pretty fast," she said. "I didn't even get to eat you out."

I chuckled breathlessly. "Sorry."

But she shook her head and smiled. "Don't apologize," she said. "Easy girls are my favourite kind, and trust me; we're not done yet."

Her mouth had moved down to my chest. I was still ebbing in orgasm, but it didn't take long for her to get me going again with how she was kneading my breasts and sucking on my nipples.

"I love big tits," she told my boobs. "It was the first thing I noticed about you."

I smiled proudly and watched her play with my breasts, and soon I was getting horny again. One of her hands had drifted between my thighs and this time she pulled off my panties before stuffing two of her fingers inside me again, pumping them softly, teasing me.

Finally she pulled them out and shifted lower on the bed. She applied her mouth directly onto my pussy and I groaned with deep relief. As great as her fingers were, the serpentine of her tongue was what I truly craved.

She started licking me and lapping up my arousal, kissing at my folds as if they were lips, kissing them, kissing them. She was moaning into my pussy as if she loved the taste and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She had one arm hooked around my leg and her tongue buried inside me.

"Oh fuck," I said. "Fuck that feel so good."

My chest was heaving and already I could feel my second climax approaching. I didn't fight it, I just frowned from the intensity, and—

"Ugh," I groaned.

My back arched off the bed for a moment before I flopped back down, exhausted and covered in sweat. I had stopped breathing for a moment and now I was panting.

"Oh god," I wheezed. "That was amazing."

She chuckled between my legs and lapped up the last of my flowing moisture. I watched her lift her face and my heart fluttered from how she was smiling and happily slathered in my arousal. It made me feel desirable. She licked her shiny lips and crawled up beside me.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked in a soft whisper.

"Sure," I breathed.

Still smiling, she leaned and whispered into my ear. Her lips were so close I could feel the tickle of her breath.

"You have the sweetest pussy I've ever tasted," she said in a soft hiss.

My heart fluttered again, and she giggled before taking my chin in her hand and turning my face into a kiss. She forced her tongue into my mouth aggressively, and even though I was exhausted, I managed to return it.

She had straddled my hips and she was rubbing her body against mine. I had finally mustered up the courage to touch her and I was letting my hands explore her back and her butt, especially her butt. I wondered how horny she was, and I realized I better do something about that. But I wasn't quite bold enough to take the initiative, so I figured I better ask first.

"Want me to go down on you?" I asked breathlessly.

She grinned. She wasn't breathing hard at all, but her face was flushed and her dark eyes were full of lust. "I thought you'd never ask," she said, and then she rolled me over so she was on her back and I was between her legs.

I felt a surge of excitement and I shuffled down quickly. I loved going down, to be honest, and with a tight little body like this one it would be a dream come true. I couldn't wait to get my tongue inside her.

Her legs were open, and I was once again startled at how perfect and sexy they were. She lifted them up for me to remove her panties and then they fell open again, revealing the small wet mound of her pussy.

It was glistening and gorgeous. I stared it for a second, my stomach lurching with hunger, and then I quickly swooped down and put my mouth on it. I moaned loudly at my first taste and she moaned too. I couldn't believe how delicious she was. It was almost unrealistic. Her arousal was thick and sweet, practically nectar, and I moaned again as I began lapping and kissing at it.

"Mmm," she moaned, gripping her hands into my hair. "That's it. Yes, that's very good. Just the way I like it. Keep going. More tongue. I want to feel your tongue inside me. Mmm."

It seemed to be driving me crazy more than her. I'd never tasted such a yummy little pussy before. My mouth was completely mashed against it and my whole face was wet. I couldn't get enough of it. It was like some juicy and exotic fruit.

It took a long time for her to come, but I wouldn't have cared if it took days. She really was so fucking delicious. I could've kept eating her for hours. But eventually my relentless hunger bought her to a climax. I could hear it coming in her voice. Her hands clenched in my hair and she laughed out loud as her hips bucked and a surge of fluid filled my mouth.

"Oh yes," she was saying, her voice ringing with delight. "That was good."

She was petting my head as I licked up the last of her arousal. She waited until I was finished and when I finally looked up I saw that she was smiling.

"You do that very well," she said.

I nodded, and I felt strangely high from how much I liked doing it. "Thanks," I said. "But I have to admit, your pussy is gorgeous. I could go down on it forever."

"Is that so?"


I was kneeling between her legs and she reached down between her thighs and began stroking her pussy, teasing herself, just the outer edges with her fingertips.

"Then why don't you go ahead and do it again?" she suggested with a sultry smirk. "You were very thorough, but you might've missed a spot."

My heart flared at the challenge, and I quickly swooped back down. She had only just come, but I bet I could make her come again.

Even if it took all night.

Following her advice, I was even more thorough this time, spreading her folds with my fingers and licking inside them, kissing and probing into her vagina as far as my tongue would go. Finally I stuck some fingers inside her and focused my lips on her clit, lavishing all my attention at that sweet little nub until finally she came with a loud little cry.

I finished licking up her moisture and while she collected herself I trailed some kisses onto her stomach and up over her chest. I hadn't played with her breasts yet, so I did now, just for my own amusement. I was getting massively horny all over again, and helping myself to her tits made the throb between my legs even worse.

I was sucking at one of her nipples when her chest vibrated with a chuckle.

"I guess you're not tired yet, are you?" she asked.

I lifted my face and gazed at her liddedly. "Not really."

"Then come here," she said and guided me into a kiss.

I responded right away, but in truth, I really was very tired. Luckily, she took the lead. She rolled me over so that I was on my back and we spent some time kissing and fingering each other before she shifted off me with a smile and straddled my face backwards.

Her pussy was right there above my face and I wasted no time lifting my mouth to it, gripping my fingers into her sexy little ass. Moments later I felt her own mouth descend between my legs. My pussy was soaking wet and begging for attention, and I moaned loudly into her vagina as her tongue entered me.

I came first, but that didn't stop me from eating her out. I barely even paused, I just groaned into her and kept going, digging my fingers in her buttocks and sucking at her pussy while swallowing down her arousal. She kept going as well, and I came again just as she did, both of us moaning at the same time into each other's entrances as we shared our fourth and final orgasms.

After than I was really exhausted. I'd never had so much sex in one night in my life.

I flopped back with my eyes closed and felt her dismount off my face. I breathed in the fresh air and I was almost disappointed not to be smothered in her scent any more. I opened my eyes and rolled over. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and I felt a sharp pang in my heart.

"Are you leaving?" I asked.

She turned and looked at me over her bare shoulder. Her eyes were dark and lidded and her lipstick was completely smudged away. I had sat up in the bed with a handful of sheet over my breasts and I hoped I didn't look too desperate. She looked at me for a second or two, smirking, and then she rose from the bed.

"I was going to get you some water," she said. "Is it just in the fridge?"

"Yes, but I can…"

She giggled and gestured for me to stay in the bed. "Stay there, I'll be right back."

I nodded, biting my lip. She didn't bother putting any clothes or any underwear, she just turned and left the room with me staring at her naked ass in flat out amazement at how perfect it was.

Then I felt another pang in my heart. It was really weird, but I thought I was kind of in love with her. That's what it felt like. I really didn't want her to go, not without getting her number. We had a chemistry together, didn't we? She had told me that she often had one night stands, but this had to be a little different? Didn't it?

I didn't know, but while she was gone I quickly fixed up the bed. From out in the kitchen I heard the cat hiss loudly, and I cursed under my breath. I had just put my panties back on when the woman came back into my room with a smile and a bottle of water.

"I think your cat hates me," she said.

"Maybe," I giggled, "but my pussy sure loves you."

It was a dumb joke, a very dumb joke, and I was mortified as soon as it was out. She paused to look at me weirdly, but it was only for a split second and she was much too graceful to mention anything. She handed me the bottle and moved past me to climb back into the bed.

"So does that mean you want my number?" she asked.

I had twisted off the top and now it was my turn to freeze. "Um, sure," I said. "I'd love your number. Do you want mine too? I got my phone, I can…"

"Don't worry about it now," she said, giggling and flipping back the covers for me to get into the bed as well. "We'll talk about it tomorrow. You don't mind if I stay here tonight, do you?"

"Um, no, sure, that's great."

I was nodding and I took a sip of the water. The sip reminded me how thirsty I actually was from all that panting and I quickly started gulping. I was standing by the nightstand, naked but for my panties, and she was watching me from the bed. I realized she was waiting for me and I tried to drink faster until I started coughing.

"Sorry," I sputtered, wiping my mouth with my wrist. "Thirsty."

She smiled, a large smile that exposed her little fangs. "I'm thirsty too."

"Oh," I said, offering the water. "Here."

But she only shook her head and put the bottle on the nightstand before taking my hand and tugging me into the bed.

"I don't want water," she said. "I want something else."

"Like what? I think I've got some beer, if you…"

"No, no, no, nothing like that," she said. "Come here."

I had only just sat down in the bed when I felt her hand clench roughly in my hair. My heart spasmed in panic, but I barely even had time to register what she was doing before she wrenched me around and dove at my neck.

I screamed out loud as her teeth pierced my skin. I tried to twist away, but she held me tightly, and somehow her legs had wrapped around me. I bucked and writhed, but I couldn't get away. She moaned deeply into my neck and I could feel my blood gushing out. I went cold all over from the shock and I whimpered as I tried once more to thrash her off. But she clung to me with all her limbs wrapped around my body, lips fastened to the gash in my neck, and I was losing strength like something enwrapped in the draining embrace of a succubus.

The fear was fading as well. All I could feel was the warmth and softness of her naked body, and it felt so good. Part of me knew that I should've kept fighting, but the rest of me didn't want to. I was already lolling, my body limp and rag dolled. Her grip in my hair was loosening, but it didn't seem to matter. My eyes were already falling closed and I didn't want to resist. Her lips felt nice at my neck and I let my head fall back to expose more of my throat as I faded away into her arms.