Veronica Mars doesn't belong to me

Accepting the things I cannot change

Keith Mars was nothing if not pragmatic. He knew his limitations and he definitely knew the things that he could never change even if he wished…however much he wished to. He really wished that he could understand this …thing, the bond Veronica had with Logan Echolls. It made no sense to him how Veronica who was one of the most levelheaded people he'd ever known could be so weak when it came to Logan. How she always dropped everything to be with him.

He looked out of the window and he wasn't surprised to see Logan by his car outside the house. He really should have been surprised, especially since Veronica was supposed to be heading back to New York and she had mentioned that she had settled her business with Logan.

He smiled to himself and his smile widened as he heard Veronica tell Piz that would not be returning that morning. He should have been surprised by her actions but again he was not.

There was something between Logan and Veronica, something bigger and inexplicable. He only hoped that this time they would sort it, after all Logan had finally cleaned up his act and Veronica's life was going down a very good path.

"So you're staying in town for a few days?"

"The magnetic pull of Neptune High," she quipped.

Keith nodded at her and hid a smile wondering if he should tell her what was waiting for her outside the door. Even as the thought crossed his mind, he changed it. Why spoil her surprise? She would see him in a little while. He wondered if Logan and Veronica even understood that thing that bound them to together.


Veronica shut the door behind her and saw Logan, he looked so good and he was waiting for her. She now understood the look on her father's face when she'd told him that she was staying in town for a while longer. She should have been surprised, after all she had told Logan that she was leaving but for some reason she wasn't. If asked, she was sure she would have admitted that she would have been more surprised if hadn't found Logan waiting for her that morning.

She smiled at him.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.


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