Hi! This is my second Rizzles fanfic and I know some people were asking for a follow up of the story but I apologize to everyone but I wouldn't make a follow up of it. Sorry!

Anyways, I got my inspiration on writing this fic after watching a Filipino film called "Starting Over Again" although I used some of the lines and scene from the movie, it'll be a lot more different from it. I was caught with the scenes from it that I can't help but picturing Rizzles as them.

Disclaimer: Rizzoli & Isles characters and story is not mine. I don't gain from writing this aside from new friends' maybe. And "starting over again" lines and story is not mine as well.. Also, Mistakes are mine :)

Here it is!

"Maura Isles! I love you!" A shout was heard from the corridor of the High School. It was from a deep husky voice of the fifteen years old Jane Rizzoli. If you weren't listening to it closely, you would have thought that the voice belongs to a young man because of its huskiness and deepness. She had been shouting the name of Maura Isles ever since she caught a glimpse of the girl in question—no, not really. She had a glimpse of Maura a week after the honey blonde transferred from the boring old boarding school she was in. Jane was walking with her best friend, Emma when she saw her. She has this finesse on her that made her looked like she didn't belong in an institution of poor kids.

Maura Isles clearly captivated Jane Rizzoli.

Jane then searched everything about her. As she found interesting facts about the transferee, the more she seemed to be drawn with the woman. She honestly didn't know what to do, all she know is that weirdly enough, she fell in love with one Maura Dorothea Isles.

Therefore, she made it a habit to shout her name in the corridor, gymnasium, cafeteria, and any other place full of people where the woman can't see her. It was a habit, but at the same time, her nerves makes it difficult for her to actually talk to the woman she fancied for quite some time.

With the last shout, Jane felt satisfaction run through her veins. She didn't actually saw if Maura heard her or if Maura turned around to see who was calling her name and saying those three words that she was oddly familiar with.

All that matters is that, Jane let it out again. And it felt good.

She turned around and saw Maura leaning on the wall with all of her glory. The rays of the sun were entering the hall and it made it look like she was an angel smirking at her.

She was caught.

She was about to move but Maura moved towards the place where she was going. To Emma, who has the mixed of embarrassment and teasing glint on her face.

"Finally, Miss Rizzoli." Maura stated.

Jane was floored. She smiled at Maura timidly, showing her dimples as if it will save her from embarrassment.

The first time I met you, I didn't like you. It felt like someone was telling me that you are nothing but a severe headache. That, you're nothing but a trickster who loves to shout people's name in the corridor for fun.

The calling of name stopped.

Jane almost died of embarrassment when Maura saw her on the corridor after the incident. Therefore, she stopped running around and shouting about an undying love for the woman that caught her heart. Every time she see the woman in the corridor, she would just smile and if Maura was looking, she would mouth "I love you"—sometimes it is with hand signals. Maura would just shook her head at the gestures.

It was a lost cause.

She knew it and it wouldn't change anything at all.

The woman was on a pedestal and Jane was like a peasant admiring the beauty of the goddess that was above her. More than anything else, she wants to be above her.

Jane shook her head at the thought. Although, it was interesting enough the thought of a woman wearing nothing but her is a nice idea.

"Stop day dreaming, you perve!" Emma threw a piece of paper on her face. She didn't noticed it but she was grinning so big that it makes Emma want to vomit. "I didn't know you're that much of a lesbian, Rizzoli. Looking at women like they're fresh meat. Wow!" Emma commented.

They were currently sitting under the bleachers watching the football team practice, though, their line of sight were more focus on the cheering squad.

"No, I'm not a lesbian, you idiot." She denied.

"Oh yeah? Then why watch the tight-ass cheer dancers then?" Emma countered.

"I wasn't looking at those bitches." She said.

Emma looked at her confusedly and looked at the ladies again. She didn't see anything.

"Then what are you looking at?"

"Her." She just said. Nodding towards the cheer group once again.

Emma narrowed her eyes, looking for something she doesn't actually know. She was about to give up when she saw her.

Of course.

Maura Isles was on the bleachers, reading god knows what.

"And you say you are not a lesbian." She commented at her friend who was still looking dreamily at the woman who was too engage with her books to even feel what is happening around her.

"No. More like Maura-sexual." She said.

Jane was waiting outside the Chemistry Laboratory for Maura. She didn't exactly know what she was about to do. All she knew is that, she wanted to do this. It is a proposal and if she didn't answer, so be it. No, it doesn't mean she'll stop trying.

The bell rung.

Students from the chem. Lab were slowly leaving the room, she nodded at some who would look at her with smirks on their faces, knowing that she would be talking to the geek of the class. The last one to exit was the teacher who gave her a nod.

"She's there. Be quick. You have at least fifteen minutes to finish what you're doing to do." And with that, the teacher exited hallway.

"Did you know that it takes ninety seconds and four minutes to decide if you fancy someone?" she started. Startling the honey blonde that was so focused on her microscope that she didn't noticed that she has company.

"Research has shown this has little to do with what is said, rather fifty five percent is through body language. Thirty-eight is the tone and speed of their voice and only seven percent is through what they say. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University in the states has proposed three stages of love—lust, attraction, and attachment. Each stage might be driven by different hormones and chemicals. The first stage which is lust is driven by the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen- in both men and women. When I first saw you, I knew I liked you. You have this certain aura that makes me want to hug you, kiss you, and just be with you but aside from it, I know that my hormones were trying to say that I have to tap that. With all due respect." She paused and grinned at the woman who was looking at her questioningly.

"Stage two, Attraction. Did you know that scientist think that three main neurotransmitters are involved in this stage? They are adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin. Every time I see you, I could feel adrenaline rushing through my veins, my hands starts to sweat, my heart races and my mouth goes dry. I don't need to have my brain to be examine to discover that I have high levels of the dopamine. Because, I can't sleep thinking about you—as cheesy as it sounds, it's true. And finally, you are everywhere. I am not talking about physically but mentally. You've been popping in my head even when I'm trying to brush my teeth or eat corndogs during lunch." She said breathing deeply

"Corndogs are not healthy, Miss Rizzoli." Jane chuckled at the response. She continued.

"and lastly, attachment. I haven't gone to that stage yet because we aren't together… yet. But one thing is for sure, if we ever become a couple, I know… I wouldn't want anybody else. I would gladly stick with you till the end, even if it means I have to handcuff myself to you." She smiled.

"All I am saying is that, I know how you want to put everything into research. You don't believe things unless you have through roughly researched it. I am just proving a point Maura. I've searched about the science of love and that's what I've got so close to, to explain how I feel. I believe that if you have to say something, you have to do it fast."

"What are you saying, Miss Rizzoli?" Maura asked.

"You are by far the dumbest genius I ever know." Jane commented but upon seeing the fallen face of Maura, she immediately tried to revive herself. "What I am saying is that. I love you. I am in love with you, Maura Dorothea Isles. And today, February 14, 1996 marks the start of our romance. Happy Valentine's Day, Maura." She said giving the white tiger lily that she bought for Maura. "Next year, it's gonna be 'Happy Anniversary', okay?" She said coyly before leaving.

Maura, smiled at the absurdity of the situation but rather than that, flattered with the gesture from the woman.

But then, I knew there is something special on you. You have that spirit.

Jane and Emma were walking down the halls when she found Martinez trying to punch a gay kid on the corridors. He was roughly shoving the kid on the lockers. Emma held Jane back knowing how she hate the guy but she wasn't able to do anything when Jane shrugged her hand and add herself on the duo.

"Martinez!" Jane shouted.

"Oh.. if isn't Gayzzoli! Trying to fight for the gay?" He sneers.

"No. You just have to stop." She said calmly.

"or what? you'll punch me? Unless, your girlfriend asked you not to be violent." He said.

"I don't have a girlfriend." She said abruptly.

"So, you wouldn't mind if I tap Isles? I'm sure she's tight." He said. What he didn't saw was the steam coming off from Jane. She punched her square on the face. She locked him by putting his hand on his back but he was strong. He was able to escape the hold and punched on the face.

"You know, I don't normally punch girls. Oh, but you are not a girl." He said before trying to punch her again. He is strong but Jane is faster. She was able to maneuver and dodge the attack. She was able kick him behind his knee. It wasn't that much but it was able make him kneel.

"Stop bothering the kids you asshole!" she said before walking away from the scene. Martinez was about to jump on her again when he was shoved on the lockers by a big guy from the football team. It was the kid's brother.

"Thanks." The guy said.

Jane just raised her hand acknowledging the gratitude.

She was about to exit and walked toward Emma when someone help her hand and pull her towards an empty room. She was about to yank the hand when it spoke.

"Are you that drastic, Miss Rizzoli?"

"Jane." She said.


"My name is Jane." She said wiping the blood from her lips when she taste iron on it.

"Don't touch it. It'll be infected. Why did you do it?" She asked quietly whilst cleaning the wound with cotton and alcohol.

"I don't know. I guess, I just don't want people hurting other people. I lived with my mother and was left by my father I live with her and my brothers. I know the psychological effect of things when don't go your way. That kid is a gay, he lived in a Catholic family for a while, they were homophobe just like Martinez. He was a foster kid and they didn't want him. It was bad enough that he was treated like that from before, it was a good thing that he was able to find a family with Zac—the big guy. I don't like it when people try to inflict pain to others just because they want to." She explain

"Thank you." Maura said quietly.

"For what?" asked confusedly.

"Defending me." She replied shortly.

"I love you. Isn't that reason enough?" she asked arching her brow.

"But you said you are not gay."

"I'm not and I know I'll burn to hell if I'll be one. Catholic teachings." She said.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"I am…" she said.

"But you love me." Maura replied as she put the plaster on Jane's wound.

"You can't help who you love." She stood up and thanked Maura. She was on the door when she looked back.

"Plus, I'm Maura-sexual" She said before leaving.

You made me admire you more when you let me see your world.

You are by far the bravest girl I've ever met.

Days… weeks… months passed

I don't know because you opened your heart to me; I don't know what worked more for you, your persistence or your prayers. I think it is because you prayed so hard, being a devoted Catholic makes you do that. I wouldn't know because I am not one.

Jane was crying on the stare cases of the gymnasium when Maura saw her. It wasn't like her to actually show to people that she is crying. But today is different. Being rejected sucks.

Maura opened the door of her car and called Jane. She opened the passenger side of the car and let Jane enter. They were sitting quietly when Maura started reading the letter that she found on her locker after her last class…

"That's why, I'm giving myself a dead line. And that's on my last Christmas on the campus. I've put this letter today, November 25 for you to read and for you to know." Maura continue reading. "It's today. So, I have ultimatum?" Maura smirked.

"Actually, it's until December 25." Jane said quietly.

"ahhhh" Maura chuckled. "Here, this is my favourite part of the letter: 'they say: Give love on Christmas day. So, give me love, Ms. Isles. But if you feel nothing for me, just tell, how do I unlove you?'" she finished sweetly.

Jane looked at her sadly. She breathed deeply before replying.

"Please Maura, if you will reject me, can you not do it today?" she said with a timid voice. "because it will be my second rejection. It's too painful already."

"You got rejected?" Maura asked concerned.

Jane nodded.

"I got my BCU letter today. I didn't get it. They said, it was because of financial problems," She said before started crying again. Maura immediately got some tissues from the dashboard to give it to Jane.

"Well, it's their lost. If they didn't want you there, why waste your time from crying. There are many other schools to look at. I'm sure, they're going to regret the fact that they did not want you, once you became successful. And, for me, you don't need to be in a prestigious school for me to fall in love with you." Maura finished with a sweet smile and adoring eyes that stares at the profile of the crying Italian.

Jane stopped crying.

"I don't want you to unlove me, Ms. Rizzoli."

"what?" Jane asked dumbly.

"Because I love you." She stated.

Jane looked like she didn't know what to do. She was on the verge of hyperventilating and passing out.

"Y-you love me?" Jane asked skeptically.

Maura nodded.

"Y-you are my g-girlfriend?" she asked with wide eyes.


"I-I am your girlfriend?" She asked. Maura stared at her amusedly. It was as though she finds it really funny and at the same time, she can't help but think how adorable Jane was for asking these questions to her.

"yes." She answered coyly.

"Fuck! Shit!" Jane shouted and it made Maura grimaced at the foul words from the girl. "Thank you! Merry Christmas!" Jane hysterically shouted. And Maura smiled at her trying to make herself calm and not laugh at the reaction she was seeing.

"I love you! I love you! I love you! If you only knew!" There it was again, the shouting of I love you's but this time, it was directed to the woman Jane loved for so long. She was shaking the other woman who was smiling brightly at her. "I might kiss you now!" She said aloud.

"I can kiss you right?" she asked thinking that she still can't.

"yes." Maura said.

Jane leaned and slowly captured the It was as soft as she imagined but it was different from what she had dreamt for so long. This is the first time she was able to experience this kind of euphoria. Touching Maura's lips felt like the heavens opened their gate and the angels above were playing a soft symphony. She then, felt like her senses were misted up and all that's left is to feel. Feel Maura's hands trying to weave on her messy tresses soothing her nerves. Feel the soft tongue that slowly pushed past her lips. She nipped at Maura's bottom lip before pushing her tongue back into her mouth. Maura, ever slowly dragging her other hand to Jane's cheek and caress it with care. The delicate contact made her feel something she hasn't felt before.


More than two years and I thought we were good. More than two years going on forever… or so I thought. I don't know why or how…or when it started. What happened to the two of us? Why did we break up? Why did you leave me?

But today, I resolve to stop bothering you. I have decided to let you be. And give you the space that you asked for. I am uncertain if you'll be able to read this letter but I'll be leaving for Paris. My mother asked me to be with her and study Forensic Pathology there. Just like I promised you. I'll be a medical examiner and you'll be a detective. We will both find solutions to every case that we handle. Although now, I am not sure if we will ever see each other again.

I do not know if you'll be back in my life… but I wanted to be in yours.

I will do anything to win you back if life wants me to. And I am hoping that we will have our second chance.

All the love,

M. Isles.

So, what do you guys think?

Prologue starts with high school Rizzles, but the next one will be couple of years after the letter.

Oh.. at some point during the course of writing this I listened to Birdy's Without A Word, hence the title. :)