At Acme Loo, the students were having class with Bugs Bunny, taking a quiz. Not a single sound is heard, except for the scribbling of pencils & the ticking of the clock.
Calamity, who would usually finish his quizzes before anyone else, was working very slow today. Some of the students, including Furrball & Fifi, took notice of this.
Of those who noticed the coyote's slow pace, only Furrball & Fifi knew what's on his mind.
It's been a week since Cosette left Acme Acres & went back to France, and he missed her very much. He hasn't said a word ever since she left.
He was having quite a hard time concentrating, and every time he pictured Cosette in his mind, he would set his pencil down with a sad look on his face.
He kept being distracted by the moments he spent with her. From sharing their first kiss on the golf course, to dancing together at Buster's party.
The grey coyote let out a sigh of depression, wishing that he would be with his girlfriend again.
Suddenly, the classroom phone rang, and Bugs immediately went over & answered it.
"Hello? Yes, he's right here."
The tall bunny placed a hand over the phone & said, "Calamity, it's for you."
The students all stopped working as they turned to Calamity, who slowly got out of his seat & approached Bugs. He took the phone & placed it to his ear.
"Hello?", said Calamity, which surprised some of the students to hear Calamity talk for the first time.
"Bonjour, Calamity."
As the grey coyote heard the voice, his body immediately filled with joy.
"Oui, how are you?"
"I'm, uhh...I don't know. I...I miss you."
"I miss vous too. But...I have a surprise for you."
"What is it?"
"Look out zhe window."
Calamity did as he was told, and there stood Cosette, who waved at him from the front of the school.
The grey coyote gasped in surprise as he hung up the phone & said, "She's back!"
Calamity immediately ran out of the classroom, as the other students peeked out the window & saw Cosette put her cellphone away.
The front door opened as Calamity ran out & onto the campus, where he & Cosette ran up to each other & hugged.
The other students stormed out of the school & up to the reunited couple, where they all welcomed Cosette back to Acme Acres.
"Merci, everyone. I'm so glad to be back."
"How long will you be staying this time?", Buster asked.
"My family & I moved here een Acme Acres. We went back to France to get zhe rest of our stuff. We're now liveeng here."
"You are?", Fifi asked in a surprised tone.
"Oui, we are."
Cosette then turned to Calamity as she said, "I told vous I would be back."
"And you weren't kidding", Calamity replied with a smile.
The skunk & coyote hugged again, both very happy to be reunited.
All the toons happily chatted with Cosette, happy to have her back & living with them in Acme Acres.

Later that night, Cosette decided to spend the night with Calamity. She knew how much he missed her, and she missed him just as much.
Calamity was in his room, drawing on some blueprints, when all of a sudden, Cosette snuck up behind him & covered his eyes with her tail.
"Guess who", she said.
Instead of guessing, Calamity turned his chair toward Cosette & uncovered his eyes to see the French skunk staring lovingly at him.
She gave him a kiss on the forehead & said, "Bonjour."
"Hi", the coyote replied.
"What are vous workeeng on?"
"Just coming up with a design for a robot."
"Oooh, what kind of robot?"
"A combat robot."
Cosette looked at Calamity's blueprints & saw the design of his robot: a 4-wheeled wedge-shaped robot, with a single large curved claw arched forward.
"What do you think?", Calamity asked.
"Eet looks nice. What eez it for?"
"There's a competition coming up in a couple months."
"Oooh, sounds tres exciteeng. Can you build a robot for moi?"
"Maybe. I might."
The couple looked at the clock & saw that it was 11 PM.
"It's getting kind of late", said Calamity.
"Oui, eet's time for zhe genius to put heez brain to rest for zhe night."
Cosette then gently pulled Calamity out of his chair & the coyote followed his girlfriend to bed.
Once they got themselves covered under the blanket, Cosette wrapped her arms around Calamity.
"Good night, Calamity."
Calamity wrapped his arms around Cosette & said, "Good night, Cosette."
"I love you, mon cutie coyote."
"I love you too."
The skunk & coyote smiled romantically at each other before they moved in for a kiss. They kissed long & softly, feeling a slight tingle in their bodies.
Once they finished, Cosette lowered herself under Calamity's chin & snuggled into his chest with a smile on her face. They held each other tightly as Calamity gently rested his chin onto Cosette's head with a smile on his face.
They both peacefully fell asleep as Calamity felt a surge of joy in his body. With Cosette now a part of his life as his girlfriend, he is a lone coyote no more.

Meanwhile, Furrball was taking his nightly stroll around the block, feeling happy for Calamity. He knew that Calamity & Cosette will have a very happy life together, just like he does with Fifi.
Back at the Cadillac, Fifi was preparing a little surprise for Furrball, waiting patiently for her boyfriend to return.
Once the blue cat returned to the junkyard & approached Fifi's home, he noticed a light flickering through the window. He figured that her lamp is acting erratically.
Once he stepped inside, he was greeted by the surprise Fifi had set up for him.
"Bonjour, mon amore", she said in a sexy voice. Furrball opened his eyes wide in surprise at the sight that greeted his eyes.
Fifi was lying in bed in a sexy pose, wearing a sparkling red dress with matching elbow-length gloves & high-heeled shoes. There were flickering candles & rose petals surrounding the bed, as the French skunk blew a kiss at Furrball.
The blue cat opened his mouth wide in happiness as his tongue dropped to the floor & rolled out, his eyes replaced with beating hearts, his tail sticking erect from behind, his heart pumping madly with joy.
Fifi raised her hand & beckoned the blue cat with her finger. As Furrball was just about to run up to Fifi, he quickly reached into his "pocket" & pulled out some breathspray.
Once he sprayed into his mouth, he zoomed right toward his girlfriend with open arms, and as he reached Fifi, the purple skunk quickly rolled up & around so that she was on top of Furrball.
At that moment, Fifi planted her lips into Furrball's lips for a long kiss. Furrball's eyes turned into hearts again as steam whistled out of his ears.
Fifi wrapped her arms & tail around Furrball as he felt a shocking numb feeling that started from his lips & quickly spread throughout the rest of his body.
The blue cat slowly closed his eyes & began purring as he lay there, constricted in his girlfriend's tail as his whole body was completely numb with love, his heart beating slowly & strongly as he breathed calmly.
He could do nothing but purr loudly, his body weak under Fifi's spell, the purple skunk kissing him with so much love.
After Fifi parted her lips from Furrball's, the blue cat opened his eyes with a smile on his face.
"Man", Furrball said after a moment, "a simple 'welcome back' would've sufficed."
As Fifi giggled, Furrball then asked, "What's all this for?"
"Eet's to show you how much I love vous. I wanna make you feel like zhe luckiest man in zhe world!"
"Oh-ho-ho-ho, I feel quite lucky already."
"I'm glad vous said zhat. Cause you are een for, as Bon Jovi would say, one wild night."
"Ooh-hoo-hoo. Hit me with your best shot", Furrball said in a daring tone.
"Oh, I weell. I most certainly weell."
As the two moved in for another kiss, they looked up at the window & saw Sweetie Bird with a video camera. She's been videotaping the cat & skunk the entire time.
"Sweetie!", Furrball shouted.
"Uh oh", the pink bird said as she shut off her camera, "that's a wrap!"
As the bird flew off, Furrball looked back at Fifi, who smiled at him.
"Go get her, tiger", said the purple skunk, who unwrapped her tail & released Furrball, allowing him to quickly move off the bed & out the door to chase after Sweetie.
The pink bird flew to the junkyard exit, taunting Furrball.
"Catch me if you can, catch me if-OOF!"
As she reached the exit, the pink bird flew into what seemed to be an invisible wall, which caused her to fall to the ground.
As she sat up all dizzy, Furrball chuckled as he said, "My my my, the tables have finally turned."
Furrball walked up to the exit, stepping on Sweetie's camera in the process & breaking it, before he reached the exit & pushed it aside.
It was a fake painting of the junkyard exit, which left Sweetie feeling confused.
"I gotta thank Professor Duck for this", Furrball said, "these things sure do come in handy."
The blue cat then quickly grabbed Sweetie & said, "Now I have you in my clutches. There's no escaping now."
"Uh oh", said the pink bird. "Can we end this story right now, before things get ugly?"
"I think we should", Furrball replied. "Go ahead & put 'THE END' up now."

THE END ("Thank you!", said Sweetie.)

And that concludes this story. Don't worry about Sweetie, she'll be fine. She will be back in the next story, which I am currently working on, and this one is gonna be HUGE! It will be literally twice as long as Furrball & the Chocolate Factory. I'm not kidding, this is gonna be a long & exciting story, and as a little teaser, there is one moment in this chapter that foreshadows the plot of this next story. See if you can find it. Plus, this next story will be my first crossover story, a crossover of Tiny Toons & another favorite TV show of mine. Anyway, thanks for reading this story & the positive feedback, and a special thanks to ToonFan for his help with the story, and a very special thanks to Rocket Racer for also helping with the story & for giving me permission to use his characters for my story. It will be a while before I post the first chapter of my next story, but it will be worth the wait. ;)