When they arrived at Finn's parents house a week later, it still hadn't hit them that they were married. Carole and Burt let them stay at their house til they sorted out what was going to happen in regards to their future. Finn and Rachel enjoyed their honeymoon in California, running along the beach at night when they felt like they could be free. They enjoyed their romantic nights in the room when they just got to know each other more intimately. Rachel loved the fact that she married the man of her dreams and the man she lost her virginity to because he was the only one she wanted to be intimate with. Finn loved that he got the woman of his dreams and his best friend for the rest of his life. They knew that times would not be easy but it would be worth it to be married to your best friend. They knew that everything that ever happened to them during their days at McKinley was for a reason, it made their love grow stronger and more passionate that they learned to enjoy every single day that they were together but also learned that they would have their own separate careers. It was natural that they trusted each other despite their past with others, they knew true love was what they had so they didn't have to question it.

Rachel looked up at her husband as they got to the front of the Hudson-Hummel household and gave him a big smile while Finn gave her his half smile. She always melted when he smiled at her like that. He always looked at her like she was the only woman in the world and she always felt like the luckiest woman alive. They entered the household when Finn grabbed her bags to put them down in the living room.

"So, your parents let us stay here while they are away?" Rachel asked.

"Yes. We need to talk about our future." Finn said.

"I know. When do you have to leave for the Army?" Rachel asked, with a sad face.

"That's exactly what we need to talk about and your future in NYADA." Finn said. He grabbed Rachel's hand and led her into the living room.

"I have to come clean with you now. I didn't join the Army. I thought that if I told you that, you would get on the train and I would see how it worked out for me to move to New York in the future after you saw what New York had to offer you." Finn said. "But, I still very much want you to go to New York and I think that Kurt should go with you so he could be by your side. I am thinking that I may want to be a teacher like Mr. Schue and help kids out like he helped me."

"Wait, so you're going to stay here in Lima while you send me off to New York with Kurt." Rachel said. The tears in her eyes were starting to form already. She couldn't handle this again.

"No, no. I want Kurt to come with us to New York. I know that he will be able to help you in things that I wouldn't be able to help you in so I think it's best for him to come too. Then when Blaine graduates, he can come to New York as well. I want my wife and my little brother with me in New York when I go to school to become a teacher. The way we planned it except instead of being an actor, I'll just be a teacher." Finn said.

"Oh, okay good because I am not ever going to let you go especially since now you're my husband and you can't get rid of me that easy." Rachel said with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't ever want to get rid of you and you can't get rid of me so you're stuck with me for life. I wouldn't imagine my life any other way." Finn said. When he was done speaking, he leaned in to give Rachel a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you." Rachel replied. "I want to spend my summer here in Lima with my family and friends then we can head to New York and start our futures there."

"Okay, let me just call my mom and Burt to let them know that we are going to stay here for the summer." Finn said. He got off the couch and headed into the kitchen to make the call.

Rachel got out her cellphone to text Kurt.

"Kurt, we are back home. We need to talk. Hang out tomorrow? -Love, Rach"

"Okay, where and when? -Kurt"

"Your house and around noon. -Rach"

"Okay. Please don't have sex on my bed. -Kurt"

"Oh my gosh KURT! We are not even thinking of that! I love you tho. -Rach"

"I love you too, sis in law. See you tomorrow. -Kurt"

Just when she received the text message from Kurt, Finn walked into the room and told her that his parents said okay. They weren't going to be in Lima for the summer anyway.

"Your brother said we aren't allowed to have sex on his bed." Rachel said with a laugh.

"Good. I wouldn't want to, anyway." Finn said.

Finn and Rachel went to his room to go lay down and relax.

"I'm going to talk to Kurt tomorrow about him coming to New York. I don't know, I feel like if he comes with me to New York, he will accomplish more than if he stays here and wastes the summer. I know that Blaine is here in Lima since it's going to be his senior year but there has to be more to do for him to get into NYADA. I think that's another reason why Carmen let me in the first place because she saw the determination in my eyes. She saw that I wasn't going to give up and Kurt needs to do the same. Maybe, she will change her mind about him and let him in. I am going to do my best to make that happen." Rachel said.

Finn just looked at her admiration. He always knew that Rachel had the best determination to make her dreams come true but another reason that he loved her was that she wanted to make sure she could help the people she loved make their dreams come true. He always knew that she was the best person in the world but this just proved it once again to him. This was the girl who used to get bullied, picked on and slushied daily but kept her head up and reached for the stars so her dream can come true. She never had a vengeance bone in her body, she never allowed herself to stoop down to the levels of others and seek revenge on them for their bullying towards her. He knew that Rachel Berry Hudson was his hero and he was determined to spend the rest of his life making sure she knew that.

"I feel like I tell you so many times that I love you because I love you so much but no words can ever describe how much I love you. You have such determination to make sure others follow their dreams while you find a way to follow yours." Finn said.

Rachel looked back at her man who was cuddling her the way she liked and she gave him the biggest smile. She stared deep into his eyes and knew that he was it, he was her person. She knew that she would spend the rest of her life loving the man who made her feel so loved and sexy. She couldn't wait for both of their dreams to come true because she wanted to be there when his happened. She knew that he could be anybody he wanted to be or do anything he wanted to do because he had the drive.

Rachel then flipped over so she was face to face with the man of her dreams while they laid down. She once again stared deep into his eyes.

"You're my dream come true. You're my first love and now you will be my last. You're my home. I love you, man of my dreams. I have always felt a romantic connection to you since the moment that I first saw you but the thing was wishing you would be mine but I felt like in time, you would be mine. I wouldn't change our past for anything because it made both of us stronger and confident in our relationship. I know that I can trust you because you would never do anything to hurt me." Rachel said.

"Out of everyone in my whole life, I feel like you are the only person that I can trust. I know that you would never lie to me even if it hurts me, you tell me what is on your mind. You make me want to be a better person and make me want to achieve my dreams. I owe a lot to you. You helped me be confident in the person that I am. You helped me not be afraid of just being me. The tall man who loves to sing but can't dance." Finn said, with a laugh at the end.

"Hey, I love the way you dance and I definitely love the way that you sing especially when you sing to me." Rachel said.

She leaned in to give him a kiss. They both decided that they should get some sleep tonight since they spent a whole week having sex when they were on vacation in California.

The next day, Rachel and Finn had slept in til about ten in the morning. They felt relaxed but they did have to admit that it felt weird sleeping next to each other without having sex. It reminded him of the times before they started being intimate and he would stay with Rachel but he didn't mind. Yes, he very much loved having sex with Rachel but there relationship was much more than that.

"Good morning, my handsome husband. How did you sleep last night?" Rachel asked when she saw that her husband was awake and staring at the ceiling.

"Good morning, my gorgeous wife. I slept good, very good last night. How about you?" Finn replied.

"I slept good. I know that we didn't have sex last night and that has been the first time in a while."Rachel said.

"It's okay. Remember I fell in love with you first then we had sex later. I never understood why you wanted to wait to have sex but I'm glad that you made me wait because we developed our relationship first. We never rushed into anything physical because we had to make sure that it was right. I rushed into losing my virginity because I thought you were losing yours and I regret it because I had sex with someone that I didn't want to, I didn't even feel anything because it meant nothing. When I have sex with you, I feel the love that I have for you and I'm glad that your the only one that I will spend the rest of my life having sex with. I know that we have plenty of time to have sex so we don't have to have sex everyday. Even though I do have to admit that I love having sex with you." Finn said. He leaned over to give her a kiss.

"I love having sex with you. I'm glad that you're the man that I lost my virginity to and the man that I will spend the rest of my life being with. I love you more than words can describe." Rachel said. "We have to start getting ready because Kurt is going to be here at noon so I can talk to him."

Rachel got out of bed to hop in the shower. She wanted to see how far she could tease Finn before he broke down so when she got out of bed. So when she got out of bed and reached the restroom door, she took off her shirt which showed that she wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you in New York." Rachel said. She tried to get Finn's attention so he would notice that she was topless. When he looked at her, his eyes about popped out of his head then she took off her shorts which revealed her tiny pink thong.

"We will be together day and night when we are not at school or working." Rachel continued.

Finn sat up on the bed not losing eye contact with Rachel. He had to almost wipe the drool off his mouth from staring at his hot wife in nothing but his favorite tiny thong. He didn't know how she could wear those but he thanked the man upstairs for it.

"Well I should hop in the very hot shower I am going to take." Rachel said, as she took her thong off. Then, she tossed it at Finn. "I'll see you later when I'm done." Rachel turned around and smiled as she swayed her hips into the restroom but she left the door open.

Finn just couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous wife and the amazing body she had. He always knew that she had the best body when he first saw her but when he first saw her naked, he knew it. People always made fun of her because of what she wore but the truth was that they were jealous that they weren't able to pull it off like hers. Everyone focused on the sweaters that they didn't notice the great body she was hiding under them. He always took advantage of the fact she was completely his. Thinking about her hot body as he heard her turn on the shower, he just couldn't resist going after her.

Rachel had just turned her music on and was leaning into the shower to make sure the water was hot enough for her to hop in when she felt a naked body hug her from behind.

"Awwww I really hope that you're my husband or this is extremely awkward." Rachel said, jokingly.

"What if I said it wasn't?" Finn replied.

"Then I would suggest you leave before my husband sees you because he gets extremely jealous when anyone looks at me so I can't imagine what he will do if he sees you naked on me." Rachel said.

"He won't mind because he won't know." Finn said, jokingly.

Finn then turned Rachel around and picked her where she wrapped her legs around his waist. One of the hard parts about being intimate with Finn anywhere but their bed was their height difference but they always found a way because it wouldn't be a crazy sex life if they kept only into the bed area. At times like this Rachel was glad that Finn's shower was big and even had a place to sit so you could close the glass door and have steam hitting you. When they got in the shower, Rachel sat Finn down on the bench in the shower. She was still on her mission to tease him before pleasing him. So, she told Finn that he needed to wait a minute while she washed her hair first. He was handling it well while she was washing her hair even tho seeing the way she closed her eyes and leaned her hair back in that sexy way turned him on. He loved the way she had one foot where she was almost on her tip toes and the way she curved her back when she rinsed her hair out. But, what really got him was when she started to wash her body. He just loved looking at her when she was putting the body wash on and rubbing it all over her body. She turned to face her back to him when she bent down to put it on her legs and she smiled because she knew Finn and she knew that it was starting to get to him. She finished washing the body wash off when she turned to Finn. She saw how happy he got watching her take a shower so she sat on him. Rachel started to kiss Finn and started kissing his neck but then Finn stopped her so she could turn her on the way that she had turned him on. He started kissing her neck in her sensitive spot that immediately turned her on. She started moaning in his ear and that turned him on even more. She then stopped him and got off of him. He grabbed her to tell her to come back but all she was give him the shh sign. She turned her back to face him but then she did something not even he expected because they never did that one. She got on his lap and slowly placed him inside her. Finn couldn't help but groan in pleasure, he loved just how tight Rachel felt. But, this position was another pleasure that he never knew existed. Rachel than placed her hands on his thighs as to get a balance and rode him. Finn grabbed her hair and pushed it to one side as he started to kiss the side of her neck. He started to suck on her skin when he noticed that he did it a little to hard as to leave a mark on her. He couldn't help himself and he knew that he would finish sooner than Rachel so he had to make sure she came first so he got his finger and started to rub her clit as she bounced up and down on her. Rachel started to moan louder and started screaming Finn's name when he felt her walls getting tighter so he knew she was about to finish and he was thankful because he was so close too. Then Rachel screamed out his name as she came and they both came at the same time. They both sat there for a second as they wheeled in what just happened.

"Okay, now I have to rewash my body and you need to wash yours." Rachel said.

She started to wash herself again and hopped out so Finn could wash his. She know only had an hour now to get ready since Finn distracted her when she started to take a shower. She had decided to blow dry her hair straight today instead of curling it like she planned. By the time that she was done blow drying her hair straight, Finn was done taking a shower. Finn decided that he was going to go hang out with Puck today while Rachel spent time with Kurt. She decided that she was going to go simple today with a dress but she knew that she had to go shopping soon for a new wardrobe that she wanted. Maybe she could invite Kurt to take her.

When Finn and Rachel were done getting dressed and ready, Finn said goodbye to Rachel so he could go hang out with Puck. About five minutes after he left, Rachel heard the door open. She knew that it was Kurt since he and Finn were the only ones who had the key and in town.

"Rach? Where are you?" Kurt yelled.

"I'm in the kitchen." Rachel replied.

"Hey, how are you?" Kurt asked. "How was your honeymoon in California?"

"It was really really good. You need to take a trip there sometime. I loved the beach. Everything." Rachel said with a smile.

"That's great." Kurt said.

"Speaking of which, do you think we can go to the mall because I need to get some new clothes. Now I have an idea of what I want to wear. It's more mature in a way. Will you come with me?" Rachel asked.

"Of course. You know that I will never turn down more shopping." Kurt said.

"But before we go. I want to talk to you...Me and Finn want you to come to New York..." Rachel said.





If there are any mistakes, I apologize. I don't feel very good so I tried my best to update it while not trying to make mistakes.