An: This was written for The Potter Games competition.

Harry paced back and forth outside the white washed walls. The hallways of St. Mungos seemed to echo in silence, it was as if he could hear the time ticking away. With each step, he grew more and more nervous, glancing back at large double doors that hid his wife. How long had it been? It felt like hours, but he knew it couldn't have been. He just wished he could find out if she was okay.

Things had been going fine during the birth of his first son, James Sirius Potter, but then, all of a sudden just after Ginny had started the pushing, complications had arisen. It had all happened so quickly. One minute, he was clutching Ginny's hand, and the next he was being ushered out of the room by a medi witch. James seemed to be stuck, and Ginny's heart rate had dropped, fast.

Now, all that was left to do, was to wait. He had no idea whether or not his wife and unborn son would be okay, and he was just expected to wait around, doing nothing at all to help. It wasn't right! He should be there by her side, holding her hand the entire way. All that he could do though, was pace. The constant movement was the only thing keeping him from breaking down.

The sound of the door swinging open had him turning abruptly to see the medi witch standing before him. He searched her face for any sign of sorrow, or happiness, or anything that would tell him what happened. What he was relieved to find though, was the small smile gracing her lips.

"Would you like to meet your son?" she asked, eyes sparkling at the face of the new father.

Harry's face broke out into a smile, but the first thing he needed to ask was, "What about Ginny? Is she- I she alright?"

"She's fine Mr. Potter. Very tired, but fine nonetheless. You can see them now"

He eagerly followed the witch back through the doors, and saw Ginny, eyes tired and cheeks flushed. She was beautiful. In her arms was something even more magnificent. A baby with traces of black hair lay bundled in a blue blanket Harry could have sworn he saw a smile on the childs face.

"He certainly lives up to his name," Ginny let out, her eyes finding Harry's with a look of adornment. "He's already trouble, I can't imagine how he'll be once he's older."

At this, Harry couldn't help but laugh. "A true marauder." He looked down at his son, and brushed a thumb against the babies soft cheek. "He's perfect."

Harry placed a light kiss upon Ginny's lips. He couldn't wait to go out in the waiting room where Ron, Hermione, Mr and Mrs Weasley, Andromeda, Teddy, and the rest of the family were all waiting. He was sure they would love James just as much as all the other newcomers to their perfect little big family.