AN: I'm late. THAT IS UNEXCUSABLE! I'm sorry. I won't say it won't happen again because it might. I go to a school with homework galore and I'm actually in the middle of a big assignment. But I can promise this: whenever I have a spare moment I'll write. I'm back and full of ideas (mainly one shots). Next week we have half days so lots of typing time! I came up with this one FOREVER ago so here it is, the moment probably no one is waiting for anymore because I've probably been declared dead!

Laney: Skullenko does not own Grojband, she's way to lazy to do THAT kind of work!

Skullenko: I think you should be happy about that, if I wrote Grojband there would only be one episode, because I was too lazy to write more.

I winced as rain pelted my back. It was starting to get painful as water turned to ice and small chunks of hale littered the ground. What could take Trina so long?

No wait let me guess. Nick Mallory has been spotted at a Starbucks, everyone stop what you're doing and watch Trina get into a bush costume and sit outside the coffee shop for an hour with Mina in the trashcan next to her.

Or could it be that the store near our house has discontinued her pink hair dye and she's off murdering a cashier somewhere?

Or perhaps, she hates me and decided to leave me here in the rain after this morning when I called her what she really is, a B**. A blonde.

Any three of these are possibilities and there are a million more possibilities but one thing is clear, she isn't coming anytime soon. My house is 30 minutes away from the school by car and there just so happen to be no sidewalks by the road. Wonderful, I'm getting killed today.

The school bell rang 20 minutes ago and I have no one to pick me up. Do you think if I sleep underneath the bench next to the school I'd be the earliest kid there? I close my eyes for a second to try to put my mind at ease. Trina will come, even she wouldn't just leave me hereā€¦ would she?

I slightly smiled as I remembered the talent show today when I won the music award with my guitar solo. Notes danced across my mind as I hummed the tune. I was snapped back to reality when I heard footsteps. Trina?!

I looked behind me to see a small girl coming out of the school, her fire truck red hair the only splash of color in the now gray looking world. She flashed me a brief smile before standing next to me on the wet curb. We stood there in awkward silence for about 5 minutes before she spoke up.

"I saw you in the talent show today. I thought you were great."


More silence. She was waiting for me to say something and I knew what it was. Finally she talked again.

"Did you see me?"

"Yup." I did.

"Did you like it?" Sh**

I sharply inhaled, "My mother said 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.'"

She stared at me, "That's sort of rude. So you didn't like it?"

She had sung Fireflies, "Alright if you must know, I thought you sounded like a dying cat."

There. It was mean, but I was in a bad mood could you blame me? Yes.

"Alright," Ohmygod stop talking, "If we're being honest here, I thought you botched a couple notes, your face was weird when you played, flipping your hair was stupid and you were off beat."

"Wow. Don't even get me started on you Miss. PiTcHy."

"Hey, I thought we were being honest here."

"I didn't ask for your opinion."

"Just trying to make small talk."

"Maybe I don't like small talk. Who stays 30 minutes after school anyway?"

"A person who's retaking a test."


"Oh yeah? I work as an office assistant, I've seen your grades. You could benefit VERY well for being a nerd. I've even heard talk that they'll kick you out of band if you don't get those grades up."

What?! "Why don't you mind your own business?!"

"Why are you being mean!? I give you a compliment, you give me an insult."

I smirk, "I was taught not to lie."

"I'm in three classes with you and at least three times a week you show up saying your dog peed on your homework. My older brother knows your sister and says you guys only have a cranky old cat."

Little brat! I'm about to say more when I notice Trina speeding towards us. I also notice a BIG puddle in front of us. Instead I smirk and step out of the way just in time. I laugh as I pull away in the back of Trina's car staring at the soaking red haired girl.

AN: This was super OOC! This is now a series people! It was going to be a oneshot but Corey just turned out so jerky that I can't turn it around within one chapter. Ooooh this is gonna be good and I WILL update!

Laney: Yeah right!

Corey: You still here?

Mina: Review!