Chapter 1

A young woman with long raven locks ran as fast as her legs would take her, constantly looking over her shoulder before diving off to the side into a cluster of bushes she happened to pass by. Wide brown eyes screwed shut and her fingers clutched tightly to her scalp as she heard the group of men rush by the bushes, cursing as they tried their hardest to find her.

"She can't have gotten far! I saw her go this way!" The voices and footsteps quickly grew fainter and fainter with each passing second.

Damn. Damn it all! She hadn't expected this by accompanying her father on a trip for the Marines. What had she ever done to deserve this?! And as luck would have it, her dear father had rushed off once he saw a familiar group of pirates in the port they were in, leaving her to fend for herself.

Alright, pull it together. She could handle this by herself. She was more than capable of handling a group of trained qualified pirates… Who was she kidding? She was thoroughly and royally fucked if they ever caught her.

Slowly cracking her eyes open slightly, she crawled forward until her head poked out from the bushes, breathing a sigh of relief as the pirates that had previously been chasing after her were nowhere in sight. Now all she had to do was get back to the Marine ship and she was home free! Grinning slightly, she stood to her feet and brushed herself off, turning around as she came face to chest with a large man who was leering down at her.

"Well well, h'llo there…You gave us quite the chase y'know. I'm gonna need you to come with me and don't struggle or it'll be hard for us to go easy on you." He took a step forward and she took a step back, whirling around to try and run again when she found herself staring at dozens of pirates.

And all of them were after her blood. Well fuck.

Feeling a strong grip on her arms, she shrieked and began to flail and kick. "I'll be damned if you think I'd let you lot take me in like this! I'll have your heads! I'll see you all dead! I'll-!" Her tirade was silenced as one of the pirates placed a gag over her mouth, the pirate she had bumped into appearing before her face once again and grinning down into her face.

"I hate we have to do this, really do. You can blame your old man for us having to chase you down an' all. We'll let the commander decide what to do with you from here…"

Their Commander? She paled at the thought of being at the mercy of these bastards and she madly shook her head. No no no no no! This wasn't supposed to be like this! Where was her father when she needed him?! Where was help to save her?! Why did no one give a damn about what was happening?!

Then it hit her, the sudden realization that she was completely and utterly alone and that her father wasn't coming for her. The shock overcame her as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and the world around her went black, her form falling forward and into the waiting arms of her captors.

With a grunt, the pirate scooped the woman into his arms and jerked his head to the side, indicating that they would be returning to their ship then. "Time's a wasting, gotta get back before the Marines get a whiff of what's goin' on here. Someone help me tie her hands and feet first. I have a feelin' she won't be too pleased once she wakes up from her little nap..."

Marco cursed silently, pacing back and forth as he waited for the last group of men to arrive back to the ship. Where in seven hells were they?! Akainu was hot on their trail and if they waited any longer to get out of there...

"I see them!"

Finally. He released the breath he had been holding, shaking his head as he made his way over to the group of stragglers before turning around and barking the next order. "Get us out of here yoi! Fast as you can!"

The men all cheered that their brothers were finally back, setting the sails and leaving the port as quickly as their ship could take them. Marco felt an eyebrow quirk up as he noticed one of his brothers carrying something that appeared to be covered in a tarp. Whatever it was, each and every single one of them had a proud shit-eating grin on their faces.

"Guess what we were able to bring back?! A souvenir that's sure to show the Marines we mean business!"

Jamming his hands into his pockets, Marco took a step forward and then another until he was standing before the group. "And what exactly do you mean by that yoi? What do you all have there?"

With a bark of a laugh given, the tarp was jerked back and the "souvenir" tumbled to the floor in a heap. Marco's eyes widened as he slowly realized just what his stupid crew mates had done. A young woman whimpered, hands and feet bound with a gag in her mouth as she looked at her surroundings in obvious fear.

"What the fuck have you done yoi?" Instead of being pleased as his brothers had hoped, Marco grit his teeth together and turned on the group. "What the fuck is this?! Why is there some woman on our ship and what does she have to do with the Marines?!"

Narrowing his eyes, he knelt down and gently gripped the girl's hair, tugging her face up to meet his own. Wide brown eyes met black and Marco snarled before letting her fall back onto the deck of the ship. "Answer me yoi! What did you do?!"

The men were taken aback. How could their foolproof plan backfire on them? They were certain that Marco would have been pleased! "But...But she's with Akainu! We heard she's one of his daughters and thought this way we could get back at the Marines for what they did to pops! A life for a life!"

Marco's eyes slowly widened at the implications his brothers were making. No, they couldn't have been that fucking stupid as to kidnap a child of Akainu, hold her hostage and then expect to take her life. Surely they weren't that insane!

A soft whine made him whip his head around, the woman quickly scooting back as much as her bound hands and feet would allow her. Marco growled, running a hand through his hair before turning back to his crew. "I will decide what is to be done with her now that you've fucked us over yoi. Not a single one of you will lay a hand to her until I've made my judgment. Is that clear yoi?"

It was deathly silent except for the few low murmurings of a few individuals, the only motion made was the nodding of heads.

"Good, now let me go see if I can undo some of this damage yoi. If that's even possible at this point." Sighing heavily, Marco turned back to the woman, picking her up and tossing her over his shoulder rather gracelessly before heading toward his quarters.

The door slammed behind them and she was tossed carelessly onto a bed, instantly curling up and scooting as far away from this man as she possibly could.

His eyes narrowed and he reached forward to tug the gag away from her mouth, studying her features before reaching for her hands. Instantly she fought back, jerking her hands away and trying to lunge out of his range.

Marco cursed under his breath, trying to get this she-devil to calm down. Ah but she would have none of that. She bit down on the hand that got too close to her throat and shrieked as the man growled and threw his body across her own, pinning her to the bed.

"Calm the fuck down! Just...calm down yoi. I'm trying to help here but you're not making things any better for either one of us." It was then that Marco noticed tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. She bit on her lower lip before shaking her head quickly, thrashing beneath him as hard as she could. Considering the difference in their sizes, her small frame against his much larger one, it didn't phase Marco whatsoever.

"G-Get off! Get off me right now!"

With a sigh, Marco held his hands up in defense, giving her enough space to wriggle free and dive for the corner of his bed. Her eyes cut to slits, glowering at him as though she would slit his throat if given the chance.

Well just fan-fucking-tastic.

"Miss? If you like I can take those off your hands and feet for you, I'm sure they're starting to hurt by now yoi."

She blinked, staring at the ties on her hands before jerking her head up at him, narrowing her eyes once again. "If you try anything I swear..."

A chuckle came from him as he shook his head, examining her wrists as she offered them to him. "Trust me, you're too plain for my tastes yoi. I prefer exotic looking women myself."

She snorted and rolled her eyes. Typical pirate.

Marco couldn't help but feel an eyebrow lift at the tiny groan of approval once the binds were off her wrists and ankles, watching as she rubbed the circulation back into both sets of appendages. Shaking his head, he stood to his feet and stared at the young woman in his bed. He'd have to try and figure out just what had happened back at the port from his crew but first...


Brown eyes looked up and blinked owlishly at him. "I'm sorry?"

He patted a hand against his tattooed chest before pointing a finger back at her. "I'm Marco. I think I'd like to know your name as well if you're going to be our temporary hostage for the time being."

That made her snort and turn her head away, arms crossing in a childish defiant manner. Marco merely shrugged before turning and heading for the door.

"Suit yourself, just stay in here until I figure out just what I'm going to do. I mean it too, don't leave this room for anything. I can't promise my brothers won't try anything considering most of them now know who you're related to."

She froze slightly, fidgeting in place before turning her head and staring at Marco's retreating back. Just as the door opened...

"...Felicity." She managed to mumble out, trying hard not to look away as Marco faced her once again with a lazy smirk on his face.

"Felicity?" It appeared it was mulling over the name for a minute, staring at the raven haired woman some before speaking up again. "It suits you yoi." But before she could ask what exactly he meant by that, he stepped outside and shut the door behind him, a clicking sound letting her know that the door had been locked behind him.

Well...this day had certainly gone to hell in a handbasket, hadn't it?

Hi there! This is my very first ever One Piece fanfic that I've attempted to write though I have so many ideas for this particular series stored away in my brain. I saw Marco first when Shanks came aboard the Moby Dick and instantly fell for him. He's just so awesome and definitely one of my favorite characters from the One Piece series.

A few things if you're interested in reading my little story...

First, my character may come across as a brat but that's because Felicity is somewhat of a spoiled brat. Think Helmeppo but nowhere near as spoiled and bratty. Second, it will take a little bit of time for her to open up to the Whitebeard crew and especially to open up to Marco. She's a very closed off person but what do you expect when your daddy is Akainu and when you've just been abducted for possible retribution for what happened to Whitebeard? Third, Felicity may be a bit of a Mary Sue but come on, what OC or for that matter canon character isn't a bit of a Mary Sue at times? I promise not to make her into too much of a Mary Sue but just a fair warning if she does come across that way at times.