Hey guys... I'm back. I'm sorry that it's been forever, but I was in a bit of a sad place. Anyways, here's the next chapter. Thanks for the support!


Alex sighed and walked out of the castle of ice. As he stepped down the stairs, he couldn't stop thinking of Anna, Elsa, Ben, and Jenny. He had no idea what he could do. The most logical thing was to probably tell the royals, yet he was terrified of hurting Ben and Jenny. He couldn't hurt Anna or Elsa either! He was scared, terrified. As he left the castle he felt confidant, but now after thinking about it, it was harder to comprehend.

He clenched his fist into a ball of flames in anger and threw it into the snow. He grunted, and forgot about the injury in his arm, making him grab it. Alex studied his wound and wondered if he ever would be able to let it heal. After making sure it was fine, he continued on down the mountain.

Reaching the forest, he looked around at all of the trees and leaves. It was dangerous for him to be here. He was sore from running up the mountain, but the blaze was fresh in his mind, and he knew he could turn into that animal again. It disturbed him to think of it and caused his legs to tremble. He felt so powerless within himself. He hated the flame that kindled the curse inside of him. He truly felt like a monster after everything he's done.

Minutes later, he heard a crunch a few yards behind him and turned around. The three wolves growled and began to circle their prey.

"No.. Come on.." He mumbled horrified.

Maybe he could just scare them away?

Alex engulfed himself in flames and growled at them himself. The wolves backed off but continued to circle. Alex was a bit scared but he would be brave. He knelt into a defensive position and put his hands onto the ground, ignoring the pain in his arm. He payed close attention to each wolf and every movement. One of the wolves snarled and jumped closer to him making Alex whip around to it. Meanwhile the other wolves jumped at him, catching him off guard. Alex was able to knock one of them away but he wasn't fast enough to keep the other from latching it's jaws onto his left leg. Alex yelled out in pain and grabbed the canine's head in his hands. He singed the wolf's head, causing it to cry and yelp painfully before it soon after died. The other two wolves stared wide eyed at their once companion and sprinted away.

Alex put his fire out and stared at his bleeding leg before looking at the wolf's burnt head. He was horrified and scooted backward as fast as he could.

Did he really do that?

Blood oozed from the wolf's head and it began to smell of burnt fur.

How could he have done that? He didn't even think about it, he was just angry and killed the animal painfully. He felt sorry for this wolf, even if it threatened his own life.

Alex was a monster.

Anna hoped he was okay, it's been such a long time, or at least it felt like it. Alex was a great friend and she couldn't bare to lose him. It wasn't Alex that she saw terrifying the town. It was so intimidating and powerful. She almost thought it could have been some type of fire deity.

She felt sorry for her sister. She ordered that the guard and townsfolk were not to hurt or arrest Alex if he were to come back, but the people have strongly disagreed with her. Elsa wouldn't back down though. She made sure that her orders were heard and seen to. The townspeople and guard seemed to have thought she was crazy. Anna admired how Elsa could be so strong in this situation.

Was Alex strong enough right now?

It was sunset. Alex had replaced the dirtied cloth that he wrapped on his arm and wrapped it around his leg to stop the blood flow and was coming into view of Arendelle. He set up a small camp just outside the forest and prepared a place to sleep. Sitting their for a few minutes, he thought of the breeze that had once cooled his nerves and lightened his heart. He thought of other cold things and calming thoughts, and without realizing it, he thought of Elsa. He nuzzled into the pines and fresh leaves under him and began to drift off.

He wished that he hadn't of burnt the wolf.

I'm really sorry if this one was a bit too short. I need a little inspiration is all, don't worry though! I'm sure things will be back up and running soon.