Authers Note: Hey everyone, its me Ansem, I know it has been a very very very long time since I last updated. To make it up to you I am going to put one out at least every two weeks . I was really busy with school and an online game I play. I really thank you for the reviews and I hope you'll keep on reviewing. Now on to chapter 4.

Chapter 4: Heartless Domination

"If you dare travel to a vast uncharted land, a clue to find this one it has hot burning sand. Sora closed the hole to agrabah for that is fact, this is a different world, and that is that. The more time you take, the more that die, and more of there human souls soon to become mine. Signed Ansem"

" This is strange indeed." The wizard continued "Ansem is claver, but I know exactly where he means. It is the hot desert of Africa, on a planet very far away. And when I was last there Simba and a group of the strongest animal warriors were making their last vallient stand."

" Simba? Who is he?" Squall questioned.

" Simba is a mighty lion. His heart is purer than any of the Key Blade users, but not being human was a major difficulty. Also he was not to leave his kingdom for if he did the animals would certainly be in dismay."


A muffled voice from the other side of the magic door " Its me Sid. Lemme in quick!"

Riku ran to the door opened it and looked out side. " Squall look!"

As Squall ran to the door, he drew his blade and was ready to fight till the end. It was an incountable number of heartless surounding the house. The magician waved his wand and the door magically shut close.

" What are you a nut! Squall no matter how good you may be, you could never defeat all of them. You know what happens next. They will all just absorb travers town into a greta ball of nothingniss. Now you will protect Riku till the very end…Understand?"

"Yes sir." Squall was to obey. No where in his mind did he belive he could truly defeat even half the amount of heartless, even with Riku's help." But sir, if they do that you know…"

He is cut off by the wizard. " Don't you even say it. I know my fait. And Sid knows his. Now are you almost ready to leave?"

" They should be I transported all sorts if supplies into the gummi ship. The location is already into the computer and you should be ready to go."

The wizard knew, if Riku had any clue what their fate might be he wouldn't leave. He slowly walked over to Riku. " Now Riku, I see a potential in you that not even Sora could match. In your heart you have unlocked both the good and the evil, making you more powerful than Ansem. Now go world to world, and close the keyholes. I have only 1 gift for you…..Give me your Key Blade."

Riku complies and starts to hand over the blade. He does not due it without wondering if it is a trick. Could it be that the wizard is Ansem. Could it be that he wants the blade for its power, even though it is a replica. Could it be that everyone is against him. No, he shakes his head and releases all doubts and hands over the blade.

The wizard took it slowly. " I know what you are thinking Riku, but that was Ansem entering your heart. But you over came it. Don't let doubt be your demise, but don't trust all you see." The wizard started to chant, a long mubled chant. " There all done. Riku do you remember how squall made his sword bigger?"

" I think I do" " He mumbled something and light energy was absorbed into it"

" Well you know have that power. Also it should feel lighter, but be stronger. It is time, I will cats an spell and teleport you directly into the ship, so you don't have to push your way through the heartless. Good Bye"

Sid almost teary eyed, shook both their hands, and they where then teleported into the gummi ship. Squall and Riku looked around in the greta gummi ship, it must have been Sid's personal one. Squall knew what was going to happen and waisted no time in taking off.

" Don't look back their Riku"

Riku was going to be his defiant self and looked back. There was nothing there.

" Don't be dramatic Squall there is nothing there!"

" That's it, nothing. Nothing, Nothing Nothing!"

Squall was now screaming and was infuriated. Riku still didn't understand why nothing made him so upset. Riku wanted to know.

" Answer me. Why are you screaming about litterally nothing!"
" You stupid Bastard! Where did we just come from? Did we come from thin air? NO!…..We came from a planet now gone, brought into the darkness. Why didn't Sid and the magician come with us? There is room, and it would make the heartless army 2 members weaker. WHY?!"

Riku was now realizing what really happened. And that's what the magician meant when he said that he and Sid knew their fates. No matter how depressed this made him feel, Riku knew not to cry. He knew crying meant sadness, sadness would lead to hate, and hate would lead him to the path of the heartless.

A pretty emotional 4th chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and are ready for a even better chapter 5.