Hearts of Darkness

Authors Note: This is a first in the set. The main plot is about the true nature of hearts, and about where they come from. It will be a different rendition of the story with Riku as main character. I will incorporate many Final Fantasy characters. I in no way own Disney or Square…..but I wish I did.

The heart, the part thought to be most loving. The part thought most caring. The part with the most feeling. People believe that all hearts have some love, and were created out of pools of light and health. But how wrong are they. The heart is easily manipulated and broken. All hearts are born from the emotion that all feel at some time in their lives….hate. There are the key blade masters thought to have all pure hearts. Why should they not feel the hatred that leave so many in distress. What about the people that sacrifice all to save a few. Does this mean their hearts are dark and cold? Does this mean their souls contain the evil like so many others.

Through the man named Ansem we learn so very much about the people overcome by darkness, called the heartless. He studied their abilities. He studied where they were from. Then on the verge to a solution, to these souls problems, he looses faith. He thinks about his heart, and realizes he is just like the heartless. But when a young boy named Sora stood up to the darkness, he was thought to be banished by the light of the Kingdom of Hearts. But again not even the most powerful light could dilute the darkness of a heart.

He waits, in the deepest corridors of our hearts, slowly converting it to its true form. Slowly manipulating us to do his biding, until he has regained his form, and comes back to prove that the darkest souls cannot be killed nearly as easily as you may think. His minions one by one are destroying worlds and stealing hearts. People flee in anyway possible but many die. Riku found a way out of the world, hoping to get back in time to stop the overly powerful heartless. He is not a key blade master, and has once been a heartless, there are two strong forces within himself. To return to his heartless state and have mastery of the shadows, or fight to save the lives of Sora and Kairi.

He returns to Traverse town, but to his surprise it was completely destroyed. Not a soul was found. He though Squall and Yuffie could've fought them off, but it seems he was wrong. There was only one safe spot where magic could save them, the magicians house. As he scurried off to district 3, he encounters Ansem, right in front of him.

" It took you long enough. It seems you were too late to save this world. Some many are dying because you took so long. Why don't you join me again, regain you powers, you know all hearts are made of darkness. I taught you many a thing, I am the one who gave you your….ohhhhhhhh"

Ansem gets knocked to the ground.

"Squall!" Riku exclaimed.

" I thought you would come back." Squall mumbles..

There was Squall holding the gun blade firmly in a striking position. Then Yuffie throws one of her ninja stars and stabs Ansem in the leg.

" Ambush, is that the one way you can win a battle?" " My heartless warriors, at least have some honor."

Ansem rises not looking weaker at all.

" You may have the power now to kill me, but not when the rest of the human souls are turned into a heartless army."

Ansem disappears, leaving in his place hundreds of heartless. As Riku draws his sword, ready to attack Yuffie grabs his arm and they run into the magically protected Wizards home.

How was it? It will be getting more exciting, this was more to establish a story. I really like comments and suggestions please Review or email me at [email protected]