Yay! I fixed my keyboard! (does happy dance) And I did it myself! now on with the real AN:

So, since I read a reading the chamber of the secrets fanfic I have been stuck with this idea. hope you like it WARNING: dark (-ish)

Ron, Fred and George were preparing to rescue Harry from his so called "family". They were worried because he hadn´t answered any letters Ron had sent. And because he had this… felling that something was very wrong. He decided to at least check on Harry. Nothing bad would come from checking, right? Well, at least he hoped so.

"Let´s go Fred" George whispered

"Why are we doing this again?" His twin replied

"Because we are worried. Harry hasn´t answered any letters I sent him" Ron said for the hundredth time

"Yes, but mom said that we will go check on him Friday"

"Still… I think something is not right" Fred frowned and stopped his way to the garage.

"So, you are telling me that we will steal the car, fly to Surrey, break I don´t know how many laws because of a feeling of yours?" He asked incredulously

Ron stopped and pretended to think about it. "Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Now let's go!"

They arrived to the garage and flew off with the Ford Angila. They flew for a while until they reached Surrey.

"Okay… harry said he lives in Privet Drive and this map says it´s… there" Ron pointed

"What number?" George, who was driving, asked

"Four. I think his room is upstairs."

When they arrived, they observed that a window had bars.

"I wonder who´s room is that?" Fred said

"Considering how hid uncles treat him, I say its Harry´s" Ron answered "Lets fly over the window and see if its true"

They floated next to the window and Ron met an awful sight

Chan! What could have happened! Wait till next… I´m just kidding, carry on

In the floor laid Harry, but he was semi covered in blood and was pale as a ghost. The Weasleys also noticed that he was a lot thinner that the last time they saw each other. A LOT thinner, he seemed just bones and skin. They shivered at the sight.

"We need to get him out of there" Ron said. The other two just nodded, too stunned to speak. they tied a rope to the bars and pulled with the car. As the bars separated from the wall, Harry seemed to wake up a little. He stirred and hissed in pain, but his eyes remained closed.

Ron silently crept into the room and shook Harry´s shoulders. The boy moaned in pain and blinked a couple of times.

"Ron? What are you doing here?" His voice was raspy, as if he hadn´t drink water in some days

"Rescuing you. Now, where are your things?" His concern was evident.

"In the cupboard under the" He broke into a coughing fit "stairs" he finished.

Fred went towards the door and picked the lock. As he went down the stairs, Ron took Hedwig and placed her in the back seat of the car. Then, he helped Harry on his feet, but he was too weak to walk and stumbled a few times before Ron sighed and carried him bridal style. He was scared as he realized how little he weight.

"I´ve got everything, let´s go!" Said Fred, entering the room

"Can´t this thing go any faster?" Ron asked yet again

"No, Ron, we are going at top speed" Said George.

"We´re here!" Fred exclaimed

They landed not so nicely in the backyard and Harry moaned a little bit in his sleep and coughed. The Weasleys were worried when they saw a thread of blood coming from his mouth. They hurried and took Harry to the house, but then they saw Mrs. Weasley coming out from the door, and she looked very angry

"THE BEDS EMPTY! THE CAR GONE! NOT EVEN A NOTE!" Then she turned to Harry and her anger disappeared "What happened to Harry?" She gasped

"We don´t know, but you have to help him!" Ron pleaded

"Bring him inside! Hurry!"

Harry groaned and woke up in a foreign room. It was all orange and the same seven people were repeated.

Harry tried to move, but as he did it, pain shot through his body. What happened? He thought Did Voldemort get me?

Then he remembered the events of last night. Vernon… The knife… And… NO, don´t think about it.

How did he get there? Ron. Yes, ron had rescued him. He had to thank him for that later. He probably saved his life.

He heard the door open and, ignoring the pain, he turned his head to see who had entered

"Hello, mate." Said ron

"Hi" He winced at how hoarse his voice sounded

"What happened?" The boy asked

"Uncle Vernon" Harry answered

yes, we know about it, but what exactly happened? Like what did he do?" Ron asked

"Well, he locked me in my room and never fed me, and then yesterday he… he" Harry broke down crying, clearly traumatized by whatever Vernon did to him

"Calm down, mate, you are not going back there" He patted his back

Harry took a deep breath "He brought a knife and.. well, y-you know the rest"

""No, I don´t know. You have to tell us if you want my mom to heal you"

Harry just shook his head "I don´t want to revive it, Ron"

"Mate, if you want to be healed then you will have to tell me."

Tears filled Harry´s eyes "Well, he- he hit me a lot and then he brought a knife and- and"

"Hey, it´s okay mate, I think we can manage with that information" He put a hand on his friend´s shoulder, but the boy flinched and scooted away a little bit

"That´s not all. He- he r-r-ap-p-ed me"

Ron gasped, but then he saw the Boy-who-lived´s face

"Thanks mate, mom is coming to heal you fully in a few minutes"