Tonks had always hated her first name. Nymphadora. What sort of a madwoman inflicts a name like that upon their daughter? Unfortunately for her, Andromeda, apparently.

When she had been younger, she'd asked her father about it.

'Dad?' asked an eleven year old Tonks, back for the Christmas holidays after her first term at Hogwarts.

'Yes?' replied Ted, smiling fondly at his only child.

'Why is my name so... different?' Ted grinned.

'Blame your mother,' he said. 'It's really not that bad...' He was cut off by a glare from Tonks. 'So it's different! That doesn't make it bad. I mean, look at your metamorphosis. That's different, but you love it! It's much better to be different and interesting than the same as everyone else and boring.'

'I don't mind being different,' huffed Tonks, 'I just mind having a stupid name.'

'Come on, Dora, you've never had a problem with it before.'

'That's because I didn't realise how stupid it was before.' Ted sighed in defeat.

'Well, go and ask your mother about it. She chose it.' Dora stomped off to fond her mother. She found her upstairs, writing a letter.

I have a question for you.' she stated.

'What is it, Dora?'

'Why did you name me Nymphadora? It's stupid.' Andromeda raised her head to look at her daughter.

'What's wrong with it?' she asked.

'It's weird.' Dora crossed her arms.

'I like it.' said Andromeda.

'Well, I don't.' And she would not even begin to reconsider that point of view for a good many years.


'Do you, Nymphadora Tonks, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?' She looked up at Remus.

'I do.' she whispered. She vaguely heard a similar question being asked of Remus, and saw him say the words 'I do.'

They kissed, and as they broke the kiss, Remus whispered,

'So, how does it feel to be 'Mrs Nymphadora Lupin'?' She smiled.

'For the first time,' she said,' I think I like my name.'