I am sorry to say that I am abandoning Harry Potter's Second chance at Life.

There are quite a few reasons. the first being when I had started this story I had absolutely no idea which direction I wanted to take it, I added to many thing in too few chapters which would have no doubt lead to numerous plot holes in the future.

The second reason I am abandoning this story is with regards to Salazar Slytherin,
You see when I reread what I had written and when I think of what I can remember about that time period then it seems to me that I had created a variation of Godric Gryffindor. My understanding of Slytherins character is a person who literally lives in subtlety, anonymity, as well as ambition. He would want his name to be known far and wide, but if you ever got on his wrong side, he would never give up, nor would he do something rash or stupid if you annoyed him, he would make a plan to destroy you and it would not fail. You would walk head first into it and you would never know that he was responsible until the very end when he would reveal himself, and by then it would already be to late. That is the character I was going for and I must say I failed miserably… though I would appreciate if you guys offered your thoughts on that subject.

If anyone wants to adopt this story feel free to, though I must ask that you please PM me before.

I thank all of you for reading my work, following and commenting on it because i feel that all of you have helped me become a better writer.
So once again, Thank you

Rafaelout Out ! ! !