Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I don't mean to cause harm or confusion. Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. I gained no profits from this story. This is written purely for my own entertainment.

Warnings: Slash, M/M love.(DON'T LIKE DON'T READ)

After the wedding ceremony ended, Harry inhales deeply to embrace the hectic luncheon, but before that, he goes to the bar and orders a glass of Firewhiskey. He knows everyone would surround him and Draco to gives their congratulation, not that he minds, it just he really want to get his husband back to their new house as soon as possible. The raven smiles softly from the bar he lean on as his gaze fall to his newlywed husband is busy entertaining the guests. The blonde looks really calm and graceful as he looks to Dean and Seamus talking animatedly to him, the pairs seems excited.

That is where he notices a stand out looking group. They really stand out and Harry wonders why he hadn't noticed them before. Perhaps he is too focused on the wedding.

First of all, he notices a male blonde like Draco. The raven looks closely and quickly analyses each person in the group. The male blonde is pale but taller and fitter compared to Draco who is on the slimmer side. On left side of the male blonde, a petite, pixie looking girl, stares excitedly around her. And beside the cheeky looking female, stood a stoic looking man with curly hair and another brawny goofy looking man, discussing something. On the right side of male blonde, stood another beautiful female blonde, checking her nails with an indifferent face. And beside her is a copper haired teenager with another beefy tanned skin man, whom seems to be in an arguments.

"Don't touch me! Why don't you go and ask Isabella to go with you instead! Oh, you already did. And why are you even here?" The copper haired teenager hisses and rolls his eyes as he turns his back on the beefy guy. Harry is a little surprise when the couple's argument is within his earshot. To his amazement again, he just notices that he had unconsciously walks toward them.

"Babe, it's not like that at all. You are the only one for me. Come on, don't be angry. I was only joking with her. Alice, tell Edward I was only joking with Bella." To Harry's amusement, the tanned skin man who has an advantage of towering height looks like a puppy in front of the copper haired teenager.

"I'm sorry Jack; you are on your own. Oh, the little boy there kept changing his hair colour, which is so awesome!" Apparently, the pixie girl is called Alice and she doesn't even bother to help the guy called Jack, only keeping her eyes on Teddy who is flaunting his metamorphmagus ability to the Weasley twin.

"Whipped." The brawny guy suddenly snorts and earns a glare from the Jack. The corner of Harry's mouth twitches upward, silently agreeing Jack is whipped.

"Harry." The raven immediately snapped from his thought when he heard a familiar voice calling him. Just as the calling comes, he is immediately tackled into a fierce hug. Harry happily returns the hug as it's been a long time since he saw his sister slash best friend that gone through life and death with him.

"Mione, I missed you." Harry murmurs as they broke the hug and the raven takes a good look at Hermione. She is still as pretty as ever. She wears a decent formal maroon dress and her hair is no longer bushy instead it is shoulder long and tamed. The Gryffindor girls look excited as ever and smiles.

"I can't believe how times goes by. I can't believe Draco finally made an honest man out of you. I can see Draco really takes good care of you and seriously? How tall are you?" Hermione asks while groping his muscled hands and Harry grins lopsidedly, petting teasingly at Hermione who only reaches the height of his chest.

"Granger, don't molest my husband in front of me, and of course I take good care of my man." Draco suddenly appears beside Harry and snakes his arm around the raven's waist but wearing a small warm smile. Without warning, Hermione once again hug Draco like there's no tomorrow. The blonde reciprocate while petting her back. Harry still can't believe how well Draco and Hermione bonded platonically, since their history with each other is not good at all.

"Draco! You look great!" Hermione exclaims eagerly, looking up and down at the blonde.

"Thank you for mentioning the obvious." Draco replies with a smirk. Harry snorts, slapping the blonde's arse playfully.

"Emm, I want you two to meet my family." Hermione suddenly says and look nervously at Harry who looks at her questioningly. Draco nods knowingly at her and immediately gets a frown from Harry. "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier but I just want to wait till it is official." Hermione blushes as she explains eagerly to her best friend.

"Yet, Draco knows." Harry frowns deepen, pouting a little. Why everyone goes to Draco nowadays? It's not like he can't keep a secret or have a decent talks with them. And why didn't Draco tell him anything.

"...I'm sorry?" Draco murmurs to Harry and looks apologetically at him. Just like that, everything is forgiven. "Where are they?" Draco asks Hermione when he knows he is let off.

"They? As in more than one?" Harry asks in shock and stares dumbfounded at Hermione. He can't believe Mione is so…avaricious? Draco rolls his eyes, knowing what his husband is thinking,

"Carlisle, bring the kids here." Harry visibly relaxes as soon he heard the word kids and follows the Hermione gazes to the group of seven peoples which Harry had been eyeing since just now.

"Mr Malfoy-Potter. Congratulation on the union." the blonde like Draco says as he approaches them and the other six follows closely. "I'm Carlisle Cullen. These are my children."

"Hi, I'm Alice, this is Jasper." Harry nods as Alice gleefully pointing the curly haired teenager beside her. "He is Emmett." She points to the brawny guy. "The blondie beside Carlisle is Rosalie and beside her is Edward. And lastly, Jacob Black. Edward's mate." They all politely nod to him.

"Carlisle is my fiancé… We are getting married at the end of the year." Hermione explains anxiously to Harry. She knows Harry is protective toward her since she is technically is like his sister. That is the reason why she is so hesitant to tell the raven that she's about to tie a knot with a-

"Vampire." All of a sudden the atmosphere tense and the coven of vampire look nervously at Harry who suddenly exclaim and emitting a dangerous aura, looking warily at Carlisle. Slowly, he turns his gaze to Hermione who is as nervous as the other vampire. "Are you sure Mione?"

It's only a simple question yet Hermione knows what Harry is really asking. To wed a vampire mean she has decided to turn into one. Meaning, she is ready to live eternally and faces the consequences of seeing her family and friends grow old and dies. Only can feed on blood and nothing else. Becoming a creature of night…

"I'm sure, I love him, Harry." Hermione looks determinedly at Harry and her gaze soften as she turns to look at Carlisle who takes her hands and nods solemnly to the raven. Harry stares at the interlocked fingers between Hermione and Carlisle before sighing dejectedly and rubs the back of his neck.

"If you say so Mione." And just like that, the group sighs in relief but within a second Harry gruffly grabs Carlisle's collar and stares gravely at the blonde vampire. Hermione gasps in surprise and the other Cullen immediately crouches, ready to attack. Even Draco is surprised by his husband's sudden aggressiveness. The party turns to a death silence as everyone in it notices the tension and looks toward the groom and the stranger. "Protect her with everything you got. If I ever hear you abandon her or she's hurt because of your carelessness…trust me, I will hunt you down and make sure you suffer. Your immortality means absolutely nothing to me. Understand?" Harry knows the vampire he is threatening perhaps is older than him many years but this is Hermione they are talking about. So, not even an ancient vampire can escape from this.

"I will protect her, love her and provide her with everything…with my life. I'll end my life myself if I ever fail to do that." Harry narrows his eyes, look searchingly at Carlisle's face.

"Remember that always." When Harry found nothing but sincerity, he let the vampire goes and straighten back his crumpled collar, eyes still not leaving the blonde vampire.

"There are lots of blood pops there. You can choose your favourite animal bloods from there." Draco suddenly smiles and shoo the Cullen kids away to leave them in peace for talking. Except for Alice who hops happily to the table, the other seems reluctant but eventually moves.

"Harry, I 'm really sorry for not telling you earlier but you are my brother and I'm really scare that you will reject us and-." Not letting his best friend to say anything more, Harry hugs Hermione tightly.

"Don't cry, silly. You'll ruin your make up." Hermione sobs harder in his chest. "I will always love you no matter what sis. I won't have today with Draco if you and Ron didn't go through it with me during the war. As long that person makes you happy, I will always support you no matter what." Harry says again in conviction. "Besides, if he ever does anything that angers you, we always have a spare room for you."

This immediately did the trick and made Hermione stop crying and laughs between a choked sobs. "Thank you, your blessing means so much to me."

"No problem, just know that we always love you no matter what." Harry smiles as he pat Hermione on her shoulder.

Author note : I'm working on my other stories…so yea…give me some time…