A/N: Hey! This is my first fic and I'm absolutely obsessed with EvanBerry/Samchel at the moment! This is an AU and OOC which is very loosely based on Cruel Intentions. Please review if you think I should continue, and hopefully enjoy!

I don't own any characters etc. all of them belong to the respective creators.

"Bye" Sam called out bored as the elevator doors dinged closed, once again. Sam had begun to associate that sound with the sound of freedom after hearing it one too many times as his father and 6 month old bride (married 6 months is what I mean, Shelby Corcoran is far from young at 40 years of age) went away on another spur of the moment holiday.

Sam sighed in content as he lounged back on the couch, scotch in hand, satisfied that he had the whole summer free to trapse around town as much as he liked. Not that he couldn't when his 'parents' were in town but you get the idea. Infact, he thought as he got his phone out, prehaps Santana would be up for a round or two.

He heard tiny footstep on the stairs, and Rachel flouted down but paused noticing Sam's relaxed demeanor, meaning only one thing (their 'parents' had gone again, you see Sam and his father had a strained relationship to say the least, Sam avoided him when possible) pouted "I'm starting to get the idea they don't like us very much."

"Quit the sad face, Kitten. It's not very attractive" he drawled, hoping to get a reaction out of her.

He frowned as she simply laughed "As if thats true Sam, you know you love all of my faces" she moved closer, breathing down his neck from behind and her voice took on a raspy quality that she only did when trying to seduce "Theres one in particular that you're dying to see I believe" She grinned with a wicked glint in her eye when he crossed one leg over the other trying to hide his very apparent arousal.

Sam breathed out slowly, getting his breathing under control as he eyed her suspiciously "Don't you just know it, Princess." She was the very definition of sexy. Oh of course on the outside she was very prim and proper, all knee socks and short skirts, the perfect society darling but it was all a facade. One he saw through years ago, deep down she was just as cruel, conniving and fucked up as him.

"So I've been thinking.." Rachel began as she made her way around the couch trailing her finger over Sams shoulder and sat on his lap "Would you like to play a game whilst the parents are out?"

A grin lit up Sams features "I knew it was only a matter of time before curiousity got the better of you, your girlfriends been telling you more rumours about a night with me?"

"Yes Sam, and from what I could tell it was completely forgettable."

"You're an awful liar, Berry."

She rolled her eyes at obviously being found out and made a note to herself to work on her poker face. It wasn't exactly that she wanted to slept with Sam but the thought had crossed her mind midway through a session with Finn and she was bored out her mind. Nice guys were never good lays, fact.

"It's not as simply as that Sam, like I said, a game.. Well to be more specific a bet."

"Pray tell, what have you got in mind?" His curiousity peaked.

Her hand moved up and down his leg leisurely, "A seduce and destroy, simple for you really." she responded. Sam was breathing heavily as this point, her hand was so close to where he needed it most but she was being a tease, getting him right where she wanted him. "W-what's in it for me?"

"You succeed, you get me. One night, whatever and I mean, whatever you want to do." She smirked, knowing these were the magic words he'd been waiting months, hell years for her to say.

Sam confused, searched her face for any hint of weakness or joking but all he saw was determination and yes, he thought he did - slight longing.