He was screaming. Was it his voice? He couldn't tell where his feet were taking him.


That was the only color he could see.

"Stiles!" His eyes snapped open. He could hear his heart beating in his head. His hands were shaking. He couldn't sit still, so he was standing. He looked around. Where was he again? His eye's couldn't stay on one object for too long. "Stiles! Calm down. Your heart's going crazy." He vaguely heard his name. That was Scott's voice. He looked at the floor. The pale white color stared back at him.

It was the same color inside the ambulance. It matched the bed sheets, lights, doctors uniforms, everything. Everything was so pale and white, even Derek. Derek.

He wasn't going to cry. Not again. He had finally stopped the tears about half an hour ago. He wouldn't let them return. But they were there, hiding, begging for release.

He hadn't talked since he ran in the front door next to the gurney and paramedics yelling unknown words into Stiles' ears. He was only focused on Derek. He was holding his hand as the bland colors flew by around him. A nurse had ripped his hand out of Derek's.

"I'm not getting a heart beat!" Someone yelled.

"What does that mean! He can't- No! Let me see him!" Stiles was running back to Derek's side. Another nurse held him back. He kept yelling. Yelling in hopes that Derek would hear him and wake up.

"I need a crash cart!" Stiles watched in awe at the movements of the staff. They all had a purpose, moving in a chaotic sync. "CLEAR." The words rang out throug the small room. Stiles froze. He knew what those words meant. He could hear the heavy buzz of the defibrillator. His mouth fell open in a silent scream.

His eyes wouldn't turn away as he watched Derek's chest rise. He watched as his lover's back rose off the bed and crashed down again and again. The words of charging and clear were lost in Stiles' mind. He felt another hand on his shoulder, but he didn't turn around. He would have ran over to Derek and begged someone to do something but he couldn't move.

His whole body was frozen- eyes, hands, legs... They were all focusing on Derek. His other half laid still and there was nothing Stiles could do. His chest was throbbing with every second that passed. One of the doctors yelled something at Stiles. He watched as the man before him grew further and further away. No matter how many times he screamed Derek's name, he couldn't see his beautiful eyes anymore. They were lost in the darkness.

Once the doors closed, revealing that cold white he loathed so much, Melissa stood in front of him. Her curly black hair resembling the color of Derek's. He cried.

Days passed and his father allowed him to skip school, for now. He still had so much to make up but he couldn't worry about that now. He stayed by Derek's bed almost 24/7. He left once, to go get a change of clothes from the house. Everything was fine until he reached the house. He was fine one minute, but by the next he was doubled over throwing up blood in the toilet. He didn't know if it was his head spinning or the room itself.

He woke up hours later, in the same room as Derek. Deaton, Scott, Lydia, and Melissa all stood in front of him, his father holding his hand. He felt better. His eyes were still heavy and hands weak, but he felt better.

"What happened?" Stiles gripped his dad's hand.

"You fainted. Thankfully, I wasn't too far behind you and found you within a few minutes." John smiled and kissed the top of Stiles head. He couldn't help but close his eyes and think about the old times. The times when his dad would kiss him before he went to school, before bed, and before Mom died.

"You have to be careful not to leave Derek." Deaton spoke up.

"Well, he doesn't seem like he's going anywhere." Stiles chest tightened.

"That's not what I mean. You cannot leave him." Stiles was apparently making some sort of face because Deaton continued. "He's your mate and you're his. You share body energy. If Derek is sick, you must stay next to him or you'll fall sick. When you left, Derek's body energy couldn't reach you and you fainted."

"So what will happen if he stays like this?" Stiles asked. He couldn't imagine life with Derek in a hospital bed. He wouldn't. Deaton didn't say anything at first. He didn't break eye contact but the silence was all Stiles needed. He closed his eyes and took a shaky breath.

"You may be able to save him." Deaton set down his backpack and got out an older looking book with leather binding. He had seen that book before. Dea ton opened it up to a page and handed it to Stiles.

"Yeah, I might also be Superman." Stiles scoffed. He wasn't going to get his hoped up. There was no way he could save Derek, unless the task was running to the store to get some Ibuprofen.

"Really. He's your mate. That bond runs deeper than blood. Call out to him, talk to him. He might hear you and come back." Deaton was serious.

"But I'm not Clark Kent."

"Stiles, just try it." Stiles looked over at Lydia. Her eyes were serious but she had a smile on her face. He took a deep breath and looked over at Derek. He hadn't really looked at him. He had walked in and sat down next to him, but he hadn't stopped to notice the details of the mans face. He looked tired. His face was heavy and pale. He had a beard starting to grow, which made Stiles smile. He liked it when Derek had a little stubble.

He had dark bags under his eyes and a tube down his mouth. It pained Stiles to see Derek like this. He leaned over more and grabbed Derek's hand. He looked around the room. Melissia had left at some point without saying goodbye. Scott and Lydia were smiling, acting as though he was about to put his dog out of its misery.

He felt his chest get heavy and mouth go dry. He could do this. His dad squeezed his shoulder as though it was a reminder that he was still with him, supporting him. Stiles took a deep breath. He could do this. He needed Derek back. His Derek.

He closed his eyes and raised Derek's hand to his lips. He let his lips hover over the other man's warm body. He could feel his eyes begining to tear.

"Why, Derek?" Stiles choked out. He had tried to remain strong for Derek but he couldn't. It seamed that once the first words were out, the rest started flowing naturally. "You left me. I thought you said you wouldn't ever leave. You're supposed to be here with me. You're my mate, Derek. My fucking mate. If you're sick, I'm sick. If you're happy, I'm happy. If you're laying in a hospital bed, where does that leave me? To deal with the funeral? I can't live without you Derek. You made me this way."

Tears fell down the side of Stiles' face as he lowered Derek's hand. He wanted so badly for the man to squeeze him, make some sort of noise, anything. But he didn't. Now, Stiles' couldn't shut up.

"A werewolf is meant to heal, so why aren't you healing? Why can't you get better? Is it because you physically cannot or... Or do you not want to? Derek, if you were unhappy you should have said-" Stiles choked. He was fumbling with his word. He didn't mean to just say what he was thinking but he couldn't take them back.

"You lost your family. I understand you are scared to trust someone again, but if there is is anyone for you to trust, it's me. I may be a simple teenager who can't run a mile in under ten minutes or physically be able to bench press what ever you are lifting, but I can stand next to you while you do those things. I can cheer you on from the side lines.

"I can laugh, make fun of you if you fall, maybe push you back down. I can get jealous of any of the other girls that look at you, maybe even run over and kiss you in front of me. I could wrap my arms around you and-" Stiles stopped. He stopped talking mid sentence. He wasn't going to go down this road. He wasn't going to think about what could be.

"I don't know. Maybe this is all in my head. Maybe, if we weren't where we are now, you wouldn't want me. What if another option comes along, a better one? I know we've talked about this, but a guy can have his doubts, can't he? You're like, an eleven! I'm maybe a seven. Eight on a good day.

You're the epitome of the type of body a guy wants. I mean if you ever come out of this, I am seriously going to try some food play with you. I mean, could you imagine licking whip cream off those abs?"

Stiles heard the throat clearing of someone- probably his dad- telling him to keep this talk between the two.

"Right. Sorry. What I'm trying to say is this- Don't go. Don't leave me. I may be stubborn and thick headed at times. I may be some dork or pest that constantly nags you around telling you what to do.. Or not to do. I may be underaged, but not for too much longer and I doubt my dad would throw you in jail because look at the state you're in-"

"Stiles are you telling me that there is a reason for me to arrest Derek?" Stiles heard his father's voice but kept talking as if he didn't.

"We can find whoever did this to you. Isaac and Allison are out looking right now. You might have seen something, heard something… Please…. Derek. Come back to me. I need to." Stiles took a long shaky breath before opening his eyes. He looked up at Derek to see the same pale, lifeless face he saw before. Weird how warm Derek was but how cold he looked.

Stiles reached out and touched the wolf's face. His brow nitched together and his mind raced. Why was his hand warm, but his head cold? Stiles started taking out the breathing tube down Derek's throat. He had an idea.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing!" He heard Scott's voice as it ran to Derek's bed side, attempting to stop Stiles. But he had already pulled the tube out. Stiles pulled down Derek's hospital gown and noticed the redness of the skin. He looked up at Derek's face. He grabbed Derek's head and turned it towards him. He leaned in, closer to the Alpha.

He waited to get a response, but nothing. He kept leaning in until his lips barely touched the others. He could feel the chill of them just hovering below his own. He licked his lips before gently placing his on Derek's.

They were cold and lifeless even, but they were Derek's. He could tell by the smooth but rough texture. It was weird- how they were like that. They were soft and fluff but he had a habit of biting them when he was thinking too hard. Stiles would have to help him with that. He smiled into the kiss, deepening it. He still had both of his hands on either side of Derek's head, pulling the man closer.

He pulled back resting his forehead against Derek's. His breath hovered over Derek's lips and he felt his heart rate going a mile a minute. Just one simple kiss was all it took for Stiels to forget the rest of the world. He forgot about Derek being shot. He forgot he was still underaged. He forgot there were even people in this room. That was the effect Derek Hale had on Stiles Stilinski.

He wouldn't cry anymore. He leaned down again, pressing his lips to Derek's once more. This time it was more apologetic than before. He poured all of his emotion into this kiss. He was afraid it would be the last.

He was about to pull away when he felt Derek's push back. Stiles' eyes flew open in shock and he pulled away. Derek's eyes were wide and staring back at Stiles. Stiles had never been so happy to see the color of Derek's eyes. For the first time in what felt like forever, he laughed.

"So I guess this makes you the princess then?" Stiles asked, trying to hide the amusement in his voice.

"What are you talking about?" Derek asked, his voice groggy and hoarse.

"I'm saying that you are Aurora, and I am your prince. I woke you up and not even a thank you?" Stiles asked. Derek was sitting up and eating what they called a steak, but it was not nearly as visually appetizing as the one Derek had made them. It looked more like it had been refridgerated for a few weeks, then sent through the wash. Now, it was on Derek's plate.

"I was the one that had the amazing idea to warm you up." Derek didn't say anything, or even look up from his plate, so Stiles took that as an okay to keep talking. "I noticed how your face was cold but the rest of you was warm. You simply needed to warm up your head. My brilliant mind is what saved you and not even a thank you? Werewolves these days…"

He heard Derek give a small growl but Stiles noticed the smile on the wolf's lips.

"D-Did you hear what I said?" Stiles asked, suddenly worried about what he had said. What if Derek was mad at something he said? Oh, God, maybe he heard him spill the beans to the Sheriff.

"Yes." Derek said, eyes locking with Stiles.

"What? You were in a coma, but yet you were able to hear me talking to you about personal things? Geez, I should have never said any of those things. It was a spur of the moment thing… Won't happen again."

"Don't. If you want to talk to me, talk. I liked hearing your voice. I could only hear your voice. I knew there were others in the room, but only able to hear one voice. Yours."

"W-Why? That might have just been-"

"You said it yourself. I'm your mate, Stiles."

"You're smirking! Why you little…" Stiles couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips and he didn't attempt to hide it either. Derek returned the smile. Scott and Isaac walked in right at the moment Stiles was about to break and lean into Derek. Stiles shifted back further into his seat, Derek's eyes still on him.

"Hey, Derek. Glad to see you're looking better." Isaac spoke, looking between Stiles and Derek knowingly. Scott remained just as clueless as ever.

"Anything?" Derek asked pushing the try of food aside. Derek said he didn't have any memory of the shooter and he didn't know of a type of wolfsbane that causes Werewolves to slip into a coma.

"Yeah, actually. I picked up a scent that I recognized." Isaac stepped closer into the room. Scott followed. "It smelt like James Tanner, your neighbor."

Derek's hands clenched into fists and he looked like he was about to stand when Stiles rested his hand on Derek's chest.


"Stiles!" Derek's voice was loud and harsh. Stiles was surprised that it was even Derek talking. "He's touched you and now he's shot me! He should know as an Alpha-"

"Don't! Derek, I just got you back and you're going to run away again?" Stiles didn't mean for his words to sound more like a plea, but they did. Derek's eyes looked questioningly at Stiles, expecting an answer.

"Did you go to his apartment?" Stiles asked anyone who was listening.

"Yes, he was gone. The door was open when we got there." Stiles didn't have to turn his head to know that Scott had replied.

"See? He left town. You can just let it be." Stiles put on a small smile.

"Why?" Derek sounded angry. "You're protecting him-"

"No Derek. I'm protecting you. I don't want you to find him because I don't want you to get hurt! You just woke up! I don't think your body can take that much pressure!" Stiles was yelling now. He wanted his point to get across. Derek didn't say anything.

"We're going to go. I told Allison I'd meet her outside a few minuets ago." Scott looked over at Isaac and practically dragged them out. Stiles could hear them talking but couldn't hear what about. Their voices got softer until they were gone. Derek's eyes locked with Stiles.

"Come here." Derek sounded weak, broken. Stiles got up and sat on the corner of his bed. Derek let out a frustrated sigh. "Come here." Derek's voice stressed out the here part sounding very agitated.

"Any closer and I'll practically be laying next to you." Wasn't this obvious? Could Derek not tell how small this bed was? As if reading Stiles' thoughts, he scooted over. In the ridiculously small bed, he moved over. Stiles tried to act like it wasn't the cutest thing anyone had ever done. He laid down next to Derek who wrapped his arm around the younger teen. Derek nudged his face into the crook of Stiles' neck and took a deep breath.

"I missed your smell." Derek mumbled. His hand moved over to rest on Stiles chest. Stiles closed his eyes and allowed the wolf to smell him. He found a smile forming on his lips that he couldn't hide. He didn't want to hide. "I missed you." Derek's voice was harsh and there was something in it that wasn't there before. Something Stiles had heard before.

"Oh no no no! No way am I having sex with a sick person NOR in a hospital!" Stiles choked out as Derek's fingers pressed over his nipple. Fuck, don't fall into his temptation Stiles Stilinski! He really tried to stop the moan the slipped past his lips, he really did.

"Make me better..." Derek's voice was hot against Stiles' ear. Dammit. There was no going back after this. Stiles slowly got up off the bed, ignoring Derek's heavy stare. He was afraid Stiles was going to leave. Stiles faced the wall and slipped the material of his shirt int his hands. He was really going to do this? He took a deep breath and pulled the shirt over his head. He threw the material over onto the chair and walked over to the door, locking it.

He looked back at Derek whose intense gaze roamed Stiles' body. Stiles brought his hands down to his belt and slowly undid them. Come on conscience, where are you when a man needs you? Stiles let his jeans and boxers fall to the floor. He knew he face was flushed and he tried to put his hands over his chest.

"Don't do that. Let me see." Derek motioned for him to come over. Stiles bent down and took off his shoes and socks. He took a deep breath before walking over to Derek.

Why was he so nervous? They have had sex many times now but Derek was in control then. He knew what to do with his body that Stiles liked. He couldn't do this. Derek kept his heavy stared, waiting for Stiles to do something, anything. But Stiles didn't know what to do. Was he meant to climb onto Derek? That sounded, okay. He leaned onto the bed and climbed over onto Derek. He positioned himself so that he was straddling the older man. Derek pressed his head against Stiles'.

"I missed you." He let out a small voice, so quite that Stiles almost didn't hear it. Stiles pushed back against Derek's forehead.

"I missed you too, sourwolf." Stiles brought his hands up to cup Derek's face, leaning in until their lips met.

Stiles could feel his skin tingling and hairs standing up. He missed this. It had only been a week but Stiles couldn't have felt more lost in that week. He hadn't even realized it himself until now. Now he had been found.

Derek liked against his bottom lip, sucking and humming against it. Stiles pushed his chest against Derek's wanting more. Stiles pushed Derek's head back until Derek would have been looking at the ceiling if not for the face Stiles was pushed up against him. Stiles opened his mouth allowing Derek to deepen the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Stiles and pushed him closer.

He heard the wolf let out a small moan against Stiles. Stiles pushed against Derek until their lips separated. Stiles was out of breath and Derek tried to kiss him once more. But tonight, Stiles was in charge.

"You shouldn't move too much." Stiles kissed the side of Derek's neck. The man's face no longer had any coldness to it. Stiles left small kisses down Derek's neck, to his chest. Stiles opened the hospital gown until it reveal more of Derek's incredibly toned biceps. He didn't know how to take off this stupid dress thing, but he could work around it.

He sucked and nipped at the soft skin. Derek's arms hadn't left Stiles' side. They were now rubbing up and down his chest. Stiles could tell this wasn't doing anything for either of them. Well, so much for the floor play. Stiles shifted down the bed further, sitting between Derek's open legs.

He lifted up the gown and rested it on his chest. Derek was barely hard. Stiles mouth felt dry. He could do this. He leaned in closer to Derek, whose breath hitched. Stiles wrapped his fingers around the base of Derek's cock. He took the other hand and pressed the tip to his lips. He could do this! Why was he so nervous? He had done this before! Once, but he had still done this!

Funny how Derek was being so submissive today, but last time he did this, he wasn't. Stiles moved his tongue around the head, pressing into the slit. Derek was getting hard. This was good! Stiles hollowed out his cheeks and started to suck more. He moved his hand at the base, slowly pumping it. Derek let out a small moan and put his hands in Stiles' hair.

"You're my anchor." Derek's voice was strong, stopping Stiles. He pulled back an looked up at Derek.

"But you said to not choose people?" Stiles was internally screaming. His heart was beating faster and he tried to hide the grin he wanted to let out. He wasn't to hug wrap his hands around Derek's neck and kiss him. But he just had the man's dick in his mouth, so the other might not feel the same way.

"I could only think of you. I-I heard what you said. I don't know what I'd do without Stiles." Derek was telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Stiles flashed a huge, goofy smile.

"Thank you." Stiles leaned back down at Derek's growing erection and pressed his finger into the tip. Derek let out another moan. Stiles took the man into his mouth again. He looked up at Derek and pressed his free hand to Derek's lips. He watched as his fingers disappeared into the older man's mouth and if that wasn't the hottest thing Stiles had ever saw, he doesn't know what is. Derek kept eye contact the whole time he was sucking on Stiles' fingers.

Stiles knew he was done for. He may be in charge, but not for long. He pulled his fingers back, watching as a trail of Derek's saliva fell from his lips. He moaned around Derek. Derek's cock twitched in his mouth and he moaned again. He liked that.

Stiles moved his wet fingers down to his lower back. He looked up to Derek was watching his ever move. He closed his eyes and started bobbing his head up and down. He pressed a finger to his entrance and pushed.

He shifted uncomfortable against Derek. He wasn't any good at this. He pulled off of Derek and re positioned him self. He moved his head closer to Derek's and rested against his neck. He couldn't multitask when it came to sex. He pushed another finger in and focused on opening himself up. He tried not to pay attention to Derek's heavy stare. He was watching ever expression with a deep concern.

Stiles was so focused on his fingers, that he didn't even know Derek was moving his hand until it was on his. Derek pushed Stiles' fingers deeper into him. Stiles let out a small cry. Derek took hold of another finger, slowly thrusting it up to join the others. He pressed his erection against Derek's. Derek pushed back.

The friction was unbelievable. He let Derek take more control than he had planed. He laid his head against Derek's shoulder, panting. He missed Derek's smell, which was weird. He had never missed a smell before. Maybe it was the mating thing? Derek kept leading until Stiles took out his fingers. He took a deep breath and swallowed. He moved Derek's hand and intertwined their fingers together. With his other hand, he moved Derek's cock until it was line up.

He took a deep breath before slowly moving down, pushing his cock further inside. Derek was just sitting there, allowing Stiles to move at his own passe. Once he was full in, Stiles sat still. He couldn't stop shaking. He wasn't scared or afraid. It was the opposite. He was so happy that Derek was okay. That his mate was okay.

He wrapped is arms around Derek's neck and slowly moved his hips up before pushing them back down. He let out a small yelp. There was more pain then pleasure and he was afraid of messing up. He wanted this to be pleasurable for Derek. He kept moving his hips when he felt Derek's hands on his hips.

Stiles opened his eyes to meet Derek's. He had a small smile on his face. He pressed his hands into the Stiles soft skin. He knew Derek would probably leave bruises, but that's what the alpha wanted. He wanted to let Stiles know he was Derek's.

Stiles was totally okay with that.

He allowed Derek to take the lead, moving Stiles' body down into Derek's thrusts. He took his hand and rubbed his own aching cock, but Derek let out a grunt.

"Don't do that. Don't want you to cum early, do we?" Stiles felt his face heat up. What was Derek trying to say? Stiles was about to protest when Derek pulled out completely before thrusting against the spot that made Stile loose all coherent thought. His body shutter and a rather loud moan escaped his lips before he could stop it.

Derek took this as permission to keep going. Stiles lost the ability to think properly and he could ony focus on Derek's movements.

He pressed his back into Derek cheat and rubbed his painful erection against Derek's stomach. He need more friction, he was so fucking close.

His stomach turned at the familiar feeling of a hard knot pressing against his rim.

"D-Derek, y-you can't. Not here... I can't-" Stile was stuttering, unable to get out a conpelete though. His heart was racing and brain turning to mush. And people said not to watch too much TV or your brain would turn to mush. Psh- his brain was already there.

"Fuck, Stiles. I have to. Been... Too long." Derek won't be able to last long at this rate. Stilea heart was beating like crazy and he pulled Derek's hair back getting a grunt from the man. Stiles crashed their lips together. It was sloppy and messy but it wasn't rushed. They were putting their pastion into this kiss as though it was the last kiss they'd ever give each other.

But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered in this moment. They had each other. Whatever challenges lay in the near of far future were just that. Challenges. And they could get over them. They just needed to focus on the here and now.

Derek pushed harder into Stiles making him see stars. He shoved his tongue into the Alpha mouth, wanting more. Derek thrusts were starting to get painful as his knot grew bigger. Derek grabbed the base of Stiles cock and started moving up and down the shaft. He pulled back from the kiss to let out a moan. He wasn't expecting Derek to do that. He thrusted into Derek's fist and pushed deeper on Derek's cock.

He cried out when Derek's knot finically pushed into him. "Fuck! Derek. So fucking full!" Stiles cursed. He was so close - just a little more. Derek was still making small thrusts against his prostate, sending tingles all over Stiles' body. Derek took his thumb and ran it over the head of Stiles' cock and that was it.

Stiles threw his head back and let out a quite scream. He pushed Derek's cock into him further than ever before. He felt like Derek was marking him from the inside. Derek dug his fingers into Stiles' side. Stiles felt warmness entering him. It wasn't a bad feeling, he liked it. He pulled Derek into another sloppy kiss.

They were both completely out of breath. Stiles let his body weight fall into the man bellow him. Stiles didn't know what to say.

"Fuck, I missed your dick." He could feel Derek's chest rumble.

"Thanks Stiles." Derek laughed. Stiles could feel Derek's knot moving inside him as Derek tried to move. Stiles winced as he pushed against Stiles' prostate again.

"I'm not up for a round two so you better not be having any ideas." Stiles grabbed Derek's hand and pushed his fingers against Derek's. Derek's hand was bigger and wider than Stiles. Stiles let his fingers fall in between Derek's and squeeze. Derek returned the gesture.

Things were going to be simpler from here on out. Their life wouldn't be as complicated nor hectic. They wouldn't have a neighbor screwing things up and now they know communication is key. Plus they didn't have to pay a therapist for that information.

Stiles felt his eyelids grown heavy and the sound of Derek's heartbeat was extremely soothing. He really could get used to being in Derek's arms.

He nearly had a heart attach when there was a knock on the door.

"Stiles? Why's this locked?" Stiles recognized the sound of his dads voice outside the door.

Fuck - maybe their life would never stop being complicated

Oh well, that's the life for an Alpha's mate.

YAY! That's the end of this book!

Now onto the last one! Thank you to everyone whose been reading and enjoys it! Would love some feed back- ignore any errors right now! I'm gonna have another look at it tonight but I'm currently on a plane so if there are any errors, blame autocorrect.

Thank you guys! See you in the next book- Mated

It will be a Mpreg and it will be either set in college or a few years after college. I have yet to decide :)