Another scenario I could see happening in the future. I hope you enjoy it!

This will be a two-shot.

Regina never saw it coming.

It had been time for the final battle against the Wicked Witch. Too many people had been hurt by her, and Emma had declared that it was time to put an end to it. For once, Regina had been in agreement with the Savior, and they had set out to defeat Zelena. They figured that with their combined power and the element of surprise, they could take her. The Witch had been preoccupied with tormenting everyone else in Storybrooke; Emma and Regina could surely slip in and at the very least disarm her and take her in.

At least, that was what they thought.

In hindsight, Regina realized it was a stupid idea. Awful, really. But Henry still didn't remember her, and that feeling of pain made her act irrationally. At this point, she would do anything that might bring her son back to him, and maybe if they eliminated Zelena they could focus on restoring Henry's memories.

Of course, Henry was not the only one with missing memories. The whole town still had a year missing from their brains, including Regina. That was why she forgot about the sleeping curse she had made at her castle, and about how Zelena had taken it from her.

So when her dear, estranged older sister waved the hairpin around in front of her, Regina had just sneered. That was all this woman had as a weapon? An accessory? Regina laughed in her face. Oh, how she would relish this victory. It was so close, she could almost taste it.

Regina had barely felt the prick of the pin, had barely heard Emma shout "Regina!" before darkness consumed her. She collapsed right where she stood, immediately falling under the effects of the curse. Zelena cackled, and Emma lunged at her, but she disappeared in a cloud of green smoke. Emma let out a frustrated cry before sinking to the ground beside Regina.

"Oh god, what happened to you?" she whispered.

Emma called David, and he arrived to help her bring Regina back into town. They delivered her to Gold's shop, where she lay in the backroom, on the same bed David had rested on while under his own sleeping curse. Snow had greeted them at the door, and while Emma recounted the whole thing to her parents, Hook, Tinker Bell, and Robin Hood joined them. Tinker Bell assured Emma that Henry was off safely with Ruby and Granny, still blissfully unaware about what was going on.

"Well, what do we do?" Snow asked once Emma finished her tale. "As much as I know we hate to admit it, we're powerless against the Witch if we don't have Regina."

"I know," Emma groaned. "But how to we wake her?"

"Well, True Love's Kiss, of course," supplied David. He was standing behind Snow, who was perched on a stool. Hook was leaning against the back cabinet, a concerned look on his face. Tinker Bell and Robin hovered by the edge of the bed. Robin was staring at Regina with an unreadable expression.

"But who could provide that?" Hook asked, waving his hook in the air.

"Henry," said Emma right away.

"Yes, but would that work?" wondered Snow. "He has no idea who she is."

"True Love is still True Love," Tinker Bell spoke up. "It might work."

"Do you think Henry would agree to kissing Regina?" David asked Emma.

"You make it sound like it's making out," Emma said disgustedly.

"You know what I mean."

"I think I can…" Emma began to ramble off ways to get Henry to agree, with her parents offering up more ideas.

Robin had stopped listening. He abruptly turned away from the bed, walking to the other side of the room. There was a faraway look in his eyes. Absentmindedly, he started scratching his right wrist.

Something was nagging at him; he just didn't know what. He had been walking down the street when he saw Emma and David bring Regina into the shop. His stomach had twisted when he realized how lifeless Regina looked, and he sprinted to catch up with them. He wanted to help, but now that he was there, he had no idea what to do.

"Then it's settled," Snow said. "Henry will wake Regina up. Hopefully."

"I'll go get him," Emma said. "I should be the one to explain all this."

She left, and Hook followed. Snow and Tink continued to stand watch over Regina, who looked more calm and peaceful than each woman had ever seen her. Robin was still loitering on the other side of the room. He felt out of place there, but he couldn't bring himself to leave. He had to know Regina was okay.

"Hey, are you alright?" David asked Robin. The prince joined the thief by the wall, and Robin's scratching increased.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." He nodded towards Regina. "I just hope she'll be able to wake."

David eyed him. "Henry should be able to do the trick. It'll work out." He tilted his head to the side. "Were you and Regina close back in the Enchanted Forest? I haven't seen you two hang out much here in Storybrooke."

Robin shook his head. "If we were, I cannot remember. I'm still clueless."

"Right. Sorry. It's just… you seem to care for her."

Robin shrugged casually, though there was an odd feeling in his chest. "She's been kind to my son and I."

"Right…" David didn't sound convinced. Before he could further push the subject, however, Emma, Hook, and Henry arrived.

"And why do I have to do this again?" Henry asked, clearly confused and a little freaked out. He stared at Regina's still form with apprehension.

"Because this is your chance to be a hero, like in your video games," Emma recited, sounding like she had repeated this over and over on the way back to the shop. "And because I said you had to."

Henry sighed, but nonetheless stepped up to the bed. Everyone else in the room held their breath as the young boy bent over and pressed a gentle kiss to Regina's forehead. A few seconds passed, and nothing changed.

"How long does this usually take?" Emma asked her parents expectantly. Snow and David exchanged anxious looks.

"She should be awake by now," Snow said quietly.

Everyone stared at Regina. Her eyes were still closed. She was still lost in her deep sleep.

"But if that didn't work…" Emma was dumbfounded.

"What will?" Hook finished Emma's question. The group looked around at one another, each praying someone would have a solution. Robin idly scratched his wrist, and Snow played with her wedding ring. They were all at a loss.

Tinker Bell turned away and paced the back of the room. She desperately tried to think up a possible idea, but kept coming up blank. True Love's Kiss was the one thing that could save them now, and their only option for that had failed.

There must be another way, she thought. Something we're missing…

Tink surveyed the group. Henry still looked confused, and a little annoyed that nothing had happened. Hook was watching Regina as if there was still a chance the queen would wake up. Emma was running through possible ideas with her parents, though each one sounded weaker than the last. Robin's gaze kept moving around the room, though it would always halt on Regina longer than anywhere else. He looked scared and worried, far more worried than a normal acquaintance would be.

Tink's eyes dropped to his right wrist, where his sleeve had ridden up just slightly due to all the scratching. She could just make out a black mark, like a tattoo.

True Love's Kiss… Tinker Bell was suddenly transported to several years ago, when she stood outside a tavern with Regina. Tink had directed Regina to her True Love… the man with the lion tattoo.

In a flash, Tinker Bell was by Robin's side. Everyone's attention had snapped to her at her movement. Robin looked startled.

"What's wrong?"

"May I?" Tinker Bell pointed to Robin's wrist. He still looked stunned, but he nodded nonetheless. Tinker Bell slowly rolled up his sleeve, revealing the infamous tattoo. Her eyes widened.

Their problem was solved.

"Alright, what's going on?" Emma asked.

"You have to kiss her," Tinker Bell said quickly. Robin's mouth fell open slightly.

"I'm sorry?"

"Just trust me on this, please." Tinker Bell looked around at everyone. "I really think this will work."

"Me?" Robin shook his head. "That's not possible."

"Believe me, it's not as crazy as it seems," Tink insisted.

"It's worth a shot, mate," Hook said. He clearly didn't think it would work. No one did. Robin certainly didn't. However, he was desperate. He hadn't realized how much he missed Regina's eyes until they were closed off from him. He would try anything.

Hesitantly, he headed over to the bed. Emma and Henry stepped out of the way, allowing Robin full access. He lowered himself down beside Regina, sitting right next to her arm. Without thinking, Robin ran his hand through her hair, pushing it back off her forehead. She looked quite beautiful like this, but it was a lie. She wasn't resting peacefully, and Robin knew it.

He leaned forward and kissed her lips. It was quick, long enough only to ensure that he had made complete contact. He had just straightened his back when the unthinkable happened.

Regina's eyelids fluttered.

And after a moment, they opened.