Shadow gets up off the ground the stands up.

Shadow: Damn. That kinda hurt.

Mephiles: Surprise!

Mephiles wrapped his arms around Shadow from behind. Shadow struggled to get free and started elbowing Mephiles in his side get free of the hold. When Mephiles started letting his grip slip Shadow decided to use Chaos blast.

Shadow: Chaos Blast!

Mephiles was sent flying back but was still standing.

Shadow: Not bad Mephiles. I have to say this is probably my best fight ever. Too bad I have to kill ya.

Mephiles: You can try, but now you're gonna have to catch up me.

Mephiles jumps up and flies away at high speeds.

Shadow: Oh no you don't!

Shadow takes off skating at near max speed.

Mephiles(in thought) That's it Shadow follow me. The further he is from is friend the better. (telepathically) Sombra have you captured the princess yet?

Sombra: No. But I have news. It would appear that others from Shadow's world are here.

Mephiles: Is that so?

Sombra: Yes I am currently listening to this a very interesting conversation with Twilight and a bat.

Mephiles: Alright but hurry it up I don't you messing this up. Do not fail me Sombra.

Sombra: Trust me failing is not an option.

Mephiles: So that blue hedgehog is here as well this is just my lucky day. I get to kill him for a second time.

(Back with the others)

Starswirl: (Begin Flashback) A long time ago I created the Elements of Harmony were to ensure peace in Equestria, but over time I questioned the elements limits. I thought to myself what if there's a threat that even the elements of harmony can't defeat. So I searched for another solution and traveled to Mobius where I learned about the Chaos Emeralds. And over time I mastered the powers of the emeralds. I knew that these emeralds were the answer I was looking.

Cheese: What does that have to do with us?

Mac: Yeah?

Starswirl: I'm getting to that don't worry. Soon after I came across a man name Gerald Robotnik.

Sonic: Shadow's creator.

Sunset: Creator?

Omega: Shadow was not born naturally, but was created to cure disease and if necessary to be a weapon of war.

Sunset: I see.

Starswirl: He wanted me to help him train a young hedgehog in chaos. I agreed to help him and we traveled to the Space Colony Ark. That's when I met Shadow. I trained him and over we became close, he was like the son I never.

Knuckles: Wow.

Tails: How come Shadow never mentioned this to us?

Sonic: Good question.

Starswirl: After years of training, I left him to return to Equestria for a short time. I didn't tell him I was leaving and when I returned I was going to apologize for it. But when I finally returned, Shadow was gone and his close friend Maria was killed when the military tried to capture him.

Fluttershy: That's so sad.

Rarity: That's horrible.

Sonic: I didn't know about this.

Tails: Now I see why he acts the way he does.

Amy: He's just trying to hide the sadness in his heart.

Omega: Shadow has told me and Rouge the story of his origins. But never included of Starswirl the Bearded.

Luna: It's because he felt like Starswirl abandoned him and right before that traumatic event took place.

Starswirl: I knew he could never forgive me, but I never stopped watching over him. I watched him over the years and I knew he was still the one I was looking for to lead the Elements of Chaos. I seen him face many challenges but I always questioned one thing he did.

Celestia: And what would that be?

Starswirl: The blue hedgehog.


Starswirl: Yes, I seen all the times you fought with him and often you came out on top.

Sonic: Yeah. It's because I'm awesome.

Starswirl: No. For some reason Shadow seemed to hold back when fighting you.

Sonic: What?

Tails: That can't be true. I mean Shadow's tough don't get me wrong, but Sonic has done a lot of amazing things as well.

Amy: That's right my Sonic is the best.

Knuckles: Yeah I say those two are about even with each other.

Starswirl: I will admit Sonic is very strong and powerful but Shadow has never used his full strength against in your fight.

Sonic: That would explain a lot of things.

Sunset: So Shadow was just letting Sonic win?

Omega: This does not compute.

Pinkie: I'm so confused!

Celestia: Is it not obvious?

Sonic: What?

Starswirl: He may not show it but Shadow has great deal of respect for you.

Sonic: Really?

Tails: That's kinda hard to believe.

Amy: Are you sure because he's tried to kill Sonic before.

Blaze: But Shadow was there to help Sonic whenever he needed it.

Silver: Well I guess he does a little respect you. I mean remember when he said "You got this Sonic,"

Knuckles: Yeah that's was really unlike him.

Cadence: I think sees you as a brother in a way.

Sonic: I never really thought of it like that.

Flash: So why us? How come we are the ones to be the Elements of chaos?

Starswirl: Like the elements of harmony, the Elements of Chaos consist of several unique ponies that show courage, bravery, royalty, and valor.

Shining: That sounds like me.

Cadence: Indeed it does.

Cheese: I'm so honored.

Mac: Same here.

Sonic: Wait a sec. We still have our emeralds from our world right here. But they have their own emeralds.

Starswirl: I created seven chaos emeralds for Equestria so that the chosen few could harness the power of chaos.

Flash: Wait seven? That means we're one short.

Sunset: Flash is right, only six of the seven emeralds accounted for and that's including Shadow.

Rainbow: So there's a 7th member of Chaos.

Spike: So who is the 7th?

Starswirl: Not even I know that. Only time will tell.

Sunset: Wait a sec. Where is Twilight and Rouge?

Celestia: They left out a while ago.

Knuckles: They've been gone a long time.

Fluttershy: We should go find them.

Spike: I'll go look for her.

-Spike takes off running out to where Twilight and Rouge headed.

Rarity: Hurry back Spike!

Silver: I'll go with him.

Rarity: Thank you Silver deary.

Silver (Blushes and nervously) Don't mention it. Hehehe.

Blaze growls seeing this.

Silver: Be right back guys.

-Silver runs after Spike.

Silver: Hey! Little dragon wait up!

Silver leaves room. Shining Armor turns to see a group of guards talking in a large group.

Shining: Flash.

Flash: Yes sir.

Shining: Have you seen those guards before?

Flash: No I don't think so.

-The guards looks over at them and Flash notices that the guards pupils turned green for a second.

Flash: Aw crap. I think those are changelings.

Shining: Damn this is good how they get in.

Flash: I don't know but it looks like they don't know we're on to them.

Shining: Let's tell the other quietly.

Flash: ok.

-Flash and Shining Armor walked over to the others.

Shining: Guys we got a problem.

Cadence: What is it Armor?

Flash: The guards over there are changelings.

Pinkie: Changeling?!

Flash quickly covered up Pinkie's mouth to keep her quiet. The changelings didn't notice it though.

Sonic: What are changelings?

Rainbow: Basically shapeshirfting bug ponies.

Sonic: Aw.

Rarity: All those guards are changelings?

Shining: Maybe.

Knuckles: So when do we start punching.

Shining: There's too many of them to fight in the here, they'd overwhelm us.

Sonic: Hehe don't worry we can handle this.

Amy(pulls out her hammer) That's right.

Celestia: Ok let's engage but try to push the fight outside if possible ok everyone?

Everyone: Right.

Rouge and Twilight

Rouge: And that's everything about Shadow up to this point.

Twilight: I...I can't believe what he's been and he's done so much.

Rouge: Believe it hun.

Twilight: Thank you for telling everything.

Rouge: Don't mention it Twilight.

Twilight: You know Shadow was right about you being the same as my friend Rarity.

Rouge: In what way?

Rarity: Shadow told me you had a thing for jewels and fashion. So does Rarity.

Rouge: She sounds great.

Both start to giggle.

Rouge: We should head back. We've been gone for awhile.

Twilight: Yeah we should.

-Rouge and Twilight start walking back.

Rouge: Hey promise one thing.

Twilight: What is it?

Rouge: If you and Shadow do get together. Please take good care of him ok?

Twilight (smiles) I promise.

(The girls start laughing and then suddenly someone starts laughing evilly.)

Rouge: What the?

Twilight: Oh no.

Sombra (coming the shadows) Well well what do we have here? Two lost sheep that has strayed from the flock.

Twilight: Sombra!

Rouge: I'm guessing he's not friendly.

Sombra: Quite the opposite my dear.

Twilight: What do you want with us?

Sombra: I don't want both of you, I just want you Twilight.

Twilight: What?!

Sombra: I want to come with me and become my queen of darkness.