"It is much bigger than the Academy."

A fifteen year old boy stands at the front gates and stares up at the school. He possesses golden blonde hair that puts the sun to shame, pale ocean blue eyes, and the rest of his face is hidden by a black face mask that covers the lower portion of his face from the nose down. The boy stands at average height with a lithe build. Stuffing his hands into the pants of the school uniform, he walks forward intent on getting assimilated into the school as soon as possible.


A cry of pain fills the air. Kenichi groans as he hits the mats. Weakly, he slowly begins to rise to his hands and knees. Laughter comes from the other students in the Karate Club. "Nice one," smirks an older student.

"It is my turn now."

Kenichi raises his head with a frightened look. "Wait! I thought you were going to teach me the basics!"

An older student walks forward with a cruel smile. "You are the one that came to use and begged to join our club. Don't you remember? Please let me join, I will do anything." The older student throws a kick sending Kenichi rolling across the mats. "Now you have to take this like a man!"

Kenichi continues to take beatings from all the members in the Karate Club. It continues for an hour before the club begins to disband. He is left on the mats nursing multiple bruises. Coughing, he weakly stares up at the ceiling wondering why he doesn't just quit the club to avoid these beatings. They are never going to teach him anything. All he is to them is a human punching bag. He should quit the club and be done with this all.

"Excuse me." A soft voice interrupts him from his depressing train of thoughts. "I am looking for the Karate Club."

Wincing in pain, Kenichi sits up to look at the person. It is a student that he has never seen at the school. He looks to be a freshman like him. Could it be another new transfer student? First, it was that strange girl that moves like an assassin, now there is a kid wearing a mask to hide his face. Kenichi gives a friendly smile. "Yeah, this is the Karate Club, but it is over right now." He stands up almost falling over. "My name is Shirahama Kenichi."

The younger boy bows respectfully. "I am Uzumaki Naruto, a new transfer student." He looks around the room. "The principal suggested that to fully integrate with the school I should join a club."

"You might want to find a different club. The Karate Club is full of jerks," grumbles Kenichi.

Naruto looks back at Kenichi. "Why do you stay than?"

Kenichi's eyes widen not thinking that Naruto heard him. A sigh comes from the scrawny boy. "It has always been my dream to learn martial arts and become strong. I….I want to be stronger."

A twitch of the lips is hidden behind the mask. Naruto doesn't understand it, but he feels a connection to this scrawny boy. Kenichi seems to know the pain of being picked and looked down upon. It is a pain that Naruto knows a great deal about as well. "Do you like Karate?" asks Kenichi changing the subject.

"I have never studied it," admits Naruto. "Where I come from, hand-to-hand combat is not something that is widely practiced. There are more dojos set up to teach how to use weapons."

"I can barely throw a punch, I don't even want to imagine trying to hold a weapon," gulps Kenichi. A sudden idea strikes the scrawny boy. "Why not join the Kendo Club? It is pretty popular and competes in regular tournaments."


"Yeah, it is an ancient martial arts that revolves around teaching one to wield a sword like a katana."

Naruto gains a thoughtful expression. "That…sounds like a good idea." He bows. "Thank you, Kenichi-san."

Kenichi smiles sheepishly at the formal use of his name. "You can just call me Kenichi."

"…Ok." Kenichi sweat drops. Naruto turns around. "Bye." He watches as Naruto leaves the room without a second glance backwards. Kenichi sweat drops. It seems all the transfer students are a bit weird.


"Welcome to the Kendo Club!"

A booming voice fills the dojo. A tall third year student with bulging muscles and a handsome face stands proudly. He gives a smile that is blinding in nature. Long red hair is tied back in a ponytail and baby blue eyes are twinkling brightly like sunlight off water. The young man strikes a good guy pose giving up a thumbs up while his smile twinkles blinding all those that stare for too long. "My name is Hanzo! I am the leader of the Kendo Club and behind me are my magnificent students!" A groan comes from the older students in the club at his childish and loud behavior.

Naruto blinks. "Hello, um nice to meet you?"

Hanzo pumps a fist into the air. "Yosh! I can feel a strong fighting spirit in you!" He places a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Tell me, what is your name?"

"Uzumaki Naruto."

"Maelstrom! A good strong name, just like my own!" Hanzo begins to cry. Tears stream heavily down his cheeks. "It was destiny that you came here!"

The class gives a collective groan. "Here he goes again."

"This is so embarrassing."*

A deep well of regret is starting to rise up inside Naruto. He is starting to wish that he didn't listen to the principal on finding a club to join. All he wants to do is go to school, graduate, and live a peaceful life. Perhaps it was foolish of him to believe that he could go to school and also be left alone. The whole concept of school seems to revolve around interacting with people. . "Yosh! I will make sure to teach you everything there is about Kendo! It is my duty as instructor to bring out your full potential!" Hanzo exclaims in a dramatic fashion. "However, since you are just now joining our club you will need to learn the basics to catch up to everyone. Sora-kun! Please take over Naruto-kun's training!"

A second year student with messy light brown hair and hazel eyes comes running forward. "Yes Hanzo-sensei!" Sora bows respectively.

Hanzo turns around to address the rest of the disciples. "Yosh! We must get back to training! 100 overhead slashes, begin!"

Sora gives Naruto a friendly smile. "Please follow me Naruto-kun, I will get you an outfit and sword."

"Ok," nods Naruto.


"Great, now I am going to be late for dinner."

Kenichi races down the street heading towards home. It took him a couple hours to clean up the entire club room. Those guys really need to learn to clean up after themselves. He turns around the corner and hears people talking. A voice that sounds very familiar reaches his ears. "Apologize to the old man," demands a feminine voice. Turning, his eyes widen in surprise to find the new transfer girl talking to several gangsters.

An old man tries to desperately make the girl stop before she is hurt. "Please young lady, I am fine. There is no need to start any trouble."

A smirk appears on the gangster's face. "Better listen to the old man before you get hurt."

Kenichi ducks behind the corner. 'What is she doing?! Those guys are gangsters!' He grips his head. Nodding, he prepares to walk away. 'I'll just pretend I never saw anything.'

Miu's eyes narrow in anger. "What gives you the right to pick on the old man?"

"He was in our way. Next time he shouldn't walk in the middle of the sidewalk."

Laughter comes from the other gangsters. "Oh yeah? Your car is parked on the side of the road, it is an eyesore," replies Miu.

The gangster's continue to laugh. "We can do whatever we want because we are strong. See those weaklings over there." He points at the people walking by pretending to not see anything. "They know better than to mess with us so they keep their heads down. Weaklings need to know their place."

Kenichi freezes. Is that who he wants to become? A person who pretends to not see others in trouble so that he can save his own skin? He always talked about becoming strong and fighting for justice. Is letting Miu handle those gangsters on her own the justice he always talks about? On instinct, he turns around and charges towards the gangsters. "Don't lay a finger on her!" He prepares to throw a punch when he slips and falls forward onto his face.

Everyone watching sweat drops. A groan comes from Kenichi. He stands up wincing. "Who is this idiot?" frowns the leader.

"I won't let you hit a girl!" Kenichi throws a punch. It hits the leader in the face. A silence fills the air. He takes a step backwards gulping as shivers run up and down his spin. "Um….are you ok?"

"Kill him," orders the leader.

A gangster draws a knife and charges at Kenichi. Kenichi freezes up unable to move. The gangster doesn't make it past a single step when a kick comes down from above. Miu smashes the gangster face first into the cement with a powerful kick. She spins around delivering a palm thrust that sends a second gangster flying into the car. "Bitch! You'll pay for that…" Blood sprays from the third gangster's mouth as he is flipped above her shoulder and slammed down onto the pavement.

'Wow! She is absolutely amazing!' thinks Kenichi in awe.

The leader grits his teeth as he draws a knife and lunges at Miu. Miu spins around disarming the leader and delivering a high kick to the face. The lead gangster is knocked up into the air before falling down crashing through the windshield of the car. Taking a deep breath, Miu relaxes her stance. She turns around to face Kenichi with a warm smile. "Thank you for the help."

Kenichi smiles, "you're welcome….wait I didn't do anything!"

"You were really brave charging in like that," smiles Miu. "I have never had a man protect me like that."

"I really didn't do anything," mumbles Kenichi.

Miu gasps, "oh no I have to get home! I'll see you later Kenichi-kun!" She waves goodbye. He waves wondering what the heck just happened.


A yawn comes from Naruto. He is lying down on the roof of the apartment building where he stays. It is almost midnight and he does have school tomorrow, but it is such a beautiful night that it would be a crime to not enjoy it. As he stares into the hundreds of stars above him, he thinks back on how today went. Today was the first day of school that he ever attended. Surprisingly, he didn't hate it. Not that he went into the school with the expectation to hate it, but he figured being around so many people it would make him uncomfortable. When it comes to being around a large crowd of people, he tends to be on constant edge and is constantly restraining himself from lashing out from even the slightest of movements. Old habits tend to die hard. His body seemed to accept it before his mind that there is no one in school that poses a threat to him and it allowed him to operate like a normal student. Most of the students and teachers were apprehensive around him due to his mask, but that is something that they will have to deal with. The ninja inside of him will not allow him to reveal his identity to a single person. Never know what might happen at school so he needs to keep his identity protected.

As per the principal's instructions and Kenichi's advice, he joined the Kendo Club. It is a big club with the second most members in it. The reason it is such a big club is because that it does not discriminate between boys and girls. Many of the other martial arts clubs tend to be for either boys or girls, but Hanzo allows anyone to enter regardless of gender. Actually, the majority of the members are females with a small number being male. Kendo is a martial arts that dates back to over one hundred years ago that teaches swordsmanship to promote the values of Bushido. The first thing he learned from Sora-sempai was a lesson in the purpose of Kendo.

To mold the mind and body.

To cultivate a vigorous spirit,

And through correct and rigid training,

To strive for improvement in the art of Kendo.

To hold in esteem human courtesy and honor.

To associate with others with sincerity.

And to forever pursue the cultivation of oneself.

Thus will one be able:

To love one's country and society;

To contribute to the development of culture;

And to promote peace and prosperity among all peoples.

It is a vastly different creed than the one he learned while training to be a ninja. Human courtesy and honor, such things do not exist in a ninja's vocabulary. He has a feeling that it is going to take him a long time to master Kendo if he must adapt that philosophy. Still, he looks forward to learning the art. Kendo will help him to better learn to wield a certain weapon in his possession.

Naruto jumps to his feet. 'I better get some sleep. I don't want to fall asleep in class again.'


Kenichi wipes the sweat from his brow. A thumping sound makes him turn his head to see the older members punching the heavy bag. He frowns. Freshman are not permitted to use the equipment without an older student watching over them. There is no way that any of them are going to let him practice. Kenichi locks onto the speed bag that is all alone. His head darts back and forth several times to make sure that no one is watching him. 'Maybe I can get a few punches in,' smiles Kenichi.

A hand reaches out grabbing Kenichi's shoulder. Kenichi freezes in terror. He slowly turns his head to see who is about to beat him up. "Hello," says a blonde.

"Naruto-kun?" Naruto tilts his head at the affectionate way his name was said. No one has ever addressed him in such a manner. "What are you doing here?" asks Kenichi surprised.

"I came to thank you for directing me towards the Kendo Club. I am enjoying it," answers Naruto.

Kenichi gives a friendly smile. It seems after two days, Naruto is integrating well with his new club. Miu also seems to be fitting in perfectly with the gymnastics club. Why is he the only one having trouble with the club he joined? "That is great…."

"Hey weak knees!"

A towering hunk of muscle comes walking forward. "Daimunji," whispers Kenichi.

Daimunji stares down at Naruto with a cocky smirk. "Don't tell me we got another weakling." He gains an angry look. "I am already tired of seeing your ass in here."

"Naruto-kun is not joining the Karate Club. He is with the Kendo Club."

"Kendo?" Daimunji bursts out laughing. "Karate is a true martial arts meant for the strong." A hand reaches out grabbing Kenichi by the shirt. Like a baby being manhandled by a grown adult, Daimunji lifts Kenichi off the ground. "That is why I want you to leave this club. You are making our club look weak…"

A palm thrust to the stomach makes Daimunji's eyes widen in pain. He releases his grip on Kenichi and slides backwards several feet. Kenichi falls to his butt and winces in pain. Naruto takes a step in front of Kenichi. "Please keep your hands to yourself."

Daimunji grits his teeth. "Bad move. I was just going to kick Weak Knees ass, but now you have pissed me off."

Kenichi stares at Naruto in surprise. That look in Naruto's eyes. It is the same look that Miu had when she defeated those gangsters the other night. He steps forward and spreads his arms out. "How about a bet?" Daimunji pauses in confusion. "We have a match and the loser has to leave the Karate Club," says Kenichi.

"You fight me?" Daimunji blinks. Laughter erupts from the taller, more muscular boy. He clutches his side as tears begin to stream down his face. A wide smirk appears on Daimunji's face that makes Kenichi's knees tremble in fear. "Alright, in one week from now we will have a match. Make sure that you show up weak knees."

A whimper escapes Kenichi. 'What did I do? What was I thinking?' He sulks. 'Daimunji is going to kill me.'

Naruto does not understand Kenichi at all. Kenichi purposely challenged Daimunji to a fight in order to stop the bigger boy from fighting him. Unfortunately, all that has done is put Kenichi in harm's path. He could have easily dealt with Daimunji on the spot. Why did Kenichi interfere?

"I am going to die," whimpers Kenichi.

'Nope, I don't understand him at all,' thinks Naruto leaving the Karate Club. He needs to pay a visit to a certain place.


'I think this is the place.'

Naruto stares at the run down looking building. His eyes travel downward to find two guards watching the front doors. In an instant, his eyes sweep around the building locating several high tech cameras that cover every inch of the perimeter. Such cameras are out of place in such a poor neighborhood. This is definitely the place. Placing his hands in his pockets, he walks forward without a worry in the world. The guards spot him immediately and tense preparing for a possible assault. He removes his hands from his pockets to show that he is unarmed. A nod comes from the guards as he allowed entrance. A set of stairs that go downward greet him upon passing through the front door. As he begins to walk down the steps, sounds of fighting reach his ears. At the bottom of the stairs, he comes upon the main arena. The Underground Fighting Arena.

The Underground Fighting Circuit is a huge area that can fit up to a thousand people. There are several rings with fights going on simultaneously. Cheers come from the people watching. Groans come from others who bet money on the losing fighter. In the ring, fighters go all out with anything goes rules. No fight can be interrupted by an outside source to make the fights fair. Amateur fighters and rising martial arts looking to test their skills often fight in the Underground Arena to test their abilities. Others compete in order to make money by beating people up.

"Give me 1000 on the fight in ring 3," says Naruto placing down the money. "I will bet on the Karate user."

"1000 on Jin."

Naruto steps away to let others place their bets. He is confident that the Karate user will win the fight. The other fighter is a street fighter with a knife. All his life he has been around assassins and murderers so he is able to see the skill and precision in the Karate user's movements. This is how he plans to make his money. Instead of fighting in the matches, he will use his eyes to pick the winners and make the money he needs to sustain a comfortable lifestyle.

Next Day - Morning

Miu looks around with a curious expression. Where is Kenichi? She gains a worried expression. Maybe he gave up after all and decided to stop coming to school. He told her about his challenge with Daimunji. A foolish challenge he made in order to show Daimunji that he deserves to be in the Karate Club. She admits that though it was stupid of him, in a way it is a bit manly. It is the reason she decided to teach him that stepping technique. It is one of the most basic moves in martial arts and can help him take on a thug like Daimunji. Of course, he doesn't have any talent in the martial arts and it took several hours for him to learn the first step. Still, she will be severely disappointed if he gave up so easily.

"What is that boy doing?"

"He is so weird."

She turns around and a smile lights up her face. Kenichi is heading towards school at a very slow pace. The reason for such a slow pace is that he is performing the stepping techniques that she taught to him last night. "Kenichi," waves Miu.

"Oh, hey Miu-chan," smiles Kenichi. "I left home an hour early, but even that wasn't enough. It looks like I am going to be late."

A giggle comes from the girl. "I will walk with you!"

Kenichi gives her a warm smile. "You should go on ahead, I don't want you to be late."

"We are friends, friends stick together right?" smiles Miu. Kenichi blushes giving a nod.


A yawn is hidden behind the mask on Naruto's face. He is last to leave the classroom. It is hard for him to stay awake in these classes. The lessons are so boring. He finds it hard to believe that he is ever going to use such knowledge in the future. In Kendo Club he is using more useful things to him than all his classes put together. Shaking his head, he decides not to dwell on the matter and instead head down towards Kendo Club.

"That idiot Weak Knees is actually going through with facing Daimunji."

"Daimunji is going to crush him into dust."

"Yeah, Shirahama Kenichi won't be coming to this school anymore once the week is up."

Naruto's eyes narrow for a second. As he moves past the gossiping students, his face goes back to a neutral expression. Kenichi is actually going to go through with the fight. He is either incredibly stupid or very brave. Daimunji is a weakling with no real fighting abilities. A muscle bound idiot that uses his size to intimidate weaker students. The problem is that Kenichi is a weaker student with no fighting abilities either. In a fight like that, Daimunji's size and muscles give him a big advantage. Naruto knows that the chances of Kenichi winning the fight are slim to none. "I want to learn Karate so one day I will become strong." A small smile is hidden behind the mask. He remembers saying the exact same words to the Hokage to convince the old man to let him join the ANBU. Nothing is impossible, but Kenichi will need to train hard to be able to defeat Daimunji.


A cute girl waves to Naruto. "Mind if I walk to class with you?" A light dusting of pink heats her cheeks. She is a few inches shorter than him with long black hair that falls down past her shoulders, coal black eyes, and a developing body. Like all the other girls, she wears a plain white shirt and a short skirt.

He gives a shrug. "Sure."

Makoto cheers inwardly. She walks next to Naruto with a pretty smile. "You are really good at Kendo. Is it really your first time learning it?"

"I have learned to use other weapons beside a sword, but never a sword."

"No wonder, you always seem so comfortable holding the shinai." Naruto nods. Makoto walks a bit closer to him as her cheeks start to turn red. "So, how do you like school so far?" He is oblivious to her advances and answers the question. Inwardly, she is cheering in victory at being so close with him.