

"Ace, are you sure this is a good-"


"FREEFALL WARRIORS!" shouted ten young men and women (plus Ace) as they jumped out of the plane. The Doctor kept his mouth firmly shut; he knew that if he opened his mouth, he'd be screaming bloody murder.

"Professor!" shouted Ace. "PROFESSOR, PULL THE STRING!" The Doctor fumbled around and grabbed the string, yanking it as hard as he could. The parachute popped out, following the other skydivers' example, and they jerked, then started falling more slowly.

"This is so cool, isn't it Professor?" asked Ace. She turned to look at him and the Doctor shook his head. "Professor?"

"Ace…" said the Doctor. His voice was croaky and shaky from his scare less than a minute ago. "Never…again… will I let you choose 'anything at all to do'."

"If you were going to be this scared by it, why go along?" asked Ace.

"I was not scared!"

"Professor… you're chalk white, you're shaky, and you look like you're about to vomit. Next time, you can stay with the TARDIS."

"What I'm trying to say Ace," sighed the Doctor. "Is that there will be no next time. Ever."

"Aww," whined Ace. "Professor!"

Bloody: I'm not very happy with this one, but on the other hand, I think it's really good. IDK. :P

Unicorn Plushie: She doesn't own Doctor Who. Now go away, I'm sure you have a job or school or something. If not, forget I said anything.

Bloody: Heh… Bye.