Alright guys, hope you like this last chapter for this story, i already posted the intro to the sequel so if you could go check that out, that would be great! R&R


Bella's P.O.V

I didn't really remember the flight to Forks, there were so many thoughts going through my head that the only time I actually realised we were here was when we had parked in front of Charlie's house, and that was only because he came running at us and wrapped us in a massive hug. I hadn't been used to the Cullen's in my life yet, which I am thankful for, I would have suffered more had I forgiven Edward and then he had to leave, but my life is definitely not going to be the same now that they were back, I had forgiven them all… Even Edward, well, not fully anyways, I was partially there with him. But the rest of them no longer had this dark hatred dedicated to their names, and now, I was sure I was never going to see them again, they would make sure I wasn't to run into them, even if it were by accident.

"You alright Bells?" Charlie asked as he scrubbed his beard with his left hand, we were all gathered in his TV room, and by all I mean Matt, Charlie, Sue (Charlie's very serious girlfriend) and Seth.

"Yeah dad, I've just had a rough day," I replied, trying to put a smile on my face, it was true… I was emotionally drained, I didn't know if I should be glad that the Cullen's were out of my life or sad that I will never see them again, I know they said we could stay in touch but something about the way they said goodbye gave me the feeling that that might not be true.

"Well, you could always go to bed, your room is ready, Matt's room is also ready but something tells me he doesn't want to sleep," Charlie commented, I looked over my shoulder and smiled, a real smile, something I hadn't done all day.

Matt was leaning against the counter in the kitchen talking to Emily, when I say talking, I mean flirting, Emily was a werewolf, like Seth and Jacob, but Jacob imprinted on her a year ago and they had been inseparable since. He always got mad when we visited Forks because it meant Matt was going to flirt with her as much as he can.

"No, I'm okay for now. But I think I might be able to convince Matt to go on a hike in the woods with me tomorrow," I said as I looked back at him, every time we come to visit dad, we would go to the woods and spend so much time there, I took him to the meadow, he took me to this river near it, and he showed me how to climb mountains, how to hunt, we literally spent ages there. But there was this one time where I kept feeling someone look at me, but there was no one there. Charlie nodded, knowing we both needed it, it was something the two of us used to relax… weird, I know, but there was this pull to the woods, and it gets stronger each year.

We spent the rest of the time catching up, with Matt trying to get my mind off of the Cullen's. I knew he was hurting as well, it was there in his eyes, the lack of sparkle that always existed there gave It away, but he always was the one that could cope better with tough emotional situations.

It was the day after we arrived in Forks, we all woke up early so that we could have a family breakfast before Charlie had to go to the station, you would think that having a cop for a father would make Matt and I think twice about how we spend most of our nights but no, apparently we really like to be stubborn. Today was the day that Matt and I were going to spend in the woods, I had talked him into it, it wasn't as if there was nothing else to do, but we both needed to release the pent up emotions and if I stay around people that are too happy to be human at the moment, I will snap and end up either drinking Forks alcohol collection and get arrested for public intoxication, or I would just… sleep with Forks high school male population.

"I missed this, we don't spend nearly enough time doing this." Matt said as we walked further into the woods, I nodded, not trusting myself to speak, there was that feeling again, the small tug in the back of my neck that told me someone was watching me, except now it was more intense, stronger than I had felt it last time. I knew something was wrong, it was the only thing that would explain why the mark on my wrist was hurting me so badly. I heard a sound from behind me that made me freeze, my head whipping in its direction.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Matt, making him stiffen, he knew I only freaked out when it was really necessary, and right now, I could tell that my voice was in pure freak out mode.

"No, it was probably just an animal or something," he said trying to calm me down, I looked at him and shook my head, I knew what an animal would be like, this wasn't one.

"No actually, it really isn't an animal… or something," said a voice that I recognized all too well. I turned slowly to see the woman that had haunted my nightmares for so long.

"Victoria," I whispered, he red, fiery hair tumbling over her shoulders, she looked as menacing as she always had, there was nothing that could have calmed me down at the moment, she was the only thing I was truly afraid of, because just by surviving, she managed to turn my life upside down and inside out.

"Hello my dear, I came here to get me revenge, mate for mate remember?" She asked as she stepped forward. Matt, being the overprotective idiot that he was, charged towards her, thinking he could distract her long enough for me to run, but she just threw him at full strength onto a tree, I could hear his bones break, his… everything bleed. I winced at the thought of the amount of pain he was in at the moment, but before I could dwell on that thought, Victoria was in front of me, the menacing smirk back on her face. "I want him to suffer just as much as I have to without my James!" She exclaimed, waiting for me to run, I snapped, because Edward doesn't care what happens to me, he doesn't care about me.

"I'm not his mate, he left me, remember? He left me to protect my humanity, so go ahead, kill me, there isn't anything you could do that would make my life any easier or harder, and I can assure you, there isn't anything you could do to me that would make his life any worse," I told her, angrily, I knew this was the end so I might as well have tried to stop it.

"Then I might as well give him something he never wanted," she replied as she bent forward and sunk her teeth into my neck, I could feel the venom course into my bloodstream, blazing hot fire lighting my inside, before I could even shout in pain, she was gone, and I was tumbling to the ground, this was my life now, the fire burning inside of me was more intense than anything else I could have ever felt. This was my end.

The End.

So... Sorry? But not really, go check out the sequel. R&R
