Oh MY GOD LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND! Chapter six was almost *Cough* done *Cough* and I didn't think… guys chapter six… oh it's been ... two years… ummmm… I'll go find a dark corner and hopefully I'll be safe…
Damon looked between the two a few times and said pointed around. "Ok soooo you two know something I don't. What are those marks?"
"There a bite mark from an original"
Damon snarkly said "Well I kinda figured that, what else is there?"
Rebekah and Stefan both took a deep breath in and Stefan hesitated but decided on the fact that he would let Rebekah explain. "Depending on the mark, how deep, if it had healed at all and the consumption of blood, well she's basically on a leash to my older brother, the bright side is she will be protected."
"How is that a bright side, Elena is with your older brother and he appears to be on a 'killing the residence of mystic falls' spree and lets not forget that you just said she is on a FREAKING LEASH"
"Just hope she hasn't consumed his blood, it makes the situation completely different."
"What could be worse then A leash!?" he yelled to the blonde original.
"Well, if she has consumed his blood then, well… I'll leave that for later when and if we find out the details.
Damon tossed his hands up in the air "I give up, it has to be her attachment to suits."
A/N So orginially i was going to post this a year ago but obviously I forgot. Now i'm going through old docs and i found this incomplete so I will go through this, find my timeline, edit and see if I can add more. Sorry guys hopefully it doesn't take two years again. sorry about it being abrupt but i wanted to let you guys know this is not ditched,