This is my very first fanfic!
I'm not much of a writer though so please bear with me. Also, constructive criticism is always welcome and highly appreciated! :D
Keep in mind that I am too italic happy.

Gruvia fic. Rated M just in case for later chapters. c;

Summary: The time has come for Juvia to move forward in her life despite the harsh cruelty of her secret past. For the first time in her life, she goes to school and there sparks fly when she meets the all-popular man named Gray. Will Gray fall for Juvia despite her being the new/shy girl? Will someone else sweep her off her feet? *Hint Hint* What will Gray do? Rated M for later chapters. AU. Gruvia, Lyvia, Gruvion.

The rain on this particular Sunday night would not cease, for the next day would be an excruciatingly nerve wracking day for a certain blunette and the weather always seemed to ironically mirror her emotions.

This seventeen year-old had been through enough and has definitely surpassed the average trauma level of someone her age, but none of that mattered as she pushed it back and worked to pursue a normal life.

Whatever normal is.

A few neighborhoods away, a tall, and built man with a stripping habit was dreading the outcome of the next day as well, but for different reasons.

Gray Fullbuster absolutely hated school and tomorrow is the first fucking day of it. I mean, it wasn't that bad, but.. Okay, it was pretty bad.

For eight consecutive hours, he was forced to not get into fights and not take off his clothes. Honestly, it could not get any worse. Especially with the horde of teen girls, who seemed to be in heat, drooling over his every move.

What was so great about him anyway?

'Beep. Beep. Beep. BEE-'

"I don't want to. I really don't want to." The blue-haired woman moaned, slowly opening her large, navy blue eyes, and cringing at the the sun who creepily peeked through her translucent curtains.

Juvia quickly got out of bed, trying to fill herself with the necessary energy she needed to survive the rest of the day.

And boy was it going to be a long one.

After taking a quick shower and trying to make herself look presentable to her standards she went downstairs to the kitchen, wearing a comfortable black uniform skirt that barely covered her knees with her uniform vest.

The young woman opened the pantry to reveal the amount of no-food that there was. Frowning, she rapidly shut the door and decided to herself to skip lunch for today.

She was nervous. So, eating wouldn't be a good idea anyway...

Back at the Fullbuster estate, said man was already on his roaring motorcycle, ready to make his way to that hellhole of a place they call school.

Once he arrived in the parking lot he parked his Black Beauty and dragged himself through the doors of Fiore High, his school for the past three years.

Gray walked up to the table reading 'Senior Schedule Pick-up' to claim the piece of paper that would foretell where he would sulk for the rest of the year.

School really wasn't his thing.

'Room 420 - Mr. Dreyer's Class'

'Oh, boy. Not that old geezer again," Gray thought, 'I've had him for the past three years and he creeps me the hell out. Especially since that one field trip when I saw him wearing only a spee-' Gray shut his eyes tight, begging for mercy that the horrid memory would be erased from his mind.

Trying to distract himself, Gray took in the classroom's atmosphere.

The room was fairly large, it could fit about 30 students. The seats were in rows of two, meaning he would have an elbow partner.

Gray sighed externally. Last year he sat next to Natsu, one of his "friends."

The man had the maturity of a..


Gray couldn't think of anything that was more immature than the pink-haired fairy.

As if on cue, that very man barges through the doors, alarming every other student in the room except for Gray who had sadly gotten used to his antics.

"Don't tell me you're in this class with me, droopy-eyes!" Natsu screamed, propping his leg up onto Gray's desk while leaning forward in front of Gray's face.

"Oi, you got a problem with that, slanty-eyes?" Gray remarked, grabbing a fistful of Natsu's uniform shirt in his fairly large hands.

"NATSU. GRAY." Both of their stomachs dropped.

The voice who confidentially called their names was no one other than Erza.

Erza was "friends" with both of them. Though she wasn't like a friend, more like a.. Dictator? Yeah, definitely that.

Her long, red hair reached her hips and she stood at the front of the class with her arms crossed above her chest.

No one fucks with Erza.

As much as Gray didn't want to admit it, he wouldn't dare mess with the woman.

Gray sat down quietly, glaring in the opposite direction of Natsu, who sat directly in front of him while pursuing the same action. Beside Natsu was Lucy Heartafilia, a busty blonde who was also one of Gray's friends. She intertwined her fingers with the pinkette and smiled as they waited in their seats for class to begin.

Meanwhile, Juvia was shyly walking to school amongst the crowd of students who also walked to school. The blunette made sure to take several different paths so that no one would know which neighborhood she came from.

Boy, if they knew, she was sure that no one would accept her. But she didn't know how things worked. Juvia had never been to an actual school before, let alone be a student at one.

For as long as she could remember, she was "homeschooled", meaning: going to the library by herself and learning alone amongst the books. Being the most fascinated by literature regarding water.

She never had anyone to take care of her. She never had anyone.

When she was born, Juvia's mother had died giving birth. And her father was the man who gave her up before she could even remember.

Juvia sniffled as she tried to forget those "memories" from her past, feeling a single drop of rain fall against the bridge of her nose. Little did she know, but Juvia had stopped walking a long time ago and all of the other students who she had been walking in a group with had disappeared.

'Oh no.' She thought, checking her watch. It read 8:40 am. School starts at 8:45 and she was a half a mile away from the building.

'Riiiiiiiiiiiing.' The final bell of the school rang and Mr. Dreyer closed the door to his classroom and proceeded to call roll.

"Erza Scarlet,"


"Levy McGarden,"


"Lucy Heartifilia,"


"Natsu Dragneel,"


Cringe. "Gajeel Redfox,"


"Mirajane Strauss,"


"Lisanna Strauss,"


"Elfman Strauss,"


"Juvia Lockser,"


"Juvia? Miss Lockser?"

'Knock. Knock. Knock.' Three quiet thuds could be heard on the door.

All eyes turned towards it.

The handle slowly opened and there appeared a girl with cerulean blue hair like the sea, which was drenched in water... Also, like the sea.

"Oh my, what have we have here," Mr. Dreyar said, moving his extremely short figure towards the girl.

"Could you perhaps be Juvia Lockser?"

'What do I say.. Juvia is scared- no, frightened- no, mortified- no-' Juvia thought.

"Ahem." The old teacher coughed, bringing her back to reality.

"Yes, sorry, Juvia Lockser is my name. You are correct..." She quietly stated, making her way to the front of the class near Mr. Dreyar. She was sure that the entire class could hear her heart beating as fast as a hummingbird's wings. There were so many people and they were all staring at her.

"Well, you're just in time," Mr. Dreyar smiled. "Since you are new here, why don't you give a brief introduction of yourself?"

Speechless. Juvia could not do this, but somehow she managed to get a few words out.

"Um.. Well, Juvia is new here; new to this town and this school.. Juvia-" She was running out of courage, she had used most of it up asking the lady at the front office for help and directions, but this was too much.

"Juvia... wants... to make good friends with all of you..." she repeated, visibly shaking while looking like a lost puppy in the middle of traffic.

Mr. Dreyar noticed her nervousness and asked her to take a seat.

'Oh kami, now Juvia has to make a choice for her seat?' She sighed.

Walking between the aisles, Juvia noticed the only seat available was the one next to a raven haired man who looked like a punk. Placing her small sack down on the floor, Juvia wordlessly took her seat next to the stoic man.

'Who the fuck does she think she is sitting next to me? I don't care if there aren't any seats left! She better not be another fangirl. God if she is she better watch ou-'

Fuck. She's cute.

The girl next to him looked at him shyly, her navy blue eyes peered into his and he swore he felt something move in his chest.

'What the hell?! Why did I stop like that?!'

He stared.

Juvia leaned away from Gray, trying not to make eye contact or try not to notice the way he was staring at her.

'Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Juvia thinks he's a killer. He keeps looking at Juvia and Juvia.. Juvia can't!' Juvia begins to shake even harder than before, but as a result of being cold on top of mortified.

Gray noticed this.

Why he realized she was cold he didn't know how, but subconsciously he removed his black leather jacket and handed it to her. Juvia definitely did not know how to react to this, but she somehow managed to smile in thanks and accepted his offering.

Gray watched as she carefully wrapped his jacket around her shoulders.

His jacket. Around her body.

Something inside of him liked seeing that and Gray smirked, resuming his focus on his teacher.

Juvia stared down at her desk where the droplets of water from her hair fell, and she smiled.

Strangely enough, this was the first act of genuine kindness she has ever been treated to. Ever.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Last on roll: Gray Fullbuster?" Mr. Dreyer asked.

"Oi." The man called out, peering at Juvia from the corner of his eye. She was staring at him like she had never seen a person before and it made him want to show her all of the things in this world.

'So that's his name,'

"Gray-sama..." Juvia accidentally whispered aloud, causing a wild blush to spread across her entire face.

Said man's cheeks slightly buzzed with a tingling feeling when he heard his name with such an honorific. He turned his head towards her while slightly covering his face.



"T-Thank you..."

I hope you liked it. c: Next chapter will come soon.