Chapter 11.

"Okay, you're telling me that Miss-leaves-for-brains is scraping the bottom of the barrel power wise. So if she can't take away Dyson's love for our very own succudearest, what the hell happened there?" Kenzi asked, her blue eyes accusing. Mr. Pscycho was close to driving her schizo and Kenzi preferred a monologue to a musical brain wise any day.

"Oh, well that. Love is a tricky emotion, rooted deep in the brain and surrounded with very many survival instincts, though it remains more humane than the rest. Now the brain is a very complex organ, equip with many layers and barriers to reach through, often deeper in the fae- their species having been conscious of magic and the need for protection. It would take careful magic, precise and powerful, and even then trying to uproot the feelings of affection for another that run deeply, well it would be like trying to jam a piece of rope into a sewing needle," The Psychopomp paused and brought his tea cup to his lips.

"So the Norn ain't got shit on the brain. What'd she millionaire match-snatch from furry pants over here then?" Kenzi quipped.

"Since the Norn is lacking in power as you so brilliantly summed up, she possessed no means of any to untangle your afflictions for the lovely Miss Dennis, so how this was possible is the question that remains to be answered. Ordinarily I would have no answer, but seeing as she is a succubus, it helps to clear things up a smidge. Succubae are known for their affliction and involvement with mortal men, usually resulting in death or on a rare case, just a substantial loss of energy. But, if an essence of power, belonging to a particular being of power were to influence the mortal, his molecular structure would be altered in a magnetic sort of way, putting his nerves and drawing his being towards the one whom inflicted this sort of chemistry. He would feel compelled and drawn to her, in every sense of that phrase."

"Wait. So I was Bo's thrall?" Dyson questioned, each word spoken clearly and slowly.

"Simply stated, yes. And that being said, the Norn saw the opportunity to trick you, per say. She never really obtained your love of for the woman, because there was none to uproot. She just took away the piece of your chemical makeup that attached you to the woman, not entirely, just enough to convince your body that there was something missing but it wasn't aware of what it was." He concluded.

"So like if a heroine junkie randomly contracted amnesia?" Kenzi asked.

The Psychopomp laughed. "You amuse me. Bright and clever, but doused in a layer of sass, keep this one safe, you hear? There aren't many like her left in this world. Such a shame," He said to Dyson, who merely smiled.