Me: OMG! SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE FOREVER! My internet stopped working for a while and I've been grounded so yeah..the joys of my life.

Rouge: How are you going to make it up to them?

Me: Well, the contest winner for the new title is to be named at the end! And this chapter is almost twice as long as the others!

Shadow: Good for you...but nobody cares.

Me: Shut up, I tried my best!

Sonic: She does not own us, we belong to Sega!

Blaze: Please review and enjoy!

Everyone stared at the pink hedgehog in front of them, her eyes were red and puffy and tears streamed down her cheeks.


"Yes Blaze, it's me, I'm her older sister, it was me who let her run away...go..unprotected...who drove her to insanity...I-I...How could I have done something like that?! I'm a monster! A MONSTER!" Amy sunk to her knees on the floor. Her pitiful sobs echoed off invisible walls which seemed to have appeared only for the sake of making the scene even more heart-wrenching. The group stared in shock,frozen in their positions, some still trying to process what they had just discovered.

Sonic was not at all shocked. He just stared at her with an unreadable expression plastered on his face. After a few minutes, he calmly walked over to the sobbing pink hedgehog and hugged her. If anyone could even become more shocked, it was this that had driven them to that point. Sure it wasn't a necessarily rare occasion to see Sonic and Amy hugging, most of the time it was Amy running up to him and crushing him in one of her death-grips. It wasn't because it was rare for Sonic to hug back, he always did to avoid hurting her feelings. But to see DARK SONIC, a being which only knows destruction and pain, take pity on someone and hug them? That was just absurd.

Amy was the most surprised out of all of them, after all, she was probably the one who had faced the most destruction that was caused by him, both mentally and physically. This was also the being who had basically grown up with her sister, someone who she had left to die. Sure she had searched and searched for her missing sibling, but she had admitted defeat and gave up hope. Surely he must be mad at her?

"W-Why?" She managed to croak.

"Hmm?" He released her from the hug and helped her to stand up, flecks of emerald in his crimson eyes.

"W-Why?! Why don't you hate me? For all I've done to her?! You should be yelling at me! But instead you-you hugged me!" She practically screamed, in both confusion and frustration. He now wore a solemn expression.

"Amy" She finally met his eye.

"If you're asking if I forgive you I-I don't." Amy's green eyes went wide and many gasps could be heard from around him. He held up his hand for silence before anyone could speak.

"You left your sister when she needed you most. But although I don't forgive you, I want you to know that she did. Even though she wasn't in her right mind, she told me that she was glad you left her alone. And the more that I think about it, I'm thankful for that to. If you had found her, you would have both gone insane, and that would lead to one of you turning against the other, resulting in more blood being silt. It's also because of you..." He gave a sigh. "That I still exist to this day"

"W-what do you mean Blue?" Rouge finally came out of shock and managed to speak.

"I mean what I said; if it wasn't for me meeting Rosy, I would have nothing to live for back then. I wouldn't have probably made it through a year without either giving into insanity, or killing myself."

"Well surely you must of had something to live for?" Blaze asked, somewhat dreading asking the question.

"Nope. Let's see, both of my parents were gone, not like they ever loved me anyway, I really didn't have anything going for me except for my speed but I couldn't really get far with that, not being skilled in combat, so I couldn't even defend myself. I was alone so it's not like anyone would have cared if I were myself" Silver went to open his mouth before a glare was shot at him from the younger hedgehog. His mood changed drastically from sadness to anger.

"Don't you dare say that's not true because it really was. The only people to ever know about me before I met Rose was my parents."

"Did you nickname my sister 'Rose'?" Sonic's mood brightened instantly and he seemed overly happy.

"Yes, since she went ahead and gave me the nickname of 'Dark' I returned the favor." His grin fell, now replaced with boredom "So, now that we seem caught up, can we watch the stupid memories or is this gonna be a game of 21 questions? 'Cause you're already way over 21 if that's the case." Everyone seemed to close their mouths instantly and turned back to the screen. Though Knuckles couldn't help but whisper to Shadow.

"Jeeze, you think that Sonic has a bit of anger issues?" Shadow raised an eyebrow and looked over to where Sonic stood, now a bit taller for some reason but he just ignored that fact. He was talking to Silver before frowning about something the other hedgehog said. Sonic now had a scowl on his face and Silver gave a nervous laugh.

"Yup, are we gonna see just how fast we can make his moods change?" Knuckles laughed.

"Puh-lease, Sonic having severe mood swings? Why wouldn't we try to mess with him."

No one saw the evil grins plastered on the echinda's and hedgehog's face as their eyes landed on what would be their 'prey' this would be fun...

(A/N This is where the hallucinations part from chapter 14) As Sonic got caught up in his thoughts Strange voices came from around him. When he looked up, he saw bars, similar to those of a jail cell, made of met-no, bones. They trapped him in a small cage that was much to small for him, leaving him in a very uncomfortable position. The strange noises, which seemed to be a mix of animal noises and some form of speaking became louder as more...what were those? Monsters? Came and gathered around...tables? Yes, tables with white, blood-stained table-cloths on top of them. Sonic's breath quickened as he looked and saw more bone cages, all different sized, but either too short, or too thin to fit any regular mobian or human in them. The cages themselves seemed like a strange form of torture. The voices died down as a man at the front, on a stage tapped on a glass.

The man was missing his left eye as well as some as his skin. Looking behind him you could see a man, with what used to be a white bandage, now dripping with blood wrapped around his head, covering his eyes possibly for the better. A weird frog -like man stood beside him, a guitar in hand. A toad-like man was up there as well,with a base guitar.
All were dressed in either a black tuxedo or a white gown. The man with the glass spoke up above the voices. His voice a bit wispy.

"Alright everybody sit down,quiet now,listen up. I brought you all here to recite the annual obituaries. Like every year, we'll start at 'A' and we'll end with 'Z'. Alright, is the band ready?" The frog-man raised his hand and readied to play his guitar.


"Alright, hit it Boiles" The toad-man began to count down

"And a one,and a two" He dropped his hand and somewhat upbeat, creepy music filled the room. The man who had originally spoken now held a microphone in his hand.

The group seemed to raised an eyebrow and Sonic just shrugged. Then signaled for them to look at the screen.

" A is for Amber who drowned in a pool

B is for Billy who was eaten by ghouls

C is for Curt with disease of the brain

D is for Daniel, derailed on a train

E is for Eric who was buried alive

F is for Frank who was stabbed through the eye

G is for Greg who died in a womb

H is for Heather who was sealed in a tomb!

One by one, we bite the dust

We kick the bucket and begin to rust

Give up the ghost when your numbers up

We all fall down!

Ashes to ashes,bones to paste

You'll wither away in your resting place

Eternity in a wooden case

We all fall down" The frog-man then did a guitar solo.

Sonic couldn't help but smirk at the horrified and shocked faces of his friends.

"Wha-wha?" Silver sputtered, unable to form words.

Instead of answering his question Sonic just rolled his eyes and focused on the horrifying memory in front of him.

"I is for Issac who lost his front brakes

J is for Johnny who was bitten by snakes

K is for Kimmy who was shot in the head

L is for Larry who bled and bled

M is for Marie who burned to a crisp

N is for Nick who was pummeled by fists

O is for Olive who lived life too fast

P is for Pat who swallowed some glass"

By now the er...audience? Of the dead began joining into the course. Sonic however whimpered and covered his ears.

"Alright lads, altogether now"

" One By One, We Bite The Dust

We Kick The Bucket And Begin To Rust

Give Up The Ghost When Your Number's Up

We All Fall Down

Ashes To Ashes, Bones To Paste

You'll Wither Away In Your Resting Place

Eternity In A Wooden Case

We All Fall Down

Q Is For Quentin who Took The Wrong Trail

R Is For Reyna who Rotted In Jail

S Is For Steve who Was Shot With A Bow

T Is For Tori who Froze In The Snow

U Is For Urich who Trampled By Hooves

V Is For Vanessa who Fell Off A Roof

W Is For Willow who Was Hit By A Car

X Is For Xavier who Sunk In The Tar

Y Is For Yessy who Fell From A Plane

Z Is For Zack who Simply Went


Insane laughter could be heard from above, echoing off everything around it. Everything soon faded after that, but the next two words were crisp in the air.

"You're Next!" More insane laughter followed. Sonic pulled his knees up to his chest and slowly rocked back and forth for a few moments.

"A-A song about death?" He gave a weak chuckle "Who would have guessed.."

"Dark..." He heard a faint voice from somewhere close by, though he couldn't tell who it was.

"Dark?" The voice became more clear and sounded like a little girl calling him. Insane giggles followed, though it wasn't like the laughs from before, they seemed more familiar...

"R-Rose?" Sonic's eyes shot open as he saw a familiar, spiked green and yellow hammer only inches away from his face.

"Whoa! Could you put down the 'Hammer of Doom' please?"

Amy of course laughed at this. "Hammer of doom?"

"I'm sorry, do you know how much she can do with that thing? The thing has SHARP SPIKES at both ends of it, so excuse me for naming it for what it's for; Doom." Sonic shot back, slightly angered from being laughed at.


Rosy giggled and trampled him with a hug.

"Dark get taken to bad place? With lots of red and death?" She asked innocently.

"Yes. And what is it with you and blood?" Rosy let him go and tilted her head sideways

"Red liquid inside people, they must have it, right?" Sonic did not like the crazed, Cheshire smile on the little girl's face.

"Yes, people need blood to live, I thought you already knew that?" Rosy nodded eagerly and turned on her heels.

"No more bad people in city...that makes Rosy sad. Why kill only bad people? Good people hurt too..." Sonic stood up with his shaking legs and slowly, but surely made it over to Rosy and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I know that the 'good people' cause others to hurt as well but we can't kill them." "Oh, but we can. You can seek out vengeance on those who ignored you, who never cared about you..." " Shut up" Sonic whispered to the voice in his head. He turned to a now crying Rosy. "But you know what?" She looked up at him.

"We can go to another town and kill more 'bad people'" Rosy brightened in an instant and jumped up. Her hammer disappeared and she climbed onto the older hedgehog's back, asking for a piggy-back ride. Sonic rolled his green eyes and started to run.

All of the females (minus Wave) 'Awwed' at the sight. The Males however just laughed, causing Sonic's muzzle to turn redi-sh.

"I-I can't believe you became like a big brother to her!" Amy finally said, a bit too dreamily in Sonic's opinion. Said hedgehog now had silenced the laughter and replaced his embarrassment with frustration.

"You know what? Shut up"

"Wow, that's the best comeback ever" Knuckles casually replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Can it Knucklehead! Remember this is MY past. I have memories in here that are so gruesome the images of them will stay with you and haunt you till you die."

"Whoa! That's a bit far" Wave commented, only to be glared at by the hedgehog.

"Are you all going to shut up so we can move along in the memories, or am I going to have to force you. 'Cause the second one is always an option." Least to say, everyone shut up.

Sonic managed to run to the next city before nightfall. Rosy had long since fallen asleep, her head resting on top of his with a small smile on her face. Sonic managed to find an abandoned building. As he reached behind him to pick up the sleeping girl, he was only met with the sensation of chocking when Rosy tightened her grip on him.

"Oh...come on Rosy!" He sighed as she showed no sign of waking up. Great, now he was a life-size, spiky teddy bear

Me: The song that was in the hallucination is called A Gorey Demise by Creature Feature.

And now...the moment you've all been waiting for!

Okay, so first of all AMAZING job on the titles guys! I really appreciate your creativity! This one was really tough, so I picked the top five and put them in a hat. I shall now draw from the the winner is *drumroll*

CeiwenS for the title of ;Two Shades of Blue! Congratulations! PM A link, or detailed description of a character you want me to draw and I'll send you the link to it once I'm finished! Again, thanks to all who participated and who read this story!

How is your summer so far? And if it's not summer where you are, what do you plan on doing for summer holidays? Let me know in the reviews!