A/N: What's up everybody?! New TMNT stuff, some Turtle Tots for you! These will be short drabbles, focusing on the turtles from ages 0 all the way to 13, in no particular order. I OWN NOTHING!

I hope you enjoy!

This one takes place about a day and a bit after the mutation of Splinter and the turtles! I wrote this on Tumblr first.

His eyes slowly opened, and he was greeted by the unpleasent smells and sights of the sewer walls, grafitied and covered in disgusting substances that made his skin crawl at the thought of it...

Or, to be acurate, it made his fur crawl.

It had been less than twenty-four hours ago that everything had changed; his body, and now his life as he knew it. He had already lost so much in the space of a year; his home, his wife and baby daughter, and now, he had lost his humanity.

Hamato Yoshi sighed heavily, sitting up from the cold, stone sewer floor and running a clawed hand over his furry muzzle. What was he going to do now? His life as a human being was over. What was left for him to hold onto?

A small yawn and the sounds of shuffling beside him snapped him out of his tangled thoughts as he looked down.

Oh. He had forgotten about them. How foolish of him.

The four baby turtles that he had bought in the pet store, and the ones that had mutated along with him, were now all waking up, squirming and yawning as they stumbled over one another to get up and explore the tunnels that Yoshi had decided to stay for the time being. It was truly strange, however; these four little creatures were not even human, yet they clearly displayed the typical behaviours of human infants, crying, crawling, giggling, playing...

They reminded him of Miwa, should she have lived to this day.

He turned away from the playing infant turtles, looking back down at his clawed hands as he lay them on his furry lap. He was still at such a loss. What was he to do? He could not return to his home on the surface world, not whilst he looked like this. He could not find it in his heart to abandon these four defensless infants, but how were they to survive in the sewers?

Yoshi had never felt so confused or lost.

He suddenly felt something crawl onto his lap, and he looked down to find that one of the turtles had decided to approach him and climb onto the giant rat. The young one's ocean blue eyes stared up at him for the longest time, and Yoshi stared back. He then put his forest green hand upon the rat's furry chest, where his heart was, and he looked back up.

He patted his chest once. "...Da..."

Yoshi's eyes widened. "What did you say?"

The little turtle patted his chest again. "...Da...Dada!"

Yoshi's heart seemed to stop for a moment as he gazed down at the child. Did his ears decive him? Had this little one just...

"Dada!" came another tiny voice, coming from the smallest freckled turtle, mimicking his brother as he raised his little arms in the air and beamed.

The lean, olive coloured one with the gap in his teeth and his thumb in his mouth looked down at the freckled one with wide red eyes, then back up to Yoshi. "Dada!" he giggled, crawling over to sit with the blue eyed one on his lap, snuggling into his fur as he grinned up at him.

They all turned to the last turtle, the one with the piercing emerald eyes, as he sat the farthest away from them, staring at them with a little pout as he crossed his arms across his chest, feeling a little left out.

Yoshi smiled warmly at the stubborn turtle, despte the tears of joy starting in his eyes. "Come here, little one," he said softly, extending his free hand out to him.

After a moment, the green eyed turtle finally decided to crawl over to the others, settling next to his freckled brother as he looked up at the rat.


Yoshi smiled again, holding all four turtles close to his heart as they snuggled into his warm, soft fur. Thanks to them, he now knew what he had to do. It was true, he was no longer a human, and he had lost many things, but in the process, he had gained so much more, something so precious, so irreplacable that it would destroy him if he were to lose them. And they were sitting in his lap, looking up at him with their wide eyes, awaiting his reply.

"Yes," he whispered to them, "I am your father."

Hamato Yoshi was gone. But now, there was a new begining waiting for him, for all of them. He could take on a new name, with a new life, with a new family.

Now, he was Splinter, a father of four, beautiful baby boys.