The happy ending we deserve but probably won't ever get... Enjoy!


"I knew we'd find you here." Belle greeted struggling to open the door with full hands.

"Belle." Gold's voice broke as he spoke and he saw she had their daughter.

Belle set down the carrier and rushed into Gold's open arms. She longed to stay wrapped in his warm embrace but the soft cry from Scarlett forced them apart. Belle bent over and removed the blanket that laid across the carrier. Gold knelt down to get a better look at the small child with big blue eyes and as soon as she saw him Scarlett smiled.

"She missed you." Belle said wrapping her arms across his shoulders and giving him a kiss. "I missed you."

Gold rested his hands on Belle's arm and leaned his head against hers. He'd waited so long for this moment; he struggled to determine where to direct his attention. He wanted to hold on to Belle forever but he longed to have Scarlett in his arms. Fortunately, Belle noted his dilemma and pulled away so that he could remove their daughter from her carrier. Remaining close, Belle sat on the floor and watched with pleasure as Gold fumbled with the car seat safety mechanisms.

"Hello Sweetpea." Gold greeted pulling Scarlett close for a kiss. "Look at how big you are. Do you remember me?" The loss time tore at his heart but Scarlett's effortless nuzzle in his arms brought him solace.

"Ofcourse she does. You're her father." Belle assured brushing aside his hair to give him another kiss. "I have something for you."

Belle grabbed her purse and took a deep breath before pulling out its contents. "This belongs to you."

Gold's eyes widened as he saw the item that had caused him years of misery. Instinctively he held Scarlett closer to him and leaned away from the dagger, anxious to protect his child from its darkness.

"Put that away Belle."

"Don't you want it?" Belle wondered stunned by his reaction. "You can have your freedom again."

"I have everything I want right here. You and Scarlett. I don't want that thing." Gold replied keeping his attention locked on the baby.

"I thought it was what you wanted." Belle said meekly, returning the dagger to her purse.

"I lived many years with that dagger, not truly understanding its power. It is now a lesson I've learned in the worst way. A prisoner in my own body, I lost my son and time with my wife and daughter. It is not a tragedy I wish to experience again." Gold said bringing his eyes up to face Belle.

"What are you saying?"

"Kiss me."

Belle grinned at Golds request; her cheeks flushed so red she felt that they were on fire. She waited so long to hear those words she hardly knew what to do now that she had. As Gold turned to face Belle, she planted a quick kiss on Scarlett's forehead for good luck.

"I'm nervous." Belle confessed her face so close to his that their noses touch.

"I'm not, I love you."

"And I love you."

The moment it happened the room burst with magic more powerful than anything Belle had experienced. The energy it created forced Belle to pull back sooner than she would have liked so that she could make sure Scarlett was unharmed. Satisfied with the sight of their daughter peacefully resting in her father's arms, Belle and Gold returned their attention to one another.

"You're free." Belle beamed holding his face in her hands to look at the man before her. "You're free."

"I am." Gold confirmed with a smile. "And it's all because of you. You're a hero, who saved the world - many worlds - from a horrible evil."

"I always wanted to be a hero." Belle replied remembering their time spent in the Enchanted Forest. "Let's go home."

"Where was Scarlett?" Gold wondered as they laid in bed their daughter resting between them. "She wasn't here the whole time was she?"

"No. I sent her to be with Ariel. My mother created a carrier for her so she could transport her through the ocean. She and Eric took good care of her. I knew they would." Belle spoke quietly, a hint of self-doubt eating away at her for leaving her child. "I couldn't leave you."

"They took good care of her." Gold agreed squeezing Belle's leg. "I'm grateful you didn't listen to me and glad it was only a couple weeks that she had to be away."

"I know. I didn't know she was alive until recently. I saw your picture with her is in my locket but before that I thought she was gone." Belle confessed, fighting the painful memories. "I thought I lost all of you."

"Never." Gold promised leaning over to give Belle a kiss. "We're together forever. Now, look at this little one rolling around. What are you doing Sweetpea?" Gold wondered as they watched Scarlett flip to her stomach and kick her legs.

"Swimming practice?" Belle guessed giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Did Auntie Ariel turn you into a little fish?"

"Are you a little mermaid Scarlett?" Gold teased lifting her up.

"No. That is definitely Ariel but you reminded me of something." Belle eyes flashed with excitement as she raced to another room.

"Silly Mommy." Gold muttered with a smile, setting Scarlett down and sitting her against a pillow.

"Got it!" Belle exclaimed cheerfully returning with a laptop.

"What is that?"

"It's the computer." Belle replied clearly disappointed by his question. "It's not silly Mommy, Scarlett, it's silly Daddy."

"I know what a computer is Sweetheart. What on earth do you need it for now? I thought we were relaxing - not working."

"We are and what better way to relax than with a movie? Beauty and the Beast." Belle triumphantly held up the movie box.

"What is this?" Gold asked taking the box from Belle as she set up the video. "Does your cup have a face?"

Belle laughed at his observation and nodded her head. "After I watched this movie I feared I broke a child." Belle sheepishly confessed. "I'm still not convinced you shouldn't use your magic to check. I did find Lumiere at the castle."

"Lumiere?" Gold repeated confused.

"The candlestick."

"I see. Rest assured our china is as it appears to be. Am I this furry beast?" Gold asked with disgust, setting the box down on the nightstand.

"Don't worry you clean up nicely." Belle assured resuming her position in bed and watching Scarlett's eyes light up at the screen. "She loves it already."

"Isn't she a little young for television?" Gold challenged eager to avoid watching the film.

"She's fine. It's a special occasion. The movie ends with True Loves Kiss so I think it's appropriate that we watch it today. Don't you agree?"

"As you wish."

"Mom!" Belle exclaimed surprised to see Tink enter the living room. "What a surprise."

"I don't mean to barge in but I wanted to get a quick hug from Scarlett and introduce her to someone - if that's alright."

"Sure." Belle replied standing up to see the visitor her mother referred to.

When Belle saw their guest she gasped so loudly Gold rushed into the room with Scarlett in his arms.

"What is it? Who's this?"

"Papa!" Belle exclaimed running into the arms of the strapping young man before her.

Gone were the wrinkles and solemn eyes Belle knew so well, Maurice French now stood tall and strong with a solid figure, a light in his eyes and a grin on his face.

"Papa?" Gold repeated looking skeptically at the man who appeared younger than himself.

"In an effort to make amends Blue turned back the hands of time to restore Maurice to the man he was before I was removed from their lives and memories." Tink explained taking Scarlett from Gold. "Maurice I'd like you to meet our granddaughter, Scarlett Rose."

"She's beautiful." Maurice replied reaching out his finger for Scarlett to hold. "She looks just like Belle."

"I know."

"I don't understand. What's going on?" Gold asked reaching out for Belle. He made it a habit to always have one of the ladies in his life on hand as often as possible.

"I think we're going to have to watch them carefully." Belle observed watching her parents engross themselves with each other and their granddaughter. "I think they might try to steal our baby."

"She mentioned the Blue Fairy." Gold reminded. "What does she have to do with this?"

"She has a great deal to do with many things." Belle began leading Gold to the couch. "Did your father ever speak of a fairy?"

"My father?" Gold repeated indignantly. "What does he have to do with your father?"

"It appears Malcolm had a relationship with Blue. The exact nature of their relationship is unclear but it's been made obvious that she cared enough about him that she went to great length to ensure he would get the heart of the truest believer."

A devilish smirk spread across Gold's face as he pieced together the actions of the "good" fairy and he felt the satisfaction of vindicated hatred.

"So she loved him. The diluted fool - it was indeed her misfortune for he never loved her - that I can say with certainty."

"I think Blue knows that." Tink interrupted as she bounced Scarlett. "After everything I feel sorry for her. I think she loved Pan very much and was willing to do whatever it took to make him happy. While you did pose a threat to her plan Belle, I believe her desire to keep us apart - and Nova and LeRoy - wasn't simply jealousy. I think she wanted to protect us from pain she believed we would inevitably suffer."

"From the looks of things she was mistaken." Belle beamed as she watched her parents play with Scarlett. "Papa's curse isn't the only one that is broken. Rumple's is as well."

"Is that so?" Maurice replied cheerfully.

"I may not be the Dark One but I still know magic." Gold warned, uncomfortable with his father-in-law's youthful appearance given their history under the Dark Curse.

"Fear not son, as long as my daughter and granddaughter are happy, we have no reason to dwell on the past, for the future is much more promising."

"It is indeed." Belle looked around the room at her family and her heart filled with contentment until she looked at her husband and remembered his loss. "Mom give Scarlett to Rumple and help me in the kitchen please."

"Is everything alright Belle?" Maurice wondered curious about her abrupt departure.

The women weren't gone long but their absence was nevertheless felt by the men in the room and their quick return was welcomed.

"Yes… and no." Belle said handing Gold a glass of wine. "We're missing a very important person today - every day -" Belle corrected sitting down and holding her husband's knee. "Baelfire was a wonderful man. I was very fortunate to spend time with him in the Enchanted Forest. He restored my faith that you were not gone forever and supported me through a difficult time. He loved you very much and trusted that you would find a way to reunite his family. Baelfire was taken too soon but his memory lives on. The love we had for him and the love he had for us will last forever. So I would like to make a toast. To Scarlett's big brother - Baelfire."

"To Baelfire."