Author's Note-Enjoy and Review! (I do not own Once Upon a Time)

Emma's POV

We were picnicking along the shore. Granny had packed more food than this town could eat in a week and we were ready to relax. No threats, no drama, no magic. Just good, clean, child appropriate fun. Until the kids were put to bed. And then we planned on opening up the coolers and really start the celebrations. Hook was walking side by side with Leroy carrying an impressive number of picnic baskets which set his arm muscles up for the stares of half the women in town. He had a smile on his face and he looked happier than I'd seen him to date. I thought I knew why too. I had just cut Neal loose. I had told him to move on and that he was part of my family as Henry's father and as Henry's father only. Hook was sure I was about to pick him. The thing was though, I wanted more time. I wanted time to be Henry's mother, time to be a daughter, time to walk around town without having to look over my shoulder for someone trying to kill someone else, time to just be me before I decided I wanted a serious relationship. I had told all this and more to Hook and he had taken it extremely a well. He understood me and that was why I knew I had made the right choice letting Neal go. I knew deep down I would always choose Killian Jones over Neal Cassidy but for now, we were all content that I had simply chosen me.
The Jolly Roger made a beautiful backdrop in the sunny, cloudless day and I watched my parents grin at the sight of all the children running around. They were trying, and as much as I thought it would bother me, it really didn't. I had parents who were going through the same things I was at the same time, who could understand my life as a beginning mom because they were just learning how to be parents too. No one else in the world had that and I wasn't about to complain because I didn't have the castle and princes growing up. Killian walked over and smirked down at me, raising one eyebrow.

"Mind if I join you princess?" He asked. I rolled my eyes in response.

"Not as long as you stop calling me that." He seemed to agree and sat beside me. We sat in silence for a while until I turned with an attempt to make small talk in my mouth. But it never left my body. Hook was staring into the water with an inquisitive look on his face.

"What on Earth is that?" he stood and I followed his gaze.

"Is that a portal?" I asked, staring at the shimmering ring around a tunnel of water.

"Sweet Ursula," I heard Hook breath beside me. "Hey! Everyone! Look!" Murmurs went around the crowd and parents began rushing their children away. You couldn't blame then when you considered the fact that the last few portals had opened to reveal the Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook and Peter Pan. In fact after a glance between us, Neal grabbed Henry and practically ran off in the direction of his father's shop. Mom and Dad stepped forward and Regina, Gold, Hook and I stood behind them, ready to attack if necessary. A ship emerged from the sea like a sort of monster arising from the depths.

"But that's," I began confused.

"The Jolly Roger." Hook finished for me. "But the Jolly's" he trailed off and it was my turn to finish his sentence.

"Tied to the docks right over there. She looks different."

"She looks like she used to, back when she had her rightful captain." Hook added gruffly. The Jolly sailed right up to our docks flying the white flag of peace and parked itself beside Hook's ship. Sure enough, the prominent, we'll kept lettering on her hull confirmed our suspicions. The Jolly Roger. Two men dropped down the sides and made their way over to our small greeting party. As the got closer I could hear Hook's sharp intake of breath.

"Good gods." He whispered as he exhaled. "Liam!" The two men froze where they stood as Hook took off running. That's when I realized. The smartly dressed officer on the right looked very familiar. It was Hook. Only he didn't have a hook, but two working hands and rather than his black leather and guy liner he sported a sharp white and gold uniform and a ponytail. A really weird looking ponytail. Which meant the man that Hook was now staring at desperately and face to face must be the Liam. His brother. We slowly followed Hook and began hearing their conversation.

"Killian?" Liam asked looking back and forth between the identical men. "The witch said this was a time portal but you look, well, different. And is that rum I smell? Bad form little brother."

"A lot has changed, Captain." Hook said nonchalantly gesturing with his metal appendage. "And I go by Captain Hook now."

"Captain?" The young Killian scoffed narrowing his eyes at his future. "Captain of what? You look ridiculous!"

"Captain of the Jolly Roger, and you should talk." I jumped in at Hook's defense. "That's what you used to look like? I might mock you now, pirate but good lord. It's worse than David's hero getup. I would stick with the leather if I were you." My comment earned a loud shout from David but despite his blank face I knew Hook was amused.

"Forgive me, my lady, I assure you no offense was meant. I simply wished to tell myself that he might look more put together on occasion." Lieutenant Jones said bowing. "Might I ask who you are so that I might give you a proper apology?" I stared at him dumbfounded as Hook glared holes into his face.

"Stop that. You sound like an idiot. Besides, she doesn't want a relationship now so your flirting will get you nowhere."

"Forgive me for interrupting but I must ask," Liam interjected. "Did she just call you 'pirate'?" Hook looked at Liam almost angrily.

"You have no idea the hell I've just been through, so don't even try to judge me, brother." Hook looked irked. "Come on mates, let's move this little gathering indoors, it's about to rain." Hook put an arm around my shoulders almost possessively but before I could protest I saw the look he flashed his past self and decided to leave it. I seemed to be the only one, however, because within seconds David slid himself between us and practically growled at Hook.

"I don't think so, mate."

"David," Snow warned quietly. I glanced apologetically at Hook as we made our way silently towards Granny's. This was going to be a weird day.