I let out scream, I didn't look human anymore! I heard a knock on my door, "Luna? Are you okay?" It was father again, "I'm fine father"

"May I come in?"

"You may" the door opened and in came dad with a smile on his faceplate, "did you like your surprise?" I nodded my helm yes and returned my attention back to the mirror, "the machine did a good job...do the others know about my transformation?"

"They do not, would you like to show them?"

"Yes" he called every one into the central room where we we're waiting and I hid in the shadows cause I wanted it to be a surprise. Once everyone was in there I waited for dad to introduce me, "now I would like to present my child Luna" I stepped out and everyone starred in awe, especially Blitz, "now I have other news to share, we have found a large supply of energon and I want Luna and Blitzwing to retrieve it before the Autobot's get to it first, understood?"

"Understood, lord Megatron" Blitzwing and I flew to the site, I already had a vehicle mode which was a fighter jet. Once we landed we scanned the area for the bots and found none, we went inside the cave and saw energon crystals poking out of the walls, "there muzt be at leazt a hundred" Icy said a little surprised, "let's just get these out of here" we grabbed all the crystals and lugged them outside, "that'z the lazt of them"

"Good job Blitz, now let's get them back to base" just we we're going to fly off we heard the wirling of blasters, "freeze!" I knew that voice...it was Prime, we were quickly surrouned by the others, "hey Blitz brain! Who's that? Your femme-friend?!" Said Bee taunting Blitz, "z-zhe not my femme-friend! Zhe'z juzt a friend!" Hothead yelled and I felt my spark start to hurt...I'm just a friend to Blitzwing? Is that all I really am? I didn't show my look of hurt instead all I showed was a look of anger as my blue optics turned to red, just like they did when I was human. Prowl started to back away with a look of fear, "Prowl? What's wrong?" Prime said confused, "t-that's no ordinary femme...that's Luna!" Everyone's optics went wide, how did he now?! "Prowl that can't be Luna, Luna is a human not a Cybertronian" Ratchet said trying to calm Prowl down, "but her optics are just like Luna's eyes! They went from blue to red!" I started to back away, "Luna? Is that you?" Bee asked frightened, "fraulein, I think ve zhould go"

"Your not going anywhere!" Prowl yelled as he came charging at me, we transformed and flew off with the energon just in the nick of time. Once we got back father congratulated us and I headed off to the training room, I started to destroy the drones one by one to blow off some steam, the thing Blitzwing said before would not leave my processer. How could he think of me as just a friend!? My spark was really hurting now, I want to be more than just Blitzwing's friend! I heard the door open and in came Random singing, I just rolled my optics and continued to slash the drones with my claws, "ooo! It'z zeemz zomeone iz angry"

"Not in the mood Random..."

"Oh come on, it waz juzt a joke"

"I said I'm not in the mood!" I yelled at him and saw him back up frightened, "don't jell at me!" Hothead yelled back, "you're the reason I'm mad therefore I will yell at you!" I yelled and threw one of the dead drones at him, he dogged it, "calm dovn, Luna and tell me vhat ve did vrong" my eyes turned back to blue and I finally showed him my look of hurt...oh Blitz, if only you knew..."I'm sorry..."

"It'z okay, Luna juzt tell uz vhatz vrong" Icy said trying his best to not set me off, "you...you wouldn't understand..." he came closer, our faceplate's we're only mear inches apart, "Luna...pleaze, juzt tell me"

"I...I...I like you..."

"Like a friend?" I shook my helm no, "then hov do jou like me?" I kissed his lips and ran out of there, "Luna!" Icy yelled my name and I locked myself in my room. I'm such an idiot!

(Icy's P.O.V.) (Icy) (Hothead) (Random) "Ve're zuch dummkopfs (Idiots)!"

"Vho jou calling a dummkopf (Idiot)!?"

"Her lipz tazte good!"

"Vould jou two juzt zhut up?! The femme ve love juzt confezzed that zhe lovez uz back!" They ztayed zilent, "but vhy didn't zhe tell uz?"

"Maybe becauze zhe waz zcared that ve didn't love her back?"

"That'z it! Random, hov did jou knov that?"

"Hahaha! I don't knov!"

"Of courze he doezn't knov..."

"Let'z find Luna, ve have to tell her that ve love her back" ve ruzh to her room and pound on the door, "Luna! Pleaze open up!" The door openz for uz to zee a zad Luna, "what is it Blitz?"

"Es tut uns leid, dass wir dir weh getan, aber wir wollen einfach nur, um Ihnen mitzuteilen" (We're sorry that we hurt you but we just want to let you know), "Sie sind nett und süß" (you are kind and sweet), "wir wollen mit Ihnen, und Sie machen uns glücklich" (we want to be with you and you make us happy), "was wir versuchen zu sagen ist..." (what we're trying to say is...), "wir liebe dich!" (We love you!) Before zhe could zay anything we roughly kizzed her and zhe kizzed uz back.

(Luna's P.O.V)

The kiss was rough but then it became passionate and our lips moved in perfect sync, when we parted I hugged him, "Blitz, I feel the exact same way"

"Vait...you knov German?" Icy asked, "yeah, I learned it in school"

"umm...I have zomething to azk jou..."

"Ask away"

"Vill jou be our femme-friend?" Random asked very shly and I kissed him on the cheek, "I would love to".