"Luna! Get up, todays your adoption!" Mrs. Sunny said happily, I growled and forced myself out of bed, it was Sunday and I really didn't care if I got adopted or not anymore. I have been adopted ten maybe fifteen times in my life and have always been brought back, I lost count at nine and I lost my hope at that number as well, I always thought it was either the way I acted or because of my robotic parts. For as long as I can remember I've always had robot arms and legs, I used to hate them cause no one could take them off plus people made fun of me for them but when I turned sixteen I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I was special, the cool part about them is that they come with energy blasters that I shot from my palms. I got dressed in my black long sleeved shirt, my blue jeans and gloves, even though the Sumac's know about my robotics doesn't mean I want to share them with the world, I got packed last night so I have everything ready, once I grabbed my music and my mother's light blue heart crystal necklace I was ready to go. They're waiting down stairs, their names are Issac Sumdac, my new father, and Sari Sumdac, my new sister, their name's are very popular in the city. Once we get in the car I plugged my ear buds in, shut my eyes and hummed my favorite song by Evanescence, I imagined myself on stage singing, we got there quick so I only got to listen to two songs. "Well here we are, home sweet home!" Sari said with delight, the building was massive, we went inside and Issac showed me my room, it was amazing! It looked like the forest, which I love, "if you need anything Sari and I are down the hall"

"Thank Is-I mean dad" he nodded his head and left, I started to unpack my things untill I heard a knock at my door, "Luna, it's Sari. Can I come in?" I opened the door and let her in, "sooo...like your room?"

"It's better than my old ones" I chuckled, "old ones?" I tensed up, I was uncomfortable talking about my failed adoptions, she sat next to me as she saw me tense up. "Hey it's okay, we're sisters now so you can tell me anything" she took my robotic hand, "you...care...you actually care..." I whispered, she smiled and gave me a bracelet with a charm of two sisters hugging each other, "sisters care and protect each other" she beamed another smile and I hugged her tight, "thank you..." I started to cry but had a smile on my face. "Oh! I have a surprise for you!"

"A surprise?"

"Yeah! At one of our old warehouses!" She started to pull me along and we got on a bus, I got some strange looks from people but I ignored them, when we got to the warehouse we went inside and it was pitch black, "Sari! I can't see anything!" I heard murmuring and the voices didn't belong to, Sari. I shut my eyes and used my other senses which I trained to be at my peak, I followed the voices and started to smell...cake? The lights flickered on and so did my eyes, I saw Sari with some giant robots, I pulled Sari behind me and went into attack position, "woah! Luna, it's okay these are my friends!" I looked at her then at the robots then back at Sari. I nodded my head and left my stance, "Luna this is Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, Prowl and Optimus. They're the Autobots, guys this is my new big sister, Luna"

"Nice to meet you Luna! I'm Bumblebee!" he tried to shake my hand but I refused, "sorry I'm not a big fan on hand shakes..." I didn't want anyone to know about my 'condition', "Luna...it's okay they wont hurt you, you can show them" she looked at me with those pleading eyes, "fine" I pulled off my gloves and rolled up my sleeves, they stared in awe except for Prowl, "h-how is that possible?" Ratchet asked as if his knowledge on humans just shattered to pieces. I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no idea, my legs and feet are like this too" his jaw dropped to the floor, "how long have you had your robotic parts?" Prowl asked very intrigued, "when my mom was alive she told me that I was born with them"

"Fascinating" I clutched my mother's necklace thinking of her, "well it's nice to welcome you to the team, Luna" Optimus said proudly, my stomach started to growl, "are you hungry, Luna?" Bee asked, "very"

"Then let's dig in!" Sari yelled, we rushed over to the table and began to stuff ourselves, once we we're done dad called and asked us to come home, we said our goodbyes and headed home.


I was meditating as the visions of good and evil clashed in my mind, "hey Luna!" I got shot out of my brain and into the real world because Sari interrupted my peace, I sighed, "yes Sari?"

"We're gonna be late to see the bots" I looked at the clock, "man, it got late!" Me and Sari got on my new motorcycle and drove to the warehouse, we saw the bots celebrating when we got there, "hey guys! what's with the cheering?"

"Oh hey Luna! We're just celebrating cause we caught, Blitzwing" Bulk cheered, I heard of Blitzwing before but never saw him in person so my curiosity got the better of me and I went into the holding cells, when I got there I saw him in recharge so I just sat down and started to hum. My heart was beating fast when I saw him wake up, he was complaining about how the bots had taken him down but then looked over in my direction and gave me a confused look, "are you Blitzwing?"

"Vhat does it matter to jou, inzect?!" Hothead yelled, "it was just a question!" He was shocked, probably cause I stood my ground, "oooo! Zhis onez fisty! I like her!" Random purred and I blushed, then Icy came out, "vhat'z jour name?"


"Luna, vhat vas zhat zound jou vere making?"

"Huh? Oh, you mean this?" I start to hum again, "yez! Zhat vas it!" Random said very happy and clapped, I bowed and giggled, "zo vhat'z zhat called?" Icy asked "it's called humming, it's when you sing with your mouth closed" "Can jou zing vor me?"

"Well...I'm not that good..."

"Pleeeeaaaazzzzeeee?!" Random begged, "alright" I sighed giving in, I played the instrumental version of 'Hello' by Evanescence on my i-pod and started to sing.

"Playground school bell rings again, rain clouds come to play again. Has no one told you she's not breathing? Hello, I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to, hello. If I smile and don't believe soon I know I'll wake from this dream. Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken. Hello, I'm living for you so you can hide, don't cry. Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping, hello, I'm still here. All that's left of yesterday..."

The music stopped and Blitz started clapping, "jou have a beautiful voice" Icy said and I blushed, "thanks Blitz. Hey, when do you think they're gonna come get you?" "Oh, not vor a vhile...probaly one Earth month" I smiled. I made a promise to Blitz to come when I could, I spent the rest of the day with him talking about our lives.