Otohaty…. "He's making trouble again." Anko said

"Hai, but what does he want from the leaf? He's never picked a fight with a hidden village before." Sakura said her head resting on her hands

"I think we better ask the Hokage what she is keeping from us." Hinata said, uncrossing her legs and standing up

The other two girls nodded their heads in agreement, "We haven't had a chance to discuss our old teammates…" Sakura said

"I still hate them." Hinata whispered

"As do I." Sakura said

"We ought to show them how powerful we are." Anko suggested

"I think they know we're powerful." Sakura said lost in thought

Hinata's eyes narrowed "They know how powerful the Hidden Shadow's leaders are, not us."

Sakura and Anko silently agreed "So what's the plan then? It's obvious they're going to make us work together with Konoha Twelve and their sensei's…" Sakura commented

"I don't think we show them our identity, they don't deserve it and we don't deserve it either." Anko said

"It'll be difficult…and they might make us reveal our identity to the Hokage and senseis for 'security reasons'." Hinata murmured

"That's true, we need to be prepared for that." Anko said nodding

"There's also something else we need to talk about." Sakura said, and her and Anko shared a sly glance "When were you going to tell us about you and Sasori? Huh?"

Hinata blushed a dark red and her stuttering came back at full force "I-ii-I don't k-kn-know! Wh-what about-t-t Anko!?"

"Me?! What about me?" Anko said nervously looking around

"I've s-seen the way Kis-ame and K-kakazu look at you! And I saw the letter Konan wrote you last week! Was Orochimaru jealous?" Hinata said smiling proudly

"Well I saw the letter Tobi wrote you and whos garden did you pull weeds in? Zetsu….? Or Kabuto's?" Anko stuck her tongue out at Hinata who was still blushing but had a sparkle in her eye

"W-wait w-wait a m-minute! W-hat about S-Sakura?!" Hinata said in a fake gasp

"MEEEEE?!" Sakura said fidgeting with her cloak

"Yes youuuuuuuu!" Hinata said laughing "You think we haven't noticed how much Deidara adores you? Or all the jokes Pein makes around you?"

"Or the secrets he whispers in your ear?" Anko said chuckling "Oh and don't forget about Hidan! Kami isn't he so classy?" Even Sakura laughed at that one

"You're forgetting one." Sakura says smirking

"Ah yessssss. Uchia-San, or do you call him something different…..?" All three laughed and mentally decided to head out to get to the Hokage's office on time

"So Anko… they all like you, who do you like back, out of curiosity?" Sakura asked, she had no problem being the nosy one

Anko sighed, "Is it bad that I can't decide?" The girls shook their heads, they felt the same way "I mean Orochimaru...I've always liked him but then he betrayed me and I'm not sure if he's trying to make up for it or if he's just messing with me like always. Kisame though, he makes me laugh but I'm not sure if I could have a romantic relationship with him. And Kakazu, he's mysterious and sweet. But Konan, she's…powerful and beautiful and I don't know."

"W-well I've told T-tobi that I'm more interested in just being friends. As for Kabuto, I don't think I can ever forgive him for who he was. But Zetsu and Sasori…I can't decide, I w-was going t-to let time decide. What about you Sakura?"

"You guys have it way more figured out than I do!" Sakura said throwing her hands up, they chuckled "I like them all, but I think I need to give things time, I'm not even sure if I'm ready for a relationship, ya know?"

"We know." Anko and Hinata said together


Tsunade was smiling brightly, "Good morning everyone!" she was slightly drunk but…when was she not "I had a great idea last night, why don't we all break up into teams. We can train together and we can all get to know each other better."

Sakura rolled her eyes, even though no one could see it, they could tell from each other's postures no one else liked this idea.

"What are the teams baa-chan!?" Naruto asked excitedly

"Asuma, Genma, Jiraiya, Kakashi, and…." Tsunade gestured at Sakura who hadn't given them a name to call her "and Ranmaru will be Squad One, oh and Izumo and Kotetsu. Squad Two will consist of Guy, Kuranai, Shino, Neji, Kiba, Choji, and…"

"You can call me Hina." Hinata said joining her new squad "And this is Yasu."

"Understood, Squad Three will be Ino, Karin, Tenten and you two…."

"You can call me Isaribi and this is Momoko."

"And I'm Aiko!"

"Alright." Tsunade said "Kuranai, Ino, Karin, Ko, Tenten, Aiko, and Isaribi you guys or actually…you girls will be Squad Three oh and Shizune, you too. Squad Four will be Yamato, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Sai, Sasuke, Naruto, Shun, and Hideko."

"What about the rest of us?" Katsu asked

"Yeah what are supposed to be doing?" Shou asked, them two, Anko, and Kenta were without a team.

"Well Leader-San, I was hoping you could be almost like a bridge between us and the Akatsuki. I was informed that you guys are friends and although we are not I would appreciate it if you and Kenta-San would try to smooth things over between them and us enough to where they are not at our throats."

Anko and Kenta nodded "Hai, we can do that, but what about my other two comrades?"

"Shou, Katsu, we would like you two to either go with them or…"

Katsu cut her off "We would like permission from our leader to head back to our headquarters, Kenta as well." Katsu turned to Anko "You too Leader-Sama?"

Sakura, Hinata, and Anko all looked at each other, having people remain at the headquarters would be a good idea. That way not everyone was in Konoha and they weren't fully involved in Konoha's fight.

"That is a good idea Katsu-Kun." Anko said "Katsu, Kenta, Shou, and I will remain at our headquarters continuing our personal business."

Tsunade seemed to be struggling with this idea but eventually she agreed "So the plan is" Sakura started "Ko, Katsu, Kenta, and Shou will stay at our headquarters continuing our personal plans. Asuma, Genma, Kakashi, Izumo, Kotetsu, Jiraiya, Ranmaru-Kun, and I will train together and be one squad. While squad two consisting of Guy, Neji, Kuranai, Choji, Shino, Kiba, Hina, and Yasu will train together. Squad three, made up of Shizune, Ino, Tenten, Karin, Aiko, Isaribi, and Momoko will train together. And lastly, Yamato, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Sai, Sasuke, Naruto, Shun, Hideko will be Team four."

"Does everyone agree?" Hinata asked quietly but not shyly
