Hinatas POV

"What?" I say without stuttering.

"I said you are weak and are banished from the clan. Now get out of this compound you are never allowed to step foot into here again. Your little sister will become Heiress." My father says. I look over to Hanabi she is smirking.

"Your teammates told me that you are weak and are holding them back, so I am stripping you of your ninja title." The Hokage says.

"Father, why not just give her the curse mark like the side branch?" Hanabi asks. I know she wants me to get it, but I'm not a child anymore it will kill me if they give me the mark.

"No Hanabi, the Elders won't let us." My father says. Hanabi frowns and goes to pout in a corner. They're expecting me to cry, to beg them not to banish me, or to faint. But I will not. I look up at them my eyes full of hatred.

"You will regret this one day," They looked shock that I was not crying. I just smirk. "you and the whole leaf." I say with venom. I walk out headed to my room. As soon as I get there I slam the door and lock it. I throw everything I have into a scroll and run to Sakuras house. I knew she was leaving she told me a while ago, so I'm going to go with her.

2 Hours Earlier

Sakuras POV

"What?" I ask with venom in my every word.

"You are weak, Karin is much better than you, I'm dropping you as my apprentice, you are being kicked off your team, and I am stripping you of your ninja title, you are no longer the head of the hospital, you are just a nurse now. Karin will be taking your place." I looked around the room.

There was Team Kuranai, Team Asuma, Team Guy, and my team standing next to Karin, Sasuke, Yamato, Sai and the elders. I looked at them each one had hatred in their eyes accept Hinata.

"You shouldn't have said all those things about us. You shouldn't have been mean to Karin just because she is better than you." Yells Ino. All of them kept throwing insults at me except Hinata, and Karin was just smirking, she planned this entire thing out.

"Now leave my office, you aren't allowed in here without my permission. Be sure you show up at your job tomorrow at 7." I nod. They just made their biggest mistake. I walk out, Hinata follows me.

"What are you going to do?" She asks. I look back at her and give her a sad smile.

"I'm leaving." She looks down "thank you Hinata," I give her a hug" you were my only real friend."