It sure took forever to update this but I updated anyways and hopefully I'll finish it :D

So to refresh the memory Liam is stuck in a cabin with Raul who has something to do with Ada and Ada who has her leg injured after it was caught in a metal trap. The Blizzard doesn't seem to be letting up so lets see what Liam does!

Enjoy Readers :)

Stuck In The Cabin

The snow kept going on forever.

I woke up the next day to the sound of the howling winds whooshing and the snow hitting the only window in the cabin.

Raul was up, he was cooking something in the kitchen and Ada was still in bed and she had gone pale. I tried to get up but my back hurt so much, probably from sleeping in that chair. I had to get up slowly and I felt my back make a loud CRACK sound as I sat up straight and I felt better.

I asked Raul where the bathroom and he pointed to the front door which led outside, I looked at him worried but then he laughed and showed me where it really was. I decided not to take a shower because it was too cold and I wasn't sweating or anything so I wasn't stinky.

Ada was still asleep when I came back. She looked pale still and she was sweating underneath a towel she had on her forehead. "She has a fever." Raul said bringing over a plate of food and handing it to me. I took the plate but put it in my chair and took of the blanket I had on and I paused unsure if it was alright and I touched Ada's face. "She's on fire!" I said in shock. Raul shrugged,

"I wish I could do more but this blizzard hasn't let up, so don't look at me like that." He said making his eyebrows come together to make a mad face and he continued to eat. Ada's face was serious and she was still. I became sad again knowing that if the storm didn't stop her health could become worse and she could – I started crying not wanting to think about it Ada not being here with me.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder; I turned to see that Raul was over me, "What did I tell you?" He said his face still angry. I thought back hard to our talk yesterday. Then I remembered after a few minutes, I couldn't look Raul in the eyes he was scary he reminded me of a bear.

"You said that she has more lives than a cat and that she'll live through this." I said in whisper, I kept my head down and I played with my fingers so I had a reason not look up at him.

"That's right so stop crying and eat your breakfast; I didn't make it so it would get cold." He said still angry, I flinched at his tone which made me feel worse, I felt like crying again. I sat back at my chair and looked at my plate of food: it was eggs and toast with jam. I looked at it and decided it looked nice enough to eat so I took a bite. It wasn't half bad the eggs were a little simple and the jam tasted strange on the toast but I could still eat it.

After I ate I went to sit back at the fire Raul was reading some things that looked like papers Ada had. I grabbed my back pack and went through the things inside and I grabbed my mom's wallet. I opened it and there was a picture of me and her, I missed her so much. I remember when we got this picture taken it was last year at Christmas, aunt Jun said for my mom and I to pose together after I opened my present that was the cops car and I posed with my mom and the toy in my hand.

"Who's she?" I heard Raul say over my shoulder.

"It's my mom." I said turning to show him.

"She's pretty." He smiled weird like and his eyes widened which made him have an odd expression like he was hungry so I took the picture back and stuffed it in the wallet again and I pouted his way.

He rolled his eyes at me and continued to read whatever it is he was reading and I took my cop car out to play with it.

Raul was no fun I wasn't allowed to make noises just because he was reading and he said he needed to focus. It felt like I spent the whole day being quiet and playing with my car, it got really boring.

Later Raul got up and went to the kitchen and started cooking again. He brought another plate over with the same food we had eaten this morning. I ate it out of hunger but I was secretly wishing for something else, Raul wasn't much of a cook.

It wasn't until later that night after I spent the entire day doing nothing but being quiet, that Ada began to talk. I went to sit next to her, she kept moving like if she were uncomfortable. She asked for water at first so Raul carefully with a small cup helped her drink it. Later she said my name a couple of times, I tried talking to her but it was like she couldn't hear me.

It was like that most of the night too and her fever felt like it never went down. Raul said that she was delirious which meant he said that her fever was making her crazy but he promised it wasn't forever.

"If the blizzard calms down I might be able to go into town tomorrow and find her some medicine." Raul said while looking out the window.

"That's great! But wait," I said remembering the night before and then a picture of the ugly wolves came into my head, "what about the creepy wolves aren't they out there?"

"Yeah, maybe, but those aren't the only things out there." My eyes widened what else could there possibly be? Sure Raul and I don't get along but he isn't a bad guy he's strange though and has helped Ada out so I do care about what happens to him.

"Well, just be careful when you're out there 'kay." I said.

He laughed before he answered, "Don't worry kid no one gets the drop on Raul Alvarado!" He said striking a heroic pose that reminded me of Superman. I laughed as well and then Raul came to scruff up my hair, why does everyone do that!?

Raul told me to go to sleep early so I could be up when he left so I could take care of Ada. I decided not to sleep in the chair; my back couldn't take it anymore. I slept on the floor next to the fire but not to close because I would probably roll in my sleep and possibly burn myself.

I covered myself in the blanket from my head to my toes, the only thing I had uncovered were my eyes and my nose. There wasn't so much howling of the wind tonight so I was able to fall asleep faster.

Very early the next morning I heard Raul getting ready so I woke up. He showed me a little more of the cabin and where to find things. The sun was also shinning brightly out the window and I was glad the snow had stopped; I might be able to go outside and play.

"If Ada starts to complain about a pain or something give her one of these pills and don't forget to give her lot of water after it." He said pointing a white bottle filled with white pills.

"Okay." I said yawning.

"Be careful though, if you hear any noise that doesn't sound like me you hide got it kid?" He said seriously. "And no going outside." He added, I pouted in response.

"I got it." I said trying to not think too much about someone other than Raul trying to get inside the house and being stuck in this cabin again for the day.

"Alright, I won't be long, bye Liam." He said smiling a little to me before he stepped out the door. I waved at him and he closed the door.

I don't know if it was because it was too cold that I was really hungry or what but I needed something to eat now. I ran to the pantry and opened it. There wasn't much in here mostly things that needed cooking but while I looked I found a couple of snack bars that were oatmeal flavored. I ended up eating the only three that there was. Then I got a cup from the bottom cabinet and grabbed the little orange juice that was in the very small refrigerator.

"Liam?" A whisper-like voice called. I finished drinking the juice and ran to where Ada was. She looked a little better and her eyes were open so I took it as she wasn't delirious like Raul had said. "You're alright Liam." She said happy.

"Yeah I'm okay but how do you feel?" I said worried.

"My leg hurts but I feel better." She said taking a deep breath.

"Well Raul did say to give you these pills if you had any type of pain." I said taking the bottle of pills. I decided to give her one so I went to get a cup of water and then I gave her a pill. I did it the same way I had seen Raul do it: I placed the pill in her open mouth and held her head while she drank the water.

"Thanks Liam." She said laying back down.

"No problem, are you hungry?" I said touching her face making sure she didn't have a fever which thank God she didn't.

"Not really but I am thirsty." She said.

"More water?" She nodded and I went to refill the cup and brought more water over to her. This time she sat up but she made a hurt face as she brought her body up. She took the water from me and in a matter of seconds she was finished with it.

I watched her as she looked around the cabin, her eyes were moving around studying the different parts of it. I looked around too but the Cabin was nothing special, it was dusty with little decoration.

Just then there was a loud bang at the front door, I quickly looked over there and as I was about to get up to see Ada grabbed my arm and shook her head. She pressed her finger to her lips which I took as a be quiet sign. There was another thud and then another, the door shook and I felt like it was going to come down any minute. I was pretty sure now that it wasn't Raul because I'm sure he had a key.

To make things worse the snow had come back making it hard to see the sun.

The slamming against the wall had stopped but instead I could hear growling noises which from memory I knew belonged to the ugly wolves with white eyes. Then there were scratching noises against the door, then the wolves howled in anger I bet.

I looked back at Ada and noticed she hadn't moved at all her eyes were stuck to the door. I heard something break the other way so I turned my head and saw that the door was cracking and I could see one of the wolves' nose coming through.

The door wouldn't last much longer and I felt scared again. Ada couldn't kick much butt in her state, so what was going to happen to us if the wolves got in?

I had lost inspiration for this story I must admit and I'm a little ashamed that I almost gave up on it. It is a short story still though, it's not as short as I originally thought this was going to be. Nonetheless I appreciate the support and thanks to those of you who still read this!

let me know what you guys think!

till next update (hopefully it won't take that long)
