A/N: Yes, you read that correctly, after years and years of deliberation, lack of inspiration and sleep, the sequel to 'Erase Me' is now up. It's called 'Remember Me' (So original, I know).

I have mighty plans for Tobi/Obito but they're only going to be much later in the fic, I'm planning a lot more interaction with the Akatsuki members but it will remain as DeiXOC. There's a few interesting storylines ongoing and two new characters, one of which you have been introduced to in the Epilogue.

I'm also pre-writing ahead of updating, which is actually going rather successfully so far...

By the way, in relation to Scarlet Tears, I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT IT! I will deffo get round to updating but for now I just want to concentrate on Remember Me, and hopefully after that's finished I'll get right back onto updating for my ItaXOC fic. So sorry to those who are reading that one.

I look forward to writing for you, and thank you once again all my lovely readers. Cookies and cake for everyone! :D