Hi everyone! :)

I watched Frozen not so long ago and it didn't take much for me to fall in love with Jelsa. Although, I didn't intend to write a fanfiction initially, when I read Stand By Me by Jinski, I got super inspired. So, here I am writing a fic xD

Before you start reading, I would like to give you some info about the names (some are the same as the original) and ages of the main characters in this story:

Jack Frost - 27

Ean Aster "Bunny" Mund (Bunnymund) - 27

Kristoff Bjorgman - 26

Tia "Tooth" Wang (Toothiana) - 26

Elsa Andersen - 23

Anna Andersen - 21

DISCLAIMER: While the plot for this story is mine, the characters it utilizes belong to Disney and Dreamworks.




Elsa woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, followed by an irritated grunt coming from underneath the covers on the other side of the bed. She quickly reached to switch the alarm off and opened her tired eyes to look at the time.

6:00 am.

She closed her eyes again and relaxed for a couple of seconds before she gathered enough strength to get out of the warm comfort of the bed – a decision she immediately regretted, when the chilly air came in contact with her bare skin. It was then, when Elsa realized she was wearing only a pair of lacy undies, which miserably failed to keep her warm at the moment. She hugged herself and glanced around, looking for her night gown, which she saw lying on the floor across the room. She tip-toed briskly to it, picked it up and put it on. Then she grabbed her robe, draped on a nearby chair. She walked quietly out of the bedroom and, after closing the door behind her, she stretched and yawned widely.

She went to the window, opened the blinds and peeked outside – it was still as dark and unwelcoming as it always had been at this time of the day, this time of year. She sighed and headed for the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and an unhappy grimace crawled over her otherwise gorgeous features. Ruffled hair, blood-shot eyes, and the worst part – bags under her eyes! She looked… exhausted.

It had been merely two years, since she'd moved in with him, and from a beautiful blonde she had turned into this… this… she didn't even bother to come up with the right word to describe her current image. She just bent over the sink and splashed her face with cold water.

She couldn't fathom how he was able to go to practice (which, mind you, lasted for the better part of the day) every morning, then teach little kids how to skate and play ice hockey in the late afternoon and still have strength to make love to her in the evening. Almost every evening. Sometimes even more than once. Where he got all this stamina from was beyond her. All she knew was that she wasn't sure how much longer she could keep up with his tempo.

Sighing, she brushed her teeth before she went to prepare herself a large mug of strong black coffee and some light breakfast.

She placed her mug and a plate of fruit and a muffin on the counter, sat down on a high stool and opened her laptop. Then she began checking her e-mails and sipping the hot, rejuvenating, black liquid.

Once she finished eating and reading all the e-mails from her little sister, Anna, who had been advertising to her various events on campus, she looked at the time on her laptop. She had a little less than an hour before she had to leave for class, so she quickly finished the last bits of her muffin and went in the bathroom. She tied her hair in a messy bun and entered the shower.

She relaxed, letting the hot water run down her tired body and soothe her tense muscles. She closed her eyes and events from the night before flooded her thoughts. She smiled to herself. She was tired but she had to admit – she couldn't imagine her life without him. He was smart, kind-hearted, gentle, handsome and athletic, a bit cocky at times but cute nonetheless, and she just couldn't resist that smile of his. And his eyes… oh, those ice blue eyes that she could just drown in… They were so mesmerizing. She couldn't help shuddering with excitement at the memory of how he had been gazing at her the night before, while gently moving inside of her and whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't feel the time pass and suddenly she realized that she might have stayed in the shower for much longer than she had intended. Frustrated that she had to interrupt her blissful daydreaming, she stopped the water and wrapped a towel around herself.

Stepping out of the shower, she wiped the foggy mirror with her hand.

"Better," she murmured, looking at her slightly refreshed face.

The dark circles under her eyes were still visible, but she decided that a little make-up would do the trick. She untied her hair, took the hair brush lying on the shelf in front of the mirror and tried to run it through her tangled locks. A few suppressed screams of pain and a handful of fallen hair later, she checked herself in the mirror again and, satisfied with the result, went out of the bathroom and towards the bedroom.

She opened the door quietly and walked into the dark room. She glanced at the clock on her bed stand and noticed with annoyance that she was running late. He was also going to be late unless he woke up soon. She walked to the bed and looked amusedly at the tiny bit of silver-white hair coming out from under the covers. She leaned down and pulled the duvet off a little, revealing his peaceful sleeping face – his lips parted slightly and his hair messy as usual. She smiled – he looked handsome even in his state of deep, oblivious sleep.

"Jack…?" she said in a soft voice, gently shaking his shoulder.

"Mmmm," was all she got in reply.

"Wake up, Jack. You have practice in an hour; you're going to be late," she repeated, raising her voice a little.

This time there was no response from him at all and she started shaking him harder, unaware of the fact that a hand was creeping out from under the covers. She remained oblivious to Jack's mischievous plan until something grabbed the arm she was supporting herself on, causing her to land on her back atop the soft mattress. She shrieked in surprise and opened her eyes to see a very naked Jack Frost, hovering over her.

"Good morning, my little snowflake," Jack said in a low voice, a seductive smile playing across his lips.

Elsa smiled at the nickname and closed her eyes, as Jack leaned down and kissed her softly. He then deepened the kiss and let his hands roam her body, a little annoyed that a towel was covering the major part of what was of great interest to him at the moment. He released her lips and proceeded to plant kisses down her neck. Elsa moaned when he slid one hand under her towel and glided it upwards to her breasts.

"Jack," she gasped, trying to bring herself back to reality. She was enjoying this too much. "Jack, I can't. I'm already late," she said in an attempt to push him away, but the difference in their size and weight worked to his advantage, rendering her unable to break free.

"Mhm," was all he produced absentmindedly, which showed her that his attention was completely dedicated to something else at present.

"Jack, I'm serious! I need to leave," she said pushing him a bit harder this time.

He sighed against her skin and shifted his weight to let her go. She stood up and walked to the wardrobe. He prompted himself on one elbow and watched her get ready, following every movement she made.

She was gorgeous. Her flawless body moved with the grace of falling snowflakes. Her platinum blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders like reflected sunlight on a winter landscape. Her creamy skin was soft like newly fallen snow. Her pink lips reminded him of a rose that had just bloomed. And her eyes he could only compare to clear blue sapphires.

"Jack? I'm talking to you," he heard and snapped out of his trance, realizing Elsa was now standing right in front of him.

"I really have to run now. You need to get up too," she said and leaned down to kiss his lips. "We'll continue our activity tonight, okay?"

"I'll make sure we do," he replied with a suggestive smirk and winked at her.

"See you later," she said, smiling, and left the room.

Jack heard the front door of the apartment close. He lied down for a few seconds before he got out of bed and started getting ready.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please R&R! I'm looking forward to any comments, criticism and suggestions you might have :)