It wasn't in Stiles nature to not talk, rambling was as necessary as breath! -but.. that's how it happened all the same.

He felt a little sick, and extremely awkward walking beside Derek, and as much as he tried, he couldn't think of much to say. They were just silent. So he was just left alone with his thoughts. Would the wolves really leave them alone now? Was he honestly safe going home? His dad would probably- Stiles slammed a palm to his forehead, "How the hell am I supposed to explain this to my dad?" he laughed, more stressed then he let on, "Trying to explain to him that it was werewolves probably won't help..."

Derek frowned, "You stressing over it won't help anything either."

"I'm not stressed."

He chuckled, "Liar."

Stiles shoved his hands into the pockets of his hood. How did he do that anyway? Derek always seemed to know when something was up no matter how hard he wanted to hide it. Werewolf super powers? He let out a heavy sigh. His emotions were always all over the place when it came to what he thought of Derek. On the one hand, they were 'mates', as well as compatible... well... apart from him being a werewolf anyway. It was usually easy to talk to Derek too, but at the same time, it was difficult because of the way Derek always made him feel... if that made any sense at all.

Of course, nothing really made any sense lately.

"You know.." Stiles began, "My life was totally normal before this.."

Derek grunted, but didn't say anything in reply.

Continuing, Stiles gestured over towards him with his head, "I mean, its weird, I only just realized how unnaturally cool we both are with you walking naked beside me..."

Derek's eyes widened and his cheeks went red immediately, almost as if he'd only just realized himself. Stiles grinned, "Relax Sourwolf. I've been keeping my eyes forward."

"Shut up."

"Make me." he teased.

Smiling, the wolf turned his head, "Careful what you say."

Stiles stuck his tongue out at him, half of him nervous, the other (more particularly, lower) half remembering the last time he'd edged the wolf on. He still had a few scratches on his back because of the tree bark. "Hey..."


"What stopped you that time anyway?"

"Which time?"

He blushed, "You know... at the tree..."

There was a few moments of silence before he replied, "...Because of the alphas, I thought you'd be safer if I didn't get too involved, but I think by that point it was already too late."

Stiles let his eyes dim a little.

"I am sorry you know.." he continued, "Everything that's happened to you since we met was my fault."


Derek rubbed a hand over the back of his neck awkwardly, "I really am sor-"

"Being kind to me was all your fault."

Derek turned his face quickly to meet Stiles', "Wha-"

"Caring for me was your fault too." he smiled, "And being so god damn attractive... worrying about me, putting me first throughout everything that happened... and that time against the tree... all your fault."


"And making me fall in love was most definitely your fault."

Derek stopped, staring at Stiles with wide eyes as the boy turned back to face him, a wide grin on his face.

He was smiling...

"Even though all that's your fault, her death wasn't." He started to stutter as he tried to speak quicker, "and- and saving me a hundred times over was you, and.. backing down to that asshole even though you didn't have to.. that was for my sake right? I mean... that was... it was really great you know?"

Derek started briskly walking towards Stiles now.

"And I think you're brave! I think you're kinder then people think, and then you let on.. you- you're just really protective and-"

When Derek reached him, he cupped onto Stiles' cheeks like it was the most important thing he could ever do. He pulled him in urgently, yet with passionate sweetness, and kissed him hard.

"Now, you know that your mother and father are very much in love."

"I know grandma!" Stiles smiled up at her from the crook of her lap, "I know that they'll be imp... important to me.. but what if I still don't see it? Or I can't find them! Maybe I'll get lost! Then what?! I won't ever find them!"

She grinned, "If you're lost, then they'll find you. You just have to trust that its them once they get to you."


"They'll prove that you're the most important thing in their life."

Stiles frowned as he gripped at his pine needles, "Being in love sounds haarrddd..."

The woman giggled as she smiled up at the sky, reminiscing on her younger days just a little bit, "Oh.. it can be, but in the end, it will be worth it."



"Is it bad to change my wish?" he asked cautiously.

"What did you want to wish for?"

Stiles grinned widely, "That my love finds me!"

Stiles let out a short laugh once they'd pulled apart.

"What's so funny?" Derek smiled.

Letting his eyes close, Stiles took hold of the hands that were still placed firmly over his cheeks, silently thanking her for still being there for him even after she'd passed, "My grandmother," he grinned, "She was right."

"About what?" Derek questioned, resting his forehead against Stiles'.

"Love is difficult... but in the end..." he sighed happily, "It's worth it."

"Where did that come from?" Derek grinned.

"I got a little lost, but you found me!"

"Alright..." Derek frowned, lifting a hand over Stiles' forehead, "What's up with you? Sick or something?"

Laughing, Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's chest, "My wish was granted!"

"Seriously, did you eat something weird?"