A/N: The final chapter! I can't believe we're already here. This chapter will have two POV's. I hope you like them. I'll say more at the bottom. But here we go! The first one is shorter. Also, Annabelle gets a visit from her inner thoughts. You'll see what I mean. It's an idea I got from a friend who will be co writing the next story with me. More on that at the bottom! And some old friends from Florida!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for Belle.

February 11, 2015

Carlisle POV

Today I was going to talk to Charlie. It was the day I'd been waiting for for quite a long time. And I was bringing Edward with me. I had of course, appointed him as my best man. He had accepted without a second thought.

"Carlisle, what do you think Charlie will say? Let me warn you, when I told him about Bella, he turned at least five different colors.

"Honestly, Edward I don't know." I replied as we topped in front of Charlie's home.

"Well, I think that this time it'll be different. Come on." Edward and I stepped out of the car and headed for the door.

Charlie opened the door and looked worried when he saw us.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No, not at all. I came with Edward to talk to you about something." I said.

"Alright. Come in." We stepped inside and we were led into the living room.

"Sup guys? Where's Belle and Bella?"

"At home. Bella and Alice have Nessie and Noell tasting different candies for the centerpieces." Edward said as Charlie shooed Seth away.

"Alright. What is it?" Charlie asked.

"For starters, before we let Carlisle talk, let me say he's doing things the right way." Edward said. Charlie turned to Edward, "What did you do wrong that Carlisle will get right?" Charlie asked.

"Charlie, I came to ask you for permission and your blessing." I began.

He held up a hand. "Permission and blessing for what?"

"Let him finish Charlie. I think you'll like this. And like I said, he's doing it all right."

"Humph. Well, carry on." Charlie said, addressing me again.

"Thank you. As I was saying, I came to ask you for your permission and blessing so that I may ask Annabelle to marry me."

Charlie stared for a few seconds before he grinned.

"Edward, you're absolutely right. He is doing things right. And yes." he turned to me. "You have my permission, and my blessing. Just promise me that you'll take great care of her. She may not be my baby girl anymore…" he stopped and took a deep breath. "But this is an engagement we're talking about. this is a big step. And I know she's ready for it. I think she always has been. She's just been waiting for you. I'm just glad I'm around to see it. When are you planning to propose?"

"Thank you Charlie. And tomorrow, actually."

"I can't wait." he said.

We left a few minutes later and headed back to the house. I was relieved that nothing had gone wrong. "So, has Rose seen the ring?" Emmett sat in the backseat grinning with his son next to him.

"Emmett, do I even want to know how you got here?" Edward asked him.

"I ran here, watched for neighbors and then crossed the street. Alex was a good sport and didn't make a sound. Best son ever. Anyway, so Charlie gave you the green light officially. And I promise to being video recording this so that you can have it there, for the rest of your lives. And I do mean rest of your lives."

"I appreciate that Emmett." I said as we drove home. I was itching to get home to her. These were the longest days she had at work, and she was always tired when she returned.

Once home, Alice was in the garage with Jasper discussing his latest purchase. A motorcycle that she didn't like in the slightest.

"It's not an acceptable vehicle, Jazzy! I love you, but this is not you!" Jasper turned to me. "Carlisle, please help me out?"

"Alice, this is what he prefers. If he likes motorcycles, you can't tell him no. If If I remember correctly, he didn't say anything about you getting a Porshe." I reminded her. She pouted and turned to her mate. "Sorry, Jazz. I tend to only think of myself. It's not like me. That's Rose's job." Emmett shook with silent laughter as we heard Rosalie his from inside.

"It's true Rose." Alice said. "Wouldn't you all agree?" We all said nothing. It was best not to anger Rosalie these days.

"Well, Jazz, better move that motorcycle out of Belle's parking spot. SHe'll be here in five seconds. Now four." Emmett counted down as Jasper moved the bike and Annabelle drove into the garage with Noell and if on cue, both Jacob and Felix rushed out to greet them.

I opened the door and took her into my arms as she smiled the smile I had fallen in love with almost a decade ago.

"Hey. I missed you. And by the way." she said rapping her arms around me, "I love you, and I am so thankful that I get the day of tomorrow." I bent and kissed her cupping her face in my hands.

"I love you more. And you deserve the day off tomorrow. It is your birthday." I reminded her. It seemed like an eternity till tomorrow evening, but I had to wait. I was determined to wait until then.

Annabelle POV

Carlisle was waiting for me when I got home the day before my birthday. He looked so happy and I felt my heart melt. That beautiful smile was back. There was nothing that worried him, no more newborns, no more threats. No more Holly. And no more Cameron, as of last night. He and Kendra seemed to have gotten pretty cozy lately.

Plans for my nineteenth birthday party were underway. Emmett and Peter were busy rearranging the furniture in the living room for the tables and chairs. Candy and Emily were making my cake at Emily's and bringing it to my party. Alice had told them what flavor I'd wanted and they had promised to have the best cake anyone had ever seen. Everyone seemed so excited about this year. I didn't know why. Maybe it was because we had nothing to worry about now. Everyone was safe.

Carlisle was upstairs with Edward and Bella discussing another trip to Italy. They planned to go on or around March first. And Nahuel and Jess were now officially planning their wedding. It seemed like everyone was getting married. It was very sweet to see.

I didn't know when Carlisle and I would get married, but we had a long time for that. I was still a teen, and I had four years to go before I was the same age as Carlisle. But if he decided to ask me to marry him anytime this year, that was fine with me. I couldn't wait to be Mrs. Cullen.

"Belle! Come here please?" I looked up from my current task. I was rapping pink napkins around silverware and tying it with a shiny silver ribbon. I didn't really know how many people Alice was inviting, but just by the way the tables were set up, I could tell there would be quite a lot of guests. I stood and flexed my fingers as I went over to see what Alice wanted.

"What do you think we should do with the candles in the centerpieces?"

"Well, Ali, I'd assume that they're going to be lit, right?" She smiled. "Yeah, but what if you didn't want them to be lit? Some people just use it as decoration."

"Well, I think that they'd look pretty lit. But if you don't think so, then you don't have to."

"Okay. Just needed your opinion."

I nodded and went back to rolling silverware into napkins. By the time I was done, Alice had finished with the centerpieces, all the furniture was arranged, and I was starving. I went into the kitchen but Bella shooed me out.

"Get out Belle. You can't come in right now. Here." she handed me a plate with a slice of pizza and some hot wings on it, with a little container of ranch.

"Why can't I go in? I need a drink with this." I said trying to peer inside. But Emmett stepped between us with a huge glass of soda in his hand. "Come on Mom. It's time we bond and watch True Blood." I handed him my plate and we ran downstairs to the basement. We settled into the couch in front of the big screen and he put on the show.

"Sookie is bad ass." he declared as she confronted the Maenad for the first time.

"Well duh! Sookie's dating a vampire!"

"Look, isn't that ironic? She's with a guy way older than her, and so are you. He's a vampire, she's human. Carlisle's vampire, you're human. Ah, the irony!" he started laughing and I blushed.

"But Bill's a different kind of vampire. He has lots of different rules. And as far as everyone else in the world knows, you aren't mainstreaming like in True Blood. Everybody thinks vampires are myth anyway. And could you honestly imagine Aro in public?" I said chuckling.

Emmett shook with laughter as he paused the show and laughed some more. "Them in public is like saying Edward's not a prick. The day the Volturi leaders go into public is to handpick their blood selections for a bloody feast. I admit none of us were the best of friends until the whole thing with Ness happened Now we're their greatest allies and dearest friends and stuff. But Mom, seriously, we can't mainstream. There are too many of them, and so little of us. Our kind isn't as big as what Bill's is in True Blood."

The door opened and Edward popped his head in. "I Emmett, am not a prick. Stop saying that. Didn't Mom tell you not to call me that a year ago?" Emmett made a face and mumbled his apology.

"And you know, Aro has considered bringing us into the public eye. The problem is the fact that there are a lot of religious people who would set out to kill us. Especially where they are in Italy. Catholics are against all things like us. Along with just about every other religion. He doesn't want to put anyone at risk."

"I see what you mean." I said looking at where the show had been paused. Emmett had gotten me hooked on True blood a few weeks ago, but today was the first time we'd actually sat down to catch up.

"Hey, mind if I bust your party for two and watch?" Edward asked closing the door.

"Not at all. Sit." I said making room for him.

We started the show again and watched everything unfold.

"Oh, my, Lord!" I almost screamed at the end of season 2 a while later.

"Jason did not!"

"Oh Mom, but he did!"

"But that is so not cool!"

"It had to be done. I mean that guy couldn't run around like that. the Maenad had a lot of power over him."

"He carved out all their hearts!" I shrieked as Carlisle ran in, looking worried.

"What happened?" he asked looking at me.

"Jason Stackhouse killed Eggs!"

He looked confused as Emmett chuckled.

"True Blood. She just finished season 2. Mom, you're just getting to the good stuff!"

"Okay, I get he had to kill Eggs, but what I'm really mad at, is the fact that Bill's gone! What the fuck?" Carlisle started to laugh as I kept talking.

"I mean who did that? And what the fuck is the whole thing with ugh! Start season 3! I need to know where the fuck Bill is! And what about Eric? And what happens to Tara?"

"She said fuck." Carlisle said, looking pretty surprised. I knew he'd heard me say just about every other word under the sun, but apparently he hadn't ever heard me say fuck in his setting.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Start it!" I demanded as Carlisle chuckled. Emmett started the first episode, and I stopped paying attention to everything around me.

A few episodes later, I was tired, but itching to watch more. It was nearly ten now. And Alice said I needed to get my beauty sleep. It was just a birthday party. Nothing special, but who was I to argue with Alice? She must have seen something. Emmett clicked off the TV and I stood up.

"Does Alcide die?" I asked him as we walked out and back upstairs.

"I can't tell you, Mom."

"Oh but come on!" I protested as we headed past the living room.

"You'll have to wait and see. Some things just aren't meant to be spoiled."

"Fine. Good night, Emmett."

"Good night." he called running off to who knows where.

When I opened my eyes the next morning of my nineteenth birthday, i was alone. I looked around the room and saw that the sun was out. I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed. I pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail and headed downstairs to find everyone else.

I found them all in the living room with huge smiles on their faces. Emmett was the first to approach me. He lifted me off the ground and hugged me tightly.

"Happy birthday!"

"Thanks… Emm… No… Air…"

"Oops, sorry." He set me down and everyone else took turns wishing me a happy birthday.

"Where's Carlisle?" I asked, looking around the room. He wasn't anywhere.

"He's out with Seth getting something I forgot to get for tonight. Come on, we made you breakfast." Alice said excitedly.

The living room was already decorated in purple and white balloons and streamers. The tables were already draped in their table cloths, and were just missing their centerpieces.

I followed them into the kitchen and found a homemade cinnamon bun with cream cheese icing on top. Next to that was a mug of hot chocolate.

My mouth watered at the sight of it. I sat down and took the huge bun into my hands.

"You've gotta practice, you know. For when you have to open your mouth wide, for other things." Emmett started laughing and my cheeks felt like they were on fire. Rosalie reached over and smacked Emmett who kept laughing.

"You know what Emmett? You're right. And when that does happen, I'll be sure to write it all down for you, every last detail."

Emmett, looking absolutely shocked got up and left. Everyone else was laughing. I ate the rest of my breakfast, and when I was done, I went upstairs to shower. I heard a meow from inside the bathroom and laughed when I saw Snow curled up on the stack of towels by the sink.

I gently pushed her off and she jumped onto the toilet lid. She purred loudly as I undressed and climbed into the shower. The hot water hit my in the face as I got in. I stood under the spray for a few minutes before washing out my hair. As I did, I wondered what everyone was so excited about. Besides my birthday. There was something else, but I didn't know what that was exactly.

I ran through the possibilities as I finished my shower.

When I got out, I quickly rapped myself in a towel and got dressed. Alice had promised me a whole morning without her bugging me. I was going to enjoy it as best I could. But of course, the day she wasn't in here asking what dresses I wanted or didn't want, or telling me what the hottest trends were, I had nothing to watch. I had caught up on all my shows, movies and my books. My only option here was sleep. I didn't think that would be possible though. That was probably one thing she didn't want me to do today.

So, I did the next best thing. I shuffled the music on my iPod, hit play and did Alice and myself a huge favor. I was going to clean out my closet.

I opened my side of the closet and groaned, already frustrated. How did I allow her to give me all these clothes? She knew I couldn't possibly go through all of it. This was more than any one person could wear in one lifetime, or two.

"That's what you get. You're practically Alice's mother. Get used to it." I shook my head, my subconscious loved rubbing this in my face. Well fuck you too then. I hadn't heard from her in a while. Not since oh, two years ago. I blocked her out while I began going through all the clothes, starting with the dresses.

I learned that that alone was difficult. I love all of them. And if I even thought about getting rid of one, I automatically felt guilty. Ugh, did I ever win?

I hung them all back up and ran my fingers through my hair. So, cleaning out the closet wasn't the best idea.

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, playing with my phone. By the looks of all the notifications on my screen, Emmett was pretty into Candy Crush, Cookie Jam, and some new game about strikes, or something of that sort.

I turned onto my stomach and decided it was a good idea to catch up on my games. I had neglected them for so long.

I was so into the colorful candies, that I didn't hear the door open a while later. It was only when someone touched my shoulder that I jumped, dropping my phone on the bed, my heart racing. I was so easily scared, it was horrible!

It was Carlisle with a smile and a single red rose.

"Happy birthday." he said with a smile as my heartbeat started to slow down. I smiled and he handed me the rose. He kissed me, and my heart picked up again, pounding against my chest.

He pulled away and we held each other's gaze .

"I'm sorry I couldn't be here when you woke up."

"It's okay. I just want to know what you brought home." The corners of his mouth turned up at the corners.

"Well my love, I was going to show you later, but you're quite impatient." he chuckled as he took me by the hand and led me downstairs.

"Well, look at you! My dear, you look just the same as you did last year!" I had just enough time to see Aro before he had me in his arms and away from Carlisle.

"Happy birthday my dear! We're glad we could be here for such a special day like today!"

"Thank you for coming." I said.

Are let me go and I was greeted by his brothers, Jane, Alec and Gianna, who were all so happy to see us. Felix greeted them with Noell proudly on his arm.

Alice dragged me up the stairs a few minutes later to get me ready. She took extra care with my hair, talking nonstop about the latest trends.

"So, I was telling Jasper that you, Rose, Bella and I need to go to the Victoria's Secret fashion show near the end of this year. We'd leave all the guys here and we'd all go and watch. I mean they can watch it on TV when it airs. We'd get the full experience."

"Uh huh." I said as she kept curling my hair.

"I mean, Rose and I went ten years ago and loved it. I really, reallyy want to go this year! What do you think?"

I didn't get a chance to answer because just then, Charlotte entered with a dress on a hanger.

"Is she done?" she asked with an eager smile in my direction.

"If you'd like to do her makeup I'd love you forever." Alice said.

Charlotte hung the bag on a rack behind us and got to work. Rosalie came in and took over hair duty and Alice took over my nails.

It was nearly five when I was ready. I looked in the mirror and gasped.

My face looked well… different. And my hair! I'd never seen anything like what I saw in the mirror. A beautiful twist with curls spilling from the sides to frame my face. It looked like a hairdo meant for a bride or the queen! I focused on my face. Everything about me looked polished, beautiful. Hey, did my lips look fuller and pinker? My eyelashes looked longer, too. And my eyes somehow seemed bluer. I'd be the first one to admit I knew nothing about makeup blending, or whatever the hell it was called to make things look better.

"I might cry." I said my voice just above a whisper as Bella walked in. A huge smile broke across her face when she saw me.

"Don't cry. Please don't cry!" Charlotte looked panicked.

"She looks beautiful." Bella said her eyes shining.

"Oh, Bells, don't cry. If you cry, I'll cry."

"Sorry." she said stepping forward and taking me into her arms.

"You're just growing up so fast Belle. You're already nineteen."

"The point is for her to get older, so she can be twenty three, remember?" Alice said with a grin.

"I know, but still." Bella said letting me go.

Alice unzipped the white bag that hung from the rack and revealed a beautifully designed lavender colored dress that looked like it should have been worn at some sort of ball.

She helped me into it before tying the ribbons.

"I thought a corset style dress was suitable for tonight." Alice said when she was done. I looked at myself in the mirror again and stared at this unfamiliar young woman. The dress molded to my body, making me look like one of those dolls you saw little girls collect. The bottom of the dress flowed to my ankles. I noticed then, that my toenails were the same shade as the dress.

I wore silver stilettos. I stood with renewed confidence after they'd been put on. For the first time in forever, I felt like i wasn't going to fall.

"Before you go downstairs, we have a present for you." Rose said opening the door and gesturing for someone to come closer.

"I know you were worried that some guests were forgotten, but we fixed that.

I looked up and saw three people I thought I'd never see again.

"Oh my gosh! Annabelle!" I squealed as all of us hugged and talked over each other.

They were my three best friends from Florida, Emily Newell, Lily Prescott, and Zoey Kavennaugh. "I missed you guys so much." I said feeling my eyes prick with tears.

"No, don't cry!" Alice said grabbing me by the arm.

"Oh, honey, we missed you too! Might I add that I feel bad for not believing you about that tall blond guy you described as your dream guy? I saw someone who resembles him. Is that him?" Emma asked. I nodded and they squealed again.

"Well, what do you think?" Rose asked.

"I love you guys so much." I said hugging Bella, Alice and Rose.

"You couldn't spend your nineteenth birthday without your three best friends." Rose said with a smile.

"Now go downstairs and introduce them to Michael, Shell and Maria." Alice said. I grinned and we went downstairs where people were already crowding around the tables.

"He's gorge, girl." Emma said looking across the room at Jasper. I chuckled.

"You think that's who I was talking about?"

Emma nodded. "Well yes. I mean he's blond."

"That's not him. That's Jasper." I said before giggling.

"Oh." Emily said slowly before we all burst into laughter. I saw my three friends, Shell, Mike and Maria and gestured for them to come over. It didn't even take two minutes and we were all chatting excitedly.

"Belle, where's Carlisle?" Shell asked her big blue eyes twinkling.

"I don't know." I said. I looked around the room and only saw Jasper here, with the wolves. Emmett, Edward and Carlisle were nowhere in sight.

"Sweetie, come give me a hug!" I turned and saw Mom coming through the front door with gifts in her arms. Phil was right behind her with my baby brother.

She quickly set the gifts down and rapped her arms around me.

"Where's my soon to be son in law?" I looked at her confused and she grinned.

"Don't you remember what happened before Thanksgiving?" I laughed.

"Oh right! Yeah! I can't find him. I lost him. Sorry Mom. I guess there won't be a wedding for a long, long time."

"Happy birthday baby." she said kissing my cheek.

"Thank you Mom." I said as Phil, Sue and Charlie converged on us.

After receiving happy birthday wishes from them, I looked around again. Edward had joined the growing crowd proudly holding one of his grandsons. Bella, Jess and Angela were sitting nearby all smiles.

The music started a few minutes later. I was greeting everyone, thanking them for coming.

The Volturi were mingling, completely unrecognizable and looking totally modern.

I finally saw him coming down the stairs with Emmett. They were laughing about something.

"Oh myJesus." Lily said as her eyes focused on Carlisle. I looked too. When he saw me a brilliant smile appeared and Emma and Zoey grinned.

"That's Mr. Handsome. Why hello, sexy." Emma said before nudging me.

"He's all mine." I said proudly.

"Well fuck me sideways." Zoey said still staring, "I'll never not believe you about hot guys again." I laughed and made my way to Mr. Sexy. "How long have you been together?" Lily asked following me.

"A year and nine days." I said just as we approached. Are stepped aside as soon as he saw me.

"You look beautiful, as always Love." he said before kissing me. I rapped my arms around his neck and just as we were deepening the kiss, someone cleared their throat. He chuckled and pulled away. Zoey was grinning.

"Carlisle, these are my friends from Florida. Emma, Zoey and Lily."

"It's nice to meet you." he said and they all grinned and shook his hand.

"Come on." I said tugging on his hand, "Mom wants to see you."

The girls flocked back to Maria, Michael and Shelly as we made our way to where Mom sat with Sue.

"There you are." she jumped up and hugged him. She said something I couldn't make out close to his ear, and he nodded with a smile of his own.

There was a table laden with cookies, drinks and chips. I knew this party was being catered. I didn't know what else was put into it, but it look like everyone had done a lot.

I looked at the centerpieces and smiled when I saw that the candles had been lit.

"Okay, if everyone could please make their way to the tables. Dinner is about to be served." Alice announced.

Carlisle led me to the table in the middle of the room. Mom, Charlie, Sue and Phil were already there with Edward and the rest of our little family.

Emmett patted my shoulder a he took his seat on my other side.

"So, how's it feel to be one year older?" he asked with a dimpled smile.

"Pretty much like it felt yesterday." I said chuckling.

"One of these days, you'll really mean it." he said with a twinkle in his eye before turning to talk to Rose.

The food was delicious. I didn't know what half of these things were called but they were all tasty!

In the middle of the meal, Bella stood up and tapped her cup with a fork. Everyone grew quiet as she spoke.

"So, tonight is my baby sister's nineteenth birthday. Normally, this wouldn't really be so important but Annabelle has had quite the year. She has survived so much, and completed her first semester in college. She has made a lot of new friends, and so much more. I can't begin to express just how happy I am to call her my sister. So, a toast to Belle. May you live for many, many more years to come!"

Everyone clinked their glasses and resumed their meals. I was pretty sure everyone else would make speeches after I cut the enormous cake.

After dinner came the dancing.

Carlisle pulled me out of my seat and led me to the dance floor where the rest of the vampires already waited.

I didn't know how long we spent on the dance floor, but we never left each other's side. There were a few times when Cameron, wearing green contacts to conceal his red eyes, tried cutting in. But with one growl from Carlisle and he was off to pursue Kendra once again.

"Carlisle Cullen." I pretended to scold him as we danced. "The poor boy just wanted to dance with the birthday girl."

He just smiled and eventually went and danced with Mom to let Cameron take a turn.

"Belle, I have to apologize for what you know, happened. At the grocery store a couple weeks ago."

"Cameron, really? Now?"

"Yeah. I don't think I'll really ever have a chance to tell you I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"How are you not drinking anyone here tonight?" I asked.

"Cuz. Kendra can do this thing, I don't know, it works all weird. But it works so that I don't have to feel thirsty. I won't drink your Mom, I promise."

"That's comforting." I said laughing.

"You really do look pretty Belle." he said with a grin.

"Thanks. You look dashing too. Kendra's lucky to have you."

"Yeah. I'm not meaning to ruin your birthday, but can I confess something to you?"

"What is it?"

"I miss my sister. I mean she was a pain in the ass, but really adorable, but she was also my baby sister."

I nodded, feeling a lump rise in my throat. Nobody had prepared him for this. He hadn't said his good byes. I didn't know what to say as we kept dancing.

"I'll talk to Carlisle Cameron. It's only fair we let you say your proper goodbyes to her."

He cracked a small smile. "Thanks Belle. Okay, I'm done being sad. Let's finish this dance before your boyfriend comes back to claim you."

I ended up not dancing with Carlisle until a good while later. After Cameron came Emmett, Edward, Jasper, Mike, Seth and Dad.

Shelly was catching this on on video for future use, she said.

When Carlisle and I finally got to dance together, Emmett put on a slow song. All the couples rushed to the dance floor as it played. It was our song, Thinking Out Loud.

"Are you enjoying your birthday?" I smiled up at him as we danced. He held me close to him.

"I am. I think this year even tops my eighteenth birthday. I thought that one was the best. But this year I get to celebrate it with everyone."

"You're only nineteen once." he reminded me.

"Right, but still." The song finished a few minutes later and Alice announced that it was time for cake.

We made our way to the cake. I admired it as we approached it. It was all purple and white, with flowers and butterflies as the design. There was a small section that had a huge red rose made out of frosting and some other candy I couldn't think of a name for. That's where Carlisle made me stand. Nineteen candles were neatly arranged on top of the cake. He lit them as everyone gathered around to sing Happy Birthday.

Alice led them all in song as I blushed and smiled like a fool. Mom and Rose took pictures as they sang.

I blew out my candles, only wishing for our lives to be filled with an abundance of happiness.

Before I knew what was happening, I was shoved, face first into the cake. Everyone laughed as I looked up. Frosting covered my eyes, making it hard to see. Alice and Carlisle cleaned the frosting off my face. "Emmett, you're lucky you didn't mess up the dress." she said as he chuckled. When I was frosting free Bella cut the huge slice with the red rose on it. She handed it to me with a smile.

"Enjoy!" I looked at it, wondering how I was going to eat so much on my own. I grabbed a fork and began eating around the edges savoring the delicious chocolate and strawberry flavor. They had really outdone themselves this time.

everyone else was enjoying the cake, just like I was. Carlisle and Edward were a ways away pretending to eat their slices.

It was a few minutes later when I had finally gotten to the middle of my slice. I had managed to not eat any of the rose as I ate. I took a huge forkful of cake into my mouth. I bit down on something cold and hard. I was a bit confused as I swallowed, making sure not swallow the hard object whatever it was. Carlisle came over as I chewed.

"Is everything okay?" he asked concerned as I swallowed the cake and pulled the thing out of my mouth.

And when I saw it, I gasped. It was a ring! A beautiful diamond ring! Had someone lost their ring while they were baking? I was about to open my mouth to ask when Carlisle took it from me as, from the corner of my eye, I saw Emmett gesturing for everyone to tone down their excitement over what I'd just found.

"Is it Rose's ring?" I asked but he shook his head. I saw now that everyone's eyes were on us. He took my slice of cake from me and set it on the table. Still holding the ring he got down on one knee in front of me. It took me a good ten seconds to figure out what was happening, but by the time I had Carlisle had already started speaking.

"There are millions, if not billions of ways I could ask you this one question. I am afraid that none of those billions of ways caught my attention. Most people write songs, others write poems. But none of those could ever help me in telling you how much I love you. You have made me the happiest man on this Earth. Ever since you first came to Forks, you have never ceased to bring happiness into my life. And for that I am immensely grateful. Nobody will ever understand the things we do. Or feel the things we feel. I can not even begin to describe how I feel when you're near me. I am proud to let the world know that I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and only you. And so it is here, in front of all of our family and friends that I ask you this. Annabelle Esme Swan, would you do me the greatest honor of becoming my wife?" Tears were already streaming down my face, probably ruining my makeup. But I could have cared less as I answered him.

"Yes. Carlisle Cullen, yes I will marry you." He slipped the ring on my finger and stood and kissed me as everyone around us cheered and clapped as we continued kissing. I could see Edward who stood behind Carlisle smiling at Bella who was in Mom's arms as they cried.

"I love you." he said after he pulled away. I was still crying.

"I love you. I love you so much." He held me close to him as I kept crying my happy tears. He wiped the ears from my eyes as everyone watched. When I was done crying, Mom rushed over and embraced us both.

"You're going to get married. My baby's getting married. My baby girl!"

"Oh Mom." I felt like crying again as she turned to Carlisle.

"You take good care of my baby girl. Never let her out of your sight. Promise me."

"You have my word." Carlisle assured her as Dad crushed me in a hug.

"Didn't I tell you you would be next?"

"I'm sorry for not believing you." I said laughing.

"You're just like Bella in that way." he chuckled and released me to talk to Carlisle.

I was soon pulled into a group hug with all my future children. Emmett was the first to reach me.

"I can't wait to officially call you Mom. I mean half of us already do. But soon it'll be legal."

"I love you you big teddy bear." I said hugging him before I hugged the rest.

In the end, I had been right. My nineteenth birthday had been the best birthday I'd ever had. I was engaged to Carlisle Cullen. Of course this meant wedding preparations with Alice. I didn't care about the endless hours anymore. I couldn't wait to be Mrs. Carlisle Cullen.

I looked on as everyone celebrated. Carlisle was by my side his hand holding mine. When I reached up to push one of the curls out of my face, the diamonds on my engagement ring caught the light and sparkled. It already felt at home there on my left hand.

The only question left now was probably what everyone else was asking themselves.

When are they going to get married?

As I thought that, Alice was suddenly in front of us.

"I can't wait to start the preparations. We've got so much to do. We've got to pick out the invitations, the bridesmaids dresses! Your dress, of course! That'll be the best part! Oh and then we'll go and sample all…"

"Alice can we wait until tomorrow at least? It's still my birthday. I don't want to start worrying yet." She laughed. "Oh right. Of course! I'm sorry. This is just so exciting!"

"I know it is. But I'm only human." I reminded her. She and Carlisle both laughed at that.

And that night as we danced the last dance of the evening I thought my life couldn't get any better than it was now. I had everything I could have ever wished for. Through all this turmoil and bliss, we had all survived coming out at the other end stronger than ever.

A/N Just like last time, I have tears in my eyes. I love these two. And I am so happy they finally got engaged! Fear not, their adventure is not over just yet! Carlisle and Belle have a while to go. Thank you all so much for sticking with me and enduring the schedule. Twiheart2795 thank you for sticking with me as well. Though I should call you by your new name now. :) So, ILoveTwiFics95 thanks so much! Huge hugs to all of you reviewers! The third installment is coming next Sunday! It will be updated every Sunday there after!

Here's what you can expect in the third story!

Jessica's wedding

A move to Seattle,

Belle and Carlisle's wedding preparations,

A small wedding for Alice and Jasper,

And so much more. There will be 25 to 30 chapters in the next one as well. And after long debates via Skype, twitter and other such ways of communications, we decided that the next installment will be called… Drumroll!

Everlasting Bliss

Aww! Cute!

Okay, until Sunday!


Oooooooooh! P.S.:!

Do not forget to check out I Love You, Buttercup. If you want a Rosalie/Emmett story, there's a great choice! Co written with BellaSC23 ! :) The third chapter was posted today! Here's the summary!

Summary: Rosalie had a perfect life going. Filled with her loving family, amazing friends, and her amazing boyfriend. Everything was absolutely perfect. But one night, when she finds out her boyfriend isn't exactly Prince Charming, things change. As the weeks that follow push on, she realizes that the person she would have never thought would help her through her heartbreak is helping her in more ways she would have never thought possible.

Awww again! Okay, I hope you guys check that one out! Until next time!