Long ago in a distance land; Aku the Shape-shifting Master of Darkness, Unleashed An Unspeakable Evil! But a foolish group of warriors, led by a samurai wielding a magic sword, stepped forth to oppose him.
[Shows Ron slashing at Aku in his ape from]
[Shows Ron cutting off Aku's scorpion tail]
[Shows Ron slashing through the dragon Aku]
Before a final blow was struck, he tore open a portal in time and flung them into the future. The result of that battle gave birth to me; Xmki, and my evil is law! Now those fools seek to return to the past and undo the future that is Xmki!
Samurai Ron
The Wrath of Xmki
~Chapter 6~
In a desert region stood a city straight from a Middle East history. A market place filled with life and activity. Most alien vendor and travelers wearing light color cloaks to protect them from the sun and said, most were large white turbans. Wooden stands with many, many items for sale or trade. One vender was filling one end of a scale with small seeds for an even trade. One vendor was brushing and trimming a long braded beard of an alien before the messy end was snipped off. Two male aliens were actually soaking and scrubbing in a foamy outdoor bath while a few others waited their turn. A couple of female aliens with only their hands and eyes visible were examining a stretch of silk fabric for sale. Though not all were looking to sell or buy. A crowd circled around a group of small blue furred aliens as they made a gymnastic performance for the crowd. A few groups were actually play instruments in the shade that could lightly be heard over the talking crowd. One lizard like alien with a round head was smoking a large pipe, bigger than he was, off to the side. One alien held a basket and whistled a tune through his long mouth like snot as a cobra danced to the music. If one looked they can see one blue skin alien with a trimmed goatee and red eyes had two live scorpions on his face below his eyes as they crawled ever so slightly.
Here three figured wearing hoods were walking through the crowd on a mission. Not much can be seen through the shadow of the hoods though one was looking at an old scroll and glancing up as if trying to find something. They ignored the many vendors trying to call their attention and the others of the crowd as they moved one. They never noticed a shadow watching them from a save distances. They finally paused by a door with a sheet covering the entrance with a sigh above it with two strange symbols they could not read. However they could noticed that the symbols did match those on the scroll and knew they had found the place.
They entered the building to the sound of wind chimes ringing. They looked around seeing many strange things from different mask or alien heads, to books and skulls with a slightly melted candle on top. Though it seemed livable as a chicken was roasting over a controlled but open fire inside. It gave them the feel of a mystic room before a voice got their attention. "Hello."
They spotted a short figure near the fire. The elder man was small wearing a cloak garb that covered all but his face this was orange skin and showed old age. His lips were big and scaly and his eyes were bright pink with slits. He smiled showing some sharp looking teeth. "Yes, yes I've been expecting you." His voice was old and slightly high.
Ron was the first to lower his hood. "We have come for…"
But the elder raised his hand, "Please, please do not insult me. I know why you are here."
"You do?" Joss asked as she and Yori lowered their hoods.
"Of course," the elder said as he moved to a different part of the room and pulled open my metal blinds that brought more light into the room. "Many things are a mystery but I know why you are here. Yes I know like a mother knows its child. For example if the child came home crying the mother would know why. That is how I know why you are here."
The three and Rufus looked at one another as the elder open two more blinds in his speech. "Please honorable elder," Yori started "We are here some something important."
"Of course," the elder said before he stood before the group, "You are looking for something you cannot find anywhere else. You are here for your most infinite desire. For what is woven through time to guild you to your home."
The group was hopeful, "yes that is what we are looking for."
"Is it here?" Joss asked.
"Of course, may I present…" the elder said before he clapped his hands twice and light shined onto a very large fancy looking rug with a strange design on it. "The Agiden Rug of King Bezon!"
"What?" they asked surprised at the claim.
"Huh?" Rufus added scratching his head.
"Yes, this I know," the elder said pleased with himself, "it is breath taking."
"My honorable apologies," Yori said shaking her head, "it seems we have the wrong place. We are not wishing to buy a rug."
"What?" the elder asked stunned at the news.
"We were positive this was the place," Ron said to the girls as he took out the scroll again.
The elder gasped seeing what they were holding, "Wait! May I see that?"
They looked at one another before they handed the scroll to the elder. The elder gazed upon the scroll and his hands were shaking as he gasped. "The ancient scroll of the Woolies."
"Indeed," Yori said "it was our honor to aid them some time ago."
"And they said you would be able to help us," Ron added.
"Of course," the elder said in awe, "the woolies are old friends. Why did you not say so in the beginning?"
"We tried but," Joss tired but she was cut off.
"No matter," the elder turned and waved to them, "Come quickly. We haven't much time."
They followed the elder towards the back of the store and though a door way. They walked down a hallway and the elder pulled back a shroud and beads hiding a hidden room. "The light of eternity."
The light was coming from a large and strange machine on the roof pointing down while the light which was bright and pure white seemed to be collecting in a basin on the bottom. The elder walked inside before he sat crossed legs before the basin of light, "Come sit," he offered, "there is nothing to fear."
The three looked at one another before they sat like the elder before the basin, Ron placing the Lotus Blade right next to him. The elder began a light chant before he slowly places his hands into the beam of light as it seemed to shimmer with life. "Places your hands into the light," the elder commanded slowly.
The three did as they were told as like the elder the light seem to sparkle and shimmer once they did so. "The light as accepted you," the elder explain before he looked up, "An image is forming."
They all looked up and a shadow seem to appear in the light. They could not make out what it was though. But what was in the center seem to stand out to them. "A strange structure," Yori stated.
"With a jewel inside," Joss added as the large diamond shaped jewel took most of the image.
"Yes, it is what you seek," the elder informed them. "The jewel holds great magic." The elder then gasped as the image changed and if anything the light got stronger.
"What's wrong?" Ron asked startled.
"A warning," the elder said. "Only those of pure heart can approach and use the jewel."
The image showed a man below the jewel before it rose and covered it but in the center of the man was a heart that shined bright.
"Our mission is noble, our hearts are pure," Yori stated, "We have nothing to fear."
"Not a problem," Ron added, "right Rufus?"
Rufus nodded, "Uh-huh, pure heart."
"Yes the truth you speak," the elder says with a smile and the image changed again into a sun, "Now follow the setting sun and the rising moon. They will be your guild." The images copied the elder saying this before said elder cried out as if in pain as the moon turned shape. It was now several dark tendrils twisting, turning and sending chills down their spins. "Something is wrong. It is something evil."
"I can't make it out," Ron said trying to guess what it is.
"Scary," shivered Rufus.
Suddenly there was an explosion that knocked them all back and send sunlight into the room. Ron rubbed his head as the dust settled and he could see three figures in the hole in the wall. They were tall with skinny waist and legs though they could not be seen with their cloaks. In fact with their heads wrapped in clothes the only part that can be seen were their red eyes that looked almost robotic and four robotic limbs sticking out of the cloaks with swords attached to the ends. One then said in a robotic voice, which made Ron start to believe they were robots themselves. "Lady Xmki will pay us handsomely for your head samurai."
Ron reached for the lotus blade, only to find that it was not on him but knocked away from the blast. "Uh-oh." He muttered before he reached out for it so he can summon it back to him. However the bounty hunters were upon him. He was forced to duck and avoid their swings swords before he rolled away to avoid several swords stabbed into the ground where just was moments ago.
Yori and Joss recovered and saw Ron getting attack, "Not on my watch buddy!" Joss cried before she grew her guns and fired at the closest bounty hunter. He was able to block one shot but the second hit his chest, causing the bounty hunter to stagger slightly but now charged towards Joss. Joss jumped back to get more room and fired again.
Yori grew her sword and got into her stance, "Such dishonorable tactics will not work today."
The bounty hunters took no heed as they charged at her. Yori however used her speed to avoid the first swing and as she ducked under the second she came up and threw a pair of shuriken at the hunter's head. He cried in pain as he eyes were stabbed before Yori finished the robotic hunter off with a stab to the chest. Yori then flipped backwards to avoid an attack from behind and landed on her attacker's back. Yori stabbed her blade into the head to finish that hunter off.
Rufus was closest to the Lotus Blade when he saw the fighting around him. He also noticed that more bounty hunters were coming into the fight as well. Using his small amount of power he had the Lotus Blade shrink to his size and ran at the closest hunter. The bounty hunter barely noticed the naked mole rat before Rufus jumped higher than the hunter height and transformed the sword into a spear and stabbed right through the hunter's chest. The naked mole rat used the spear as a jumping point to a different hunter while the Lotus Blade appeared in his paws.
Ron was having a hard time. He saw that Rufus was using the Lotus Blade so he could not summon it from his buddy and leave him open. So he was force to us a metal pole to defend himself as he struggled to get closer to Rufus. But as the bounty hunters were mostly focus on him the odds were against him. The metal pole suddenly snapped under the strain of blocking so many sword strikes. Ron was back into a corner as he tried to find something to help him. The bounty hunters raised their swords and swung at him. What happen next surprised Ron, the swords were blocked by a young women in front of him. Her red hair in a waist-length ponytail and has vivid green eyes. She wore armor like a Greek warrior and blocked the swords with a small shield on her left arm and a bronze sword in her right. The one thing that stood out to him though was how much the woman looked like… "Kim?" Ron asked stunned.
"Get your head in the game," the woman said before she pushed the bounty hunters back. She ducked under one sword swing before she turned and slammed the edge of her shield into the arm joint, crippling the arm before she slashed the bounty hunter in half. She turned to the next one and smashed the front of her shield to the hunter's face. The robot staggered but the woman pressed her advantage but jumping upon him before she slammed the edge of her shield into the head. She then stood on her feet, still on top of the fallen robot, and tossed her sword lightly in the air. The bronze sword shifted and grew until it became a bronze spear. Once she can spear before she threw it right at the back of a hunter attacking Joss, piercing the body and came out the other end.
"Whoa," Joss gasped seeing the spear head pointing right at her from the bounty hunter's body.
As the woman charged into the battle again Ron took this opportunity to get to Rufus and the Lotus Blade. Ron was able to slide next to a panting Rufus and held the naked mole rat up and grabbed the lotus blade. Not far away the elder was sitting up before he gasped. "The evil!" he cried.
"I know," Ron said before he turned to join the fight now.
"No! You don't understand!" the elder said waving his arms but Ron did not noticed as he ran at the bounty hunters.
Ron did not hear this as he held the blade in front of him and stabbed into the bounty hunter that the woman was attacking, before he slashed the body in half from his strike. "About time," the woman said to Ron.
"I needed my sword," Ron said as he attacked the next hunter and chopped off the sword arms before he stabbed it in the chest as well.
"I can see" the woman said with a small smile before she jumped up and cut another bounty hunter in half vertically.
However eve more bounty hunters arrived and the room now had less room to fight in. "They just keep coming," Joss said as she fired her gun again.
"Then it's time to go," the woman said, "Follow me!" and she ran two a window before she jumped through the glass onto the street below. The others looked at one another before they ran and copied her action. They handed onto the sandy street and looked around for their possible new ally. "This way!" they heard her cry and she stood across the street pass a crowd of people.
They started top go after her as she started off again. The bounty hunters also started to follow them as they jumped out of the window. The gang looked again before they heard a whistle and found the woman in an alleyway. This time she waited for them before leading them as they ran through several side streets between the buildings. They kept in pace with the woman as she seemed to know where she was going before she asked, "Do any of you know how to ride an Ukla?"
"A what?" Joss asked confused and she was not the only one.
"They're like camels but different" the woman responds.
"I rode a camel before," Ron said recalling the time he rode one as team Possible in a desert region.
The woman stopped as they entered an open pen like area. The creature here, no doubt the Ukla's, were quadrupeds with blue/purple fur and eyes which protrude like pods. One open its mouth before it spat into the sand. Each of them had reigns around their heads and mouths and cloths covering their humps. "Ukla's?" Ron asked.
"Adorable aren't they?" the woman asked with a grin before she ran forward and mounted one.
"Hut, hut, hut" she said and the Ukla stood into its legs and started to run towards open desert. The others got onto their own Ukla's and tried to get them to go. "Hiyah!" Yori cried trying to get her ride to go but the Ukla simply sat there.
The woman slowed her Ukla to a stop and called back to them, "No…hut, hut, hut."
Ron looked at her before he followed her suggestion "hut, hut, hut?"
The Ukla's eyes snapped open and sat up quickly before it took off in a run into the desert. Yori and Joss soon followed him on their Ukla though theirs were not in so much of a hurry. The woman chuckled slightly before she cried again, "hut, hut, hut."
The bounty hunters appeared as the last rider took off into the desert. However they stopped and did not continued their chase. In fact they looked at one another with their eyes showing they were quite pleased with themselves.
The group rode through the desert for a while now and it seemed that the bounty hunters finally stopped chasing them. The Ukla slowed down from their run into a light trot to keep a good distance. Ron now used this time to get a good look at the woman that helped them. She looked to be in her early twenties. Her red hair in a waist-length ponytail and has vivid green eyes. She also wears light-green eye shadow around the far upper corners of her eyes. She is tall and quite muscular compared to most other girls they have seen.
Her top consists of two layers. The top layer is a light-brown, strapless top split divided vertically with some bronze patterns. This may be a piece of leather or metal armor as it appears to be quite stiff, maintaining its shape without support; this layer also seems to have some kind of riveting or small, round embroidery on the sides, which may also be heavy stitching. The bottom layer is a low bronze V-neck. She also wears an elastic, red, A-line miniskirt and brown cut-off sleeves on both arms. She wears a red ankle-length drapery that appears to be wrapped around her skirt. There is a small circular bronze plate by her right hip opposite a pouch with both connected to a belt. She wears a bronze circlet headpiece that can be seen above her ear and under her bangs. A pair of small, green, teardrop-shaped emeralds hang from her circlet on thin chains. She also sports a large bronze gorget around her neck, and a bronze bracelet on the upper half of her left arm. The woman noticed that Ron was staring so he looked away as she glanced his way. Joss rode close and asked, "Who are you? And why did you help us?"
Ron frowned slightly here. Yes he wanted to ask the same thing but Joss asked it rather rudely to him. The woman frown at Joss, "Your welcome."
Joss looked ashamed now of her actions before Yori said, "Our humble apologies. Our time in this land has made us irritated and rude. We are thankful for your honorable assistants."
The woman smiled before she said simply, "No big."
This caused both Ron and Joss to stare at her as she rode next to them. Both could see a lot of Kim in this woman. Both started to wonder if Kim was related to her before Yori said, "It is our honor. My name is Yori."
"Ron stoppable," Ron said before Joss added, "And I'm Joss Possible."
The woman nodded to them, "Nice to meet you, my name is Pyrrha." She looked towards the sun which was starting to set, "We should make for camp. The desert is not the safest place to travel at night."
The group settled down with some tens prop up and a fire going. It seemed the Ukla that they rode all had some gear with them so they were at least with some supplies. Right now they were waiting as they watched their food cook over the fire. It was a few lizard like animal they hunted in the desert that Pyrrha said were not poisonous to eat. They sat quietly with only the sound of the crackling fire and the moans and grunt of the Ukla can be heard. Pyrrha then took one of the lizard and started to eat it after blowing on the food. The others followed her example and started to eat as well. As they ate a small little creature popped up from the sand, surprising them. It looked like a round mouse with big shinny eyes and a snout like nose as it squeaks. Joss nearly jumped at the sudden creature popping up next to her. "Relax," Pyrrha said with a smile, "they're harmless."
Joss smiled before she took a small piece of her food and lowered her hand to offer it to the mouse. It hopped out of the hole and hopped near the hand. It sniffed the food with a squeak before it open its mouth and snagged the meat with a small frog like tongue. Joss laughed as the mouse moved and accepted food from Yori as well. Rufus actually took a piece of meat and stood on the sand and offered it to the mouse. The mouse sniffed Rufus, and Rufus sniffed him as well just a little, before the mouse ate the small piece of meat. The two rodents squeaked to one another for about a minute before it moved to a giggling Pyrrha. The woman offered food on her hand to the mouse but after it sniffed her the mouse squeaked as if in horror and rapidly burrowed under the sand. Pyrrha glared at the hole with a scowl before turning the glare to the laughing group, Rufus laughing the hardest as he rolled on the ground. Finally the scowl and glare dropped and Pyrrha was laughing along with them. They kept laughing for a bit before it slowed to a stop.
Pyrrha looked at Ron and raised a brow seeing how he was staring intently at her. "Something wrong?" she asked. "You been staring at me for a while now."
Ron blushed and rubbed the back of his head embarrassed, "Sorry, you just remind me of someone a lot."
Pyrrha smiled and teased, "Oh, an old girlfriend perhaps?"
Ron chuckled nervously "you can say that."
Pyrrha laughed again before she waved her hand, "Sorry kid. I'm touched and all but you're not my type."
Joss looked embarrassed as well as she was also staring, "We're sorry. You just look like an older version of my cousin Kim."
Pyrrha frowned slightly looking at her, "You said your last name was Possible. Is your cousin's name Kim Possible?"
The group looked stunned at someone from the future knowing a friend from the past. "Yes," Joss answered quickly, "How do you know her?"
Pyrrha stared at the flames almost having a lost look on her face, "Kim…is my ancestor." This stunned the group. Yes they meet a group that were the descendent of their villains but to finally meet someone related to one of them. Pyrrha went on, "I was looking for that elder, in order to save Kim."
"How?" Ron asked scared. From the way Pyrrha was talking it made it sound that Kim was still alive, but trapped.
Pyrrha took a moment to collect herself as she took a stick and poke the fire, "thousands of years ago, when Xmki was taking over, my ancestor Kim lead a group of freedom fighters in order to save the world. They were not successful however. Xmki saw Kim as their leader and hope so she made an example out of her."
The group stared at her and the fire. In the flames they could see images made of the flames. Two warriors fighting, one much larger than the other, before the smaller warrior was caught. Pyrrha continued, "She trapped Kim in a ring of fire, forcing her to burn for all eternity unable to die when she was in the ring." The group now saw the flame version of Kim trapped inside a ring unable to move. "Somewhere in this desert is a mystic jewel that has the power to free her. That elder was the last of a group of desert nomads that use to travel this desert. It took me five years to find him and my chance to free Kim." Pyrrha looked down almost defeated, "And it may take me another five years to find him again…if at all."
The group stared unable to say anything. To learn the fact of someone they loved or considered a dear friend was tortured in such a way and they were unable to do anything about it. Ron clenched his fist in anger. 'Again someone I know had been in pain because I failed.'
"Xmki evil is my curse as well," Ron finally said as he looked up and saw something behind Pyrrha. He recalled what he had learned today and smirked at them all, "but together we all may have the power to defeat the demon."
"What?" Pyrrha asked not expecting this news.
Yori and Joss followed Ron's line of sight and smiled as well "he is correct. While the dishonorable bounty hunters' attack were effective, they too late. The elder has already given us then information on how to find the jewel."
"And with it we can save Kim, and send us back in time to stop Xmki before she can even begin her evil conquest and the years of pain and suffering she had caused to these lands."
"Look there" Joss explained to Pyrrha as she pointed behind her.
Pyrrha turned to see the crescent moon rising in the distance in the desert. Ron stood and said, "Our path is set, our time is now. We are to follow the setting sun and the rising moon." He held out his hand to Pyrrha, "While alone we may have been unsuccessful but all together we can do anything."
Pyrrha smiled as she took Ron's hand and was pulled to her feet. "Nothing will stop us."
"Let's go!" Rufus squeaked jumping on top of Ron's shoulder.
The group quickly packed their gear, buried the fire and loaded up the Ukla's. Finally within a few minutes the group rode into the desert, towards the moon and their goal in mind.
They ran into the night when they hit their first challenge. As day started to break they hit a sand storm. They were able to find shelter near a cliff base as the sand gathered around them. When the storm stopped they dug their way back above the sand. But they were not discourage as they saw the setting sun when they were free and mange to make their move again.
That night they rode through the night when they found one of the many reason the dessert was dangerous. Before them a large sand worm broke the dessert sand and screeched at them. The dark purple fur and gapping mouth gave it a strange appearance before it dove into the sand again. They looked around ready for it to come back up before it popped up right under Pyrrha and swallowed her and her Ukla whole. The gang gathered their weapons to cut the worm and hopefully free Pyrrha but she beat them to the punch. The worm looked like it was in pain before the bottom side was slashed open and Pyrrha jumped out with her Ukla. The worm screeched in pain but sank back into the sand and did not bother them again. They looked at Pyrrha, seeing she was fine smirking at them though she and her Ukla were soaking wet. They rode again, though Pyrrha was scowling ahead of them not is much of a good mood. Downwind of them was the smell she and her Ukla gathered when they were eaten. The three held their noses trying to ignore the smell. Pyrrha did not take their comment of said smell very well and rode upwind from them on purpose for it.
They rode again through a rocky cannon in the desert, following the trail before them. They did not see the shadow coming up from behind them. It was until something swooped down and grabbed Joss did they notice the predator. It was a large gargoyle like beast with a scaly hide and large black wings. Pyrrha and Ron caught each other eyes and smirked at one another. They both grabbed their swords, Pyrrha tossed hers in the air and caught it as a spear while Ron transformed his into a spear. Both pulled their arms back and lunched them at the beast. Both weapons stabbed into it hide, causing it to roar in pain and fly around erratically. It was fortunate that Rufus hitched a ride on one of the spears up onto the beast. Rufus climbed down before he stood on the nose of the beast and gave it a hard kung-fu kick between the eyes. The beast yelped like a wounded dog before it stared at Rufus slightly scared. Rufus glared and pointed towards the ground. The beast listen and flew lower to the ground slowly before Joss was able to jump down. Ron and Pyrrha freed their weapons and Rufus jumped down. The beast flew away wanting to put itself as much distance from the group and the small scary monster.
That night they made camp in a small cave near the cannon exit. Joss was having a small spar with Pyrrha. The younger Possible could not keep the grin off her face. Ron and Yori watched whole Rufus munched one some fruit Pyrrha was able to find. Ron had a smile as well as he watched Pyrrha teaching Joss as they fight before she flipped the younger girl onto her back. The older girl helped joss up as they laughed all the while. Ron felt hopeful seeing one of Kim's descendent able to interact with her family. He was worried for Kim and was determined to free her. Ron hoped that the reunion between Pyrrha and Kim will be on a happy note before he would travel back home to free them all; Kim, Pyrrha, and all of the people Xmki has hurt over the years.
They traveled again in the morning and this time found a large desert caravan. Large tents were up and as they entered they found themselves surrounded by guard and held at sword point. They did not start a fight as they were lead to the chef. He sat in the largest tent on a large cushion looking like a sultan with several alien and human females dressed like old fashion harem girls. The small man had a large beard, large eyebrows and even larger mustache while wearing a large turban. The chef however smiled seeing them, having heard of the group adventures through the lands. He then threw a small fest for everyone so they can rest for their journey. As they ate and drank to the feast the chef talked to Ron and the others listening to what they been through as the traveled not only the desert but the lands as well. He enjoyed their company before the night's entertainment arrived. An alien female dressed as a harem girl with dark pink skin and large eyes and a see through veil danced around the room to the music as everyone watched. Ron blushed seeing the beauty of the woman and Ron also noticed that Pyrrha was watching the dancers as much as everyone else was. Though she was not alone as another dancer came out. This one however was a large male with light green skin, large detailed muscles and wearing the pants and veil like the last dancer. Ron laughed as Joss and Yori watched the male dancer with a blush as he danced and Pyrrha looked away before seeing Ron look at her and they both shared a laugh.
The next day they were given some supplies and set out again. They traveled through the desert for several days, following the sun and the moon as they did so. They rested when they could and the journey was tiring but they were all determined enough to keep going. Then finally one day as the traveled the spotted something up ahead. On a hill was what looked like an oasis. "What that?" Pyrrha asked as they headed towards it.
"A mirage?" Joss asked as they experienced a few of those a few times in the desert.
"I don't know," Ron said as they kept heading towards it. "But we have been traveling for many days."
They slowed down when they reached the edge of the oasis before they gentle walked inside of it. Everything was full of live. The small amount of birds, the tree and the smell started to make them believe this was real. The real piece to making them believe this was the pool of water found near the center, "Water!" Joss cried before she cupped her hands and took a few drinks. The others joined her while Rufus jumped into the pool itself. Yori looked around before she spotted something above the pool, "Our quest has ended."
They all looked up to see the jewel floating above them all. It shined with power and they all stared in awe, "The jewel," Pyrrha said wiping her mouth of water.
"Yes," Ron said getting serious knowing they were almost ready, "soon our time in this miserable Xmki infested land will finally be over."
Ron took the lead and spoke loudly to the jewel. "Magical jewel; we have travel your desert, we have overcome every obstacle, we have been awe by its breathtaking beauty, we have earned its respect. We humbly request to use your power. Fulfill our destiny."
They were all quite before the jewel glowed bright and shot a beam at them. It surrounded them though none of them were hurt or effect by the beam at all. "What's happening?" Pyrrha asked aloud.
"The elder spoke of this," Yori said "Only those of pure heart can use the jewel. It is testing us."
For a minute the beam continue to go before it pulled back into the jewel and stopped glowing. They waited before the whole oasis started to shake. "Something is wrong." Joss said.
Suddenly the trees before them burst and a giant figure appeared. It was larger than anything they have seen before. It had a large belly but showed huge muscles as well. Six powerful arms were pushing the trees back and it glared down at them. The jewel was now on the forehead of this guardian. "We have been deceive," Pyrrha said as she grew her sword and shield."
"No!" Ron cried not believing this, "We are of pure heart. I will not fight."
The guardian however shot laser beams from its eyes at the group. Pyrrha jumped out of the way but the rest were hit. They felt a bit of pain and were knocked back but were alright. They could hear the sound of fighting and looked up to see Pyrrha…but she was different. She now had large wings made of black feathers. She flew around the guardian as it tried to hit her as she slashed and attacked it. The guardian got a lucky hit and Pyrrha landed on the ground before them. "You can fly?" Joss asked.
"Yes, but I never needed to us my other abilities." Pyrrha answered as she glared determined at the guardian, "but now that I am so close…I will not hold back!"
To the group amazement Pyrrha grew, her form and size got bigger and bigger until she actually towered over the guardian. "That's amazing," Joss said.
"Who knew she has strange powers" Yori added.
Pyrrha took the offensive as she hit the guardian in the face with a right hook, then a left. She hit it again with a hit to the gut. Finally Pyrrha made a judo flip and sent the guardian crashing into the other side of the oasis, crushing a few trees, leaving the group gapping. Pyrrha shrunk down to normal size and pulled the jewel free with a wide grin.
"The Jewel!" Ron cried.
"We've succeed!" Yori added as the three cheered. "At long out quest has come to an end."
Then there was the sound of glass breaking. They sound echoed in their minds and through the whole oasis as they all stared in horror. There stood Pyrrha…and the broken jewel on the ground before her. Her eyes were close and her face blank. "What have you done?" Joss yelled as they all tried to understand what happen.
Pyrrha said nothing…then she laughed. She pulled her head back and started to laugh hard at what she had done. The laugh echoed worst then the shattering jewel while all the same it started to get darker. "Pyrrha?" Ron asked worried.
"No fools!" Pyrrha said as her voice started to change. Her hair came undone and got longer and thicker. Her armor vanished and a royal kimono like robe took its place. The fair skin turned black, dark ink black. Her face turned pale white with new makeup forming. Her eyes changed shaped and fire appeared over her eyes, "Xmki." She finished.
The group gapped as Xmki grew in size and towered over them all. "So we finally meet, face to face. Yes samurai, you have been betrayed. Pyrrha and I are one and the same."
"No," Ron said falling to his knees and the others were no better.
"Oh yes," Xmki said with a grin, "you see I had a dream…no! A nightmare. Of a jewel which had the power to send you back in time." She waved her hand to the shattered jewel "I knew this was no mere dream, but a premonition. I had to destroy this powerful jewel. But I did not know its whereabouts."
"No," Ron whispered his head still down.
"Yes samurai," Xmki said looked over him, "I knew you would find it." She pulled back and clasped her hands together as if praying and said softly "Oh my poor ancestor Kim Possible, trapped in a ring of fire by mean old Xmki."
She ended this banter with a loud roaring laugh that filled Ron and the others with anger. How dare she take a form like Kim to trick them? How dare she use Kim's unknown fate to lie to them? How dare she mock the lie and of Kim to them all. Ron could not take any more of them as he drew his sword and charged at Xmki with a scream of fury. Xmki however jumped into the air and shrunk herself into a smaller form with the same black feather wings on her back. Ron glared up at her, "Fight me coward!"
"We will fight samurai," Xmki informed them. "But when it is at a time I see fit. But for now…how did you put it? Oh yes," she smirked at them, "your time in this miserable Xmki infested land…continues."
As laughs as she flew away as Ron screamed at her. Soon she was gone and they were all alone. Ron screamed in fury and pain before he stabs the sword into the ground before him. He fell to his knees and tears fell from his eyes. Yori and Joss dropped next to him while Rufus moaning on the ground next to Ron, this experience hurt them all greatly as they all formed a bond with Pyrrha so this betrayal ran deep. Worst then that, the memory of Kim, their friend and love one, was used against them in such a way hurts even more than they could image Ron then finally spoke as he gripped "I will destroy you Xmki, I swear it."
And there we have our latest chapter. Happy Easter to everyone even if you do not celebrate it. For those asking why I had Xmki take the form of Pyrrha and if she is the same girl from RWBY, then I will explain. When I first planed this chapter out I had a different idea, form and name for Xmki in this chapter. But a friend of mine, Wolfpackersson09, got me to look up and watch the series RWBY. I was interested and when I first watched it I could not help but think how much the characters Pyrrha and Jaune remind me of both Kim and Ron respectfully. So I figured, why not have Xmki take Pyrrha's form in this chapter? I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and a happy holiday to you all.