This story got a lot less innocent. But still pretty innocent.

I do not own Inuyasha.

Now to the story...

December 21, 1480.

A little green plant with red berries... Who decided this would be a tradition during the coldest season of the year?

"Father, why continue to follow these foolish human traditions?" He shook off my clear disdain for the custom, and continued littering the ceiling of the throne room with said plant.

"Oh hush, you complain at everything, must you do it during this most wonderful time of year?" Finished with "reprimanding" me he turned to to servant standing at the entrance of the room awaiting orders.

"Can you find Inuyasha and bring him here, he should be done with his afternoon classes. Sesshomaru here needs some cheering up."

"Right away, my lord." A low bow was directed at both of us and not a second later the door was shut again.

"I don't need Inuyasha to be happy." My "Father" looked at me stifling a smile and gathered me in his arms forcing my head to his chest, patting my hair and cooing.

"Oh Sesshomaru, my dear boy, you are so clearly in the deep recesses of denial that you have gone mad." I was forced to stay with my face smushed between his chest and his arms which were now both pressed against my head. He didn't let go until the doors burst open and a blur of red and white crashed through them, which could only mean one thing.

"SESSHIE!" Only through me being a demon was I able to catch him without stumbling or losing my breath.

"Will you ever cease this nonsense, and begin to greet me properly?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Nope!" His face became serious while he greeted Father, but instantly created a face-splitting smile as Father reached out his arms and lifted him up.

"How were the lessons today?" Father asked, following me with Inuyasha to where the servant who had calmly walked in behind Inuyasha, had set the tea.

"They were good! But Jaken-sensei, got mad at me." Inuyasha fiddled with his hands while Father groaned and had to ask.

"What did you do, this time?"

"I put a frog in his hat." I smirked into my cup and Father shook his head.

"While it would have been funny to see his face; Inuyasha that is not how a prince is to behave, that is not how anyone should behave. Do you understand?" Inuyasha lifted his head and replied,

"Yes, Father."

"Did you apologize?"

"Yes I did."

"Alright, I trust you have learned from your mistake. You're punishment is to spend the day with Sesshomaru and cheer him up. He has been grumpy all morning." Inuyasha looked at Father with wide eyes,

"How is that bad?" Raking a hand down his face in disbelief Father replied.

"You can deal with him and tell me you're not tired of his complaining." Inuyasha stood up from Father's lap, marching over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck stating proudly,

"I will never get tired of my Sesshie ever!" Father sniggered as I pulled his arms away from my neck. Dissatisfied with this, Inuyasha pouted and returned to his seat upset.

"That's good because I have a meeting right now," Father said seeing Takahashi-sensei, at the newly repaired doors, waiting, "I'll see you two later at supper. Good luck, to the both of you." Inuyasha and I stood on our feet bowing, and sitting back down when the doors closed. Inuyasha wasted no time, immediately jumping into my lap.

"I haven't seen you all day Sesshie. Did you miss me?" The brat asked holding onto me with a death grip. I wrapped an arm around his back to steady him and used the other to hold my cup to his lips, urging him to drink. I returned the cup to the table when he finished.

"I did." He smiled unfazed by my short answer, but frowned after looking pass my head.

"What's the stuff on the ceiling?" Looking up as well, I answered.

"Ningens have a tradition. Where if you hang those bundles of leaves and berries up, and two people are standing underneath it, they have to kiss."

"What is it called?"

"Mistletoe." He sat there thinking for a bit.

"What's a kiss?"

"It's when two people show their affection for each other by kissing." Inuyasha looked down at his hands again, shyly looking back at me.

"How do you kiss?"

"You use your lips." His eyes widened and he pulled his bottom lip into his mouth. Noticing his discomfort I explained.

"You don't have to kiss someone on their lips, you can kiss someone anywhere. Like their cheek, or forehead."

"Oh. Can anyone kiss?" His plump cheeks began to heat up.

"Yes, but it is mates that kiss on the lips." He nodded in understanding but didn't look up from my chest.

"Would you like to go on a walk Inuyasha? Your face is quite red." The light flush of pink had turned into a burning red.

"Can we go lie down for a little while, I'm kind of tired."

"Then let's go." We both stood up, Inuyasha first so I could stand, then we walked towards the family garden. Making sure no one was near, with a flick of his downy ears and his nose tilting upwards, he slowly reached for my hand. Chubby fingers made a fist around my thumb, wary of both our sets of claws, and when I hadn't pulled away he walked closer, his cheek nuzzling the back of my hand.

Opening the door to my study I led Inuyasha inside, closing the door behind us and heading to the hidden door only those with blood of the Inuyoukai family could open. Inuyasha giggled as he placed his right hand on the wall and it moved to the side as easily as a shoji screen door, and walking straight towards the large tree residing in the middle of the garden.

Our great grandfather had built this sanctuary for our family, in case of danger or if just in need of rest.

"Sesshie! Look at the flowers, they are so pretty today!" Inuyasha had stopped on his way to the tree. He squatted down right where a small, rogue pack of flowers had grew in the middle of the grass. I chuckled when I saw him, in his robes he looked like a larger version of his red rubber ball. When I came up to stand beside him, his little hand was curled in a fist with an index finger out to poke at the flowers.

"Come now Inuyasha, don't bother the flowers." I held out my hand for him and with a large grin plastered on his face, he held his arms up, squeezing his hands open and closed. I sighed and gave in, picking him up and cradling him in my arms. He giggled and shoved his face into my neck, his ears brushing my chin every so often.

Reaching our spot under the great tree, I kept him in my arms and lowered my body to the ground. When I sat down, relaxing into a crook made by the roots, he shifted in my lap, manipulating my arms until he was comfortable enough. I let out a small laugh as I moved my left arm away from where he left it. Huffing he grabbed said arm and nipped it, smiling smugly at me when I glared back.

Leaning back into his spot under my chin, he yawned.

"Sesshie, when we're older will you show me what a kiss is?" The odd question surprised me, and my eyes widened at the true meaning of the question. I froze, not knowing how to answer. He must of noticed my arms stiffen, as he looked up at me through his eye lashes.

"What's wrong Sesshie?"

"I may not be the right person for that Inuyasha. Kissing is between mates." Large golden, honey eyes softened in realization.

"Oh. But we are going to be mates when I'm older right?" A smile graced his lips when he tilted his head in question.

"I don't think you understand what you are asking Inuyasha."

"I don't care! Sesshie will be my mate!" He emphasized his sincerity by grabbing my head and wrapping every available body part around me.

"Calm down Inuyasha, that is going to be years away for you. There is a lot that will happen during those years. Father will introduce you and I both to many worthy and powerful candidates for us to mate." Shaking his head at the unwanted information he shouted.

"I don't care! I don't want anyone else but you!" Still stubbornly gripping my head in his small hands, I began to run my free right hand down his back. There would be no reasoning with Inuyasha when he was like this.

"Alright Inuysha, what ever you say. We will be mates. Would you like to sleep now? You must be very tired." A tiny yawn was his answer as his hold loosened and he slid back down into my lap. Looking up at me with those giant eyes of his, he cupped my cheek in his chubby little hand.

"Promise me Sesshomaru? Promise me that we will be mates." I stopped again in surprise, he rarely used my full name when we were alone but I agreed nonetheless.

"I promise you Inuyasha." In contrast to his actions earlier, he calmly nodded his head in satisfaction and yawned again.

"Sweet dreams Sesshie." He smiled up at me lazily, as I pressed a slow kiss on his forehead. His eyes widened for a second in confusion then returned to their former exhausted state. He snuggled back into my embrace. I brought his body closer and laid my head against his.

"Rest well Inuyasha."

Mates. Huh.