Saturday mornings are lazy. Saturday morning Homura is lazier.

This was something Mami hadn't really learned the full extent of until now, as the dark-haired girl seemed intent on staying right where she was. Snuggled up against the blonde and clinging to the back of her shirt.

"Homura," the blonde whispers, "I have to get up and make breakfast."

"No you don't." Her voice comes out in a half yawn, and her grip on Mami's nightshirt tightened.

"The others will be here soon," the blonde reminds her, rolling her eyes. "We have to get dressed."

"Technically, we are dressed." Mami turns over to face her stubborn housemate.

"You're a menace," she grumbles and wraps her arms around the dark-haired girl.

Homura hums in acknowledgement, settling back into the pillow and snuggling herself up to her blonde companion. "And you're comfortable."

wow its been a while huh, sorry if this chap isn't the best, i haven't written for this fic for a while so im kinda rusty, hope you guys enjoy tho!