Rise From the Ashes

Author's Note: Abbschris thank you for the first review! This is a story that came to me suddenly and I posted it as quick a possible so the fact that someone liked it really encouraged me to write the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or its characters, they belong to Jeff Davis and MTV.

Chapter Two ~

Stiles was breathing heavily as the realization of his death crashed down on him. Isaac was shocked at his sudden fall, even more so by his whispered declaration. He did not, no he could not believe that Stiles had died, especially when the young man was right before him, his heart rate increasing but strong. Stiles on the other hand, looked as pale as death, his eyes vacant and emotionless. The young wolf couldn't stand seeing the same look that his abusive father had forced into him. The look of pure fear and dejection. So, denying any possibility that Stiles could have even been close to dying, Isaac slowly moved, as if soothing a frightened animal, toward Stiles. Upon reaching the brunette's side, the new wolf wrapped an arm around his shoulder and began to softly speak.

"Stiles, what's wrong? You didn't die, you're alive, your heart is beating and your breathing aren't you?"

Isaac tried to talk some sense into the boy who just continued to mutter the impossible idea that he had died. However, Stiles had heard what the young Were was saying, but he couldn't bring himself to actually listen, he knew it was true. He had died.

The memory of the incident was still fresh in his mind. the acrid stench of smoke, the panic that seemed to rise from his toes to the very last strands of hair of his head. He remembered the white hot pain of the flames crawling across his skin, the screams of pure agony that were torn from his throat leaving it raw and hoarse. How his sounds of pain were muffled by the roaring of the fire and sound of sizzling rubber like bacon on a frying pan. As the memory of the crash replayed in his mind, Stiles could feel his body begin to shut down. his limbs began to feel as heavy as lead, his stomach churned, his breathing became erratic, and as time went on he began seeing black and white spots in his vision.

Stiles was having a panic attack.

When Derek heard Stiles' voice he was shocked into stillness, leaving him open to Scott's attack. The tackle was hard and the two ended up in a heap on the ground before Scott began beating on Dereks face and chest, only to be thrown across the clearing with a growl from the new Alpha. As the Hale quickly shifted to his Beta form, his eyes glowing a brilliant crimson, he could not help but think of why he was hearing Stiles' voice. His thoughts were halted by Scott as the Beta lunged for him again, his claws drawn and he was going for blood if the pure hatred in his glowing amber eyes said anything about the situation. Although both wolves were stopped by the sound of Isaac's panicked yell.

"Stiles. you need to calm down! Breathe!"

'He's alive?!' Derek thought to himself as he raced to his beta's side, only to be greeted by the sight of a frantic, but alive Stiles and a distressed Isaac. "Stiles, you're alive?" the onler wolf asked reduntly as he reached a hand out to touch the human. Scott, seeing this action, moved onto all fours and rushed Derek, causing both of them to crash next to Stiles. The human didn't even flinch.

Tired of being disrespected by a Beta, Derek's wolf instincts kicked in and he grabbed Scott by the scruff of the neck before loudly roaring in the Beta's face, fangs dripping copious amounts of saliva. This display of dominance seemed to calm the boy down, if just slightly. It also elicited a gasp from Stiles, whose breathing began to steady a little, they was still quick but they were deeper.

"Stiles? What happened?" Scott asked, voice laced with concern.

Stiles tried to form the words but they became lodged in his throat, taking pity on the still recovering boy, Isaac spoke for him.

"He had a panic attack. Appearantly he heard what Derek said and he just snapped."

"He shouldn't have been able to hear us." "Why did he snap?" Derek and Scott said at the same time. Isaac struggled to choose which person to answer first, but after realizing that Stiles was more important at the moment he decided to answer Scott first.

"I don't know, he just kept saying that he died over and over."

"That doesn't make any sense, he couldn't have died. He's sitting right there!"

"Obviously, I kept telling him that he was fine, that he was alive but he wasn't listening and then that's when I yelled. I didn't know what else to do." Isaac said, his head hanging in disappointment.

Shaking his head in frustration, Scott went over to Stiles and lead him to his mom's car, telling that he was going to take him home.

Isaac began moving toward the Hale House, his feet dragging slightly as Derek followed, waiting until he heard the car drive off.

"What did you mean when you said that Stiles shouldn't have been able to hear you?" Isaac finally asked when the two of them walked into the burnt husk of a home.

"I mean, we were whispering." was all the alpha supplied, prompting Isaac to ask another question.

"So, it was pretty quiet out there."

"We were more than ten feet away from you and him, even in dead silence he shouldn't have been able to hear us." This spurred a whole new set of question from within the new Beta. Questions he wanted to have answered.

"What happened back there?" Scott asked after Stiles had launched himself onto his bed. He couldn't remember the last time Stiles had had a panic attack, at least not since the Sheriff had quit drinking as heavily as after his wife passed away.

Stiles did not know what to say, 'Oh nothing, I just found out I died in a horrific accident and that now I'm here without a scratch and feel as healthy as a horse.' He had a strong feeling that Scott was not going to buy that, so he settle for the closest thing to the truth he could think of.

"I don't know." Came the muffled reply from the mass of bed sheets that was Stiles.

"Really Stiles, you had a panic attack after hearing Derek say that you died." The werewolf answered, one eyebrow raised skeptically.

"I did." The 'undead' teen whispered, head peeking out from underneath a Batman pillow.

"Did what?"


"No you didn't. "

"Scott...I died last night. I remember what happened. The crash, everything!" Stiles said, voice starting soft before rising until it was thick with emotion that it just couldn't bare.

"You did not die Stiles, you're alive, talking to me! Even Isaac told you that you were alive!" Scott all but roared.


"No Stiles, you're alive! You did not die! End of story!" The werewolf roared as he looked at his friend, the unadulterated worry, and pain etched into his glowing amber eyes. Sighing, Stiles simply agreed and said, "It's probably just a coincidence, someone probably just stole Betty and crashed her. Though that wouldn't explain the ashes."

That's when they heard the front door slam open, heavy foot steps slowly walking coming towards them as the voice of the sheriff was heard, heavy with worry and fear.

"Genim Vindicem Stilinski, please! Please! just be on your laptop playing that stupid game!"

Soon Jonathan Stiliski was standing in the doorway to his son's room, eyes bloodshot red and rimmed with unshed tears. "Dad-" was all Stiles could manage before being pulled into a bear hug that threatened to crush his bones.

Jonathan Stilinski was in his office going over the paper work for the murder of Victor Lahey, when one of the deputies came in telling him about an accident.

"A baby blue, chevy. Jeep, near the Hale preserve. it looks bad, their running the plates now bu-" The officer was cut off by the sound of his radio going off, static lacing the words. "Got a match of those plates, Its Stilinski's."

At the sound of his last name the Sheriff dropped everything, quickly told the deputy to Derek Hale into custody and to hold him there until he returned. John was extremely suspicious of Derek after he had been accused of murder twice, he could only imagine what he would do to his son. Jumping into his cruiser, John floored the gas pedal, rushing to get home as soon as possible. He was surprised to see Melissa McCall's car in his drive way, however it did not calm him, instead he just felt more anxious.

As he tried and failed to get the key to open the door, the older Stilinski began thinking about his wife Claudia and how her death had crushed him. Stiles was the only thing he had left of her and he had promised to never let anything bad happen to him, he felt the weight of his failure as he finally forced the door open, the knob smacking the wall loudly.

He hoped to any and all gods out there that his son was alright, that he had just stayed home or had Scott pick him up. With every fibre of his being, he prayed that his son was alive. Hoping for an answer the Sheriff said the only thing that would always make Stiles answer. His full name, the name that his mother gave him. The name of his great Grandfather.

"Genim Vindicem Stilinski, please. Please! just be on your laptop playing that stupid game!" He bellowed.

Upon seeing his son was alive and well, John didn't even let him get a word in before encompassing him in an almost brutal hug, his head resting in the boys hair.

"I thought...I got a call about a crash and I thought... Stiles, I was so scared." John cried into his son's hair, tears finally falling.

Stiles was stunned by his father's embrace, but as he heard the older man speak he returned the hug. Soothing his distraught father by rubbing circles into the man's back while assuring him that his son was just fine. Within seconds of Stiles actively contacting his father, the older man began calming down. By the end of a few minutes, John Stlinski was being led to his room for a well deserved rest. Not wanting to intrude, Scott quietly left the house, making a mental note to ask Stiles about the way he'd been calming people down.

After putting his father to bed, Stiles realized that Scott had left. Brushing it off due to his father's near emotional breakdown, he moved downstairs and headed toward the kitchen to start on supper. As he began preparing the steak, a meal he tries to keep away from his father due to his heart condition, as an apology to his father for making him worry, Stiles couldn't help but notice that he was moving about the kitchen even better than normal, his movements more fluid than his normal, jerky ones. He was even able to stop the salt from spilling when he almost knocked it over.

"I'm in this kitchen too much sometimes." he said to himself as he began washing and cutting the potatoes for the scallops he was making. While doing this mundane task he had not seen the figure looming in the doorway.

Author's Note: Sorry for the cliff hanger here. I just wanted to update this quick. Rin Uesu, thank you for the critique, I will take that into account however I have written and posted these chapters from my phone so I am sorry it they seem a little jumbled in wording or grammar. Also not all chapters will be this short, I plan to make them rather long with lots of detail and dialogue Yay! Again, Critiques are welcome!

Cassandra we'll have to wait and see, even I'm not sure just yet, lol. I kid, I know, but you'll have to wait to find out.

Also, if anyone has an idea on what Stiles it PM me, I will give you a cookie if you do. if anyone can get it right, I'll PM them a personal plate of brownies!

Next Chapter will be coming soon, I'm writting them as I go along so bare with me.