A/N: After this chapter this fic will go on hiatus. I had big plans for this fic, which I will fulfill in the future but I have to stop making promises to update this fic but every time I try to work on it anymore I feel like it's complete shit, so I'm going to distance myself from it for awhile. I'M SORRRRRYYYYY!

Immediately, she knew agreeing to this had been a bad idea. But when Anna opened the door to her dorm, her deep green, strapless dress, her hair loosely pulled into a chignon bun, wisps of red straying from it to frame her face and rest against her neck, the way her eyes lit up in excitement, biting her glossed bottom lip, all the fear that had been twisting in her stomach for the past couple of days was replaced by awe.

"You look beautiful." Elsa said smiling, the words coming smoothly from her mouth before she realized what she was saying.

Anna blushed, "You look, well wow you look hella hot!" She took a step back, taking in Elsa's party attire. The clothes she and Anna had picked out together. The heels were silver, taller than anything else she owned. In the store she had glanced at them only briefly, but longingly, before trying on another pair. Her father would never approve of them, but Anna had recommended she try them on. She kept her hair in a tight bun, twisting it into a braid, dangly silver earrings, doing a little extra color with her makeup. She had felt strangely excited about dressing up, going to an event where she didn't have to be in her father's shadow. Didn't have to worry about his approval or disapproval. Just Anna's eyes on her.

"Thank you." Elsa replied shyly.

The younger stepped out of her room, locked it behind her, and intertwined her arm with Elsa's a small pink and green floral clutch in her other hand as she pointed down the hallway, "On to adventure!"

The closer she came to the house, she began to notice that her thrumming heartbeat began to fall into a pattern with the vibrations of the music from the house, the sound could be heard faintly as they turned onto the streets, even with the windows up. Walking up the stones steps, and past the door where men and women, solo cups in hand, streamed in and out in a haze of faces, short dresses, flashy jewelry, collard shirts, she could no longer tell the music from her heartbeat, a woman, tall and thin with think, shiny brown hair in a purple dress introduced herself to Anna, in a half hazard sort of way, despite having to yell over the sound that resonated through the very air, mingling with the smell of alcohol and a thin film of smoke from the people just down the hallway passing joints around. Anna was animated the moment they walked in the door, talking excitedly to the woman who rolled her eyes and slung her arm around a man Elsa recognized from campus, the big school sports star, master of every physical element, though not the brightest tool in the shed, she had tutored him before. He went by "Herc."

One hand was curled into a fist, against her chest, it would have been crossed with her other arm as they made their way deeper into the bog of mindless partying if Anna hadn't been holding onto it, her anchor in this den of chaos. The dull lights from the hallway mingled with the flashing strobes and bright colors from what she assumed were the living room and dinning room, there was a stairwell a little past the entrance, where a few people lounged on the steps, a few kissing intently, they passed a couple smashed against the wall as if they were the only two in the room, or perhaps too high off their asses to realize they weren't alone. They hadn't been there for five minutes and she was distressed as they squeezed their way through sweaty, young adults to look for drinks, for Anna to find a drink, Elsa herself never drank in public, only a glass of wine now and again after a long day.

She held tightly to Anna's hand, clinging for dear life, then suddenly, it was gone. She was lost, abandoned in the ebb and flow of jolting bodies and lights and smoke.

"Anna!" she yelled, barely able to hear her own voice, she searched around the room, scanning the silhouettes of strangers for a familiar form.

Pushing her way through the crowd until she reached a side hallway, following it until she found the entrance hallway, still no sign of Anna. Taking a shaky breath, she steeled herself to go back in when she felt a hand on her shoulder, jumping back, she found herself face to face with a very drunk young man, alcohol sloshed against the front of his shirt,

"Heeey babe, what's yer name?" he yelled at her to be heard above the music. He made to reach towards her face but she stepped back, forcing herself to regulate her breathing, her arms were beginning to feel numb and the ground was starting to feel far away.

"Yo I'm just tryn' ta be friendly, don't gotta be a bitch!" A couple guys next to him laughed, and he stepped closer again.

This time someone moved in front of her with a flash of red hair and green, "Hey buddy, chill out she's not interested."

He sneered, "Man fuckin' lesbos." But walked off with his friends.

Anna turned around and took a few seconds to examine Elsa's face, concerned "Let's get out of here." She said, promptly taking her hand once again and leading her out the door.

"B-but, Anna, you can't leave on my account, I'll wait in the car for you or…" Elsa protested as they began walking in the grass towards the car, it was incredibly cold outside, the grass crunched with ice, she had left her wrap in the car; Anna hadn't brought one at all.

"Nah," she shrugged, "I'd rather go. They were all assholes."

Elsa drove, taking deep breathes to abate her anxiety. She had refused Anna's proposal to drive, as there was already too much alcohol in her system. Anna argued that Elsa looked too shaken up and she hadn't had that much to drink, but soon gave in.

"Can I uh…would you mind if I stayed at your place tonight?" She asked timidly, looking down at her hands. "I don't really want to be alone right now. If you don't mind."

Elsa chanced a glance at the younger. "Sure."

Once in the apartment, Elsa turned the heat up a little, she had warmed up in the car, but Anna was still visibly shaking.

"Would you like some clothes to change into?" Elsa asked.

She nodded.

Elsa took a blanket that had been folded over the arm of the sofa, shook it out and pulled it around Anna's shoulders, and her hands stilled for a moment as Anna's caught her gaze, smiling up at her, warm and bright already.

"Thank you." Her hands came up to cover Elsa's but the elder woman quickly withdrew.

"I-I'll get you some clothes, I think we're about the same size so…" she turned away and into her bedroom and closed the door, leaning heavily against it and slapping a hand over her chest, she could feel the quick paced thumping of her heart.