Episode 4: Ota Kisaki
I stared at the necklace, which was a simple silver pendant on a matching short chain, and then at Ota. "Koro? But, isn't that a dog's name?"
He grinned broadly. "Yep! You're my new pet!"
My mouth dropped open at this declaration. "Wha… But, I'm not a dog!"
Ota's eyes lit up as if he just realized something. "You know what? You're right." But before I could breathe a sigh of relief, he added, "You're a wolf. That's even better! I always wanted an exotic pet." Before I could protest any further, he slipped the necklace around my neck and fastened it. The chain was short enough to be a choker.
"Wh-What the hell?!" Surprised and confused, I grabbed at the so-called collar, but Ota lightly smacked my hand away.
"Bad girl! A good pet needs to wear her collar at all times." He tilted my chin up to make me look at him, and I stared back in shock. "You really do look just like her, with those innocent eyes."
Suddenly Baba piped up, "Oh, you mean the dog you had before?"
I looked over at Baba pleadingly as if to say Do something!
But Ota steered my face back towards his. "No, no. I'm your master now," he cooed.
Finally I mustered up the words to try to fight back for myself. "A wolf isn't meant to be a pet any more than a human is!" I cried angrily.
Ota just smiled. "With a little training I think you could be a wonderful pet!"
"Training? But I—"
"Come on, Koro!" Ota grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my feet, then started leading me away toward the door.
I glanced back at Baba, and he winked at me. "Think about what I said, okay, pretty lady? Have fun!" He waved cheerfully as if nothing unusual just happened.
I was lost in thought as Ota led me to his suite. Oh my god, just when I think things can't possibly get any worse, they do. What the hell is this guy going to do with me? Is he psycho?
Ota closed the door behind us and said, "Welcome to your new home, Koro!" He continued leading me by the hand until we got to the bedroom. "Don't worry. I always treat my pets with the best of care. You even get your own bed, see?"
Just like in Baba's room, Ota had two large beds. So, he's not going to make me sleep with him? I guess that's a relief. That's when I realized that Ota was looking at me expectantly, as if I should say something. "Oh, um… Thanks?" I said uncertainly.
"You're so cute, Koro." Seemingly satisfied with my answer, he began petting my head. "I can't wait to play with you, but first you need to pass basic training." Ota finally took his hands off me and went to sit on the edge of one of the beds. "Come here, girl!" he called sweetly. I approached him warily. "Good. Now sit!"
I glanced around to weigh my options and spotted a nearby chair. I didn't feel comfortable sitting next to him on the bed, so I went with the chair.
Suddenly Ota's face fell. "Koro, you know you're not allowed on the furniture." He gestured to the floor in front of him with a smile. "Doggies sit here."
Seriously? I stared at him in disbelief.
When I didn't move from my spot in the chair, Ota stood up and looked down at me with a bizarrely sweet yet terrifying smile. "Koro, rule number one is that you have to obey your master no matter what." Still frozen in place, I watched as he leaned in and put his face within inches of mine. "Be a good girl for me, okay? Otherwise I'll have to punish you." I tried leaning away from him until I couldn't anymore, but his face followed mine.
Ahhh! His face is way too close! Just when it looked like he was about to kiss me, I turned away as best I could and squeezed my eyes shut. But then Ota burst out laughing. Confused, I opened my eyes again and he began petting my head.
"Silly Koro! I'm not so desperate that I would hit on my pet." He finally backed away from me and sat back down on the edge of the bed, looking thoroughly amused. I hadn't realized it until that moment, but I'd been holding my breath. I breathed a little sigh of relief and tried to relax my tense body as I exhaled. "Let's try this again. Come sit here, Koro." He beckoned me to the spot on the floor in front of him.
I guess I don't have much choice. I avoided his gaze as I stood up from the chair and took a seat on the floor in front of him, my back resting against the side of the bed. It's kind of awkward to sit on the floor in this dress, though, I thought as I tried to get comfortable.
"That's a good girl." Ota gently took down the hairstyle he'd done for me that morning, then began combing his fingers through my hair. Unsure of what to do, I stayed still and quiet, trying to ignore the feeling that my heart was about to burst. "Rule number two: as my pet, you have to stay by my side at all times," Ota continued. "Understand?"
I can't believe he's treating me like this. "Yes," I replied quietly.
"And last but not least, rule number three: you are forbidden from telling anyone about the auction. Got it?"
"Yes. I won't tell anyone." Now that I think about it, Baba and Mr. Kishi are the only ones so far who haven't threatened me about that.
"I think it's about time for a bath, Koro," Ota said, and he stopped running his fingers through my long hair.
I immediately tensed up. He's not going to bathe me, is he?! In an attempt to hide my panic, I came up with the first excuse I could think of. "But all of my things are still in Baba's room."
"That's right. I totally forgot. We should probably return this dress to him too." As he said this, I felt Ota's fingers on the latched hook at the top of my dress's zipper.
"I-I can do it myself!" I cried as I tried to lean away from him.
He laughed. "Why are you so embarrassed, Koro? I told you I don't hit on my pets." Ota ruffled my hair playfully as he stood up. "Come on. I'll show you to the bathroom." He held out his hand. I took it reluctantly and allowed him to help me stand. He led me to the bathroom and said, "I'll go get your things while you shower, okay? Although, I only have human shampoo."
How far is he going to take this whole pet thing?! I thought. "Um, okay. That's fine."
"Good girl!" Ota said cheerfully as he petted my head again. "I'll be right back." Just as he was about to close the door behind him, he stopped and poked his head back in the bathroom. "By the way, good pets never remove their collar or try to run away." He smirked and finally left me alone, shutting the door behind him.
Hanging out with these guys isn't good for my nerves, I thought as I tried to take deep, calming breaths. I hope he doesn't try to come into the bathroom while I'm showering. I should hurry up. With this in mind, I locked the door and found a yukata and towel before finally removing the white dress and lingerie. Pfft, I forgot I was even wearing that. Ugh. I hopped in the shower and scrubbed myself clean as quickly as possible.
When I finally finished and redressed in the lingerie and yukata, I warily poked my head out of the bathroom door. I immediately spotted my luggage on the floor by one of the beds but didn't see Ota anywhere, so I emerged cautiously and went to find my pajamas and some clean, normal underwear. Kneeling in front of my luggage, I didn't even notice Ota until he called to me. "Ah, Koro, there you are."
I froze. Crap. Reluctantly I turned around to find him standing over me with a cheerful smile.
"Time for your master to groom you!"
I blinked up at him. "Huh?"
The next thing I knew I was sitting on the floor in front of Ota as he blow dried and brushed my hair. I guess this isn't so bad. He did pretty much the same thing this morning and it didn't bother me. I tried to relax and stay still while Ota "groomed" me.
He turned the hair dryer off. "You have such nice hair, Koro. It's so soft and shiny." Ota actually sounded pretty happy as he played with my hair. "How long have you been growing it out?"
Hmm, since that time, so… "Since I was sixteen, so about six years."
"Long hair really suits you, Koro. So don't ever cut it short, okay?"
I wasn't planning to, but okay. "I won't."
"Good girl," he cooed. Then he turned the hair dryer back on and finished grooming me. "All done!" Ota announced cheerfully. "I bet you're hungry, aren't you, Koro?"
Now that he mentions it, I guess I am kind of hungry. He's not going to try to make me eat dog food, right? Because I think I'd rather starve. Before I could say anything, my stomach rumbled in response. Oops.
"Haha! You're so cute, Koro." Ota laughed as he petted my head. "Maybe if you're really good I'll even give you a treat later." Just then there was a knock on the door. "That must be the room service I ordered while you were in the shower. Stay here, Koro."
I did as I was told and stayed put on the floor while Ota answered the door. After exchanging a few words, a man walked in with a tray of food. Hey, that guy looks familiar. Is that the hotel manager? The man placed the tray on the coffee table, bowed to Ota, and left without so much as glancing at me. That's right, Mr. Ichinomiya said that the manager is the only hotel employee who knows about the auctions. He must know what's going on here.
"Why do you look serious all of a sudden, Koro?" Ota asked, bringing me back to reality.
After a brief hesitation, I decided I may as well say what was on my mind. "That was the hotel manager, right? Mr. Kenzaki?"
"Yep! He's Eisuke's loyal dog. I have a lot to learn from Eisuke when it comes to training pets," Ota replied cheerfully.
His blunt statement sent a chill up my spine. That's right. Mr. Ichinomiya didn't really treat me much better than a dog, either. Or maybe more like a dress-up doll.
"Anyway, let's eat, Koro!" Ota sat on the sofa and motioned for me to sit on the floor across from him in front of the coffee table, the same as the night I stayed with Mr. Oh. To my relief the food on the tray was definitely human food. Just as I reached out for my chopsticks, though, Ota grabbed my hand. "No, Koro. You have to wait until your master is done eating first."
I stared at him in disbelief for a couple of seconds, took a calming breath, and pulled back my hand. Fine. I'll play along, but only so I can survive this. I just hope he doesn't make me do something stupid, like beg for my food. I waited patiently while Ota enjoyed his meal.
"You're such a good girl, Koro," Ota praised as he patted me on the head. "You can eat now." He smiled angelically.
I nodded and said, "Thank you for the food, Ota," before digging in. While I ate, Ota left the room for a few minutes. When he returned he sat down again with a sketchpad and drawing pencil. That's right. He's an artist, but I don't think I've seen any of his work. I wonder what sort of art he does. After swallowing my last bite of food, I decided to take a chance in starting a conversation while he worked. After all, he didn't seem to mind talking to me, unlike Mr. Ichinomiya and Mr. Oh. "What are you working on, Ota?"
Surprisingly, he sighed as if he were bored. "A commission."
"Oh." He really doesn't sound happy about it, huh? "Well, what is it that you like to draw?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Nothing lately." Despite the blasé attitude, he didn't take his eyes off the sketchpad as he worked. "I haven't put out a new piece for myself in about four years."
I thought about it for a moment. "Well, I'd like to see some of your art sometime."
"You already have." Ota finally looked up and smiled at me. "I made that collar for you myself. It took me all day, so cherish it, okay?"
"What, really?" Stunned, and having forgotten about the necklace already, I took the pendant gingerly between my fingers. He's a famous artist, and he made this for me himself? I looked as closely as I could at the pendant without removing the necklace, but since the chain was short it was sort of difficult. That's when I noticed a small red stone set delicately in the silver.
"That stone is called Alexandrite," Ota explained. "Normally it looks red, but if you shine a light on it just right in the dark, it turns blue."
"Wow…" I had no idea that there were stones like that. At a loss for words, all I could muster was, "Thank you, Ota." I looked back up at him shyly, thinking, Maybe he's not all that bad? Suddenly he perked up as if he just had an idea.
"I want to draw you, Koro."
Ota stood up and held out his hand to me, and I took it without even thinking. He led me back to the bedroom and sat on one of the beds. "Here girl!" He patted a spot on the bed next to him.
When I hesitated, he pulled me down onto the bed, surprising me. "Um—!"
"Just lay there and relax, Koro." Ota grinned and started petting my head. "It's okay if you fall asleep, too. It's getting past your bedtime anyway." I laid there stiffly for a while as he stroked my hair with one hand and began sketching with the other.
I must have finally relaxed and fallen asleep at some point, because the next thing I was conscious of were two hushed voices. I did my best to clear my foggy brain without opening my eyes and focus on listening to what they were saying.
"It's been a while since I've seen you draw for fun, Ota." It was Baba's voice. "Let's see it." I heard the rustling of Ota's sketchpad being handed over, and then a light chuckle. "Is this supposed to be Jesia? Because I think you got her species wrong."
"It's Koro," Ota corrected, sounding annoyed. "And I didn't get her species wrong. She's a wolf, after all."
"Yeah, yeah," Baba said as if brushing him off. "The dead giveaway is the tattoo. Although, the more I look at it, the more I can see her in it… I like how you captured the way she looks both fierce and vulnerable at the same time."
Ota snickered. "I'm sure she's just acting tough."
"Maybe. But I'm also thinking she's smarter than you're giving her credit for." A moment later I heard a smacking sound. "Hey!"
"Don't touch her," Ota said darkly.
"She's a pet, though, right? Why can't I pet her?" I could hear the teasing in Baba's voice.
"Because right now she's mine."
"Heh, I doubt you'd be this possessive over a dog, or any other animal for that matter." There was a pause. "Anyway, I'd like to see your drawing when it's finished. You should show Jesia too."
"Koro," Ota said, sounding exasperated. "By the way, you can have that dress back. I think she left it in the bathroom." He said this as if he were trying to get Baba to leave.
But it sounded like Baba didn't get the message, because then he asked, "What are your plans for her tomorrow?"
Ota sounded thoughtful. "She's been a good girl so far, so I thought I'd take her for a walk someplace special. Heh."
"Sounds good. You'd better enjoy her while you have her, you know."
"Oh? What's with you being all cocky?" Ota asked suspiciously. "Don't tell me you have something up your sleeve."
"Of course not," Baba said innocently. "It's just that you never know who she might pick, right? Besides, I'm a man who knows what the ladies want, so don't count me out of the running just yet."
Ota sighed. "You're an idiot. That's what you are. Anyway, you should take the dress and go. I want to finish this drawing before I go to sleep."
There was a pause, and then I heard Baba's hushed voice hovering over me. "Sweet dreams, Princess." Then there were soft footsteps on the carpet and the click of the door opening and closing.
Completely overwhelmed by everything I just heard, I couldn't quite process it all. Meanwhile, I could hear the skritch skritch skritch of Ota's pencil on the sketch paper. Eventually I gave up trying to understand everything I just heard, but it took me a while to relax and return to sleep.
Morning arrived before I knew it. I looked over at the adjacent bed and saw that Ota appeared to still be sleeping. I probably shouldn't wake him, especially since it seems like he stayed up so late to finish his drawing. Stretching a little, I sat up in bed and looked around the room. That's when I noticed Ota's sketchpad on the nightstand between the two beds. Unable to contain my curiosity, I picked it up and studied the drawing carefully. Whoa… This is absolutely stunning! The drawing was of a white wolf with a Roman numeral seven tattooed in black on what would be her shoulder. The wolf's eyes and posture gave off an air of both fierce determination and caution; her ears were bent back slightly and fangs partially bared in a defensive snarl. She's afraid, but she's fighting for her life, just like me. How beautiful.
I sat there mesmerized by the drawing for a while, but Ota showed no signs of waking up any time soon. Thinking this was the perfect opportunity to get dressed, I slowly, quietly, began making my way out of the bed. However, almost as soon as my feet touched the floor, Ota let out a little groan. Hm?! I froze in place and turned my gaze to the other bed where he lay, but his eyes were still closed.
There was a slightly pained expression on his face, and then he called out softly in his sleep, "Koro… Here girl."
His rule about me obeying his every command isn't in effect while he's sleeping, right? Unsure of what to do, I simply stared at his sleeping face for a while, looking for any hint that he might wake up. But there was nothing. Ota continued to sleep soundly, so I decided to try to make a move again.
But before I even made it two steps, Ota's voice called out to me again. He sounded annoyed. "Koro, where are you going?"
Realizing I was busted for sure this time, I turned around and saw that Ota didn't look pleased. In fact, he was actually pretty scary looking. "Oh, I was just going to get dressed…" I said tentatively, letting my voice trail off.
"There's no need to right now. Go back to bed, Koro. Your master needs more sleep." Before I had the chance to argue, Ota turned away from me and buried himself under the covers.
Geez, he's acting weird. He's usually more chipper. Not wanting to piss him off any further, I climbed back into bed. I can't sleep, though. Maybe I'll read for a while. Carefully I crawled over to the edge of the bed where my suitcase lay on the floor and lifted the lid; thankfully it was still unzipped from the night before. I grabbed my novel and snuggled up under the covers to pass the time reading.
I wasn't sure how much time passed before Ota finally woke up. He didn't even seem to take notice of me at first as he trudged off to the bathroom. A little while later he emerged dressed in fresh clothes and looking more like his cheerful self. "Koro, since when can you read?" he asked, looking and sounding both surprised and completely serious.
"Uh, I've been reading for a long time. I did graduate college, you know."
Ota chuckled. "Heh, a pet with a college degree, huh? You really are strange, Koro."
I groaned internally. I'm the strange one?
"Anyway, I have a special treat for you today, Koro. We're going on a walk, so get ready."
At the mention of leaving the hotel, I actually felt kind of excited. I closed my book and sat up in bed. "Where are we going?" I asked.
"It's a surprise," Ota replied happily. "I think you'll really like it, Koro. So hurry up and get ready."
I quickly got out of bed and gathered some things from my suitcase before heading to the bathroom to freshen up and get dressed. Ahh, finally, I can change out of this lingerie! But after I was finished changing, I realized I didn't know what to do with it. The dress I'd worn the day before was no longer in the bathroom where I'd left it, either. Well, I don't want to keep it, but returning it to Baba would be super awkward… I guess I'll worry about that later. Unsure of what to do, I decided to put the lingerie in my suitcase with the rest of my things.
When I emerged from the bathroom, I found Ota sitting on the couch with his sketchbook again. This time he was wearing glasses, which actually made him look more mature and intellectual. After putting my things back in my suitcase, I stood by quietly, waiting for him to say something. When nothing happened, I spoke up. "I'm ready, Ota."
He looked up as if he had forgotten I was even there to begin with. "Oh, right. Hey Koro, what do you think of this drawing?" Ota held up the sketchpad for me to see.
It was the wolf drawing he'd been working on the night before, and I couldn't help but smile. "It's beautiful."
"Really? I'm glad you like it. Maybe I'll make it into a painting sometime." Ota closed the sketchpad and placed it on the coffee table before standing up and taking a few steps toward me. "Ready to go on a walk, girl?" He held out his hand. Although I wasn't thrilled about being treated like a pet, I was kind of happy at the prospect of getting out of the hotel for a little while. I nodded eagerly, and Ota grinned. "Pets need to be on a leash, so you'll have to hold my hand, Koro." I guess he became impatient, because when I hesitated he grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the suite.
In the hallway we bumped into Mr. Kishi, who looked amused to see us holding hands. "Where're you two heading off to?"
"I'm taking Koro for a walk," Ota said.
Mr. Kishi snorted and took a cigarette out of his jacket pocket. "Koro? I thought her name was Wolf."
"It is," I said quietly. "Good morning, Mr. Kishi."
"You can call her whatever you want when it's your turn, Kishi. I'll try to get her back here before your bedtime," Ota said teasingly.
Mr. Kishi lit his cigarette and took a puff. "Whatever. I don't have any interest in the kid anyway. Do whatever you want." He waved his free hand dismissively and walked down the hallway towards the lounge.
I had no clue just how famous Ota was until I ventured outside the hotel with him. Even with the glasses on people stared at him and whispered to each other. And since he was holding my hand, I got pulled into it by extension. I heard faint murmurs along the lines of "who is she?" and "she looks pretty plain, but she must be a famous foreigner if Mr. Kisaki is with her." Every now and then someone was gutsy enough to actually approach us and ask Ota for an autograph, and he'd oblige with his trademark angelic smile.
Ota didn't let go of my hand until we arrived at a table in a cute little café for lunch. Surprisingly he let me order whatever I wanted and didn't make me wait to eat like he'd done the night before. He asked me if I'd ever been to New York and went on and on about the time he'd spent there. "That's actually where I met Baba, and he convinced me to come back to Japan to participate in the Mad Hatter's Tea Party," Ota explained. "I thought it sounded like fun, and I guess it was for a while. But lately I've gotten kind of bored with it. That is, until you showed up, Jesia." He grinned.
Shocked to hear him call me by my real name, I stared at him with wide eyes. But Ota didn't seem to take notice. He's treating me totally different than he did last night. What's going on?
But before I could get too used to it, Ota was back to treating me like a pet again as soon as we left the café. "Take my hand, Koro. Remember, the leash law is for your own safety."
Disappointed, I involuntarily made a little face and held his hand again. After a couple of minutes of walking, I asked, "So, where are we going now, Ota?"
Mischief gleamed in his eyes. "We're going to visit your friends."
I tilted my head. "Friends? What do you mean?"
"You'll see!" he replied happily. A while later we arrived at the entrance to a zoo, but I was still confused as to what he meant by visiting my "friends." The lady at the ticket counter recognized him and insisted that we go in for free. With that, for the next couple of hours Ota led me all around the zoo. We admired the tigers, lions, pandas, giraffes, strange birds, fish, and reptiles, and countless other animals. But when we arrived at the wolf habitat, I finally understood. "Here we are!" he announced.
I froze in place upon spotting the wolves in the enclosure, then glanced at Ota. This is why he brought me here? He couldn't have possibly known how much I love wolves just from my last name, right?
"What's the matter, Koro? You should say hello to your friends!" He ushered me forward towards the fence.
He's just teasing me, but even so, I've always wanted to see wolves up close. "Is it really okay?" I asked uncertainly.
"I don't see why not. You're one of them, right?" Ota grinned and ruffled my hair a bit. "Anyway, you stay here. I'm going to go get something to drink." He released my hand and I heard him walk away, but I continued staring at the wolves.
My heart in my throat, I approached the fence and watched them in awe. There were two adult wolves who appeared to be playing tag, play bowing to each other before giving chase around the enclosure. I smiled at their carefree nature and felt happy to see them enjoying themselves. A moment later I heard a whimpering sound echo from the wolves' den, and two pups peeked outside. I couldn't help but gasp at the adorable little balls of fur. One of them toddled out into the summer sun a bit while the other retreated into the safety of the dark den. The braver one tried his best to howl for his parents, and my heart melted in a puddle on the ground. The smaller adult wolf immediately stopped playing with her mate and went to check on the pups. Meanwhile, the larger wolf sniffed the air and took notice of me.
He walked towards me, but I wasn't afraid. He had an air of curiosity about him as he approached the fence where I stood. Smiling, I crouched down slowly, and the wolf sniffed at me through the wire fence. "Hi there," I said in a soft voice. "You have a beautiful family." I reached out my hand slowly. But just as I was about to touch his thick fur through the fence, he looked behind me and, apparently startled by something, suddenly sprinted away.
I turned my head to find that Ota had returned. "Oh, Ota!" I'd been so wrapped up in watching the wolves that I was surprised to see him too. A little embarrassed, I stood up but couldn't look him in the face.
He chuckled. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare off your friend." In one hand he held a bottle of water, and with his free hand he gently petted my hair. "Say, do you think you could get him back over here? It'd be nice to see a wolf up close so that I can perfect my drawing." He tilted my face up towards his, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
"Uh, well, I can try…" I replied uncertainly. The way he looked at me this time felt as though it had a depth unlike any time before, and it unnerved me to my very core. He continued to stare into my eyes for what felt like several uncomfortable seconds.
"Interesting," he murmured.
"Hm? What is?"
"I've never seen eyes like yours before," Ota explained. "A brilliant shade of green with a ring of gold around the pupil."
My throat suddenly felt dry. "I-I didn't think anyone really noticed."
He grinned. "I bet that's why Eisuke chose that gold dress and emerald ring for you. Nothing's lost on him, and he does have good taste." Ota removed his hand from my face. "Now, if you could get your friend back over here." He turned his gaze back to the wolf habitat.
Following his lead, I turned back around toward the fence and crouched down again. I saw that the mother wolf remained at the entrance to the den with the two pups while her mate trotted anxiously around the enclosure. Just watching the wolves again made me feel calm and happy. I smiled slightly and poked my fingers through the fence, hoping the father wolf would approach again.
With Ota there the wolf appeared more wary, but eventually he drew closer with his head hanging a little low. Perhaps his curiosity had gotten the better of him, much as it often does to me. It's all right, I thought. Don't be afraid. My heart began to race with excitement with each step he took toward me, until finally his head hung right below the fingers I'd poked through the fence. He lifted his head and sniffed at my fingers gingerly, then gently nudged them with his wet nose. I was so exhilarated that I didn't even notice that a stranger had joined us.
"What do you think you're doing?!" Startled, I immediately pulled my hand back away from the fence and landed on my butt, but this time the wolf didn't run away. I turned to see an irate zoo worker. "You're not allowed to touch the animals. It isn't safe!" he huffed.
Before I could think of what to say, Ota stepped in. "Sorry, sir, but do you know who I am?"
As if recognition had suddenly slapped him across the face, the man's eyes widened. "O-Ota Kisaki, the Angelic Artist?!"
Ota beamed. "That's right. And this is my friend Jesia. Wolves are quite fond of her, so I asked if she could help me see one up close for a piece I'm working on."
"I-Is that so?" The zoo worker gave me a strange look, then glanced at the wolf still standing in front of me on the other side of the fence. "He doesn't seem agitated, but still, I'll have to insist that you don't put anything inside the fence, whether it be a body part or an object. It's for your safety as well as the animals'."
By this time I'd stood up again to face the zoo employee. "I'm so sorry, sir. It was never my intent to disturb any of the animals here. I promise I won't do it again." I gave a little bow in apology, careful not to let him see that I had my fingers crossed behind my back.
After a pause, the worker sighed. "Please see that you don't. Otherwise I'll be forced to ask you to leave."
I nodded. "I understand."
The employee turned back to Ota and smiled. "I'll look forward to seeing your wolf piece, Mr. Kisaki. Please take your time." Just as it looked like he was about to leave, the zoo worker got a bashful look on his face. "Could I possibly get your autograph?"
Ota seemed to be in an especially good mood during our walk back to the hotel, laughing as he recounted our run-in at the zoo. "I knew that tattoo of yours hinted at a mischievous streak."
"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to keep up with Ota's pace as we held hands.
"I saw you cross your fingers, you naughty thing," he teased.
I didn't try to deny it. "I could have spent all day watching those wolves," I admitted. "…Thank you for taking me to see them."
Ota suddenly stopped in his tracks and put his face right up close to mine, looking serious. "You think I did that to be nice to you?"
I couldn't read his expression, so I responded uncertainly, "I-I don't know, honestly. But either way, I do appreciate it."
His lips broke out into a smile. "Don't be mistaken, Koro. I'm not nice at all." I turned my gaze to the sidewalk, and we continued our walk in silence.
But before we could enter the hotel, a suave-looking young man with a pen and notepad appeared out of nowhere and stopped us in our tracks. "Mr. Kisaki! Might I have a word?"
Ota's face fell as soon as the man made himself known to us. "Sorry, Kuboyama, but I don't really have the time right now. As you can see, I'm with a friend." Despite his apologetic smile, I could somehow tell Ota was irritated.
The man called Kuboyama turned his gaze to me and smirked with a big, cheesy grin. "Oh? And who is this friend?"
I felt Ota squeeze my hand hard, which I took to mean that I should stay silent. Who is this guy? He's kind of giving me the creeps. And given all the dangerous people I've been hanging out with lately, that's saying something.
"Perhaps another time," Ota said with a slightly strained smile. "Please excuse us. We have somewhere to be." Without wasting another second, we pushed past Kuboyama into the relative safety of the hotel lobby. Ota picked up the pace, dragging me along behind.
As soon as we entered the penthouse elevator, I tried asking him about the strange man. "Ota, who was—?"
He turned to look at me with a confident smile. "He's nobody. Just a tabloid reporter."
"Oh." Everything seems okay now, so I guess I'll just drop it.
Instead of heading back to Ota's suite, he led me to the executive lounge, where Mr. Ichinomiya and Mr. Oh were enjoying a drink. "We're home!" Ota called.
Mr. Ichinomiya smirked. "Enjoy your walk, 'Koro'?" I ignored his snide remark, deciding to refuse to answer to "Koro" to anyone except for Ota. For now, anyway.
When I made it a point not to respond, Mr. Oh sniggered. "Dogs never have liked you, have they, Eisuke?"
Mr. Ichinomiya appeared a little miffed by this observation. But before he could say anything, Ota sighed, sounding exasperated. "She's a wolf. That's way better than some ordinary mutt."
"But Americans are mutts," Mr. Ichinomiya countered, turning his gaze to me pointedly.
In order for you to insult me, I'd first have to value your opinion. I wanted to retort but managed to hold my tongue.
Mr. Oh unexpectedly changed the subject. "Anyway, where's that lazy detective? Isn't it his turn?"
Ota shrugged. "Who knows? He didn't seem too interested in playing with Koro anyway. Maybe we should just skip him."
Mr. Ichinomiya smirked. "No way. I'm interested to see what happens when we throw those two together. In the meantime, have a drink with us."
"Nah, I was thinking of heading to my studio in a little while," Ota said.
Suddenly another voice joined in the conversation. "Nothing like the inspiration of a beautiful woman, huh, Ota?" I turned to find that Baba had arrived, and he winked at me. "I think Mamo's in his room."
Mamo? Does he mean Mr. Kishi?
"Oh good." Ota turned to me and began petting my hair. "I had a lot of fun with you today, Koro, but I need to get back to work. Be a good girl for Kishi, okay?" My heart raced as he gently stroked my cheek and leaned in close to whisper, "I hope to see more of you starting tomorrow."
"T-Tomorrow? What happens tomorrow?"
"You choose your owner tomorrow, remember?" Mr. Ichinomiya cut in.
Oh shit. What am I supposed to do?! How am I supposed to choose something like this?
As if reading my thoughts, Mr. Ichinomiya sneered, "I suggest you choose carefully. Your life may depend on it."