Hmmz not sure how I'm going to be doing this. Like, I do want you guys to be notified every time I update a chapter... so at least you know about it. Maybe this is just how I'll do that? Delete and then re-add this update chapter?
Who knows. The future is sych a mystery. Many unknown.
Oh I am going to move those little tidbits here, I think. Like, for example, I've been getting some questions regarding the changes - some people were a bit sad that I was going to be changing the story they learned to love. But don't worry, I'm not changing anything major. It's basically that I was cringing a bit when I was reading back the earlier chapters, so I'm rewriting them but I'm not changing the plot whatsoever. (But come on there was a shitload of drama going on in those first few chapters - who gets THAT hung up on someone they just met?! C'mon Anna, you're a big girl.)
Also now that I've actually HAD lesbian sex, writing those scenes should be a lot more enjoyable - I mean, realistic. Or something.
(Oh I'm going on holiday next week, visiting my girlfriend in her country of production. Just so you guys know)