Oh my dear goodness gracious. Hi!

My name is Chrissa and I'm new here!

HAHA! I'm kidding, but since I've been gone for who knows who long, I guess I should be considered new.

I am so terribly sorry for leaving. I know I haven't updated anything or published anything new so there are probably a lot of people who've stopped waiting for me to get off my lazy ass. However, I'm here now, and to those who are still out there. Thank you so much!

Here's a new fic that I decided to start up. It won't be long (At least I hope it won't) because I originally intended for this to be a one-shot. Afterwards, I decided that maybe I should split it up because I really want to get something out soon before I start to procrastinate again.

This was based off a prompt I saw on Tumblr earlier: AU, Someone finds a phone number in a book. I took that idea and sort of tweaked it, and then this baby popped up!

I hope you enjoy! If my writing sucks, I'm sorry! I'm still trying to ease my way back in!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Percy wasn't sure why he stepped into that library that morning. Maybe he felt bored with his life and needed something to do, or he just decided that okay, he should probably stop with the whole ten-hours-in-front-of-the-television habit he's been accustomed to for the past year. So yeah, Percy had no idea what pulled him into that dark, scary library on that Saturday morning, but something did, so he just walked in.

Young adult, mystery, classics, philosophical, children's, non-fiction, the rows of categories and genres ran down to the other end of the library. Books upon books, shelves upon shelves, Percy had no idea which way to go. Closing his eyes and twirling his finger around, his mind told him to head straight, so he did. When we followed his finger he laughed out loud. There wasn't anything specific that Percy was looking for, but he was pretty sure that he was not going to be interested in a book about architecture.

Running his finger along the spines of the small section of books that the library held on architecture, Percy chuckled silently to himself. First, he decides to step into a library. (Out of all the places, a library for crying out loud!) Next, he ends up staring at dozens of books on the one topic that he thought he would never even acknowledge, architecture. If the gods wanted to punish him, then they were doing it perfectly.

Percy settled on a thick book named "The Encyclopedia of Architecture." He pulled it out slowly and carefully, trying to make sure that the monster of a textbook would not drop onto his toes. As he finally pulled the whole book out, a slip of white paper floated down towards the ground, catching Percy's eyes. Curious, he placed the book back in its home and crouched to the ground. He picked up the neatly folded slip, and opened it up. In it, Percy found a message in delicate, cursive writing.

Hello stranger at the library. My name is Annabeth Chase. I'm not exactly sure why I decided to slip a small note into this shelf, but for some reason I did. People always meet in the most peculiar of places, and well, I wanted to try it out.

Please, if you are willing, leave a message. Just so I know that I'm not insane and delusional for trying to do something extraordinarily absurd.

Thank you, stranger at the library.

-Annabeth Chase.

Percy laughed. He laughed at how open and lively this strange girl seemed. Maybe she was a serial killer trying to draw poor innocents in, or maybe she was real, and something different from this world. Whatever this Annabeth Chase was, Percy wanted to write back. Carpe Diem they say. Seize the day! And that was exactly what Percy wanted to do. Try something different or meet someone new. Maybe that's why he walked into the library.

Quickly walking to the nearest desk, he asked one of the workers for a pen. Sitting down at one of the tables, Percy flipped over the page (hopefully, if she writes back, she'll provide a new sheet of paper) and began to write.

Hello Annabeth Chase. My name is not stranger at the library (or well, at least I hope it's not). You can call me Percy Jackson, or just Percy if you wish.

Now, I'm not exactly sure why you slipped a note into the architecture section, (Really? Architecture?) But I guess I can't say anything because well, I am writing back, aren't I?

So hopefully you are not a serial killer, or an axe murderer because this would be sort of embarrassing. But maybe you are, and I should start calling myself the absurd one.

Anyways, if you aren't some insane mass murderer, I think this is cool. Interesting actually.

Thank you, Annabeth Chase.

-Percy Jackson.

Percy gathered his bag, and brought the pen back to the help desk before making his way towards the architecture section. He ran his finger along the spines of the books once again and stopped when he reached the encyclopedia. Folding the sheet back up, he slipped the paper back into its original place and walked away.

If Annabeth Chase doesn't write back, well, at least he tried.

So.. Yeah. Hi again!

Did you like it? Hopefully :)

I will hopefully update soon. I'm expecting about… maybe five chapters? Possibly more, if I feel ambitious!

Spring break is coming up soon, and then after that April will be jam packed. I'm going to band camp and a huge one week trip with my french class! So, of I don't update in April, do not be alarmed!

Also, I am going to change my FFn name. I decided to do this after I post this fic just so people will know. I'm changing it to "KCitharaAzn16" just because I feel like it suits me more. But hey, I've still got that 16 up on there!

Once again! Thank you SO SO SO much for sticking with me! Hopefully you can forgive me!

See you soon my lovelies!

(Oh, and as for TDG, I'm still trying to decide on what I want to do with it :/)