
Kristoff awoke to a soft but steady beeping. Sighing deeply, he opened his eyes. He followed the sound, finding his phone sitting on the bedside table. Quickly, he turned off the alarm.

9:30 the screen read. Kristoff couldn't help but groan as he let his head slam back down onto the pillow. Pinching the arch of his nose he tried to remember why exactly he had set such an early alarm, on a Saturday at that.

Movement and a soft mumble made him remember. Kristoff turned and watched as Anna and her ridiculously large bed head turned to face him. He couldn't help but chuckle as she pulled the covers up tighter, her arms in an obviously uncomfortable position.

He had seen this view a hundred times, but it still made him smile.

They had decided to move in together junior year. If Anna had had it her way, they would have done so sophomore year. But Elsa had wanted them to wait and see where things went first. Not that she didn't like or trust Kristoff, on the contrary she had grown quite fond of him and he to her. He had respected her decision, understanding that she was just being the protective sister. Anna, well, she had needed a bit more time to completely understand that fact. But after a while, she had come to respect her sister's feelings as well.

So finally, after waiting (impatiently waiting on Anna's side), they had finally started the process of looking for a place to live.

A little red house, sitting just on the corner of the neighborhood, had caught her eye immediately. It was one floor with a simple setup. A kitchen that Kristoff had found actually pretty spacious for such a little living space, bedroom with hardly big enough closet but just enough room for a king sized bed, a living room that held Kristoff's old TV from home and a couch given as a gift from Elsa (Anna had nearly thrown a fit when she had seen it, but Elsa had assured her it was needed and very much deserved). It creaked, the air conditioner was subpar, the fridge made noises all the time and the washing machine and dryer was in dire need of an update.

It wasn't much, but Anna had loved it.

Slowly, Kristoff had come to love it too. Sure he nearly bumped his head on the annoyingly low chandelier in the small dining area and yeah, maybe they should have gone with a queen mattress instead of a king. "More room to jump and play." Anna had said with a smile, jumping to the next one just before the clerk had yelled at them. But it was he realized that wherever Anna was, that where his home was.

So even though he felt that she had deserved so much more, seeing Anna happy and loving what they had, he had finally accepted his home.

Our home. He thought.

Anna let out a soft snore and smiling, Kristoff ran his fingers through the small bit of hair that somehow had not tangled. He moved over and kissed her lightly on the cheek, catching the small sigh.

"Morning." He whispered. He watched as she fought to hide her smile. "Time to get up."

"No." She groaned, "Too early."

Kristoff chuckled, "It's not too early."

"What time is it?" She asked.


"Before 11. Too early. Goodnight." Kristoff laughed and again, he watched her try to hide her smile as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"The sun's up love, it's morning."

"Nope. See?" Anna said, and quickly pulled the covers over her head. "Sun's gone. It's nighttime. Night." They both laughed and Kristoff tugged at the covers, feeling her holding them tightly.

"Anna come on, you need to get up."

"It's Saturday. I have nothing to do. I don't need to do anything." Kristoff tugged again, and sighed at the finding resistance again.

"I'll get you some Krispy Kreme donuts?"


"Chocolate filled ones?"

"What else?"


"Ok, you go get them and I'll sleep some more. Ok? Ok." He tugged at the covers again. Giving up, he ducked under the blue comforter and was met with a fit of giggles.

"What?" He asked.

"Come to join the fort?" She said in a somewhat royal voice.

"The fort?"

"Yep. It's like a fort." He could see the outline of Anna lift her arms and legs, pushing the covers up. "See?"

"Oh, I see it alright." Before Anna could even react, Kristoff gripped her waist and with a squeal of laughter he began to tickle her.

"Kris—KRIS—STOP IT—STOP!" Anna gasped, her laughter filling the room. Sunlight found his eyes and he noticed that they had made their way back above the covers.

"And just like that, it's morning again." He said with a laugh. He ceased his tickling, letting her catch her breath.

"No fair." She said. She reached for the covers, but Kristoff was too fast and pushed them as far down the bed as possible. He laughed as he watched Anna scramble to grab the covers and collapse in defeat as they hit the floor.

"Whyyyyyy?" Anna whined, turning her head to pout towards him.

"What? Do you think I enjoy waking up early too?" He sat up, laying his hand on her back and began rubbing gently.

"You hate it." She said, her brows furrowed, "So why are you making us get up?"

"Well," Kristoff grinned, "I may have a surprise for a certain bedhead."

Anna gasped, immediately smiling and sitting up.

"Really? A surprise? What is it?" She said, scooting towards him.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it feisty pants?" Her pout returned and Kristoff couldn't hold in the chuckle. "Oh stop, you'll get it soon enough."

"Really?" Anna's eyes beamed, her smile returning.

"Yep, but knowing how long it takes you to get ready, who knows when we'll—"

"Oh please!" Anna said jumping off the bed and running to the bathroom, "I'll be ready before you can say reindeer." With that, she closed the door, and the sound of flowing water came from the room.

Kristoff smiled. Leave it to Anna to give up more sleep for a surprise.

A beep caught his attention and he turned and grabbed his phone.

Are you guys up? It was Elsa.

Thankfully yes.

What did you have to do?

Promise donuts and I had to tell her I had a surprise for her.

HA typical. WAIT! You told her?!

NO! No, I just told her I had a surprise, not what it was.

Oh, ok good. I was about to hit you.

Right. Is everything ready?

Yep. Sven is going to meet me soon, we have everything and we will get to work on setting it up.


You got it?

Kristoff looked up from his phone, listening to make sure the water was still running. Eyeing the door, he stood and went to the closet. Slowly, he opened the door, holding the hinge to keep it from squeaking. He paused, listening to the still running water and then turned his attention back to the closet. He pealed back his shirts and found the shoebox nestled in the corner. He pulled it out and opened the lid. It was filled with little nick nacks and trinkets from random times of his life; pictures of his parents, his family, Anna, drawings from his childhood, a small reindeer statue, some pine needles tied neatly with a red bow, a rock from the family trip to the Grand Canyon, and other random objects that Kristoff had kept.

"A shoe box? Really?" Anna had questioned, when he had put it in the closet the day they had moved in.

"Hey, it's all I got."

"I can get you a real box. A wooden one or something, you deserve a better one."

"Anna," He had grabbed her hand, "It's fine. I promise."

Looking back at the bathroom door, he pushed aside the pine needles and grabbed hold of the small black box nestled perfectly in the corner. He knelt to the grown, placing the box on the floor. He opened the velvet box, checking whether out of nerves or excitement that the still perfect ring was still nestled in the satin fabric.

He returned the shoebox to its proper spot and held the ring tightly. The box rolled in his large hands, his mind going over what he had planned to say, what he had planned to do. Nerves grew in his gut; really they had been there the moment he had gotten the ring.

He knew there was a chance she could say no, he knew she could leave him there like a fool. Nearly every night since the ring, he had stayed up pondering the possibilities. It was worse when he had to get the courage to ask Elsa's permission. The meeting had gone well, minus the sweaty palms and his ridiculous ability to stumble through his words.

The nerves had settled after Elsa had given him permission, but only a little. It was driving him insane. But no matter how much his head filled with what ifs, no matter how much his stomach filled with butterflies, no matter how much he would toss and turn with anxiety, he would do it.

He loved her, more than anything in the world, and she was worth the worry and nerves. She was worth all of it.

"HEY! I STILL WANT THOSE DONUTS!" Kristoff jumped, nearly dropping the box, juggling it in his hands as he found it again and gripped it tightly. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed.

"Alright, alright you'll get your donuts." He heard her giggle.

That and so much more. He thought, as he placed the ring into the black dress pants hanging in the closet.