A/N: I've been so happy with the response to this little story. This is the last part, I probably could have gone on with the theme if I'd thought about it long enough, but my inspiration has come to an end, and I feel right ending things on a rather fluffy note :)

Would love to hear your thoughts, if you'd be so kind.

Their little kitchen was quiet and peaceful as day began to turn once more to night, the only sound that could be heard the gurgle of water draining away down the sink. Anna washed and dried her plate and cutlery quickly, falling into a rhythm, humming to herself for some kind of company. She had not taken too long to eat; she seemed to take less time consuming her meal with each evening that passed. It was not that she was especially ravenous – indeed, her appetite was only just returning having been soundly quashed of late. Rather, it was that without John downstairs sitting at the table with her she had no reasons to delay.

Before they had become unsettled for her, their mealtimes were one of her favourite parts of the day. Even since she had had to get up from her seat several times throughout, they remained so. Breakfast was usually a hurried affair, if they did not decide the time would be better spent taking it at the house instead, but the moments they did have to themselves first thing of a morning were savoured by both of them. Being the earlier riser and the one who had the more favourable temperament at that hour of the day, John would see to the preparations, usually bringing the tea and toast to the table by the time Anna had slumped herself into her chair, yawning away the last of her precious sleep. The aroma of the blend would enliven her senses as he poured, and her tired eyes soothed and softened when she took a glance upwards into her husband's face, a few faint lines on his face accompanied by fading marks that the edge of the pillow had left there. As he sat across from her his hand stayed reached across the table, cocooning around hers, slipping for brief moments when he had to take his nourishment but always returning, stroking her skin and bringing her to life.

Luncheon passed up at the big house, unless they were lucky enough to have their half day together, which Mrs Hughes's schedule conveniently arranged. But supper was the time that was truly theirs, when they were both able to relax and enjoy each other's company in their own home knowing that another day of work was behind them. Anna's shoes would be kicked off beneath the table and eventually they would sidle up into John's lap, her almost reclining in the seat that wasn't really made for it. She would flash him the smallest smile, completely coy in its nature, and not needing any further persuasion, he would take her dainty feet into his palms, tenderly massaging one and then the other in equal measure and attention, seeming to relish delivering the action just as much as she did receiving it, careful fingertips pressing firm and then softly against her instep.

After too long Anna would ensure that she reciprocated, rising to stand behind her husband, her figure taller than his for once as he remained in his chair. She admired the sturdy broadness of his back and shoulders before gliding her fingers over, gradually rubbing and easing the knots that had accumulated from hours of hard work out of his neck. It was such simple but hugely significant acts of love and affection that had grown from mere seconds and sustained them for quite some time in the more difficult periods they had endured, and they both still liked to make sure the routine persisted. The minutes faded into hours with little awareness. Anna always succeeded in her venture to make them stay up just that bit longer, despite knowing John would be right when he endeavoured to suggest that she wouldn't be thankful for it when the morning dawned. She smiled, saying she would deal with that when the hour came. Stretching her body and then her hand to land upon the tabletop covering his own as best she could, it was the sign that the day was coming to an end, though they ran in circles that had been rediscovered once more. The circle of their joined hands remained as they fell side by side into their bed, hardly being broken throughout the night.

Standing still as she was lost in her thoughts, Anna hugged her hands over the tops of her arms. Sleeping alone this past week had felt strange and been far too familiar in her mind to months that had passed long ago now. Then it had been all down to her, with John acquiescing to her requests without question. Now it was him, and she found that she hadn't been so readily accepting, yearning for the warmth and safety that his body provided. She wondered whether he knew the extent to which his presence gave her comfort and simply the ability to slumber soundly, a touch upon his shoulder even as he was turned away from her making the unpleasant dreams ebb away and the happier ones intensify. Even if he argued with her case, which he no doubt would, she was insistent tonight was the night that she would be back at his side for all of the seconds, minutes and hours until the light of dawn arrived.

With the thought spurring her on, she arranged the contents of the tray happily, setting each item down with a swelling sense of pride in her heart. A few slices of bread with a pat of butter on a separate plate so he could apply as much or as little as he desired, some of the cold meat of which there was plenty in the larder. Instead of a cup of tea, there was some hot water with the jar of honey and spoon nestled at its side, and she added a little jam and biscuits on a smaller saucer in case he might fancy something sweeter for afterwards. Her eyes widened slightly when she took in just how much she had prepared; she hoped that her arms would be able to carry it all, having terrible visions of the whole feast slipping from her grasp and coming crashing down upon the stairs, making quite a mess. Then she considered the never-ending amount of stairs that led up from the hall and kitchen to the servants' sleeping quarters, and how John – in the days when he was still firmly Mr Bates to her – must have struggled up them against the odds, hands full with the thoughtful gesture he had taken time to make as she had been struck down with illness.

The image remained imprinted on her mind to this day, presented to her as if she were reliving the moment for the first time; the tray with all of its thoughtful contents, the beautiful flowers in the little vase, the strong but definitely elegant hands that held it out towards her, the dashing figure and smiling face that showed no signs of trouble as he looked long at her, a tiny breath escaping him before he pursed his lips once more. She had thought it must have been an unconcealed expression of his obvious exertion, anyone else would not have hesitated to say so. And yet it only emerged at the very moment when her heavy eyes had lifted to meet his bright ones. She recalled the sensation of her cheeks reddening further past being a mere sign of ailment as she stared up at him, taking the tray from his grasp. Her heart beating wildly within the confines of her chest. It had been a good job she had not fallen to sleep, though her eyes had been close to closing while she cradled the book in her hands. She imagined him standing outside the door all night, not quite getting into trouble but certainly drawing some kind of suspicion. As she lay back down in bed, balancing the tray carefully over her knees, admiring the small blooms and beginning to tear off bites of the food he had kindly offered, she chased the notion away, thinking that she was being awfully silly. Of course he wouldn't have waited the whole night for her to appear, even despite her greatest hopes that would be precisely what he would do. But then, she certainly hadn't expected this. Perhaps she couldn't guess at Mr Bates at all. Laying down to sleep later, she didn't try to cease the dreams that came of him stepping softly through the prised open door and forbidden threshold, finding his way with little effort to her room.

In all the time that she had known him, over twelve years now, he had rarely been ill. There had been occasions when some virus had swept like wildfire throughout the servants' hall and it was almost impossible to be immune, but she hadn't known him to suffer too much. A few sniffles and a cough that lasted for a little time was all that afflicted him, and they weren't enough to interrupt his duties, even if she did cast concerned looks in his direction all the while. He would reply with a reassuring gaze and half smile, promising to her to take a few more short breaks than normal before resuming work once more. His leg was what really troubled him, though he still didn't like to admit when it caused him the most pain, even long after they were first married. In recent months, it had got worse. He would grit his teeth on the mornings when it ached more than ever, carefully composing his expression so that the agony wouldn't show through. She was never fooled, feeling the gnawing dull throb as though it was directly affecting her with every step she took, being wounded further by the insistence of his pride.

"Your burdens are my burdens too," she reminded him of the words he had spoken to her, the words she had been so grateful for when she had been at the edge of her existence, and with them she was able to make him lie with his leg propped on the sofa, doing the best she could to lessen the ways in which he hurt. "Let me ease them for you."

But no, he had never been affected like this. Anna smiled to herself as she thought about how her mother would have approved of his ability to remain on his feet even while suffering with sickness. She frowned in the next instant when she considered that her mother would likely have found much to disapprove of in her choice of husband. Often she thought of how it may have been if she had remained surviving, being no doubt sent frantic with worry and an overwhelming desire to please when she chose to drop by the cottage unannounced, John attempting to calm her down with soothing tones as he hovered at her back. Her mother would have picked at the way she had chosen to arrange the sitting room and the cups she used for the tea. She could almost see the slightly aggrieved smile that she would have used regarding John and his cane, and Anna coloured for the shame of it. But left alone to look on, the expression would soon change. If her mother was one thing, it was observant, and she professed to be an expert at knowing love when she saw it. She was also reminded that her mother was the one who told her, amongst many other wise sayings, that no matter how much you may have wanted to you couldn't choose who you fell in love with.

Anna would never have wanted to, or even imagined that she could have ever chosen differently.

The door to their bedroom had been left ajar, Anna exhaling a grateful sigh when it came into her view. She stopped just short, adjusting the weight in her arms. They ached slightly but the strain was nothing to her, not considering who all the effort had been for. She used the toe of her stocking feet to push the door fully open, the anticipation of his reaction and the excitement she still felt at simply getting a glimpse of him flying up through her.

John was sitting up in bed, pillows propping his head as he scanned the pages of a well-worn volume. At his bedside was a glass that had been drained of water, a neat arrangement of handkerchiefs that corresponded to his slippers laying askew in their alignment on the floor, his cane rested against the wall. Though he was past the worst now and had been much better in the last couple of days, the telltale signs that said he wasn't completely back to his full capacity remained. His nose was burnished with a fierce redness, likely aggravated by the amount of time he had spent blowing it, and his eyes were puffy and dark owing to the amount of sleep he had lost. Letting out a rasping burst of a cough, he looked up to discover her smiling towards him, shining with pride of all that was laden before her. The long-cherished favour finally returned like for like, and with just as much love as there had been then, if not more now.

After a moment of recognition, Anna walked quickly over to the bed, placing down the tray to prevent John from getting up. He furrowed his brow in a frown at her, though it wasn't long before he relented underneath her soft eyes.

"And how is the patient today?" she asked with a little teasing.

"Fed up of lying here, being useless," he grumbled in reply.

In the other sense of the word, he was anything but. Anna was aware of his frustration, knowing he'd much rather be up and about, putting himself to use about the cottage and taking care of the little jobs that needed doing if he couldn't be back at the Abbey quite yet. She told him that he'd be restored much quicker if he took notice of Doctor Clarkson's recommendations for a week's worth of bed rest. When he complained that it didn't seem to be doing much good she chided him gently, saying that she'd rather have her husband in better working order for longer, no matter how much time it took. He'd grinned rather mischievously at that, sighing his assent only a little reluctantly. Anna was deeply pleased to notice the twinkle put back into his eyes.

"You're being put to the best use you can be here, resting," she placed emphasis on her last word particularly, smoothing the covers upon the bed as she perched herself aside him. "And you'll be back to it soon enough, toiling from dawn to dusk. You should take full advantage of it. If it was me, I certainly would."

She had expected the flare of worry to come into his gaze when she had said that, and sure enough it did. However, it was also accompanied by a warm smile that sent her heart soaring.

"I'm quite sure that my recovery would be aided if you were here throughout the day."

Anna smiled somewhat sadly at the anxious tone that was lying beneath his words. Of course there was no time more enjoyable for the two of them than when they were able to be unreservedly in each other's company, but that wasn't all of it. John still fretted over her going up to the house alone, old regrets coming back to consume him when he couldn't be at her side or at the very least in the same close vicinity as her. He was much more concerned about her wellbeing than his own, and in turn she was bothered that such persistent worrying would delay his recovery. Not that it would be likely to stop any time soon, she considered with a giddy smile to herself. She took enough time to reassure him that she was quite fine. Much had been restored and they had both learned a lot, from themselves and one another as they got through it together. She had gradually come to look at herself with less critical eyes and asked John to view her the way she was now, not the memory of her that they once remembered nor the shadow she had once been. Feelings and thoughts lingered, as neither pretended they wouldn't, but things were getting better every day. Life was full of hope once again. She hesitated to say better, as it always was when he had been in hers, when she had let him be part of it fully again.

"Mr Bates, I must remind you that I have duties that lie elsewhere," she said with brightness in her voice, the true kind that came out naturally whenever he looked upon her so affectionately. "But I'm here now, and I can see to the most important job that I have."

John tutted quietly though his smile remained. He was a great deal more modern thinking than most men, and certainly didn't buy into the idea that it was a wife's primary role in life to attend to all of her husband's wishes. Their relationship was built on an equal foundation of love and respect, and it was something they both dearly valued. Yet Anna reasoned that if he could coddle and pamper her so attentively, it was only fair that she should be allowed to do the same in return.

She shifted a little on the bed to present the tray to him once more, and both looked down at it, Anna beaming with the results of her efforts. On the other hand while John was extremely grateful, his expression also displayed his trepidation, features curving and crinkling as he hesitated in getting started.

"Anna, you shouldn't have gone to such trouble," he began, surveying the contents piled up before him. "Half of this would have sufficed."

"Nonsense. If I'm going to do something, I'll do it properly," she replied proudly, giving a little toss of her head that made them both chuckle. "You've eaten only scraps for days. I have to have you hardy and strong and not wasting away."

At that moment she had worried that perhaps she had gone overboard, and didn't want to seem as though she was pushing him if he simply wasn't up to it. However the series of low grumbles that emerged from beneath the covers told her otherwise, and she stifled a fond giggle as she watched him start to tuck in with her encouragement, handing him the butter that was just out of his reach and smiling when she considered how instinctive such a small act had become.

The clouds hadn't been completely lifted, and Anna felt the well-known heat of his gaze upon her.

"Still, you must have struggled to carry all of this," he said after swallowing a mouthful of bread. "You know that you have to start taking it easier now."

She had to refrain from rolling her eyes at him, though it would have been done lovingly. It was in his nature to be cautious, just as it was in her nature to prove that she was able to do exactly what she was capable of. All of his fussing over her was done out of the greatest love, and she could not help but feel heartened, lucky to have such unconditional devotion showered upon her.

"Mrs Hughes has given you earlier finishes for a good reason, not just to hurry home and play nurse."

There was more than a little regret laced in his voice, and her heart grew heavy, knowing he wasn't just referring to his current condition. Her resolve remained strong and her belief as sure as it had ever been; that whatever troubles came their way, they would face them together. Nothing in life could deter them; God knows she was unwilling to let it, especially after so much.

"I can manage," she said defiantly, raising a smirk from him where he lay, head rested back on the pillow. She smiled softly in return, blue eyes bearing into the captivating, almost indescribable colour of his own. "Besides, I very much like looking after you. I don't think I get to do it often enough."

And she felt that that was true. He seemed to be deep in thought attempting to formulate a response to tell her otherwise, but instead he decided that the wiser and actually the right course was to say nothing. He couldn't very well deny her when she was so vibrant and happy, rejoicing in the beautiful smile that graced her features and still feeling astounded that he should be the cause of it. The smile on his own face grew considerably when his eyes rested upon the single flower that sat in the small blue vase that was placed to the side of the tray. She must have known that daffodils always reminded him of her, as delicate and undeniably sunny as they were. Always ready and waiting to emerge stronger after the harshest and hardest of times. They had weathered the dark storm and now the rays of sunshine were breaking through for longer spells than before, making them feel secure and contented. Anna suited the better weather that the spring days brought, her fair countenance conveying it perfectly, everything about her glowing.

She had arose from where she sat beside him, now standing and adjusting the pillows at his head, making sure he was as comfortable as he could possibly be. Her fingers had drifted up from the cotton coverings to land upon his temple, and he held in a breath as she stroked his skin softly while looking reverently into his eyes, her own breathing similarly suspended for a few moments. The way she caressed him while studying his features so closely was as though she was remembering him all over again, more fragments and happy memories coming back to her each time she did so. Even now, when so much had been rediscovered, he always let her touch him first, and she had been deeply grateful for it. After enough time had passed, he slowly slid his hand down to lightly and tenderly cup her waist, the tips of his fingers almost like apparitions, his gaze watching hers. Anna smiled serenely, moulding herself more firmly and consciously into his palm.

Having already put out the lamps downstairs before coming up, Anna decided she would get ready for bed herself. When John had finished a sizeable portion of the food and pushed the plates across the tray to signal that he was full, she set it down on top of the cabinet, thinking that there would be time enough to clear it up properly in the morning. For now, she simply wanted to spend all the time that she could with her husband, having missed him over these few days.

They talked as she began to undress out of her black uniform, John enquiring about how all was running up at the Abbey. She replied that everything seemed to be going quite smoothly, Thomas was crowing about getting to stand in as valet again but at least it meant that he left Miss Baxter alone. Lord Grantham had been asking after him and sending her his good wishes to pass on, as well as unrestricted access to the library to absolve the certain boredom that John must have been experiencing. They shared a laugh as they recalled the last time his Lordship told him to 'stay in bed and read books'; at least this time he had stuck to the promise. Anna stayed frozen for a few moments, enamoured by John's smile that reached up to his eyes and sent the crinkles that she loved so much forming at their edges.

Remembering herself from amidst a happy daze, she came back around to the side of the bed, asking John if he could help to unlace her corset. Sitting himself up, he began to undo the loops and hooks with practised ease.

"You'll need to stop wearing these soon enough," he huffed, Anna letting out a sigh herself as her body slackened from the loss of the tight restraint of the garment around her. "I'm quite sure that Lady Mary doesn't mind. In fact, she probably advises it."

"There'll come a day when I have no choice, so I'll make the most of it while I can," she replied, apparently put out by the thought, quite unlike many others who would welcome the change. "Afterwards I probably won't even be able to get them to go near me. Take a look at your wife's slim figure before it disappears completely."

John shook his head though she couldn't see it, bending to place a feather-light kiss on her bare shoulder. Anna turned, smiling at the feel of his lips upon her skin, tingles running delightfully through her as her hands clamped softly upon the bed.

"You will always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me," he whispered, his voice nearly cracking with emotion. "More beautiful now than ever before."

Her cheeks blushed a light shade of pink, the tips of her ears turning red at the compliments her husband bestowed upon her and the sheer amount of joy she felt in this moment. Once, she had wondered whether she would ever know it again. Here and now, feeling relaxed and filled with excitement for what was to come, she took nothing for granted.

Taking the loosened corset from herself and lifting her chemise, she took a few moments to stare at her form, almost completely bare in the privacy and shelter of their bedroom. Nature was a thing to be in awe of. Her two hands rested instinctively on her stomach, the skin there warm and already softening. At a little over four months along, she still wasn't showing in her various lady's maid clothes, the current fashion of the blouses and dresses more flowing and accommodating to her figure. However, when she undressed each night and got ready to dress once more in the morning she could see that the swell was increasing, little by little. It was quite amazing to her, how much her body was already changing for the best reason that could ever exist; to hold their much longed-for child within it.

She slipped her nightgown over her head, holding the fabric momentarily in a certain way so that it fitted snugly to her small but noticeable bump. Her gaze lifted and met with John's, who was similarly fascinated. In the depths of his irises, she could trace a few tears. It could have still been the effects of the cold, but they both knew otherwise, and even through her wide and beaming smile the emotion began to gather with her too.

Putting her hair swiftly into a braid, Anna gathered the pins that were in her palm into a pile on the bedside table. It was only then that she was reminded of the jar that she had picked up from the village chemist earlier that day, prescribed after her visit to Doctor Clarkson. As she lifted it into her dainty fingers, John eyed the object curiously.

"It's a decongestant," she responded to her husband's inquisitive gaze. "It's supposed to be applied before you go to bed. It'll help you get some sleep."

He looked rather doubtful, watching her every tiny movement as she got onto her feet again.

"I thought you were going to the doctor for yourself," he replied while she unscrewed the lid from the jar, the strong smell permeating the room.

"There was no harm in asking. Doctor Clarkson had quite enough time for the both of us."

"And is everything okay? With the baby? And with you, of course. Though I hardly need to ask, you should know that you are the primary concern…"

He was starting to babble now, a sure sign that he was getting agitated. Anna simply smiled away his fears, patting her stomach gently before bringing his palm to rest there.

"Everything is just as it should be," she assured with a kind of intuition that was already coming naturally to her, coupled with the affirmations she had received from Doctor Clarkson when he had checked her over. "Doctor Clarkson said that it's quite normal for some sickness to persist for a little while yet, but you know it's been lessening just lately anyway." She wondered briefly whether she should divulge the next bit of information, knowing too well how it would make him react. "He said that I should rest a little more, not spend so many hours on my feet. But you already know that Mrs Hughes is seeing to that."

She gave a little sigh, hoping that all would run smoothly enough to allow her to stay on for a little while longer. Her work made her happy and fulfilled and she would always treasure her time spent at Downton; it had instilled so many of her values within her, gave her so many wonderful friends that were as good as family, and of course the man who was the love of her life. But it was also getting easier to picture herself at home, rocking their baby to sleep in her arms while John wrapped his around her waist.

He relaxed a little with her words, unfolding his arms from his chest to allow her to unfasten a couple of buttons on his pyjama shirt. Anna felt him contract slightly when her fingers came into contact with his bare skin; he was more sensitive and ticklish than she often gave credit for. She began to smother the mixture liberally onto his upper chest, giggling as it was impossible for it to avoid becoming matted in the hair there. He let her fingers linger upon him after the job had been done, watching her eyes flutter softly and her lips curve upwards. It had been a comforting gesture to her to stroke the hair that poked free from the shirt in the days when they had begun to lay together again, so many months passed from that first tentative time now. It was still something she did whenever she felt suddenly startled and frantic, but in this moment she was calmer than she had been in a long time.

"There you go," she uttered in a small voice that could almost not be discerned in the peaceful silence of the room, lifting herself from the edge of the bed again, already yearning from the loss of him beneath her hands.

"That smell shall stick to me for months."

"It could be worse," Anna chuckled lightly as her husband did the same. "Is there anything else you'll be wanting, m'lord?"

He smiled at her term of address, his eyes growing increasingly drowsy as he looked upon her.

"No thank you, m'lady. I believe that I am very well taken care of."

She gave him a loving smile, watching him until the very last second before she padded to the bathroom to rinse her hands. When she came back, John had sat himself up a little further, expecting nothing more than a chaste kiss goodnight. She was still revelling from the soft press of his lips against hers, the sensation always so wonderful to her, as she rounded the bed and started to pull back the sheets that concealed her side that had been left empty.

Anna couldn't help but be amused by the expression on John's face, a mixture of horror and disbelief with his longing buried somewhere beneath.

"Anna! You can't," he exclaimed, half-heartedly attempting to wrest the covers out of her grasp. "I won't put you and the baby at risk."

Her husband could be an awfully silly beggar at times, but he was her silly beggar, and she loved him so much for it.

"You're almost completely better now. I think you underestimate how strong my immune system is. Plus, the baby is very safe where they are." She cradled her palm over the slight roundness, patting it with a certainty that made John smile once more. "I don't have to stay the whole night if it would make you feel easier, just for a little while."

The look set in his eyes told her that he wasn't willing to deny her request, having missed her just as much. He unfurled the covers, offering his hand to allow her to clamber in. Though her bump hardly got in the way of hampering her movements at the moment, she took full advantage of the opportunity, his skin faintly clammy but his touch still possessing all of its wondrous qualities, sending thrills and a sense of serenity settling within her.

Straightaway they rediscovered what they had both been longing for, Anna sighing happily as she nestled against John's side, his warmth instantly radiating through to her. Her arm lay over his middle, clinging onto him as he turned his head away to rid himself of a couple more short coughs. When all was fine again he resumed his natural position and she was able to pillow her head at his shoulder, turning in slightly to ensure she was even more comfortable. As she did so she fit herself more snugly, her stomach moulding to him. There was no space left, only the proof of their love enshrouded and safe between their bodies, sharing in everything that they had and already so adored.

Both luxuriated in the happiness that the thought of their unborn child provided, as well as the simple pleasure of being able to rest together, something so precious to them. Anna reached out to the bedside without having to break their bond, taking the already read letter into her hands again.

"It's from Gwen," she filled in her husband on the article after he had dropped a kiss onto the top of her head, moving her arm to rest upon him again. "It came just this afternoon."

"It's good that she keeps in touch so often," John murmured, glad that the dear friends were able to keep their correspondence. "How is she getting on?"

Anna grinned to herself, a few words jumping out at her above all the others written on the page. "She's very well, and Harry is too. They've found out some happy news." She lifted her head from John's chest, blue eyes wide and sparkling as she looked up at him. "They're expecting a baby, too."

"That's marvellous," John smiled, his hand instinctively reaching down to land protectively upon her bump.

She smiled to feel the tips of his fingers through the fabric of her nightgown, knowing that the baby was already aware of their father's loving presence. Thinking back to all those years ago when she and Gwen were housemaids sharing a room up at the Abbey, talking and giggling and confiding in one another as day changed to night, they never could have believed then that they would find themselves happily married and pregnant at the same time in their futures. Of course, it had taken longer for her and John to fall, but it had finally happened after so much dreaming and it seemed to be just the right time, another sign of hope when it hadn't quite been expected. Their baby, and their miracle.

Another memory of almost another life came to her, and she felt warm with a pleasant nostalgia as she recollected it with a rush.

"Do you remember," she began, eyes still pinned upon her husband, "it was Gwen covering for me that allowed us to have that afternoon in Thirsk." His contemplative smile enlivened her memories as they came to life within her again. "Our first date," she added, somewhat shyly, and it charmed John immensely.

"So it was," his words lengthened, his hand stroking gently at her shoulder. "I could hardly forget about that. I remember every second as if it were yesterday."

She blushed a little, thinking of how giddy she had been at the prospect at the time, though they hadn't termed it a date officially then. Whenever they had the chance and John took it upon himself to treat or surprise her with an afternoon out, she still experienced the same feeling. Somehow it was even sweeter now.

"And yet you never told me that you loved me until so long after," she teased at him, her fingers dancing a line along the buttons of his pyjama shirt. "You didn't kiss me, and it took me all my time to persuade you to hold my hand for so much as a minute."

He chuckled as she pretended to be offended, seeing her face light up seconds after.

"And how foolish I was," he responded, a familiar heat beginning to charge around them. "But we got there in the end."

Anna was assured by that, thinking of how true it was. A happy ending that was delayed for much longer than it should have been, though she had never doubted that it would come to be. Now there were never endings, only new beginnings that made her so grateful and sure of all that lay ahead for them.

"I owe a lot to Gwen for doing that."

His voice interrupted her thoughts gladly, finding him smiling down at her. He smiled at her differently than he did for anyone else, and she loved the way it made him look, though she loved him however.

There were a few moments of pause, the sound of soft evening rain pattering against the window.

"I owe everything to you," he said quietly, his voice rich with emotion.

Anna held in a breath, overwhelmed by the simple statement and feeling very much the same. Anything that she was able to do was never enough to repay him for the joy he had given her, in small moments before they were married and bigger gestures after; for all the unwavering support and strength he had provided which had ensured that she was able to make it through, not completely unscathed but whole with love once more. As she let the same breath out, she knew that she never needed to do anything grand to show how much she cared for him, just to simply stay by his side and offer the same love and devotion in return. That was easy enough to see happen, considering it was apparent in every look they shared, touch that was welcomed and kiss that joined them together anew.

"And what would I do with that?" she returned, playfulness in her tone and a twinkle in her eyes as she drank his gaze in. "This is quite enough for now."

At once, she lay her own hand over where his had returned to the neat swell of her stomach.

"In fact, I can safely say that this is all I have ever wanted."

It wasn't a lie. They still had their hopes and dreams which wouldn't be let go, the money from the sale of his mother's house safely stored away, the long process that had started some time back finally completed just a couple of months ago. One day it would allow them to purchase a small hotel, somewhere on the coast perhaps where they could make the most of the relaxing sea air and additional time to themselves. Somewhere picturesque and safe where their children would be able to play happily. But for now they had their home, which they were still so proud of, and that they would fill with more love in the coming months with the arrival of their first born.

She lifted herself effortlessly, John's arm guiding her to him when he was aware of her intentions towards his lips. This time their kiss was longer and deeper, John's hand cupping her face delicately. She sighed a little into it in delight, and then stifled the beginnings of a grin as she heard and felt him sniffling beneath her.

His eyes looked a great deal brighter when he opened them once more.

"You know," he told her, thumb stroking across her cheek, "I'm feeling much better already."