Warning: Contains femslash! Elsa/FemaleOC

I do not own Frozen! Only my OC. :)

Company of a Pirate

Captain Lucia Redcutter sat quietly drinking rum in her quarters, gazing over a map of the region, her fingers traced certain lines in the old map. They followed at route that led to Oslon, her 'home', she scowled at the sight of it.

"My home was never on land..." She said with her usual British accent. She suddenly grabbed the dagger on the table and jammed it into the spot on the map.

The ship rocked violently causing a few books to be throw across the room. Lucia was accustomed to this sort of thing so it did not falter her now standing position. There was another fierce toss. The sea was no longer calm as it had been that day.

Lucia grabbed her black captain's hat and stepped onto the deck of her ship, The Savage Queen. The sun was blocked by dark ominous clouds, the ship's deck being pelted with rain drops, a loud roar echoed in the sky. The storm's wind tossed waves into the sides of the ship.

The Savage Queen was a strong vessel and would not be easily overwhelmed by the fierce sea.

"Captain, the storm goes on for miles! If it gets any worse we'll be taken to Davy Jones' locker!" The Sailing Master yelled above the storm. He was fighting to steer the ship.

Lucia ran up the steps to the helm of the ship. She peered out at the surrounding storm, there was no sign of it letting up any time soon, it would be a difficult task to keep afloat. She covered her eyes from the raindrops as she peered at the clouds seeing the direction they went.

The storm was headed north. "Set a course for south!" She yelled to her First Mate, John and Sailing Master, Tom. They both stared at her.

"Have you gone mad?! Riding against the winds will be impossible!" Tom's voice yelled.

"It's the only way we're going to get out of this storm!" Lucia's blue eyes narrowed at the hesitating man. "You have you're orders!"

"Aye, Captain." He replied while turning the ship harshly. Everyone on board had to grab on to something as the ship rocked violently into the turn.

The Captain took the ships steering when Tom was knocked to his knees by a rough wave crashing over the hull. It was going to be a hard battle getting her ship safely out of this weather.

Queen Elsa sat poised at her study pouring over maps and trading manifests. It was early in the morning and she was already swamped. After the 'Great Thaw' as some had called it, she begun to make allies, allies that would be beneficial to Arendelle. Most of them were trading allies, though she managed to get military support from a few countries.

She was so focused on reading a document of trading history between Arendelle and the other regions that she didn't notice nor hear Anna come into the room.

"Hi, sis!" The Queen jumped at her sister's cheerful voice.

"Anna!" She breathed out trying to slow her quickened heart. She never left doors closed when she knew Anna was in the castle and not out in the markets with Kristoff.

A decision she was starting to regret.

Her younger sister spent every moment she was in the castle with Elsa. Not that the Queen minded at all; she just had a lot of work to do and did not need Anna hovering over her every second.

"What? I thought you told me you always knew when I was in the room!" Anna defended herself, playfully pouting.

"Because you usually enter talking." Elsa's eyebrow rose in amusement at her sisters expression. It was a mixture of pride and fake hurt.

Anna sat in the chair across from Elsa's desk with a thud. "Whatcha doing?" She asked curiously.

Elsa frowned, she was not a fan of talking about Queen stuff with Anna. "I'm reviewing the history of trades made with other regions in the past."

Anna made a face and Elsa chuckled knowing her sister wanted nothing to do with politics or any royal duties, for that matter.

"Come on, Elsa! You should come with Kristoff and I to the market today! It'll be funnn!" Anna cooed happily.

Fun, a word she had never truly known, the notion of it was tempting but her work left her no down time. She sighed, "I'm sorry Anna, I have to much to do today." After she finished looking over trading documents she had to hold court for a few hours and then she was to meet with Kai and Greda to discuss staff, supplies, and any other 'pressing matters'.

A heavy sigh interrupted Elsa's dread of the day to come. Anna gave her best puppy eyes. "Please? We haven't had any time to do sisterly stuff!"

Elsa laughed, "'Sisterly stuff'?" She hardly thought going to the market with her sister and her sister's boyfriend was 'sisterly'.

"Yes! Can't you just, I don't know, order everyone to leave you alone for a couple hours to spend time with me?" Anna's eyes held so much hope it made Elsa feel horribly guilty.

Maybe she could afford to leave the castle for a few hours, besides, she would only be going to the market. Kai and Greda were good at keeping things in order in the castle. The thought was becoming even more appealing, and an excitement twinkled in Anna's eyes so Elsa guessed her sister knew she was seriously thinking about it.

Just to coax her on a bit, Anna put her hands together and pleaded. "Please, please, please!"

Elsa playfully sighed. "Fine, only for a couple hours! Let me go tell Kai and Greda to keep an eye on things." She stood from her chair gracefully and walked out of the room. Anna traveled closely behind practically bouncing with joy.

Lucia and her crew were finally free from the storms grasp. Although, the Savage Queen took some damage much to the captain's dismay. If there is one issue that will drive a captain mad, it is a damaged ship.

The railing of the starboard was cracked from the force of the raging sea and a few ropes snapped under the weight of the wind. "I just installed this Indian Ebony..." She half pouted.

It was a strong and dense wood that was hard to come by. Now she was in an even worse mood.

The captain frowned as she ran her bare hand along the broken railing. "Where is the nearest landing port?!" She called up to John who was holding a map.

"Arendelle, Captain!"

"Set a course! And pull down the flag, we can't let them know we're pirates! We're getting The Savage Queen fixed up before we set sail again." Lucia retreated into her quarters. Her limbs were all exhausted from steering the ship so she grabbed her smoking pipe, lit it with the candle on the table, and then reclined on her bed. She slung an arm behind her head to give herself support. One leg was flat against the bed and her other knee was bent. It was a very casual and lazy pose.

Trying to entertain herself she blew clouds of circles from the smoke. She tilted her hat so that it was covering her eyes and fell into a light sleep with her pipe hanging from her lips.

Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff walked though the market the girlfriend and boyfriend couple were holding hands while Elsa followed beside them. She was so happy that her sister found her 'the one' but she also felt a bit envious. She was the queen and couldn't afford to go out and find 'the one' she was just too busy.

"Look Elsa!" Anna let go of Kristoff long enough to pick up a small pot of flowers that Olaf would love. After the Great Thaw the snowman wanted to take care of his own flowers. "Olaf! We should buy it for him, he'd love it!"

Her sister was right, Olaf would love it, so Elsa smiled at her endearing sister. "We should. Then maybe he'll stop pestering us about it!" She teased.

Kristoff and Anna laughed.

Down the bridge to the docks Elsa noticed a commotion a large crowd gathered and a ship was anchored at it. There were a lot of ships in the bay but this ship stood out. It was a huge ship.

"Whoa! Is that a trading ship?!" Kristoff squinted his eyes attempting to get a better look, he whistled. "That's a pretty big ship! And look at the detail on it!"

Elsa was not expecting any shipments to come in, at least not for a few more weeks, so she wondered why this ship was docked here. Maybe they were off course? Her curiosity over the matter made her lose her focus over what Anna was saying.

"Elsa? You zoned out again!" Anna whined in front of Elsa's face. It was becoming a regular occurrence.

"We should go see what the fuss is about." She said in her Queenly voice.

"I agree!" Kristoff exclaimed, he wanted to see the ship up close.

Anna dramatically sighed. "You're supposed to be on my side, Kristoff!"

He sent an apologetic look to his girlfriend. "But-look at that thing!" He reasoned.

Elsa giggled at the two of them. Anna finally gave up and let herself be dragged to the docks.

Guards were there, pointing their swords at a few individuals the queen couldn't see due to the crowd. Most of them instantly cleared out of the way when they saw who was trying to get past. They bowed in apologies.

Elsa just continued to saunter over to her guards with Anna and Kristoff on her tail.

When Elsa saw the woman the guards were pointing their swords at threatening her steps slowed. She had never seen such a beautiful woman in her life. The woman had blue eyes, a deeper color than her own, and long black hair that laid perfectly straight. Her skin was tanned from being out at sea and her close cut shirt revealed much of the cleavage there. Her eye makeup was black so it made her eyes appear even bluer.

She wore a black hat, white low cut shirt with long sleeves, a red corset vest, black pants that clung to her skin, and black boots.

The woman stood in front of the rest of the crew who also had swords drawn. There was an intense stare down between the crew and the guards. Elsa wondered why a trading ship had weapons aboard.

"Your Majesty! This ship has docked in our bay!" One of the guards said.

Elsa managed to bite back a 'No shit' remark but she was surprised when the breathtaking lady did so for her.

"I'm sure her Highness can clearly see that." The woman rolled her blue eyes before locking her eyes with Elsa's and doing a curtsy/bow. The action made the guard step closer, the tip of his sword lightly touching under her chin.

"Easy... or is bowing disrespectful to royalty?" The woman smirked.

"Who are you and why have you docked in Arendelle?" The queen asked.

She tried to ignore Anna and Kristoff's awed expressions as they gazed at the ship. It was significantly larger than the rest in the bay. Elsa had to admit it was impressive.

The woman cleared her throat and pushed the sword away from her chin with her index finger. She made a face at the guard. "Captain Lucia is my name! My ship took damage in a storm, I only seek to repair the damage and set sail."

Elsa noticed the gleam in the captain's eyes, she was casting her eyes over Elsa's entire body taking in her appearance, it made Elsa feel uncharacteristically hot. She knew she had to have been blushing because the captain smugly crossed her arms.

Anna also seemed to be sending her a curious look. Elsa calmed herself. "Of course, Arendelle is open to you and your crew." She said in an even, Queen-like tone.

"Of course, Your Majesty, thank you!" Lucia smiled brightly at the Queen and smirked at the guards who reluctantly lowered their weapons.

"What are you transporting?" Elsa asked, standing tall.

Elsa was hesitate about the captain and crew but the sooner they repaired their ship the sooner they would be out of Arendelle. Not to mention, if they were from a major trading region Arendelle could benefit, throwing them out would potentially cause relations to be rough.

She didn't see a flag representing a region though.

"We are from Oslon, a major city that deals in exporting and importing shipping supplies, among other things." Lucia answered. Elsa was familiar with Oslon, they were good trading partners. In fact, they had supplied most of the means to building Arendelle ships.

"The crew would be grateful to have rest, the storm we came through took a lot of energy out of us." Lucia said quickly before Elsa could inquire anything else.

"The castle is open to you." Elsa said, she could keep an eye on them in case they weren't who they said they were if they were in the castle. She nodded to the captain and then told her guards discretely to stay at the docks and make sure they didn't try anything. Just in case.

As soon as Elsa and Anna were back in the castle, Kristoff said something about making an ice delivery, Anna grabbed her sister's arm but winced as Elsa pulled back roughly. She still didn't like to be touched. It was more of a reflex than a purposeful rude action though.

"Sorry..." Anna quickly apologized, fearful her sister might shy away from her.

Elsa took a deep breath and exhaled it. "No, I'm sorry. Now were you going to say something to me?"

"Oh! Yeah! Do you think that crew from Oslon is telling the truth?"

She honestly wasn't sure. There was a rough and tough look to the inhabitants of the ship but that could easily be the tiredness from the storm. There was the captain too, who didn't look like a, well, uniformed captain. When Elsa looked into her eyes she at first thought she saw a cocky, sarcastic captain but something else was there too.


It was a feeling Elsa knew all to well. Behind those blue eyes of the captain was a terrified woman running from whatever frightened her so.

Elsa knew that might not be a good thing. Fear can inspire people to do horrible things, things that she hoped would not risk the lives of her people.

"I'm not sure. I saw something in that captain's eyes that looked similar to my own." Elsa answered Anna truthfully. The sisters promised was to never lie or hide anything from each other.

Anna's face softened as she extended her arms waiting for a response from Elsa. Fear of slipping up and hurting Anna danced at the front of her mind. The encouraging smile Anna was giving her helped her though.

Shakily, Elsa let her sister hug her. Breaking from the hug first, Elsa stood like a Queen. "We have to be careful around them, just to be sure. So please don't go running off on your own." Elsa gave a halfhearted stern face. Her sister got into a lot of trouble and tended to not heed anyone's warnings. "Promise."

Anna rolled her eyes, "Fine, I promise! But if I mysteriously disappear just know, it was not my fault." Anna laughed and Elsa's lip tucked into a playful frown.

Elsa turned to walk to her study it was around the corner and she wasn't really paying attention until she collided with someone. She was the queen so normally it was a big deal when this sort of thing happened but Elsa felt it was entirely her fault. Whoever she bumped into she was now laying on top of them. The form under her seemed small so she glanced at them. Captain Lucia.

"Oh shit, sorry Your Majesty! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" Lucia quickly apologized and tried to stand but Elsa was still on top of her. "And now I'm using fowl language in front of you... my deepest apologies!"

The queen thought it was kind of humorous the way the captain was rambling she almost forgot she was keeping the woman in place. Her body was so warm up against her own freezing one, normally she was not a fan of heat, but this was a different kind. "Oh! It's no trouble, I am the one that should be apologizing." Elsa quickly got to her feet.

Lucia got up herself and immediately knelt in respect. Elsa fought the blush that was formed on her cheeks she could just about see down the captain's low cut shirt. Not that she meant to look there.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Please, call me Elsa."

The captain stood up straight from her knelt position and gave the queen a questioning look, she wasn't sure how to respond to that. Most of the Queens and Kings she had met over her travels would have a person thrown in prison for using a casual name. "Queen Elsa." She decided on using.

"So tell me, how did you become a captain? Not many females are." Elsa lightly laid her hands on top of each other in front of her. The captain intrigued her for some reason, she wanted to know everything about her. A strange notion since she was horrible with getting to know people.

Lucia's eyes fell from Elsa's there was a somewhat saddened aura around her. The queen was afraid she had offended the woman. "I... I am sorry, did I say something offending?"

"No, I apologize. My mind wanders from time to time." She raised an eyebrow at the queen her sadness completely covered up now. "I grew up on a ship so I learnt very young how to handle myself on the ocean. In Oslon, most women can sail, but I took it very seriously and just... decided this was what I wanted."

Elsa was a bit envious, Lucia was able to chose what she wanted, as a princess and heir to the throne everything was just placed into order for you. Not to mention she was born with magic. "I see. Is your crew resting now?"

Captain Lucia laughed and smirked. "Last I saw they were headed to the tavern!"

"To rest?" The queen seemed to be completely oblivious. Then she realized the crew was not going to rest... per say. Her face felt hot from embarrassment. "I mean... o-of course, to 'rest'." She wouldn't meet Lucia's playful gaze. "You did not care to join them?" The second the words left her she wished she could take them back. "I-I didn't mean to imply that you would go to get drunk and pick up ladies... or men, to spend the night with!"

Lucia tried to hold in her laughter but failed miserably. Elsa was so embarrassed she wanted to just melt into a puddle of water that second, in fact, she actually turned to walk away but Lucia took a step forward.

"I apologize Queen Elsa, I am not laughing at you! The idea of a tavern does not appeal to me. I prefer to be by myself in down time."

Elsa calmed down and she was grateful that Lucia hadn't touched her to stop her from leaving. "I understand, I too prefer to be alone."

"Ah, then I hope I'm not bugging you now." Lucia joked but Elsa seemed to take it the wrong way.

"No! I didn't mean..."

"I'm kidding, my Queen." Lucia appeared to be struggling with wanting to be casual but not able to around her.

Elsa started laughing at herself, she was so bad with people. She remembered she had work to do. "Speaking of being alone, I am very busy so I must take my leave. Good day, Captain Lucia."

"Ah, I'm sorry if I kept you and call me Lucy if it pleases you, Queen Elsa." Lucia curtsied/bowed again and moved out of the queen's way, she made a sweeping gesture in front of her.

Elsa smiled and quickly left to her study. She needed to send out letters to other regions in hopes of becoming trading partners.

This story will be updated every two weeks, I know, that's foreverrrr but I'm working on other stories too. ;)

Reviews/Favorites/Follows, por favor! :D